Kolkata The Statesman 1 ST AUGUST 2020 Page 4

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The Shiv Sena betrayed the mandate and joined hands with two
parties who had been defeated in the elections just to get the CM’s post

BJP sends legal notice Nitish’s virtual

Andhra’s three-capital to Siddaramaiah,
rally postponed
in view of Covid,
floods in Bihar
Bills get Governor’s nod D K Shivakumar
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA expenditure of the govern-

A much-anticipated virtual
Govt yet to announce when it plans to shift exe capital from Amaravati to Vizag BENGALURU, 31 JULY ment relating to Covid-19 rally of Bihar chief minister
was Rs 4,167 crore of which Nitish Kumar next week,
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE BJP’s Karnataka unit on Fri- at least Rs 2,000 crore was where he was expected to
HYDERABAD, 31 JULY day said it has sent legal “pocketed” by ministers and sound the bugle for Assem-
YSR announces `5,000 for plasma donors notice to the leader of the officials. bly polls, has been put off for

aving the way for the Opposition Siddaramaiah Refuting this, as many as the time being in view of
formation of three dif- and state Congress chief D K five ministers had said the Covid and floods in the state,
ferent capitals, Andhra STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Shivakumar for their “base- overall expenditure of the a top JD(U) leader said here
An health official collects
Pradesh governor HYDERABAD, 31JULY less” allegations of corruption government is Rs 2,118 crore, on Friday.
nasal swab sample from a
woman to test for Covid-
Biswabhushan Harichandran in the procurement of Covid- with Rs 1,611 crore going for In a statement, the Jana-
19, at a civil hospital in gave his assent to the two Bills Undaunted by the increase 19 equipment and supplies. Covid-relief measures and ta Dal (United) state unit
Amritsar on Friday. ��AFP ~ Andhra Pradesh Decen- in Covid-19 cases, Andhra The party has demanded Rs 506 crore for purchase of president Vashishtha Narayan
tralisation and Inclusive Devel- Pradesh is gearing up to re- public apology from the two medical equipment. Singh said the rally, scheduled
opment of All Regions Bill, 2020 open schools from 5 Sep- leaders, failing which they Stating that in the legal for 7 August, has been post-
1,310 fresh cases in Kerala: and Andhra Pradesh Capital tember and provide the stu- have been threatened with notice it has been mentioned poned “in view of coron-
Kerala on Friday reported Region Authority (Repeal) dents with masks while tourist legal action. that allegations have caused avirus pandemic and floods”.
1,310 fresh Covid-19 cases, Bill, 2020 ~ seven months spots in the state will be kept “On one side Shivakumar damage to the party and the Nearly four million peo-
taking the total number of after the chief minister first pro- open from 15 August onwards. and Siddaramaiah say the gov- government’s image, Kumar ple in north Bihar have been
persons affected in the posed an executive capital Chief minister YS Jagan ernment was not sharing said they have sought a pub- affected by the floods caused
state to 23,613. With rep- in Visakhapatnam, a legisla- Mohan Reddy instructed Devotees wearing facemasks while visiting a temple in information with them despite lic apology. “We have warned by a rise in water levels of rivers
ort of three more deaths tive capital at Amaravati and officials to prepare for the Hyderabad. � FILE PHOTO writing twenty letters......when that or else we will be forced originating in Nepal.
on Thursday the toll has a judicial capital at Kurnool. launch of another welfare the government did not share to take up legal action in the Coronavirus has ripped
gone up to 77. SNS However, there are petitions scheme for providing uni- again reported 10,376 new 519. In order to encourage any information, where did days to come,” he added. through the state with the
in the High Court against the form, text books and shoes cases with 1,40,933 positive plasma donors the state gov- you get this figure, who gave Siddaramaiah while mak- count of positive cases touch-
shifting of the capital from to the students and hoped that cases and 75,720 active ones. ernment has also decided to you this,” BJP general secre- ing the allegation had dem- ing almost 50,000, while 285
Gujarat HC relief to private Amaravati which was desig- the situation will be normal So far 1,349 people have suc- pay Rs 5,000 to them as tary N Ravi Kumar asked. anded inquiry by a sitting high patients have died due to vi-
schools: Private schools in nated as the capital city by the by that time. The chief min- cumbed to the virus. Tel- incentives. The chief minis- Speaking to reporters here, court judge, which the gov- rus. A fresh date for the virtu-
Gujarat scored a major vic- erstwhile TDP government- ister said the children should angana, too, recorded a new ter directed officials to strict- he said, the allegations “are ernment has rejected. al rally will be decided in
tory on Friday as the HC in- led by N Chandrababu Naidu be provided with masks they high with 1,986 fresh cases ly monitor medicines, treat- most baseless, irresponsible Hitting out at Siddaram- due course, statement added.
validated state governme- and hence the two Bills will must be taught about how to and 62,703 the total positive ment, food and hygiene in the and far from truth” with an aiah for “unnecessarily” alleg- Senior leaders of the party
nt’s decision, asking them have to pass through legal hur- use them. cases. Fourteen people died, 138 Covid hospitals in the intention to mislead the peo- ing corruption and seeking of which the chief minister
not to demand fees from dles before implementation. Andhra Pradesh has once pushing up the death toll to state. ple and malign the reputa- an inquiry from a sitting high is the national president,
students for the period A section of the farmers in tion of the government and court judge, Kumar asked had been busy holding work-
they remained closed. The Amaravati agitating against the the chief minister. the former chief minister shops for grassroots-level
15,000-odd private schools new capital plan are hanging get the Bills passed in the narayana was replaced by ment Authority set up by the “..How did they say that about his accountability on workers over video confer-
locked horns with the gov- on to the slim chance that the Assembly second time and Somu Veeraraju, apparently erstwhile TDP government Rs 4,167 crore has been spent. his Hublot watch that had ear- ences for the past two weeks.
ernment as the latter rul- Bills will fail to withstand leg- then had sent it to the gover- as the party was unhappy in Amaravati. Our government, minis- lier led to controversy. Prominent among those
ed that fees should not be al scrutiny. However, the gove- nor for his assent. with his stand against the The government is yet to ters and chief minister have “Siddaramaiah repeated- who took part in the exercise
collected for lockdown pe- rnor is said to have sought legal In between, angered by three-capital plan. announce when it plans to shift said that such amount has not ly targets Yediyurappa saying included the party’s leaders
riod during which only on- advice before giving his nod. the Legislative Council’s stand BJP has so far said that it the executive capital from been spent,” he said, adding he had gone to jail, had D K in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok
line classes were held. SNS Prior to the assent of the the ruling party passed a res- was up to the state government Amaravati to Vizag. Howev- that the two leaders have Shivakumar gone for picnic Sabha, RCP Singh and Rajiv
governor there has been high olution to abolish the Upper to decide upon the location er, shifting the judicial capi- been given 15 days time to or tour to Delhi (Tihar jail). Ranjan, respectively, and
drama as the Bills were passed House in the state. When the of the state capital. In fact, tal from Amaravati to Kurnool reply to the notice. With what morality is Sid- state ministers Sanjay Kumar
Ram temple: Senior RSS twice in the Assembly in Jan- Bills were sent to the gover- three-capital plan appears to will require some more time. Siddaramaiah had last daramaiah sitting next to Jha, Bijendra Yadav and Ashok
functionary Dattatreya uary and June but the Leg- nor along with TDP presi- be politically sound because This is because the Andhra week alleged that the total Shivakumar?” he asked. Choudhary. PTI
Hosabale on Friday said islative Council which is dom- dent N Chandrababu Naidu, neither of the three regions ~ Pradesh High Court was set
Ram temple in Ayodhya inated by the TDP had sent the BJP’s state president Kanna North Andhra, Coastal Andhra up at Amaravati with Presi-
will be a symbol of “cultur-
al nationalism”, while asser-
ting its construction is not
two to the Select Committee.
However, the committee
was not set up for months
Lakshminarayana wrote to
the governor urging him
against giving his assent.
and Kurnool ~ are ready to give
up their demands.
The second Bill repeals
dential Proclamation with
the consent of the Supreme
Court and hence requires rat-
merely a religious affair.PTI prompting the government to Within days Lakshmi- the Capital Region Develop- ification by the President.
Department of Social Security &
TN reports 5,881 new cases Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
No. 5553/SSEPD Dt.: 29-07-2020
Caption No.-gg-02 SSEPD-DA-6-SCH-0003-2020
SNS from Chennai alone.
CHENNAI, 31JULY Meanwhile, the state RFP for Selection of Service Provider for Information
COLLECTION: 110, B.C. RD., Barabazar (Near C.M.S. School) government has ordered Management System (turnkey basis)
Burdwan, Ph.: 0342-2560069 / 8926434614. NEW COMPUTER Tamil Nadu reports as that no online classes for e-Tender invited from the System Integrators for selection of Service
Provider for Information Management System (turnkey basis) to be
INDIA: New Market, Benachity, Durgapur-713213. many as 5,881 new Covid- children at the pre-pri- received in online bidding, double cover system as detailed in
Ph.: 9883934508. M: 9732302070. NARAYAN DASGUPTA: cases were reported in the mary level and that each https://tendersodisha.gov.in The details of bid documents will be
Mahakali Paper Centre, B-9/16 (CA), Kalyani-741235, Nadia. state when 58,350 persons session of class for students available in the above website from 10-00 a.m. of 01-08-2020 to
were tested across the of other classes be restrict- 5-00 p.m. of 24-08-2020 as per the following schedule. The detailed
Phone: 9851771877 / 2582-7177 (10 a.m. – 6 p.m.), Sunday state. In total, there are ed to a maximum of 45 scope of work is annexed at Exhibit-A.
Closed. STANDARD BOOK DEPOT: 10/1, Grand Trunk Rd. 2,45,859 cases in the state- minutes. The guidelines to SI.No. Items Date & Time
(South) Howrah Maidan, Howrah-711101. Ph.: 2641-4114 / and 97 deaths reported . be followed for online (a) Last date for receiving pre-bid 06-08-2020
2474-5856. RINKU AD AGENCY: Chanchal Bhattacharya, 74, According to the daily bul- classes by schools were queries through e-mail (ssepdsec.od@nic.in/
letin issued by the State released by the Depart- ssepdda6@gmail.com)
Santiram Rasta, Bally, Howrah-711201. Mobile: 831833485.
RAYCOGNISE: Arghya Commercial Plaza, Upper Ground Floor, Health department, 1,013 ment of School Educa- (b) Pre-bid meeting / conference 07-08-2020
out of 5,881 cases were tion. (c) Bid submission start date 08-08-2020
Room No. 8, Burnpur Rd., Asansol-4, Burdwan. Ph.: 933 (d) Last date of receipt of bids 24-08-2020 up to 5-00 p.m.
3104777. Fax: 933 2253099. AISHEE XEROX CENTRE: Khudiram (Through e-procurement portal:
Nagar, Opposite Zilla Parishad, Paschim Medinipur, 721101, CORRIGENDUM NOTICE https://tendersodisha.gov.in)
9434702050, 9434259909. S. TRIVEDI, Pathakpara, Bankura, SC asks why Memo No. DH&FWS/NHM/2020/1287 Date: 31-07-2020 (e) Opening of Technical Bid 25-08-2020
(0324) 2320665, 9735801256–57. TYPE CORNER, Collectry More quarantine Fresh BOQ has been uploaded in c/w the e-tender Dh&FWS (f) Technical Presentation Will be communicated through
E-mail / Website Notice
/ NHM / 2020 / DTC-LSC / 1208 dated 18-07-2020.
(opposite SP Bunglow), Krishnanagar-741101, Dist.: Nadia, period of med For details please visit: www.wbtenders.gov.in / (g) Opening of Commercial Bid Will be communicated through
9474334978, (03472 257432). KRISHNA DEB, C/o Balurghat
Barta, Balurghat-733101. Dist.: Dakshin Dinajpur (W.B.).
staff treated www.north24parganas.gov.in or visit the office of the E-mail / Website Notice
The interested vendor can participate in the project as per the scope of
undersigned. Revised online bid submission end date &
Ph.: (03522) 249230. Mobile: 8759169158 / 09434247137. as leave time: 17-08-2020, 6 p.m. work mentioned in the tender. The bidder has to give the Earnest
NEW DELHI, 31 JULY Money Deposit of Rs. 1,00,000 (online) as per the instruction available
Sd/- in the e-Procurement portal (www.tendersodisha.gov.in) at the time
Secretary, DH&FWS & CMOH of bidding.
The Supreme Court on North 24 Parganas Director
Friday said the Centre OIPR-46001/11/0002/2021 SSEPD Deptt., Govt. of Odisha
is not powerless to
ensure that state gov- PRASAR BHARATI
KOLKATA CHANDIGARH RAIPUR & CHATTISGARGH ernments obey its direc- (India’s Public Service Broadcaster)
Statesman House, SCO 56-57 (First Floor) Mr. Manish Saluja tive in connection with OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR
4, Chowringhee Square Near G.P.O, Sectro-17D 53, Sahid Samarak Complex the release of salaries GENERAL (ENGG) (SZ)
Chandigarh-160017 Bombay Market, G.E. Road, of doctors and health-
Kolkata-700 001 Raipur 492001 ALL INDIA RADIO & DOORDARSHAN
Mob: 09779188811 care workers, and also
Tel: (033) 22127070-76, Tel.: 5035985, (M): 9425202097
Email: CHENNAI-5
(033) 41071700 Email: manish_saluja@yahoo.com asked as to why the
Fax: (033) 2212-6181 / 7107-1780 quarantine period of NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER
RANCHI doctors and health
Email: BHUBANESWAR e-Tenders are invited for the following works from the
11/C, Road#1, Ashoknagar, workers is being treat-
classified@thestatesman.net /
Plot 3A, Zone B, Sector A,
Ranchi - 834 002
ed as leave. eligible reputed firms / contractors having related
statesmandisplay@gmail.com Fax: (0651) 2247054
Mancheswar Industrial Estate,
Email: The Centre infor m- experience in two-bid system.
Bhubaneswar- 751 010. binodenarayansingh@yahoo.co.in ed SC that some state
DELHI Tel: (0674) 2588060/61/
Tender No. Name of the work Submission Date
62/2586371, ASSAM & TRIPURA governments have not
DELHI paid salaries to doctors ADG(E)(SZ)/ SITC of 40 KVA, True 03-08-2020
Telefax: 0674-2588061
Statesman House, Email:
Fallguni Bhattacharya and health workers reg- PUR/NIT-02/ online, UPS System
148, Barakhamba Road, Dr. Tarini Bose Commercial PSEA/ along with Battery bank
thestatesmanbbsr@thestatesman.net Complex 3rd floor, Maligaon, ularly despite the Cen-
New Delhi-110 001 Chariyali, Guwahati- 781001 tre's directive. 2020-21 at AIR 6 Stations
Tel: (011) 2331 5911 HYDERABAD Ph.: 09435017934 A bench headed by
Email: fbhatta@gmail.com
For any further details, terms & conditions kindly log on to
Ishan House (2nd floor) Justice Ashok Bhushan
The Statesman Limited, https://prasarbharati.eproc.in
A-90, Sector II, NOIDA, 2nd Floor, UNI Building, BIHAR said that the Centre is
UP 201 301 Amendments / Corrigendum / Extension if any would be
A.C. Guards, Hyderabad-500004, Mr. Neeraj Kumar / Ravi Kumar not powerless to ensure
Tel: (0120) 4171421 Ph.: 040-2339 1739 C/o. Abhya Sharma states obeyed its direc- posted on above website only.
Email: Email: North Jai Prakash Nagar davp 22507/11/0002/2021
tive, and asked the Cen-
delhistatesman@gmail.com thestatesman.hyd@gmail.com Road No. - 5, P.O. Ashina Nagar
Mob: 986632909 Patna - 800025
tre's counsel to ensure
delhi@thestatesmangroup.com that doctors and health
Mob: 9430213484
MUMBAI Email: care workers are paid
SILIGURI thestatesmanbihar@gmail.com their salaries. The top
13A, Dabgram Industrial Growth
5, Kasturi Buildings Jamshedji GUJRAT court has listed the
Tata Road, Mumbai-400 020 matter for further hear-
Centre, P.O. Satellite Township, Tel: (022) 2202 1045 Reyna Desai, 310 Shan Complex
Siliguri-734015 (Oposite Of M. J Library,
ing on 10 August.
Fax: 2204 4877
Tel: 2568615, 2568063 and 2568787. Email: Beside Sakar 4), Elis Bridge, On non-payment
Fax: (0353) 2568296, thestatesman.mumbai@gmail.com Ahmedabad - 380006. of salaries, SC told the
Ph.: 079-26579115/09824022296 Centre's counsel, "You
Email:siliguri@thestatesmangroup.com Email: reyna.desai@gmail.com
CHENNAI are not helpless. You
Office: The Statesman Ltd. Fagun Mansion (4th floor) NAGPUR have to see to it that
3rd floor, Rina Bhawan, 26, Ethirai Road, Chennai-600 008, your order is imple-
Sarabjit Ahluwalia
Opp. HDFC Bank, Panitanki More, Tel: (044) 28278037, 28279984 Flat No. 101, Bindra Mansion mented. You have pow-
Sevoke Road, Siliguri-734001 Fax: 28224800 21, Kadbi Chowk ers under the DM Act.
Tel: (0353) 2524077 Email: Nagpur - 440014 You can take steps also."
ananth_swaminathan@rediffmail.com / Ph.: 9822221418 Solicitor General
statesmanchennai@thestatesman.net Email:
SHIMLA sarabjit. ahluwalia1@gmail. com
Tushar Mehta, represe-
nting the Centre, con-
The Statesman Ltd. LUCKNOW PUNE tended that it should be
Cabin No. 305, P. C. Chambers 2/2, Butler Palace (Near Jopling treated as on duty. The
Nitin Akolkar
Near Jodha Niwas Road), Lucknow-226 001, 34/3, Suwas Building bench asked Mehta to
The Mall Shimla-171001, H.P. Ph.: (0522) 2206705, 9696000004 Beside Hotel Laxman, Prabhat Road provide necessary clar-
Mob: 09418027177 Email: Pune-411004, Maharashtra. ification. The observa-
Email: achal.khosla@gmail.com Ph.: 9822331346
Mob: 9005999018
tions were made by
naveensharma.thestatesman@gmail.com Email: nitin.akolkar@gmail.com
the bench during hear-
AIR-SURCHARGE; Kathmandu - Re. 2, Eastern Region - Re. 1 ing of a petition seek-
All other stations in India - Re. 1
ing timely payment to
frontline warriors . SNS

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