Nicole Jones Lesson Plan Poetry

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Pre-service Teacher ‘s name: Date:

Nicole Jones 01/09/2020

Year level/ age range & number of children: Highlight planning process:
Year 5 Planned collaboratively with Supervising Teacher
28 Children Planned collaboratively with peer
Planned independently based on ST lessons
Estimated duration of the learning experience: Planned Independently
50 Minutes Deconstruction of Supervising Teacher’s lesson

Prior learning and background of the children:

 Students already completed ‘my view on poetry’ task at the start of the unit.
 Students have learnt about figurative language (metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, idiom, simile).
 Students have written ‘about me’ poems.
 Students have written concrete/shape poems.

Learning intention and Success Criteria:

LI: Understand what the purpose of an ode poem is.
SC: You will be successful if you can:
 Brainstorm poem ideas
 Write an ode poem

Learning area:

Specific Topic:
Poetry (Odes)

Strand and sub-strand from the Australian Curriculum:

Language: Test structure and organisation

Literature: Examining literature

Australian Curriculum content description(s):

Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the degree of formality (ACELA1504).

Understand, interpret and experiment with sound devices and imagery, including simile, metaphor and
personification, in narratives, shape poetry, songs, anthems and odes (ACELT1611).

Success criteria for children (objectives):

 Brainstorm poem ideas
 Include a range of figurative language examples
 Write an ode poem
Students will be able to show their understanding by completing the tasks set, as well as filling in their learning reflection slip at
the end of the lesson.

Success criteria for the teacher:

 Students asking questions
 Students completing the brainstorming activity
 Students completing the final product
 Students willing to share work
 Students providing one another with feedback
 Students on task and engaged

Teaching strategies: Preparation/ organisation/ resources:

 Encourage questioning  Ode examples
 Ask students to elaborate on their answers  Skittles
 Brainstorming page
 Student let discussions  Video of ode examples
 Reward creative thinking (‘peg up’)  Access to interactive whiteboard
 Reward sharing of work
Differentiation (pre-core/core/extension/acceleration):
 Provide students with examples
 Allow students that struggle to handwrite work, to complete the task on a computer.
 Work through an example as a class
 Encourage more capable students to add additional lines to their odes
 More capable students can complete a good copy and an accompanying picture

Opportunities to provide feedback:

 Student and teacher feedback when sharing
 Students can provide me with feedback at the end of the lesson through their learning reflection slips
 Teacher will monitor work throughout the lesson and provide specific feedback to students at their desks


(Approximate time frames
need to be flexible, tweak
these to match context)
Transition: 2-3 minutes
Students will finish their morning routine with a student completing the role, while the book
monitors hand out the English books ready for the lesson.
Remind students that they are working towards class pom poms and I will be looking to give them
out throughout the lesson.

Introduction: 5-10 minutes

Ask students: ‘what kinds of language did we talk about in the previous lesson?’ Reduced my
‘What kind of poetry did we write?’ instruction time and
I will place an everyday item at the front of the classroom (a packet of skittles)
Ask students to look carefully at the object.
allowed for more
Encourage students to look past the object’s ‘everyday-ness’ and consider it as something beautiful discussion time.
and unique.
Ask students: ‘What are the best qualities of this object?’
‘How would you describe what the object looks like? Feels like? Sounds like? Smells like?
‘How could you use figurative language such as hyperboles and similes to compare this object to
others or describe it?’

Explain that I have done this to get students you thinking about the beautiful things or unique things
that we can associated with everyday items. Although it is something so simple, we can describe it
in so many ways.

Development: 5-10 minutes

Students were given
Display learning intention the chance to read
Display success criteria
Students will write these at the top of their page to remind them what we are working towards
the ode poems. I did
(print copy provided to some students) not speak for a large
amount of time.
Display the Ode Poster on the board and discuss the purpose, structure and rhyming patter of odes.
Display a range of different odes on the board and read them with the class.
Reinforce the idea that odes have fewer ‘rules’ to follow than many other forms of poetry so
creating an ode will give them more freedom as a poet.

Using the packet of skittle from the beginning of the unit, come up with a list of similes, hyperboles,
personifications and idioms that could be used in an ode to the skittles.

Brainstorm with the class a list of different objects or people that an ode could be written about.

Consolidation and practice: 20 minutes

Guided/Independent Learning Stopped halfway through

 Provide students with the My Ode Brainstorming Sheet to allow students to share
 Display this sheet on the board (allowed me to gauge
 Go through each of the steps as a class and then ask students to begin doing this on their where students were at
own. and if I needed to stop
 Students are able to choose whatever topic they wish. and refocus students of
 Reinforce students’ creativity the success criteria or
 Ask students to include as much figurative language as they can within their ode learning intention).
 Monitor and support students as they independently plan and write their odes.
 Encourage students to follow a similar planning process as the one used in the class
 Halfway through the writing session, ask students to share what they have brainstormed.
 Remind students that they are working towards pom poms.
 Use the ‘step up’ system.
 Provide students with the learning reflection slip to post into their book column.

Conclusion WWW reflection: 5-10 minutes

 Encourage volunteers to share their odes. Allowed for sharing
 Allow class to provide positive feedback, as well as helpful suggestions for and feedback as
improvement. students enjoyed this
 Ensure students finish their learning reflection slip and then ask students to hand aspect of the previous
their books to the front of the room. lesson.
 Students will then need to collect their spelling books and continue on with their
spelling contract.

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