19 Geo Politics of CPEC
19 Geo Politics of CPEC
19 Geo Politics of CPEC
The “Belt and Road” is the shorthand expression for the initiative of “Silk Road
Economic Belt” and “21 Century Maritime Silk Road” proposed by China which is an
ambitious grand strategic enterprise with consequential significance. The prime motivation
behind this vision is making sincere contributions to the regional and global economic
development by reviving the spirit of ancient “Silk Road”. The initiative has drawn great
global attention with mixed reactions. Some regard this as one of China's geopolitical
strategies, while others perceives it as Chinese version of the Marshall Plan. The
overarching vision of “One Belt One Road” has been linked by tributaries through corridors
to facilitate the inaccessible countries and the regions. China – Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) is one such momentous undertaking linking Pakistan with this esteemed project.
While benefits of CPEC have been much debated, however, rising concerns over its
geopolitical aspects have also gained equivalent prominence. Pakistan has suffered
immensely from geopolitical rivalries of great powers in last three decades, therefore,
cannot afford yet another great game played out on its mainland. The aim of this paper is to
highlight the conceptual dimensions of “One Belt One Road (OBOR)”, and to analyze its
challenges from realist paradigm and suggest workable policy options in making CPEC as
one of the dividends for future generations of Pakistan.
C hinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to Kazakhstan delivered a key note
speech at Nazarbayev University on 7 September 2013, where he pronounced
China’s initiative of constructing “The Silk Road Economic Belt” 1. Subsequently, he
visited Central and South Asian countries in September 2014, where he further
highlighted the contours of “Silk Road Economic Belt”, which was later transformed
into One Belt One Road (OBOR). The underlying principles of OBOR are aimed at
enhancing mutual benefit and economic developments for all the regions based on
Dr. Waseem Ishaque is Assistant Professor at Department of International Relations, National Defence University
(NDU), Islamabad, Syed Jawad Shah is working as Deputy Director (Publications) at ISSRA, NDU, Islamabad and
Muhammad Adeel ur Rehman is working as Researcher at R&P Branch ISSRA, NDU, Islamabad.
the principles of “amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness”. The strategic
vision of OBOR comprises two segments. The one component is land based road
which has been termed as, New Silk Road or One Belt and second component is sea
based which is referred as 21st Century Maritime Silk Road or One Road. 2
Additionally, three Economic Corridors have also been proposed for optimum
connectivity of more countries and the regions. The government of China has
established Silk Road Fund by allocating US $ 40 billion and additional US $ 100
billion will be financed through recently established Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank (AIIB). Pakistan has been connected through exclusive connection called
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) considering strategic significance of
Pakistan and its all-weather friendship with China, promising huge economic
benefits amid risks and uncertainty as inherent part of the project.
along the Northern line; to the West joins countries along Caspian Sea and Black Sea
by middle line, and to South Asian countries and Europe along South line with North
Africa as its extension”4.
Precisely, the New Silk Road starts at central Chinese city of Xi’an and
traverses through Lanzhou in Gansu province, Urumqi and Khorgas in Xinjiang
province and enters near the border with Kazakhstan”. Subsequently it passes
through the Central Asian countries of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and
Turkmenistan then enters Afghanistan. From here the road passes through Northern
Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. From Turkish city of Istanbul, the road crosses the Strait
of Bosporus and swings North West to Europe passing through Bulgaria, Romania,
and Czech Republic and reaches Germany. From Duisburg in Germany, the road
moves to Rotterdam in Netherland and moves to South towards Venice in Italy”6,
where it links with the proposed sea based project “21 st Century Maritime Silk Road”.
21st Century Maritime Slik Road: This is a sea based maritime shipping and trading
network. It originates from sea port of Fujian province called Quanzhou, traverses
through Guangzhou in Guangdong province, Beihaiin Guangxi province and Kaikou
in Hainan province, which directs its entry to Straits of Malacca. From Kuala
Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, it swings towards Indonesia touching Belttung and
Banda Ache, Bangladesh at Chittagong Port and India at Kolkata Port with
additional configuration towards Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Maldives and crosses the
remaining part of Indian Ocean towards Kenyan capital Nairobi 7. From here, the
alignment swings towards North crossing nearby Horn of Africa, Red Sea up to the
Mediterranean Sea. From here, Greece’s port Athens is joined in concluding the
ambitious Maritime Silk Road at Venice in Italy where it is joined with land based
New Silk Road8. Due to geographical contiguity of Chinese Western province of
Xingjian with Pakistani Gilgit-Baltistan, the CPEC has been envisioned linking
Kashgar with Gwadar passing through mainland Pakistan thus providing short and
easy access to China to Middle East while benefiting Pakistan with unprecedented
Gwadar Sector: The development and operationalization of Gwadar port will enable
Chinese entry to Arabian Gulf via shortest route which apart from trade and transit
facilities for both countries will have inherent advantage of enhancing Chinese geo-
political influence in this region and beyond as the expanse from Xinjiang to Gwadar
is about 3000 kms, in-fact far less than SLOCs traversing via Strait of Malacca which
is well over 12000 kms, therefore, it is appreciated that trade between China-Middle
East and Africa will also be expedited using direct access and shorter approach.
Similarly, when oil pipe lines will be fully established, the oil will also be stored and
pumped from Middle East to China which will ensure uninterrupted supply in a cost
effective manner. “In particular oil from the Middle East could be offloaded at
Gwadar, which is located just outside the mouth of the Persian Gulf, and transported
to China through the Balochistan province in Pakistan. Such a link would vastly cut
the 12,000-kilometre route that Mideast oil supplies must now take to reach Chinese
ports”12. From Pakistan’s perspective, the operationalization of Gwadar port will also
function as substitute of Karachi Port and important commercial ports by providing
additional communication artery to Pakistan, China Afghanistan and Central Asia.
However, all above premises are founded upon transparent and smooth execution of
proposed plans avoiding inherent geo-politics imbedded in this project and adoption
of pragmatic policies.
China has been the common aspiration of all Pakistani people, and Pakistan regards
it as a priority no matter which party takes power" 14. Premier Li Kiaqing, while
talking to speaker of Pakistan’s National Assembly on 30 January 2015 indicated that’
“China-Pakistan economic corridor functions as the strategic framework for the
cooperation of the two nations”15.
significance and also by maintaining control over Khunjrab Pass will strengthen
security of land route passing through Shaksgam and the neighboring valleys for
eventual control of Xinjiang. Similarly, overland access to Afghanistan and Iran from
Pakistan will also help in mitigating threat perceptions arising from US presence in
the Gulf and avoiding competition with Russia bypassing Central Asian Republics.
with India and Pakistan on one hand and on the other hand, China’s own relations
with both countries indeed pose challenges with respect to managing regional Power
Politics. For managing regional Power politics, the best option available is skillful
diplomacy by eliminating misunderstandings through enhanced communication and
converting competing concerns into mutually beneficial interests for benefit of
Pakistan, China and the region. “The United States will also have its own long-
term concerns about the CPEC, as it represents the leading edge of China’s
expanding access to, and likely influence within, Eurasia. As Pakistan grows
closer to China, there may be temptation in Washington to compete for
influence in Islamabad” 21. Additionally, the success of CPEC is also linked to the
enduring peace in Afghanistan, which is difficult to unfold without convergence of
interests at global and regional levels, which is the need of the hour. Similarly, Iran is
determined to advance the construction of Chabahar Port presumably as a
competitor to Gwadar with the assistance of India. Constructed and perceived
negative influence of CPEC may tempt the Gulf countries especially UAE to adopt a
confrontationist posture to undo Gwadar for retaining the viability of her ports in
Dubai, thus multiplying rivalries where conflicts over Gwadar would assume fulcrum
for regional power politics, thus demanding high quality of statesmanship and
leadership in avoiding unhealthy competition.
Impact on National Harmony: The noble and benign intent of CPEC for
Pakistan’s economy is understandable and appreciated. However, the
unfolding of plans and execution on ground has generated meta narratives,
suspicions and seriously affected national harmony. KPK Provincial
Assembly and Sindh Assembly passed resolutions against their perceived
alterations in the design and implementation framework, also igniting
country wide protests amid lower scale created an atmosphere of inter
provincial disharmony thus eroding national cohesion. Although, the
available mechanisms have pacified the situations to a large extent, yet
simmering effects can still be felt. The national projects should rather
enhance national integration, therefore, warrant serious introspection to
alleviate any misgivings or grievances by smaller provinces.
Transparency in MoUs and Implementations Methodology: Pakistan’s
greatest dilemma has been that the agreements were made usually among
the individuals rather than the state and without much documentation.
CPEC terms and conditions and rate of mark up on investment, debt
management strategy and all the agreed conditions with investors have to
be formalized to make it viable national project and its contours should be
shared with all stake holders so that everyone feels part of this undertaking.
Impact on Local Economy
Manufacturing Industry: The inflow of Chinese products and
firms will outclass Pakistan’s manufacturing industry due to cheap
cost of production, transportation and huge stocks.
Competitiveness of Pakistani Products: Though economic
activities of CPEC will generate many jobs of varying dimensions,
yet the labour cost is likely to rise to more demands in market,
which will increase cost of production due to labour cost and high
electricity price. Therefore, Pakistani exports will be at a great
disadvantage in international markets.
Diplomatic Aspects: Pakistan should reach out to both USA and China in
managing her relations avoiding competition and zero-sum prism of CPEC.
While both major powers are extremely important for Pakistan, therefore,
proactive and constructive engagement and balanced approach is
recommended. As CPEC has regional implications as well, therefore, using
regional forums like SCO, SAARC and GCC etc, Pakistan should engage to
remove any misapprehensions of regional countries and strive for their
participation in CPEC instead of geo-political competition for eventual
dividends on the region.
National Consensus: The previous strategy of imposing Central
Government’s will or taking provinces out of decision loop has created
serious fissures and generated unnecessary fault lines among the federating
units. The federal government and relevant ministries should work out a
forum and consultation mechanism where all such grievances are addressed
CPEC is appreciated to act as a wide-ranging platform for enhancing
cooperative enterprises comprising connectivity, infrastructure for
telecommunication and information network, energy projects, agricultural
development, industrial parks, tourism, public health and people to people
communication which is expected to create new ventures and expand the economic
outlook of Pakistan. Similarly, by implementing CPEC, China will have the great
opportunity of expanding commercial and transport venues in order to increase her
trade volume and influence across South and Central Asia. Gwadar Port when fully
developed is assumed to play a pivotal role in making it a gateway and conduit for
the proposed corridor, however, the intended objectives can only be achieved
provided our pragmatic policies address the concerns and challenges discussed in
this article in a highly efficient and befitting manners.
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