Final Exam PH 2017

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Puntland State University

Faculty of Health Science

Department of public health
Batch 2017

Final examination of community health diagnosis subject
Answer all the following 50 marks

1. Explain the Epidemiological Information needed for Community Diagnosis?

 The information required in this context with include types of disease and
infections prevalent in the community there magnitude and distribution by sex,
age,ethnicity,seasonal variations and other dynamics,
2. Define
a. The situational analysis: is the define as the process of finding out the actual
status of health in a given community.

b. Write down only four of rationale for situational analysis?

 To determine the effectiveness of the health services and respond to the
problems found in the community.
 To provide complete inventory of health facilities in the community.
 To identify the distribution of health facilities in the community.
 To identify category and number of personnel in the facilities.
3. Write down
a. Principles that govern community diagnosis?
 The most effective way to improve the overall health status of the
community is through enhanced community based service organized
around primary health care model.
 Comprehensive community health needs assessment that provide baseline
data is pre requisite to the development of a long term community effort to
improve the health status of people living in the community.
b. Uses of Community Diagnosis in Community?
 It provides for decision on whether to plan strategy for program, the type
of intervention and on which target group it will be applied,.
 It provides basis for determining what resources will be needed for an
intervention program
 It provide baseline for future measurement of change in community health
 A descriptive community diagnosis can be use to show occurrence or
distribution of selected diseases or health indicators.

4. Differentiate
a. Clinical diagnosis
1) Obtain a history of the patients symptoms
2) Examine the patient and observe sign.
3) Perform laboratory test, x-ray and others.
4) To infer causation from the history and test result to make the diagnosis
b. Community diagnosis
1. Obtain health awareness of the community by informal meeting and
2. Obtain measurable facts of causes through basic demographic survey.
3. Conduct specific survey based on finding of basic demographic survey.
4. Make inference from the data(indicator) to make the community diagnosis.
5. Mention Socio-political factors that can affect community participation/ involvement?

 It allows communities to exert/use effective administrative

supervision over health service
 It makes use of part time unremunerated community village health
 It provides a communal labor for the construction of the health care
 Improve s communication between the population and health service.
 It improve coverage and access to health care

6. Explain Impact/Significance of the problems to the health of the Community?

1) High morbidity among, children and adult.
2) High mortality
3) Dependency ratio is increased
4) Low productivity leading to reduction of expenditure
5) Decreased life span
7. State of the Socio-Economic conditions of the Community?
These areas include occupations , income level,housing types , and
living condition , educational level, source and others.

8. Explain how Focus Group Discussion {FGD} works during Community health

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