DP 9 3 Practice PDF

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Database Programming with SQL

9-3: Set Operators

Practice Activities
• Define and explain the purpose of SET operators
• Use a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query
• Control the order of rows returned using set operators

Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.

operator that returns all rows from both tables and eliminates
columns that were made up to match queries in another table
that are not in both tables
operator that returns all rows from both tables, including
used to combine results into one single result from multiple
SELECT statements
operator that returns rows that are unique to each table

operator that returns rows common to both tables

Try It / Solve It
1. Name the different Set operators?

2. Write one query to return the employee_id, job_id, hire_date, and department_id of all employees
and a second query listing employee_id, job_id, start_date, and department_id from the
job_history table and combine the results as one single output. Make sure you suppress
duplicates in the output.

3. Amend the previous statement to not suppress duplicates and examine the output. How many
extra rows did you get returned and which were they? Sort the output by employee_id to make it
easier to spot.

4. List all employees who have not changed jobs even once. (Such employees are not found in the
job_history table)

5. List the employees that HAVE changed their jobs at least once.

6. Using the UNION operator, write a query that displays the employee_id, job_id, and salary of ALL
present and past employees. If a salary is not found, then just display a 0 (zero) in its place.
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