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Novel Coronavirus Landscape Covid 19

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DRAFT landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines –

12 November 2020

48 candidate vaccines in clinical evaluation

COVID-19 Vaccine Number of Route of Clinical Stage

Vaccine platform Type of candidate vaccine Timing of doses
developer/manufacturer doses Administration
Phase 1 Phase 1/2 Phase 2 Phase 3
Sinovac Inactivated Inactivated 2 0,14 days IM NCT04352608
Wuhan Institute of Biological ChiCTR2000031809
Inactivated Inactivated 2 0,21 days IM ChiCTR2000039000
Products/Sinopharm Interim Report
Beijing Institute of Biological ChiCTR2000032459 ChiCTR2000034780
Inactivated Inactivated 2 0,21 days IM
Products/Sinopharm Study Report NCT04560881
Bharat Biotech Inactivated Whole-Virion Inactivated 2 0, 28 days IM CTRI/2020/11/028976
PACTR202006922165132 ISRCTN89951424
Non-Replicating 2020-001072-15 NCT04516746
University of Oxford/AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S 2 0,28 days IM 2020-001228-32
Viral Vector NCT04568031 NCT04540393
Interim Report CTRI/2020/08/027170
ChiCTR2000030906 ChiCTR2000031781
CanSino Biological Inc./Beijing Institute Non-Replicating NCT04526990
Adenovirus Type 5 Vector 1 IM NCT04568811 NCT04566770
of Biotechnology Viral Vector NCT04540419
Study Report Study Report


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Non-Replicating NCT04530396
Gamaleya Research Institute Adeno-based (rAd26-S+rAd5-S) 2 0,21 days IM NCT04437875 NCT04587219
Viral Vector NCT04564716
Study Report
Non-Replicating 1 0 NCT04436276 NCT04505722
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies Adenovirus Type 26 vector IM NCT04535453
Viral Vector 2 0, 56 days NCT04509947 NCT04614948
Full length recombinant SARS
NCT04368988 NCT04533399 2020-004123-16
Novavax Protein Subunit CoV-2 glycoprotein nanoparticle 2 0,21 days IM
Study Report (phase 2b) NCT04611802
vaccine adjuvanted with Matrix M
NCT04283461 NCT04405076 NCT04470427
Moderna/NIAID RNA LNP-encapsulated mRNA 2 0,28 days IM Interim Report
Final Report

NCT04368728 NCT04537949
BioNTech/Fosun Pharma/Pfizer RNA 3 LNP-mRNAs 2 0,28 days IM NCT04368728
Study Report NCT04588480
Study Report1
Study Report2
Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy/ Replicating Viral
Intranasal flu-based-RBD 1 IN ChiCTR2000037782 ChiCTR2000039715
Xiamen University Vector
Anhui Zhifei Longcom
Biopharmaceutical/Institute of Adjuvanted recombinant protein 0,28 or 0,28,56
Protein Subunit 2 or 3 IM NCT04445194 NCT04550351
Microbiology, Chinese Academy of (RBD-Dimer) days NCT04466085
Curevac RNA mRNA 2 0, 28 days IM NCT04449276 NCT04515147
Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese
Inactivated Inactivated 2 0, 28 days IM NCT04412538 NCT04470609
Academy of Medical Sciences
Research Institute for Biological Safety
Inactivated Inactivated 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04530357
Problems, Rep of Kazakhstan
Beijing Minhai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Inactivated Inactivated 2 IM ChiCTR2000038804 ChiCTR2000039462


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Inovio Pharmaceuticals/ International DNA plasmid vaccine with NCT04447781
DNA 2 0, 28 days ID
Vaccine Institute electroporation NCT04336410
Osaka University/ AnGes/ Takara Bio DNA DNA plasmid vaccine + Adjuvant 2 0, 14 days IM
Cadila Healthcare Limited DNA DNA plasmid vaccine 3 0, 28, 56 days ID CTRI/2020/07/026352
Genexine Consortium DNA DNA Vaccine (GX-19) 2 0, 28 days IM NCT04445389
Kentucky Bioprocessing, Inc Protein Subunit RBD-based 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04473690
Sanofi Pasteur/GSK Protein Subunit S protein (baculovirus production) 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04537208
Biological E Ltd Protein Subunit Adjuvanted protein subunit (RBD) 2 0, 28 days IM CTRI/2020/11/029032
Replicating Viral
Israel Institute for Biological Research VSV-S 1 IM NCT04608305
Arcturus/Duke-NUS RNA mRNA IM NCT04480957
SpyBiotech/Serum Institute of India VLP RBD-HBsAg VLPs 2 0, 28 days IM ACTRN12620000817943
Symvivo DNA bacTRL-Spike 1 Oral NCT04334980
hAd5 S+N 2nd Generation Human
ImmunityBio, Inc. & NantKwest Inc. Adenovirus Type 5 Vector (hAd5) 2 0, 21 days SC NCT04591717
Viral Vector
Spike (S) + Nucleocapsid (N)
Non-Replicating Replication defective Simian
ReiThera/LEUKOCARE/Univercells 1 IM NCT04528641
Viral Vector Adenovirus (GRAd) encoding S
CanSino Biological Inc/Institute of
Biotechnology, Academy of Military Ad5-nCoV 2 0, 28 days IM/mucosal NCT04552366
Viral Vector
Medical Sciences, PLA of China
Non-Replicating Ad5 adjuvanted Oral Vaccine
Vaxart 2 0, 28 days Oral NCT04563702
Viral Vector platform
Ludwig-Maximilians - University of Non-Replicating MVA-SARS-2-S
2 0, 28 days IM NCT04569383
Munich Viral Vector


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Native like Trimeric subunit Spike
Clover Biopharmaceuticals Protein vaccine
Protein Subunit 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04405908

Recombinant spike protein with

Vaxine Pty Ltd/Medytox Protein Subunit 1 IM NCT04453852
Advax™ adjuvant
Molecular clamp stabilized Spike ACTRN12620000674932p
University of Queensland/CSL/Seqirus Protein Subunit 2 0, 28 days IM
protein with MF59 adjuvant ISRCTN51232965
Medigen Vaccine Biologics NCT04487210
Protein Subunit S-2P protein + CpG 1018 2 0, 28 days IM
rRBD produced in CHO-cell
Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, Cuba Protein Subunit chemically conjugate to tetanus 2 0, 28 days IM IFV/COR/06
Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, Cuba IFV/COR/04
Protein Subunit RBD + Adjuvant 2 0, 28 days IM
FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor,
Protein Subunit Peptide 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04527575
RBD (baculovirus production
West China Hospital, Sichuan University Protein Subunit 2 0, 28 days IM ChiCTR2000037518
expressed in Sf9 cells)
University Hospital Tuebingen Protein Subunit SARS-CoV-2 HLA-DR peptides 1 SC NCT04546841
Multitope peptide-based S1-RBD-
COVAXX / United Biomedical Inc. Asia Protein Subunit 2 0, 28 days IM NCT04545749
protein vaccine
Replicating Viral Replication-competent VSV
Merck Sharp & Dohme/IAVI 1 IM NCT04569786
Vector delivering the SARS-CoV-2 Spike
Institute Pasteur/Themis/Univ. of Replicating Viral
Measles-vector based 1 or 2 0, 28 days IM NCT04497298
Pittsburg CVR/Merck Sharp & Dohme Vector
Imperial College London RNA LNP-nCoVsaRNA 2 IM ISRCTN17072692


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
People's Liberation Army (PLA)
0, 14 or 0, 28 ChiCTR2000034112
Academy of Military Sciences/Walvax RNA mRNA 2 IM
days ChiCTR2000039212
Plant-derived VLP adjuvanted with
Medicago Inc. VLP 2 0, 21 days IM NCT04450004
GSK or Dynavax adjs.

164 candidate vaccines in preclinical evaluation

Platform Type of candidate vaccine Developer Coronavirus Current stage of Same platform for non-Coronavirus
target clinical candidates
status- Coronavirus
DNA DNA plasmids containing S-gene Biosun Pharmed SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA plasmid vaccine Globe Biotech Limited, Bangladesh SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA Plasmid DNA, nanostructured RBD National institute of Chemistry, Slovenia SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA, engineered vaccine inserts compatible DIOSynVax Ltd / University of Cambridge SARS-CoV-2 and Pre-Clinical
with multiple delivery systems Sarbeco-CoV
DNA DNA vaccine Ege University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA plasmid vaccine RBD&N Scancell/University of Nottingham/ Nottingham Trent University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA plasmid vaccine S,S1,S2,RBD &N National Research Centre, Egypt SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA with electroporation Karolinska Institute / Cobra Biologics SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA with electroporation Chula Vaccine Research Center SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA Takis/Applied DNA Sciences/Evvivax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA Plasmid DNA, Needle-Free Delivery Immunomic Therapeutics, Inc./EpiVax, Inc./PharmaJet SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical SARS
DNA DNA vaccine BioNet Asia SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA msDNA vaccine Mediphage Bioceuticals/University of Waterloo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
DNA DNA vaccine Entos Pharmaceuticals SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated + Alum Shifa Pharmed SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated Milad Pharmaceutics Co. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MMR, IPV
Inactivated Inactivated Zista Kian Azma Co. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MMR, IPV
Inactivated Inactivated Kocak Farma Ilac ve Kimya San. A.S. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Inactivated Egg-based, inactivated, whole chimeric Institute of Vaccines and Medical Biologicals (IVAC; Vietnam) / Dynavax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) expressing / PATH
membrane-anchored pre-fusion-stabilized
trimeric SARS-CoV-2 S protein (Hexapro) +
CpG 1018
Inactivated Egg-based, inactivated, whole chimeric Government Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO; Thailand) / Dynavax / SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) expressing PATH
membrane-anchored pre-fusion-stabilized
trimeric SARS-CoV-2 S protein (Hexapro) +
CpG 1018
Inactivated Egg-based, inactivated, whole chimeric Institute Butantan (Brazil) / Dynavax / PATH SARS-CoV-2 Pre-clinical
Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) expressing
membrane-anchored pre-fusion-stabilized
trimeric SARS-CoV-2 S protein (Hexapro) +
CpG 1018
Inactivated Inactivated + alum KM Biologics SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical JE, Zika
Inactivated Inactivated Selcuk University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated Erciyes University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated whole virus National Research Centre, Egypt SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated TBD Osaka University/ BIKEN/ NIBIOHN SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated + CpG 1018 Sinovac/Dynavax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Inactivated Inactivated + CpG 1018 Valneva/Dynavax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Live Attenuated Virus Codon deoptimized live attenuated vaccines Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University / Acıbadem Labmed Health Services SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Live Attenuated Virus Codon deoptimized live attenuated vaccines Codagenix/Serum Institute of India SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical HAV, InfA, ZIKV, FMD, SIV, RSV, DENV
Live Attenuated Virus Codon deoptimized live attenuated vaccines Indian Immunologicals Ltd/Griffith University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non Replicating Viral Vector Ad 5 vector for intranasal administration University of Helsinki & University of Eastern Finland SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non Replicating Viral Vector Adenovirus Type 5 Vector Globe Biotech Limited, Bangladesh SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Sendai virus vector ID Pharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Adenovirus-based Ankara University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Adeno-associated virus vector (AAVCOVID) Massachusetts Eye and Ear/Massachusetts General Hospital/AveXis SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector MVA encoded VLP GeoVax/BravoVax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical LASV, EBOV, MARV, HIV
Non-replicating viral vector MVA-S encoded DZIF – German Center for Infection Research/IDT Biologika GmbH SARS-CoV2 Pre-clinical Many


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Non-replicating viral vector MVA-S IDIBAPS-Hospital Clinic, Spain SARS-CoV2 Pre-clinical

Non-Replicating Viral Vector adenovirus-based NasoVAX expressing Altimmune SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical influenza
SARS2-CoV spike protein
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Adeno5-based Erciyes University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Ad5 S (GREVAX™ platform) Greffex SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MERS
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Oral Ad5 S Stabilitech Biopharma Ltd SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Zika, VZV, HSV-2 and Norovirus
Non-Replicating Viral Vector adenovirus-based + HLA-matched peptides Valo Therapeutics Ltd Pan-Corona Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Vaxart SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical InfA, CHIKV, LASV, NORV; EBOV, RVF,
Non-Replicating Viral Vector MVA expressing structural proteins Centro Nacional Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Spain SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Multiple candidates
Non-Replicating Viral Vector parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)-based vaccine University of Georgia/University of Iowa SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MERS
expressing the spike protein
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Recombinant deactivated rabies virus Bharat Biotech/Thomas Jefferson University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical HeV, NiV, EBOV, LASSA, CCHFV, MERS
containing S1
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Influenza A H1N1 vector National Research Centre, Egypt SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Non-Replicating Viral Vector Newcastle disease virus expressing S Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Recombinant spike with adjuvant Iran SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Multiple candidates

Protein Subunit Recombinant S protein produced in BEVS Tampere University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit RBD protein delivered in mannose- Ohio State University / Kazakh National Agrarian University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
conjugated chitosan nanoparticle
Protein Subunit Recombinant spike protein with Essai O/W Kazakh National Agrarian University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
1849101 adjuvant
Protein Subunit Peptides Neo7Logic SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Recombinant spike protein with Essai O/W Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan / National Scientific SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
1849101 adjuvant Center for Especially Dangerous Infections
Protein Subunit Recombinant S protein Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit RBD protein (baculovirus production) + FAR- Farmacológicos Veterinarios SAC (FARVET SAC) / Universidad Peruana SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Squalene adjuvant Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)
Protein Subunit Protein Subunit Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, Rep of Kazakhstan SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit RBD-protein Mynvax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Protein Subunit Recombinant S protein Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Peptide + novel adjuvant Bogazici University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit S subunit intranasal liposomal formulation University of Virginia SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
with GLA/3M052 adjs.
Protein Subunit S-Protein (Subunit) + Adjuvant, E coli based Helix Biogen Consult, Ogbomoso & Trinity Immonoefficient Laboratory, SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Expression Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Protein Subunit Protein Subunit S,N,M&S1 protein National Research Centre, Egypt SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Protein Subunit University of San Martin and CONICET, Argentina SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit RBD protein fused with Fc of IgG + Adj. Chulalongkorn University/GPO, Thailand SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Capsid-like Particle AdaptVac (PREVENT-nCoV consortium) SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit Drosophila S2 insect cell expression system ExpreS2ion SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Peptide antigens formulated in LNP IMV Inc SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit S protein WRAIR/USAMRIID SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

Protein Subunit S protein +Adjuvant National Institute of Infectious Disease, Japan/Shionogi/UMN Pharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Influenza
Protein Subunit VLP-recombinant protein + Adjuvant Osaka University/ BIKEN/ National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit microneedle arrays S1 subunit Univ. of Pittsburgh SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MERS
Protein Subunit Peptide Vaxil Bio SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Peptide Flow Pharma Inc SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Ebola, Marburg, HIV, Zika, Influenza,
HPV therapeutic vaccine, BreastCA
Protein Subunit S protein AJ Vaccines SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Ii-Key peptide Generex/EpiVax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Influenza, HIV, SARS-CoV
Protein Subunit S protein EpiVax/Univ. of Georgia SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical H7N9
Protein Subunit Protein Subunit EPV-CoV-19 EpiVax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit gp-96 backbone Heat Biologics/Univ. Of Miami SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical NSCLC, HIV, malaria, Zika
Protein Subunit Subunit vaccine FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor, Koltsovo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit S1 or RBD protein Baylor College of Medicine SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical SARS
Protein Subunit Subunit protein, plant produced iBio/CC-Pharming SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Recombinant protein, nanoparticles (based Saint-Petersburg scientific research institute of vaccines and serums SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
on S-protein and other epitopes)
Protein Subunit COVID-19 XWG-03 Innovax/Xiamen Univ./GSK SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical HPV

These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
truncated S (spike) proteins
Protein Subunit Adjuvanted microsphere peptide VIDO-InterVac, University of Saskatchewan SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Synthetic Long Peptide Vaccine candidate for OncoGen SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
S and M proteins
Protein Subunit Oral E. coli-based protein expression system MIGAL Galilee Research Institute SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
of S and N proteins
Protein Subunit Nanoparticle vaccine LakePharma, Inc. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Plant-based subunit Baiya Phytopharm/ Chula Vaccine Research Center SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
(RBD-Fc + Adjuvant)
Protein Subunit OMV-based vaccine Quadram Institute Biosciences SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Flu A, plague
Protein Subunit OMV-based vaccine BiOMViS Srl/Univ. of Trento SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein subunit structurally modified spherical particles of Lomonosov Moscow State University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical rubella, rotavirus
the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
Protein Subunit Spike-based University of Alberta SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Hepatitis C
Protein Subunit Recombinant S1-Fc fusion protein AnyGo Technology SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Recombinant protein Yisheng Biopharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Recombinant S protein in IC-BEVS Vabiotech SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Orally delivered, heat stable subunit Applied Biotechnology Institute, Inc. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Peptides derived from Spike protein Axon Neuroscience SE SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Protein Subunit MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research, GC Pharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit RBD-based Neovii/Tel Aviv University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Outer Membrane Vesicle (OMV)-subunit Intravacc/Epivax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Outer Membrane Vesicle(OMV)-peptide Intravacc/Epivax SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Protein Subunit Spike-based (epitope screening) ImmunoPrecise/LiteVax BV SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Bacteria Vector Oral Salmonella enteritidis (3934Vac) based Farmacológicos Veterinarios SAC (FARVET SAC) / Universidad Peruana SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
protein expression system of RBD Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)
Replicating Viral Vector Intranasal Newcastle disease virus vector Farmacológicos Veterinarios SAC (FARVET SAC) / Universidad Peruana SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
(rNDV-FARVET) expressing RBD Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)
Replicating Viral Vector YF17D Vector KU Leuven SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector Measles Vector Cadila Healthcare Limited SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector Measles Vector FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor, Koltsovo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector Measles Virus (S, N targets) DZIF – German Center for Infection Research/CanVirex AG SARS-CoV2 Pre-clinical Zika, H7N9, CHIKV
Replicating Viral Vector Horsepox vector expressing S protein Tonix Pharma/Southern Research SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Smallpox, monkeypox
Replicating Viral Vector Live viral vectored vaccine based on BiOCAD and IEM SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Influenza
attenuated influenza virus backbone


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
Replicating Viral Vector Recombinant vaccine based on Influenza A FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor, Koltsovo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Influenza
virus, for the prevention of COVID-19

Replicating Viral Vector Attenuated Influenza expressing Fundação Oswaldo Cruz and SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical Influenza
an antigenic portion of the Spike protein Instituto Buntantan

Replicating Viral Vector Influenza vector expressing RBD University of Hong Kong SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector Replicating VSV vector-based DC-targeting University of Manitoba SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector VSV-S University of Western Ontario SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical HIV, MERS
Replicating Viral Vector VSV-S Aurobindo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector VSV vector FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor, Koltsovo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector M2-deficient single replication (M2SR) UW–Madison/FluGen/Bharat Biotech SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical influenza
influenza vector
Replicating Viral Vector Newcastle disease virus vector (NDV-SARS- Intravacc/ Wageningen Bioveterinary Research/Utrecht Univ. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
Replicating Viral Vector Avian paramyxovirus vector (APMV) The Lancaster University, UK SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA mRNA Providence Therapeutics SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA mRNA Cell Tech Pharmed SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA mRNA ReNAP Co. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA D614G variant LNP-encapsulated mRNA Globe Biotech Ltd SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA saRNA formulated in a NLC Infectious Disease Research Institute/ Amyris, Inc. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-encapsulated mRNA encoding S Max-Planck-Institute of Colloids and Interfaces SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA Self-amplifying RNA Gennova SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA mRNA Selcuk University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-mRNA Translate Bio/Sanofi Pasteur SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-mRNA CanSino Biologics/Precision NanoSystems SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-encapsulated mRNA cocktail encoding Fudan University/ Shanghai JiaoTong University/RNACure Biopharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-encapsulated mRNA encoding RBD Fudan University/ Shanghai JiaoTong University/RNACure Biopharma SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA Replicating Defective SARS-CoV-2 derived Centro Nacional Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Spain SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-encapsulated mRNA University of Tokyo/ Daiichi-Sankyo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical MERS
RNA Liposome-encapsulated mRNA BIOCAD SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA Several mRNA candidates RNAimmune, Inc. SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA mRNA FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor, Koltsovo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
RNA mRNA China CDC/Tongji University/Stermina SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
RNA LNP-mRNA Chula Vaccine Research Center/University of Pennsylvania SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

RNA mRNA in an intranasal delivery system eTheRNA SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

RNA mRNA Greenlight Biosciences SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

RNA mRNA IDIBAPS-Hospital Clinic, Spain SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

T-cell based CD8 T cell peptide targeting (S, M, N) and OSE immunotherapeutics SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
(NSPs) SARS-CoV-2 proteins
VLP Plant derived VLP Shiraz University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

VLP VLPs produced in BEVS Tampere University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

VLP VLP Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

VLP Virus-like particle-based Dendritic Cell(DC)- University of Manitoba SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

targeting vaccine
VLP VLP Bezmialem Vakif University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

VLP VLP Middle East Technical University SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical

VLP Enveloped Virus-Like Particle (eVLP) VBI Vaccines Inc. SARS-CoV-2, Pre-Clinical CMV, GBM, Zika
VLP S protein integrated in HIV VLPs IrsiCaixa AIDS Research/IRTA-CReSA/Barcelona Supercomputing SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
VLP VLP + Adjuvant Mahidol University/ The Government Pharmaceutical Organization SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
(GPO)/Siriraj Hospital
VLP Virus-like particles, lentivirus and Navarrabiomed, Oncoimmunology group SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
baculovirus vehicles
VLP Virus-like particle, based on RBD displayed Saiba GmbH SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
on virus-like particles
VLP ADDomerTM multiepitope display Imophoron Ltd and Bristol University’s Max Planck Centre SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical
VLP Unknown Doherty Institute SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.
VLP eVLP ARTES Biotechnology SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical malaria

VLP VLPs peptides/whole virus Univ. of Sao Paulo SARS-CoV2 Pre-Clinical


These landscape documents have been prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) for information purposes only concerning the 2019-2020 pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Inclusion of any particular product or entity in any of these landscape documents does not constitute, and
shall not be deemed or construed as, any approval or endorsement by WHO of such product or entity (or any of its businesses or activities). While WHO takes reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of the information presented in these landscape documents, WHO does not make any (and
hereby disclaims all) representations and warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, fitness for a particular purpose (including any of the aforementioned purposes), quality, safety, efficacy, merchantability and/or non-infringement of any information provided in these landscape
documents and/or of any of the products referenced therein. WHO also disclaims any and all liability or responsibility whatsoever for any death, disability, injury, suffering, loss, damage or other prejudice of any kind that may arise from or in connection with the procurement, distribution or
use of any product included in any of these landscape documents.

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