Doonmore Pier, Doonbeg, Co. Clare: A Plan For Maritime Development
Doonmore Pier, Doonbeg, Co. Clare: A Plan For Maritime Development
Doonmore Pier, Doonbeg, Co. Clare: A Plan For Maritime Development
A Plan for Maritime Development
Autumn 2020
Executive Summary
Doonmore Pier stands on the western end of Doonbeg Bay, at the mouth of the
Doonbeg River, County Clare. Over the past thirty years, the pier has been
developed by the Doonbeg Community Development Limited (DCDL), the Doonbeg
Boatmen’s Association (DFA) with assistance from Clare County Council (CCC). In
consequence, it now consists of a robust concrete pier and pontoon to enable the
mooring of boats at both low- and high-tide, meaning it has the basic infrastructure
necessary to become a focal point for maritime tourism along the Clare coastline and
around the Loop Head peninsula. Consequently, Doonmore is at a crucial tipping
point in its potential uses for the socio-economic development of Doonbeg and West
Clare more generally. The purpose of this document is to detail the development of
the pier to date, and present a vision for its further development. The sections below
describe how bringing the pier to its full potential will facilitate the creation of vital
sources of socio-economic and cultural capital, for Doonbeg but also neighbouring
Works to date
The most recent phase of developments at Doonmore were induced in the early
1990s on the instigation of the DFA and CCC, who were successful in constructing a
pier at the site. This structure was extended with assistance from European Union
funding in 2000. Seven years later, the pier was the subject of further interest for
development from CCC, who granted planning permission in partnership with the
Department of the Marine. These improvements were to increase capacity and
operations at the pier through supporting the mooring of a greater number of boats.
However, due to the inclement economic conditions brought about the financial crisis
of 2008 and complex environmental regulations contingent upon the area, these
improvements were delayed, ultimately indefinitely.
By 2015, and benefiting from improving economic conditions nationally, DCDL and
DFA once again made representations to CCC for the further development of the
pier. This led to a socio-economic impact analysis of the pier’s development by an
environmental consultancy, W2 Consultants of Killaloe. Their report found that
Doonmore’s continued development, particularly in the guise of its hosting a state-of-
the-art sea-angling centre for the promotion of maritime tourism, would bring
substantial economic benefits to Doonbeg and the West Clare area.
Using W2’s recommendations, the pier has most recently been further developed
using Bord Uisce Mhara (€20,000) to install a pontoon at the pier. This was first
installed incorrectly, which was later rectified in March 2020 by the newly-formed
Doonbeg Boatmen’s Group. The latest installation has proven a great success and
allows for the docking of fishing and leisure boats at low- and high-tide. This project
was funded through the generosity of local patrons, demonstrating the degree of
support for the development of Doonmore in adjacent localities.
Inspired by the recommendations made by W2’s report, DBG and DCDC envisage
that, on receipt of sufficient degrees of financial support, Doonmore Pier can become
the focal point of a regional economy that specialises in maritime tourism. This would
include, but not be limited to, facilitating sea-angling excursions, maritime tours and
bird-watching along the cliffs to the west of Doonbeg.
In order to support the trade of businesses who would provide these services,
infrastructure surrounding the pier will be further developed and extended. This will
include renovating the pre-existing structure of the old winch house, providing
spaces for small boats, kayaks and currachs, and supporting the establishment of
small enterprises to provide food and beverages. Water and electricity have already
been serviced for the winch-house, meaning basic infrastructure is already available
to assist in realising this aspect of the plans. The enterprises themselves could be
located opposite the slipway, adjacent to the historic ruins of Doonmore Castle, or in
the two-acre field further along the road. This is currently owned by DBG, who have
entrusted it to the Fishermen’s Association in the aim of achieving the pier’s
development. Finally, in order to maximise visitors to the pier’s amenities, it would be
necessary to improve the pier’s visibility to road users, by increasing relevant
signage from the village of Doonbeg out to the pier, and on the road from Kilkee to
In order to support this vision, a joint development plan should be authored between
CCC, DCDL and the DBG, so as to facilitate their obtaining relevant grants for the
purposes of completing the proposed works. Furthermore, these stakeholder should
work in concert with other interested communities around the Loop Head peninsula.
Local representatives from Doonbeg are currently liaising with their peers in Kilkee,
Kilrush, Kilbaha and Carrigaholt, all of whom share with Doonbeg an opportune
proximity to the sea. DBG and DCDL would see their potential as focal points for
boat tours and sea-angling creating a coastal extension to the very successful
implementation of Failte Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way strategy along Ireland’s western
seaboard, and mirroring the successes that have result for local communities
through the development of piers at Barleycove and Schull in county Cork.
In the years since Doonmore was first developed, its potential as a resource for
maritime tourism has attracted interest from major employers and interested leisure
groups across Ireland’s western seaboard. These expressions of interest have been
made by the Chief Executive of the Shannon Ferry Group, Eugene Maher, the
Harbour Master of the Shannon Foynes Port Company, Michael Kennelly, and yacht
clubs in counties Mayo, Galway and Cork.
Mr Kennelly wrote in October 2014, “the development [of Doonmore pier] has the
potential to enhance the infrastructure for leisure users and the offshore sailing
community along the west coast of Ireland, offering a useful safe haven along an
exposed coast.”
These expressions of support from key stakeholders in the local maritime economy
suggest that CCC, DBG and DCDL’s vision for Doonmore are well-placed and
exciting. Through the development of the area around the pier, increasing its visibility
to visitors passing through the region, and further developing relevant relationships
with key local, national and European stakeholders, it is the intention of the DBG and
DCDL that Doonmore will become a national focal point for maritime tourism. In the
process, it will bring benefits to the village of Doonbeg, Loop Head and West Clare
as a whole.