Guidelines For Pepsol
Guidelines For Pepsol
Guidelines For Pepsol
Prior to attending an Encounter Weekend, believers are encouraged to attend four, one-hour classes which we call
the Pre-Encounter. These classes currently meet between our two Sunday morning worship services from 9:45am
– 10:45am.
The goal of the Pre-Encounter is to help the new believers prepare for the life-changing things the Lord wants to do
in their lives at the Encounter Weekend.
1. We teach them about the new birth experience (John 3:3) to help them understand exactly what happened when
they gave their life to Christ.
2. We show them in the Bible God's requirements for salvation so that they enjoy the full assurance of their right
standing before God.
3. Next, we teach them about the cross and all the benefits which Christ's death secures for every believer.
4. Finally, we build their faith to believe that there is literally nothing in their lives that is too big, or too hard for
Jesus to deliver them from. By the end of the Pre-Encounter training, participants are “fired up” and ready to
experience God in a fresh way at the Encounter Weekend.
Pre-Encounter classes are scheduled on the two Sundays prior to the Encounter Weekend. There is no charge for
the class.
The Equipping Track and it’s Purpose
1. The purpose of the Encounter is to minister to individuals in a personal way
that would be impossible to accomplish in a Sunday service because of lack of
2. Secondly, it is to see individuals come to a true repentance before the Lord and
receive forgiveness for sins.
3. Thirdly, it is for the participants to experience the healing power of God in
emotional and physical areas of their lives.
4. Fourthly, it is to see deliverance ministered to all that need to be set free from
5. Fifthly, it is to see individuals filled with the power of the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in other tongues.
6. Finally, it is to introduce them to the vision of the local church.
Many people lose their way after the Encounter. Satan prepares a counter-attack
after having lost ground in their lives. The newly encountered person needs to be
equipped to resist these attacks. The introduction of the Post – Encounter teaching
produced greater fruit. People who go on EGW are also given an extended three-
month period of spiritual assistance. This has resulted in an unprecedented
increase in the retention of new believers.
Post Encounter has the goal to show the disciple, just back from the EGW, how to
deal with the attacks of Satan. It will also teach the disciple how to relate to the
world, friends and problems and how to overcome temptation, the flesh, sin, the
world and the Devil.
Lessons are in accumulative form, meaning they can attend lessons starting to the
most recent last lesson they have attended and continue on with the rest of the
remaining lessons.