Reference Material II 13
Reference Material II 13
Reference Material II 13
Corresponding author: The rapid evolution and widespread use of next gen-
Maurizio Ferrari eration sequencing (NGS) in clinical laboratories has
Genomic Unit for the Diagnosis
of Human Pathologies allowed an incredible progress in the genetic diagnos-
Division of Genetics and Cellular Biology tics of several inherited disorders. However, the new
IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital technologies have brought new challenges. In this
Via Olgettina 60
20132 Milan review we consider the important issue of NGS data
Italy analysis, as well as the interpretation of unknown ge-
Phone: 02-26432303 netic variants and the management of the incidental
Fax: 02-26434351
E-mail: findings. Moreover, we focus the attention on the
new professional figure of bioinformatics and the new
Key words: role of medical geneticists in clinical management of
next generation sequencing, genetics,
inherited disorders, causative mutations, patients. Furthermore, we consider some of the main
sequence depth, coverage, clinical applications of NGS, taking into consideration
incidental findings, variants interpretation, that there will be a growing progress in this field in the
diagnostics, genetic medicine
forthcoming future.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Next-generation sequencing approach for the diagnosis of human diseases
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Next-generation sequencing approach for the diagnosis of human diseases
Actually, the interpretation of genetic variants are present in each individual’s genome and to-
is based on criteria published by the American day their prioritization remains a primary chal-
college of medical genetics and genomics lenge [35].
(ACMG). The ACMG recommends that the vari- In some cases, the interpretation of VUS can be
ants be allocated to one of the categories re- useful in commencing the segregation analysis
ported below [32]: in large families including affected members or
a. disease causing (class V): the sequence vari- the identification of the occurrence of de novo
ation is previously reported and recognized variation in the affected patient. Unfortunately,
as causative of the disorder; in many cases the interpretation of VUS re-
b. likely disease causing (class IV): the sequence mains unresolved and its identification cannot
variation is not previously reported as ex- be used for the clinical management of patients
pected to cause the disorder, frequently in a and families [29,36].
known disease gene; Until now few clear guidelines are published
c. variant of unknown clinical significance (VUS; for the VUS interpretation [36]. Today, in order
class III): the sequence variation is unknown to try to assign a pathological score to VUS, it
or expected to be causative of disease and is important to consider, for example, its al-
is found to be connected with a clinical lelic frequency in a control population (1000
presentation; Genomes or exome sequencing project con-
sortium [ExAC]), the amino acidic conservation,
d. likely not disease causing (class II): the se- the predicted effect on protein function and the
quence variation is not previously report- results of published functional assay [37,38].
ed and it is probably not causative of the
pathology; Up to now in silico prediction algorithms, such
as Polyphen, Sift, Mutation Taster or UMD
e. not disease causing (class I): the sequence predictor, have been developed and they are
variation is already reported and document- widely used for the missense variants inter-
ed as neutral variant. pretation [37]. However, they present some
Moreover, most of these classes of variants are intrinsic caveat and limitations, affecting their
subject to supplementary interpretation focus- specificity and sensitivity, that can lead to pos-
ing on literature reported, population frequen- sible false-positive and false-negative interpre-
cies, clinical findings, mutation databases and tations [39]. Another existing problem involves
possibly case-specific research data [31]. The the allelic frequency, that is mainly estimated
principal human variant databases are useful from the 1000 Genome project and ExAC, that
to annotate both common and pathogenic vari- represents only a fraction of the worldwide
ants, such as dbSNP, gnomAD or ExAC database population, so the declared allelic frequency
(Exome Aggregation Consortium) [33], and to available is not stratified according to the real
classify variants previously associated with hu- population groups [29].
man disorders, such as Human Gene Mutation Since the problem of the management of VUSs
Database (HGMD) [34] and ClinVar. is not yet resolved, it would be fundamental
The variants of unknown significance (VUS) rep- to collect and share VUSs and available clinical
resent a problem for the interpretative process. data, allowing a progressive and definitive clas-
Indeed it is known that hundreds of loss of func- sification of these variants, as deleterious (class
tion variants with unknown clinical significance V) or neutral ones (class I) [29,30].
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Next-generation sequencing approach for the diagnosis of human diseases
Another important challenge of the use of NGS to be described on the report for clinicians and
approach in clinical diagnostic is the manage- patients. In particular, it is needed to declare
ment of the amount of data generated [40]. the sensitivity and specificity of the techniques
Indeed generation, analysis and also storage of used considering both technical and bioinfor-
NGS data require sophisticated bioinformatics matics parameters. It is important to report
infrastructure [41]. which target region was not sequenced, the
A skilled bioinformatics staff is needed to man- number of reads obtained, the quality of the se-
age and analyze NGS data, and so both com- quence, the limitations of the chosen sequenc-
puting infrastructure and manpower impact ing method and of the settings of used bioinfor-
on costs of NGS applications in clinical diag- matics pipeline [16,45].
nostics. Bioinformaticians are to be mandatory
in the organization chart of clinical laborato- ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND
ries in the NGS era, where they have to closely MANAGEMENT OF INCIDENTAL FINDINGS
collaborate with clinicians and laboratory staff The development and the widespread use of
to optimize the panel testing and the NGS data NGS in clinical laboratories are paired with de-
analyses [42]. bate on the ethics for reporting incidental find-
Bioinformatics has been recently defined as the ings [46,47]. In 2013 the ACMG has highlighted
discipline that develops and applies advanced the question of the incidental findings (IF), de-
computational tools to manage and analyze the fining them as “genetic variations identified by
NGS data. Bioinformatics pipeline developed for genomic sequencing but not related to the dis-
NGS are aimed to convert the raw sequencing ease being investigated” [48].
signals to data, data to information, and infor- According to the European Society of Human
mation to knowledge [43]. Genetics (ESHG) guidelines, the targeted diag-
This process can be developed in three different nostic testing should be performed minimizing
steps - primary, secondary, and tertiary analy- the likelihood of detecting incidental findings,
ses [44]: focusing only on genes clinically actionable [49].
It means that genetic testing should aim to ana-
• The primary analysis is the process of raw lyze the causative genes associated to the prima-
data produced by NGS instruments, ry clinical questions, even if a broader panel of
• the secondary analysis is the alignment to a genes or the whole exome sequencing has been
reference sequence and the calling variants performed [49]. It is the role of responsible clini-
and, finally, cians requesting the test to disclose an incidental
• the tertiary analysis is the confirmation or finding to a patient, not the role of the clinical
validation of detected variants, providing laboratory.
evidence to facilitate interpretation [41]. The impact of the IF determines how the genetic
All clinical bioinformatics systems require these finding should be disclosed or not to a patient,
three steps that should be properly validated also to avoid unwarranted psychological stress.
and documented. In particular, it requires de- In particular, if it can bring minor consequences
termination of variant calling sensitivity, speci- or if a clinical intervention is possible, then the
ficity, accuracy and precision for all variants variant should be reported.
reported in the clinical assay [44]. The quality On the contrary, if the variant is associated to a
criteria of the performed sequencing test have late onset disorder or has major consequences,
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Next-generation sequencing approach for the diagnosis of human diseases
counselling and consent will determine if and to patients’ families may not be appropriate and
when the variant can and should be reported to the genetic information may be reconsider later
the patient [36]. This implies that genetic tests in baby’s life. Similarly, the report of IFs may be
should be ordered by medical professionals who postponed in cases where parents or patients
are capable of performing appropriate counsel- are given a diagnosis linked to poor prognosis or
ling [50]. For that reason, the counselling and in case of post-mortem genetic testing.
the informed consent are critical steps. Additional contexts in which the reporting of in-
There is a difference between recording and cidental findings may have an influence on the
reporting a variant, as well as between who re- patients management are carrier testing, pre-
ceives this information, clinicians or patients, natal diagnosis, pharmacogenetics testing and
and when. When a variant is reported to a additional non-diagnostic testing such as medi-
clinician, it does not mean that it will be re- cal research (dependent on the study design),
vealed to patient. Indeed, the clinician should forensic testing, parental and genealogical test-
evaluate the impossible clinical implication of ing. In conclusion, the issue of IFs requires an
this information, based on the clinical history appropriate pre and post counselling to correct-
of patient. For example, the impact of an IF ly inform the patient [16].
in a case without a known family history for a The widespread implementation of NGS ap-
specific disorder is different from the case in proach in diagnosis of human pathologies raises
which the patient is already aware of a preex- the problem of management of IFs and VUSs and
isting familial condition. it is needed to have clear guidelines for the han-
Another interesting example is the acute neona- dling of NGS data in the diagnostics approach
tal care, in which immediate reporting of all IFs (Figure 1).
So far the application of WES in clinical diagnostics presents more open challenges (B) than targeted sequencing (A).
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Next-generation sequencing approach for the diagnosis of human diseases
Consequently, clinical medical geneticists have sequencing of nucleic acid composition directly
to complement their skills with expertise in the in fixed cells and tissues providing a throughput
clinical interpretation of NGS data. analysis, opening great opportunity mainly for
Moreover we have to keep in mind that the the analysis of tumor cells variability in situ [58].
medical geneticist has an important and crucial In forthcoming future, it holds exciting prospec-
role also in the pre-test counseling, to deliver tive for research and new insights regarding ge-
reliable information to patients [29]. Indeed it nomic diagnostics.
is important to clearly explain to the patient
and his family the medical implications of the REFERENCES
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