Present Perfect Simple Vs Past Simple
Present Perfect Simple Vs Past Simple
Present Perfect Simple Vs Past Simple
There is also a difference in attitude between the two tenses, which is often an important factor in
choosing which tense to use.
"What did you do at school today?" I use the Simple Past Tense because the question is
about activities, and the school day is considered finished.
"What have you done at school today?" I use the present perfect because the question is
about results : « show me ». The time at which the question is asked is considered as a
continuation of the school day.
! Look at this! Look at the differences between the Present Perfect and Past Tense
Present Perfect Simple Past Simple
Unfinished actions that started in the past Finished actions:
and continue to the present: I knew Julie for ten years (but then she
I've known Julie for ten years (and moved away and we lost touch).
I still know her).
A finished action in someone's life (when A finished action in someone's life (when the person
the person is still alive: life experience): is dead):
My brother has been to Mexico My great-grandmother went to Mexico three
three times. times.
A finished action with a result in the A finished action with no result in the present:
present: I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible!
I've lost my keys! (The result is (Now there is no result. I got new keys
that I can't get into my house now). yesterday).
With an unfinished time word (this week, With a finished time word (last week, last month,
this month, today): yesterday):
I've seen John this week. I saw John last week.
Let’s practise!
Teacher, Liliana Gheorghe
Clasa a VII-a B – L1 Unit: Travellers’ tales
1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in.
2. I __________________ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?
3. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.
4. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.
5. I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.
6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.
7. I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!
8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she __________________ (not / like) it.
9. Sorry, I __________________ (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.
10. I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________ (miss) the aeroplane as
11. Last month I __________________ (go) to Scotland.
12. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He __________________ (go) to the shops.
13. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.
14. I __________________ (finish) my exams finally – I’m so happy!
15. Yesterday, I __________________ (see) all my friends. It was great.
16. I __________________ (see) Julie three times this week!
17. She __________________ (live) in London since 1994.
18. She __________________ (live) in London when she was a child.
19. I __________________ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning.
20. I __________________ (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday.