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PIC Camborough® Family

PIC Camborough® Females


Camborough® Camborough® 29 Camborough® 22 Camborough® 23

The international standard The newest member Exceptional terminal Maximum durability with
of the Camborough pig performance and increased emphasis on
in female genetics
family. carcass quality. growth and leanness.


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Mating Patterns for Commercial Products

L02 L03 L08 L19

Line 02 and Line 03
Remain the foundation for
PIC’s Camborough Family

Camborough® PIC 1070

Camborough® 22 Camborough® 23 Camborough® 29

Current Line 03 Performance in North American
Customer Systems (1)

Herd Size 1800 2600 1200 1200

TNB 11.90 12.00 11.80 13.10

Born Alive 11.00 11.00 10.80 11.90

Farrowing Rate (%) 82.10 84.00 83.10 78.30

Litters/sow/yr 2.42 2.42 2.40 2.39

Preweaning Mortality (%) 7.20 9.80 6.00 7.60

Weaned/mated female yr. 24.70 25.60 24.90 26.50

Sow Mortality (%) 9.30 8.80 9.70 5.60

Current Line 03 Performance in North American
Customer Systems (2)

Herd Size 2600 1800 2200 2500 2600 1800

TNB 11.8 11.4 12.2 12.1 11.8 12.6

Born Alive 10.6 10.8 11.1 10.8 10.6 11.5

Farrowing Rate (%) 87.0 93.4 85.7 79.1 87.0 82.4

Litters/sow/yr 2.52 2.53 2.47 2.42 2.52 2.44

Preweaning Mortality (%) 9.8 9.2 12.4 8.7 9.8 12.1

Weaned/mated female yr. 23.5 25.1 22.1 24.1 23.5 23.8

Sow Mortality (%) 11.8 3.2 5.5 10.4 11.8 7.7

The same improvement program that has
been driving our sire performance has also
been at work on our dam lines.

The result: This is not your father’s

The PIC Full Program Advantage:
PIC Males & Females produce higher net margins through faster growth rates, better feed
conversions, superior carcass traits, and more pounds of quality pork.

PIC Female Progeny PIC Sire Progeny

Growth & Carcass Advantage Growth & Carcass Advantage

PIC 337G vs Danbred 771

Camborough® 22 vs $4.55
Monsanto Genepacker 347
PIC 337G vs Monsanto
$9.29 EB5
Camborough® 22 vs PIC 337G vs Monsanto
Newsham SuperMom EBX
$5.75 $7.01

Camborough® PIC 327L vs Genetiporc

vs Danbred 230 Vivanda 300
$2.78 $3.45
PIC 280M vs Genetiporc
Vivanda 300
Our animals are not the same as they were in the 1990s!

PIC Genetic Improvement achieved in GN lines over the past 5 years:

PIC Market Hog Improvement PIC Female Improvement

FCR -0.13 Total Born 2.3 pigs
ADG 0.09 lbs/day Percent Stillborn 1. 5 %
Lean % 1.0 % Litter Weaning Weight 11.6 lbs
Scrotal Hernia -1.1 % Preweaning Survival 1.3 %
Survival Traits Leg Score 0.92 pts
Trends Favorable but too early too accurately Sow Survival 1.4 %
estimate a trend

Annual Genetic Improvement = $2.39

What has changed?

New Technology
New Production Infrastructure
Renewed Focus on Lifetime Productivity
New Technology

•  Before early 1990’s computing technology

costs restricted selection in pigs to traits of
the growing pig and its carcass.
–  Moderate to highly heritable traits
–  Directly measurable on the candidates
–  Emphasis on Growth Rate, Feed Efficiency
and Lean%
–  Achievable in single GN herds
New Technology

•  Since early 1990’s cheap computer

memory and more powerful processors
made large databases and BLUP everyday
tools for pig breeders:
–  Low heritable traits could be improved
–  Family performance for female reproductive
–  Data available from many herds outside
Genetic Nucleus
BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Predictor)
New Technology

Markers improve accuracy with the greatest benefit on lowly heritable traits

Today, 78
markers are used
to improve the
accuracies of trait
EBVs used in
indexes, with
more in the
New Production Infrastructure

GN 100,704 Active L02, L03 and GP1050 sows

with pedigrees and contributing
data to genetic improvement

Gilt Multiplier

Commercial Sows GN Crossbred

The PIC GN Crossbred Program for Reproduction:
How Actual On-Farm Performance is driving our Genetic Improvement Program

GN Sows

GN Boar

GN Progeny Performance Data

CBV™ &
PICtraq™ Database Selection
GP Sows

Cam C29 Cam C22 C23

Commercial Reproductive Performance Data

Renewed Focus on Lifetime Productivity

Camborough® – Expected Selection Response

Robustness &

Carcass Traits

Meat Quality

Sow Performance
Global Active Sows
Parity Profile

13,513 L02, 48,327 L03 and 38,864 GP1050 females

What has changed?

Greater Genetic Potential

Greater Realized Performance
5-yr Genetic Trend for Total Number Born for

Trend = 0.19 p/l/y

15-yr Genetic Trend for Total Number Born for

Trend = 0.16 p/l/y

>2 pigs/litter x 2.4 litters/sow
>1.25 pigs/litter x 2.4 litters/sow
= c. 5 pigs/sow/yr
= c. 3 pigs/sow/yr
5-yr Genetic Trend for Stillborn in Camborough®

No Selection Selection

Trend = -0.23 %/yr

5-yr Genetic Trend for Litter Weaning Weight in Camborough®

No Selection Selection

Trend = 0.37 kgs/yr

5-Yr Genetic Trend for
Leg Score in Camborough®

Trend = 0.21 unit/yr

15-Yr Genetic Trend for
Leg Score in Camborough®

Trend = 0.03 unit/yr

5 yr Genetic Trends
Pigs born Jan 2001 – Dec 2005
* Assuming 2.4 litt/sow/yr Pigs tested July 2001 – June 2006
Expected Commercial
Annual Trend Improvement – 5 yr
Traits of Product Per litter *per sow/yr Per litter *per sow/year
Total No. Born / 0.19 0.45 0.95 2.27
Stillborn (%TNB) -0.23 -1.00
Litter weight 0.81 1.94 4.02 9.70
weaned, lb
Leg Structure 0.21 1.04

0.26 1.30
Sow Mortality -0.30 -1.50
Teat Number 0.05 0.24
How do these trends translate into on-farm
PIC Commercial Performance
“League List” Data collected from commercial systems using PIC parent females.

Average Top 1/3 Top 10%

Total Sows 534,826 167,693 35,067

Average Parity 2.62 2.25 2.16

Farrowing Rate (%) 85.63 85.84 88.93

Live born/Litter 11.09 11.42 11.85

Pre-weaning Mortality (%) 10.94 9.96 9.35

Pigs weaned/Litter 9.83 10.23 10.79

Litters/Mated Female/Year 2.44 2.51 2.53

Pigs weaned/Sow/Year 23.76 25.88 27.44

Sow Death Rate 9.71 9.00 7.09

Age at Weaning 19.00 18.22 18.86

Sow Performance 2005

No. of Sows 3400 1500 2800 1800 1100

Farrowing Rate 81.5 90.1 87.4 88.6 84.5
Total Born/Litter 12.0 12.5 12.3 13.0 13.7
Born Alive/Litter 10.8 11.5 11.4 12.1 12.6
Farrowing/Sow/Yr 2.53 2.50 2.47 2.53 2.42
Preweaning Mortality 8.2 9.0 8.7 9.4 11.7
Weaned/Sow 10.0 10.4 10.6 10.9 11.1
Wean/Sow/Year 25.2 26.0 26.2 27.6 26.9
Sow Performance Q1 2006

No. of Sows 2700 2600 3500 2300

Farrowing Rate 89.6 88.4 89.5 88.1
Total Born/Litter 12.5 11.9 12.8 12.7
Born Alive/Litter 11.7 10.9 11.6 11.8
Farrowing/Sow/Yr 2.48 2.47 2.56 2.60
Preweaning Mortality 10.4 8.3 9.8 11.2
Weaned/Sow 10.5 10.4 10.0 9.8
Wean/Sow/Year 27.1 25.7 26.1 27.0
Crossbred Genetic Potential

•  PIC parent sows will wean over 30 pigs per

sow per year
•  Top four herds in Canada
–  29.5 p/s/y
–  29.1 p/s/y
–  29.1 p/s/y
–  29.0 p/s/y
•  30 herds exceeded 25.0 p/s/y for 2005
“Camden Cup”
Predicted PIC Genetic Performance
Focused on Bottom-line Profitability

Experience would say +2%/yr is
good, i.e., +10% in 5 yrs.

We are not satisfied with “good”

Some of our customers are already closing in on 2011 targets through

aggressive EBV management and superior management.
PICranq™ predictions, not including use of genetic markers in BLUP
The fundamental requirement for genetic improvement is

Our strength lies in our ability to accurately measure,

record and integrate genetic data into selection decisions.

Marker Assisted BLUP:

+20% Faster
EBV Management:
+20% Faster
GN Crossbred Program:
+20% Faster

PICmate™ for
Breeding Optimization:
+20% Faster

…and we are accelerating the rate of genetic improvement

through recent advances.

•  The last 10-15 years have seen significant

change in the genetic potential for Total
Number Born
•  The next 10 years will see that
improvement continue
•  The next 10 years will also see significant
changes in the genetic potential of the pig
to stay alive
Which Camborough® is right for you?
What do you want to improve?

Pigs / Sow / Year

Backfat / Leanness
Camborough® 29 / 22

Satisfied w/ C22, but want more Maternal Perf.

ADG in the Finisher

Internal Multiplication Costs Camborough® 23

Sow Durability

Mating Pattern
PIC GP1010 (Line 02) x PIC GP1020 (Line 03)

The international standard in F1 genetics

•  Reproductive consistency and efficiency
•  Good mothers with exceptional milking ability
•  Exceptional mothering ability & Docile temperament
Camborough 29

Mating Pattern
PIC GP1020 (Line 03) x PIC GP1075 (Line 19)

PIC GP1070 x PIC GP1010 (Line 02)

The newest member of the Camborough family

•  Reduced multiplication costs
•  Cam-like reproductive performance
•  Focused on efficient throughput
•  Duroc-influenced durability and meat quality
C22 and C29 Means for Reproductive Performance
Parity 1 and 2

Trait C22 C29 C29-C22

Parity 1 595 595
% Animals culled from 1st AI to 1st farrow 6.6 6.3 -.3
Farrowing rate (%) 87.7 90.6 2.9
Total Number Born 12.1 12.7 .6 **
0.5 pigs
Number Born Alive 10.7 11.3 .6 **
Still Births .85 .91 .06
Number of Mummies .49 .47 - .02 X
Number Weaned 9.4 9.5 .1
Parity 2 300 294 2.45
Total Number Born 11.7 12.8 1.1 ** Litters/Yr
Number Born Alive 10.4 10.9 .5
Still Births .72 .79 .07
Number of Mummies .61 1.02 .41 1.2 Pigs/Yr
Number Weaned 9.2 9.3 .1
** P < .001.
Summary of 10 Sow Farms With C29’s Currently in Production
Parity 1 and 2

Traits Farm1 Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm 8 Farm 9 Farm
2 3 4 5 6 7 * * 10
Parity 1 40 38 318 332 306 33 284 491 75 187
NB 12.13 11.92 12.60 12.49 12.66 12.67 12.48 11.79 12.16 12.38
NBA 11.20 11.24 11.24 11.30 11.38 11.45 11.73 9.87 9.91 11.07 11.04
NSB .70 .47 .88 .86 .90 1.00 .64 .69 1.05 1.01
NM .23 .21 .48 .33 .38 .21 .11 1.24 1.20 .29
Weaned 9.67 9.48 10.00 10.02 9.98 9.53 9.36 8.99 8.18 9.65

Traits Farm 3 Farm 4 Farm 5 Farm 8*

Parity 2 221 248 237 206
NB 12.19 12.75 12.95 12.19 11.03
NBA 11.43 11.98 11.95 8.76
NSB .57 .58 .74 .69
NM .19 .19 .25 2.73
NWeaned 9.77 10.59 9.83 7.06
* Farm with PRRS break
Summary of 10 Sow Farms With C29’s
Currently in Production (2 w/PPRS Break)

Parity 1 2104
NB 12.33
NBA 11.04
NSB .82
NM .47
NWeaned 9.48
Parity 2 912
NB 12.52
NBA 11.03
NSB .65
NM .84
NWeaned 9.32
C29 Reproductive Performance
W/O PRRS Break Farms

Parity 1 1538 (8 FARMS)

NB 12.51
NBA 11.35
NSB .82
NM .32
NWeaned 9.81
Parity 2 706 (3 FARMS)
NB 12.64
NBA 11.80
NSB .63
NM .21
NWeaned 10.08
Parity 3 224 (3 FARMS)
FR (%) 89.2
NB 13.89
NBA 12.84
NSB .84
NM .33
C29 – Summary Commercial Farms
Total Born and Born Alive

1538 farrows 706 farrows 224 farrows

8 farms 3 farms 3 farms
Camborough 22

Mating Pattern
PIC GP1050 x PIC GP1075 (Line 19)

Exceptional finishing pig performance

•  Consistently high prolificacy with long working life
•  Versatility
•  Duroc-influenced durability and meat quality
Camborough 23

Mating Pattern
PIC GP1050 x PIC 1025 (Line 8)

Maximum durability
•  Rugged, hardy and Durable
•  Prolific with Greater Longevity and Mothering Ability
•  Tough mothers, able to withstand, thrive and produce in
commercial systems
What do you want to improve?

Camborough® Camborough® 23
Camborough® 29 / 22

Sow Productivity
with built-in
Feed Efficiency
Growth Rate
Carcass Value

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