Quiz 3 Algebraic Expression

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Quiz 3 Algebra Vocabulary – Criterion C

Complete the crossword puzzle below by reading the clues and writing the terms in the correct places.

Across Down

1. Mathematical signs that says what 2. A mathematical expression that

to do in. consists of variables, numbers, and
6. Number next to a variable in an operations.
algebraic expression. 3. The answer to a division.
9. The answer to a subtraction. 4. Algebraic expression that has two
10. The answer of an addition. terms.
11. Branch of mathematics that uses 5. A quantity that does not change its
numbers and variables. value.
12. Part of an algebraic expression. 7. The answer to a multiplication.
13. Algebraic expression that has 8. Unknown quantity represented by
many terms. a lower-case letter.

1 O p e r a t o r s
3 4 l
Q B g 5
u i e C
o n b o
t o r n
i m a s
6 C o e f f i c i e n t
n a c a
t l n
7 e t
P x 8
r p V
o r a
9 d i f f e r e n c e r
u s i
c 10 s u m 11 a l g e b r a
12 t e r m i b
13 P o l y n o m i a l
n e

Algebraic expression Term Binomial Variable Operators Coefficient

Quotient Algebra Sum Constant Difference Polynomial Product

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