LECTURE 4-Direct Link Networks PART II
LECTURE 4-Direct Link Networks PART II
LECTURE 4-Direct Link Networks PART II
Direct Link Networks • This requires data needs to be converted to either a digital signal or
analog signal for transmission.
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 1
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
Unipolar • 1s are encoded as positive value and 0s are encoded as zero
• suffered from two problems : DC component &
conversion Polar
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 2
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 3
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• Biphase :
• Signal changes at the middle of the bit interval but does not return to
• RZ: Return to Zero zero. Instead, it continues to the opposite pole.
• Uses three values: • Mid-interval transition allow synchronization.
positive, zero, negative
• Classified into
• Ensure Sync: a signal
• Manchester
change for each bit
• Differential Manchester
• Main disadvantage: uses
two signal changes to
encode one bit
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 4
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
Alternate Mask
Bipolar 8-Zero
BiPolar Substitution
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 5
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• Use special pattern to replace sequences that would produce
10000000001 +000+-0-+01 in general 00000000 000V(-V)0(-V)V
constant voltage
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
• Use scrambling to replace sequences that would produce Amplitude
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 6
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
# of 1s + -
Different situations in HDB3 scrambling technique
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 7
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• is a set of specifications used to implementation the data link layer ASYNCHRONOUS PROTOCOL :
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Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 8
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• character-oriented: • The main tasks of the data link layer are:
• Also known as byte-oriented protocols • Transfer data from the network layer of one machine to the network
• Byte-oriented framing protocol is similar to bit-oriented layer of another machine
protocol except that instead of viewing the frame as a collection of
bits, byte-oriented framing views the frame as a collection of bytes.
• Convert the raw bit stream delivered by the physical layer into groups
of bits (“frames”)
• In simple way Interpret a transmission frame as a succession of characters
• are not as efficient as bit-oriented protocols and therefore now seldom used • It is the network adaptor that enables the nodes to exchange frames.
• Popular protocol : BSC(Binary synchronous communication) • When node A wishes to transmit a frame to node B, it tells its adaptor to
transmit a frame from the node’s memory. This results in a sequence of bits
being sent over the link. The adaptor on node B then collects together the
sequence of bits arriving on the link and deposits the corresponding frame in
B’s memory. Recognizing exactly what set of bits constitute a frame—that is,
determining where the frame begins and ends—is the central challenge faced
by the adaptor.
Node A Adaptor Adaptor Node B
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• Upper-layer protocols also divide data into distinct “packets” of • Advantages of Framing
information, but the terminology used to define packets at each layer is • Synchronization recovery
different: • Multiplexing of link
• Message The actual application data,
command, or instruction encapsulated • Efficient error detection
within a TCP segment assuming TCP is
• How can one determine the beginning/end of a frame?
• Segment The packet of information
exchanged between two peers that contains • Solutions:
TCP information. TCP exchanges • Character-based framing (use special control characters)
segments. • BInary SYNchronous Communication (BISYNC)
Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 9
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
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011111010 011111000 101101111 1010010
@ receiver end
• Receiver reads incoming bits and counts 1’s. Example with possible
• When number of consecutive 1s after a zero is 5, it checks the next bit (7th bit).
• If 7th bit = zero receiver recognizes it as a stuffed bit, discard it and resets the counter. errors
• If the 7th bit = 1 then the receiver checks the 8th bit; If the 8th bit = 0, the sequence is
recognized as a flag.
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Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 10
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• Counter-based • Clock-based
• include payload length in header • Continuous stream of fixed-length frames
• e.g., DDCMP(Digital Data Communication Message Protocol) • each frame is 125Ss long (all STS formats)
8 8 8 14 42 16 • Clocks must remain synchronized
• e.g., SONET: Synchronous Optical Network
SYN SYN Class Length Header Body CRC • Synchronous Optical Network Standard developed for
transmission over fiber.
• problem: count field corrupted
• solution: catch when CRC fails • SONET frame has special information that tells receiver
• One danger with this approach is that a transmission error could where frame starts and ends -- no bit stuffing.
corrupt the count field, in which case the end of the frame would not be
correctly detected. Should this happen, the receiver will accumulate as
• No Bit stuffing is used. Hence the frame length doesnot
many bytes as the bad COUNT field indicates and then use the error depend on the bits being sent.
detection field to determine that the frame is bad. This is sometimes
called a framing error. The receiver will then wait until it sees the next
SYN character to start collecting the bytes that make up the next
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9 rows
Hdr STS-3c
90 columns
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Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 11
Dept. of EEE CS 65 Computer Networks
• Payloads linked together instead of interleaving. • Bit rate is bits per second
• Concatenation instead of multiplexing. • Baud rate is “symbols” per second
• Cannot be multiplexed from different streams. • If each symbol contains 4 bits then data rate is 4 times the
• Called STS-Nc (As an example STS-3c). baud rate
• One of the fields in header used to denote
• Read rest of stuff on SONET from book.
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Prepared by Dr.S.Muralidharan 12