Course Outline HRM409b

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National University

School of Business and Management

Course Title and Code: Survey in Human Resources Management and Organizational
Development – 409b

Course Textbook: Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2009). Fundamentals
of human resource management (3 rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Instructor: Michelle T. Ross, PhD, MBA

Phone: (760) 484-4288 (cell)(emergency only please)

The course provides an overview of human resources management and organizational

development activities including employment, interviewing, career systems,
compensation, benefits, training, organizational change, performance evaluation,
discipline and employee assistance, labor relations, affirmative action and equal
employment opportunity considerations, and health and safety.

Learning outcomes and details about APA style, overall course grading, etc can be found
in the Course Syllabus. Please click on the link provided under the Course Syllabus icon
on the main menu for additional information.  This document will review assignments for
each week.

All students are required to:

Complete all assignments on time:

·        Complete reading, review slides, and notes

·        Participate in and complete group project

·        Complete discussion board assignments

      Attend and participate in all virtual classroom (VC) discussions (the schedule for
virtual classroom sessions will be posted on the announcement board permanently
throughout the duration of this course.  Please see the Announcement page of
Blackboard for the VC schedule.

Summary of assignments (see each week for details):

 Discussion Board =  40 points (10 each)
 Midterm = 25 points

 Final = 25 points

 Virtual Classroom/Chat =  40 points (10 each - participation points)

 Job Analysis and Interview Protocol Project/Paper - 5 points

 Group Project  Discussion Board = 5 points (team grade possible total)

 Group Project Participation Individual Points = 5 points (as noted from Virtual
Group Meeting participation)

 Research Paper Proposal = 3 points

 Research Paper = 17 points

Grades are weighted – see grade book for weight of each item.

Total Points: 165 weighted into 100

Grade Grade Points Per Credit

A 4.0  100 – 94
A- 3.7  93.9 – 90
B+ 3.3  89.9 – 87
B 3.0  86.9 – 84
B- 2.7  83.9 – 80
C+ 2.3  79.9 – 77
C 2.0  76.9 – 74
C- 1.7  73.9 – 70
D+ 1.3  69.9 – 67
D 1.0  66.9 – 64
D- 0.7  63.9 – 60
F 0.0  59.9 and below


Students are also encouraged to use the “Informal” Discussion Board and “Informal”
Virtual Class each week for student community learning and sharing of ideas related to
the course and other HR topics. These have been set up to encourage students to
exchange ideas and support the formal setting the course provides.
You may use both synchronous and asynchronous idea exchanges via the discussion
board or virtual classroom.

Week 1 Assignments

Read Chapters 1-4, review Chapter Notes and Slides - be sure to take
the pre-test prior to reading the Chapter. * See Pre-test icon under
each week.

Discussion Board 1 & 2

Complete Discussion Boards 1 & 2 - prior to first VC.

Virtual Classroom Session 1

Students are required to attend one Virtual Classroom Sessions each
week. There will be two times offered for each session to meet the
needs of a geographically diverse student population.

In order to earn points, students need to participate in the sessions

by sharing concepts, theory and practical application in the
workplace. It will be important that student's are respectful to their
classmates and their ideas.

An agenda for the session will be posted in the session - it will

include discussing the readings, discussion board, and topical

Job Analysis Paper - 8 pts

Job Analysis Assignment:
Review your current position (outline the things you do day to day
and overview duties - task, duties, responsibilities) - Summary of
assignment -
Compare your outline to your actual job description
Where are your outline and your written job description congruent?
Where are there differences?
Are the differences small (could they fall under - other duties as
assigned) or are they significant and is it time to update your job
description or move you to a position that is more appropriate for
the duties and task you perform and responsibilities you have?
Review pages 105 - 115 in your text.

Use the following as your guide and headers for the paper:
Attach job description (.50 point),
Attach outline of what you prepared for current duties (.50)
Introduction - current position - brief overview
Similarities in Your Version and Job Description (1pt)
Differences in Your version and Job Description (1pt)
Where some difference may be acceptable - which ones and why (ie
- my fall under other duties as assigned) (2pt)
Where are the differences significant and is it time to update your
job description or move you to a position that is more appropriate
for the duties and task you perform and responsibilities you have?
Summary statement about lessons learned in job (.50pt)analysis
The paper should reference (.50pt) at least one other source besides
the text book.

This assignment is due no later than the first Saturday of class.

The completed assignment should be placed in the digital drop box.

Late assignments will be reduced by 2 points. Up to 1 point will be

deducted for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Week 2 Assignments

Read Chapters 5-8, review Chapter Notes and Slides - be sure to take
the pre-test prior to reading the Chapter. * See Pre-test icon under
each week.

Discussion Board 3 & 4

Complete Discussion Boards 3 & 4 - prior to 2nd VC meeting.

Virtual Classroom Session 2

Students are required to attend one Virtual Classroom Sessions each
week. There will be two times offered for each session to meet the
needs of a geographically diverse student population.

In order to earn points, students need to participate in the sessions

by sharing concepts, theory and practical application in the
workplace. It will be important that student's are respectful to their
classmates and their ideas.
An agenda for the session will be posted in the session - it will
include discussing the readings, discussion board, and topical

Research Paper Proposal

Provide a 1 to 2-page research paper proposal.
You may explore a HRM or OD concept, issue, or trend (i.e., The new
psychological contract and its impact on retention). The proposal
grade is worth 3 points and part of your 20 points for the research
paper. The proposal should include the following:

Concept (name - i.e., New Psychological Contract and Impact on

Retention) and provide a definition

Why you are researching this subject and what you hope to learn
(header: Purpose for Research)

How is it relevant to today's workplace (header: Relevancy in

Today's Workplace)

Identify at least 3 resources outside the course text (nothing over 5

years old) that will support your research on this topic - at least one
should be a journal article

This assignment is due Week 2 - Wednesday.

The completed assignment should be placed in the digital drop box.
Late assignments will be reduced by 1 point. Up to .50 point will be
deducted for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Week 3 Assignments

Read Chapters 9-12, review Chapter Notes and Slides - be sure to
take the pre-test prior to reading the Chapter. * See Pre-test icon
under each week.

Discussion Board
Complete Discussion Boards 5 & 6 - prior to third VC meeting.

Virtual Classroom 3
Students are required to attend one Virtual Classroom Sessions each
week. There will be two times offered for each session to meet the
needs of a geographically diverse student population.
In order to earn points, students need to participate in the sessions
by sharing concepts, theory and practical application in the
workplace. It will be important that student's are respectful to their
classmates and their ideas.
An agenda for the session will be posted in the session - it will
include discussing the readings, discussion board, and topical

Group Project
Class Members will be divided into small groups of 4 or 5 students
(depending on the size of the class).  Using a designated Virtual
Classroom Space for their team, students will meet and discuss one
of the assigned topics:

Group 1 – Discuss the pros and cons of diversity training in the

virtual classroom – VC Group 1:
What are some of the key concerns about diversity program?
Outline the key components your group would have in a diversity
program. Place your key components on the discussion board –
Discussion Group 1

Group 2 – Discuss Electronic Monitoring and Employee Privacy in the

virtual classroom – VC Group 2:  Discuss your beliefs on employee
use of company equipment – specifically the computer/e-mail –
should the company be able to monitor an employee’s e-mails? Why
or Why not? Back with “real facts” on the legalities of privacy in the
workplace. The group will agree of a few whys and why nots, and
then come up with a final recommendation. Post the brief list of
whys and why nots and final recommendation on the discussion
board – Discussion Group 2

Group 3 – Compensation Packages - Discuss the different ways to

compensate employees in the virtual classroom – VC Group 3:
Discuss what have each of you experienced in terms of
compensation that has recognized your contributions – it may or
may not have been money. Your group should identify a cafeteria
style list (this means a list that employees have a choice from) of pay
options employees can pick – explain why your list should be
adopted by a company and how it would reach/benefit the majority
of employees. Post your list and benefits on the discussion board –
Discussion Group 3
Group 4 – Avoiding Unfair Labor Practices – Discuss the different
ways a company can avoid unfair labor practices in the virtual
classroom – VC Group 4: Discuss the impact of unfair labor
practices? Why is avoiding them important? What role does the
National Labor Relations Board play in making sure companies don’t
have unfair labor practices? If any of the members of the group have
experience with unions and union practices - they should share as
related to fair labor practices. The group should come up with a list
of things a company can do to ensure they avoid unfair labor
practices and post this “top ten list” on the discussion board –
Discussion Group 4
Participation in team Virtual Class Discussion - 5 points (assigned
individually based on review of transcripts).  Team Discussion Board
Posting - 5 points - team grade
Due By Saturday - 3rd week of class. Groups will be assigned 1st
week of class.

Week 4 Assignments

Readings - Read Chapters 13-16,

review Chapter Notes and Slides - be
sure to take the pre-test prior to
reading the Chapter. * See Pre-test
icon under each week.

Discussion Board
Complete Discussion
Boards 7 & 8 -  prior to 4th
VC meeting.

Virtual Classroom 4
Students are required to attend one
Virtual Classroom Sessions each week.
There will be two times offered for
each session to meet the needs of a
geographically diverse student
In order to earn points, students need
to participate in the sessions by
sharing concepts, theory and practical
application in the workplace. It will be
important that student's are
respectful to their classmates and
their ideas.
An agenda for the session will be
posted in the session - it will include
discussing the readings, discussion
board, and topical matters.

Research Paper - 17 points

Your proposal provided the
foundation for the HRM or OD
concept, issue, or trend that your
research paper will explore(i.e., The
new psychological contract and its
impact on retention).
Your research paper should include
the following -

Cover Page .50 (include assignment

title, research topic name, your name,
course, date)
Abstract (one paragraph summary of
paper – see APA)-2 pts
Table of Contents .50 pt
Topic/Concept Definition 2 pts
Current Research on the subject (last
5 years) 3 pts
Workplace Trends/Practices 3 pts
Pros and Cons 2 pts
Key Learnings 2 pts
Conclusion 1 pt
References/Bibliography (no
references over 5 years old – at least
two journal articles) 1 pt
Appendix (if you have charts, graphs,
or pictures)- may increase grade by 1
pt for inclusion

All papers are to be sent via the digital

drop box prior to the 4th  virtual class
session. Late papers will be reduced
by 2 points. Spelling, punctuation, and
grammar errors will reduce the grade
by up to 1 point.

Research Presentation - 5 points

Place a one page summary (abstract)
of your paper on the discussion board
labeled - Research Paper Summary.
The summary should include:
What you researched (include a
definition); Why you researched the
subject ; Your most significant
learning (ie, something you didn't
know that you learned and/or
something you can apply to the
Each student will be given an
opportunity to briefly present key
learnings to class during virtual class
discussion #4 and answer any

25 points

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