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The document provides an overview of attractions in Rome such as museums, churches, parks/gardens and more with map references for each one.

Some of the major museums mentioned include the National Gallery of Modern Art, National Etruscan Museum, Museum of Roman Civilization, Museo Capitolino, Montemartini Museum and more.

Some of the major churches mentioned include the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Basilica di San Giovanni, Basilica di San Clemente, Santa Maria in Trastevere, Santa Maria del Popolo and more.


Map of Attractions

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Altar of Peace Catacombs of St. Callixtus Imperial Forums
Early Roman sculpture, an altar to honor the Subterranean Early-Christian burial ground Buildings and squares of political and
Goddess of Peace (Map-1,3) with Crypt of the Popes (Map-1) religious center of Rome 46BC-113AD

Augustus's Mausoleum Catacombs of St. Domitilla Montemartini Museum

Emperor's tomb from 28BC (Map-1,3) 15km of underground Early-Christian Sculpture museum in Rome's first public
necropolis with painted tombs (Map-1) power station from 1900s (Map-1)

Basilica di San Clemente Catacombs of St. Sebastian Museo Capitolino

A church with 12th, 4th and 2nd century Rome's smallest subterranean Christian Art and archaeological museums in historic
sections, magnificent mosaics and frescos cemetery (Map-1) beautiful buildings (Map-1,2)

Basilica di San Giovanni Circus Maximus Museo Carlo Bilotti

One of oldest churches constructed in Former ancient Roman racing stadium now a Carlo Bilotti's art collection housed in the
311-314 with Papal tombs and statues public park (Map-1,2) Orangery of Villa Borghese (Map-1)

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore Diocletian Bath Museum of Palazzo Venezia

A church holding fantastic art and particularly Once important ancient Roman baths, see Medieval palace displaying art from early
breathtaking early mosaics (Map-1) former frigidarium and caldarium (Map-1) Christian era to Renaissance

Baths of Caracalla Galleria Borghese Museum of Roman Civilization

Well preserved ruins and mosaics of Sculpture and painting gallery including work Devoted to Ancient Roman civilization but
bathhouse form 217AD (Map-1) by Bernini, Canova and Raphael (Map-1) temporarily closed for renovations

Bioparco di Roma Galleria Colonna National Etruscan Museum

A zoo on the grounds of Villa Borghese, A gallery within the Colonna Palace Italy's most important collection of Etruscan
home to over 1,000 animals (Map-1) art and crafts displayed in Villa Giulia

Capitoline Hill Galleria Doria Pamphilj National Gallery of Ancient Art

Once site of ancient temples now site of Breathtaking palace, Gallery of Mirrors, GNAA is in Palazzo Barberini and Palazzo
Piazza del Campidoglio and more (Map-1,2) housing the 15th-18th century art (Map-1) Corsini (Map-1)

Case Romane del Celio Giardino degli Aranci National Gallery of Modern Art
Complex of Roman dwellings from different Quiet park designed by Raffaele de Vico Museum devoted to 19th and 20th century
periods (Map-1,2) offering panoramic city views (Map-1,2) Italian artists (Map-1)

Castel Sant'Angelo Hadrian's Villa Orto Botanico

Hadrian Mausoleum is a circular tower from Archaeological site in Tivoli, remains of 30 A picturesque small botanical garden in
139AD which served many purposes through structures, sculptures and art Trastevere (Map-1,3)
history (Map-1,3)

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Ostia Antica's Ruins Piazza Venezia Santa Maria d'Aracoeli
Archaeological site of Rome's 4th century A large square and intersection surrounded 12th century church with Cavallini fresco,
seaport by monuments and historic buildings ancient relics, wooden statues (Map-1,2)

Palatine Hill and Palatine Piazza del Campidoglio Santa Maria del Popolo
Museum Capitoline Hill is the site of Michelangelo's An Augustinian church on Piazza del Popolo
Rome was founded on this hill, see spectacular piazza (Map-1,2) with art by Raphael, Bernini, Caravaggio
archaeological findings here and in the
museum (Map-1,2)
Piazza del Popolo Santa Maria in Trastevere
Palazzo Altemps The People's Square designed by Valadier 4th to 12th century church with stunning
15th century palace housing a collection of with fountains and arch (Map-1,3) mosaics by Cavallini (Map-1)
Greek and Roman sculptures (Map-1,3)

Piazza di Spagna Santa Sabina

Palazzo Barberini Piazza at the foot of the Spanish Steps with Early Christian church from 422AD with
16th century public square with Bernini's monuments and historic buildings (Map-1) famed wooden carved doors (Map-1)
Triton Fountain at its center (Map-1)

Planetario e Museo Astronomico Spanish Steps

Palazzo Massimo alle Terme Models, dioramas, multimedia presentations Iconic 18th century outdoor stairway (Map-1)
Neo-Renaissance-style palace housing and a recreated night sky
National Roman Museum (Map-1)

Porta Portese St. Paul Outside the Walls

Palazzo Spada Ancient gate from the Janiculum Walls of Thought to be burial place of St. Paul,
A 16th century palace housing a collection of 1644 (Map-1) stunning interior, mosaics and art (Map-1)
16th and 17th century art (Map-1,3)

Pyramid of Caius Cestius St. Peter in Chains

Palazzo del Quirinale Pyramid-shaped burial chamber from 12BC San Pietro in Vincoli church and site of
One of world's largest palaces and official (Map-1) Michelangelo's statue of Moses (Map-1,2)
residence of the President of Italy (Map-1)

Roman Forum St. Peter's Basilica

Parco Regionale Dell'Appia Archaeological remains of the heart of Michelangelo, Maderno, Bramante and
Antica ancient Rome (Map-1,2) Bernini created this massive Renaissance
A park including the Appian Way, tombs, church (Map-1,3)
ancient ruins and the Aqueduct Park (Map-1)
San Luigi dei Francesi St. Peter's Square
Park of the Monsters 16th century church with frescos and art by Bernini's expansive plaza in front of St.
A garden with fantastical Maneristic the greats including Caravaggio (Map-1,3) Peter's Basilica in Vatican City (Map-1,3)

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere The Colosseum

Piazza Navona A church with a façade by Fuga, mural by Top landmark Roman amphitheatre used for
Large square on former ancient stadium Cavallini and unique exquisite crypt (Map-1) gladiator battles in the 1st century (Map-1,2)
featuring Fountain of the Four Horses

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The Pantheon Villa Farnesina
Circular ancient Roman temple with beautiful 16th century villa with Raphael frescoes and
dome supported by arches (Map-1,3) other valuable art (Map-1,3)

The Sistine Chapel Villa Gregoriana

Chapel within Vatican City famed for its A park with woodlands, grand waterfall and
frescos by Michelangelo (Map-1,3) the Caves

Trevi Fountain Villa Lante

Throw a coin in Salvi's Baroque fountain and Maneristic garden with fountains, grottoes
you will return to Rome (Map-1) and sculptures (Map-1,3)

Vatican City Villa Torlonia

Walled enclave, home of the Pope and site Torlonia family villa and gardens designed
of a wealth of artwork (Map-1,3) by Valadier and displaying art (Map-1)

Vatican Gardens Villa d'Este

Within Vatican City featuring sculptures, Classic Italian garden with fountains,
fountains and a wide variety of plants grottoes, nymphs and ruins of ancient
(Map-1,3) structures

Vatican Museums
The museums of Vatican City holding work
by de Vinci, Titian, Bernini, Raphael and
others (Map-1,3)

Via Cola di Rienzo

A shopping street popular with locals

Via del Corso

A partially pedestrian street lined with stores
and historic buildings (Map-1,3)

Victor Emmanuel Monument

A large marble monument dedicated to the
first king of united Italy (Map-1,2)

Villa Borghese
Rome's largest park with fountains,
monuments, statues, a lake, temples and
museums (Map-1)

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