Cs8493 - Operating Systems
Cs8493 - Operating Systems
Cs8493 - Operating Systems
6) What is Directory?
The device directory or simply known as directory records information-such as name, location,
size, and type for all files on that particular partition. The directory can be viewed as a symbol
table that translates file names into their directory entries.
8) What are the most common schemes for defining the logical structure of a
The most common schemes for defining the logical structure of directory
Single-Level Directory
Two-level Directory
Tree-Structured Directories
Acyclic-Graph Directories
General Graph Directory
12) What are the structures used in file-system implementation? Define File Control
a. Several on-disk and in-memory structures are used to implement a file system
b. On-disk structure include
Boot control block
Partition block
Directory structure used to organize the files
File control block (FCB)
In-memory structure include
In-memory partition table
In-memory directory structure
System-wide open file table
Per-process open table
20) How can the index blocks be implemented in the indexed allocation scheme?
The index block can be implemented as follows
1. Linked scheme
2. Multilevel scheme
3. Combined scheme
26) State any three disadvantages of placing functionality in a device controller , rather
than in the kernel.
Three advantages:-
a.Bugs are less likely to cause an operating system crash.
b.Performance can be improved by utilizing dedicated hardware and hard-coded algorithms.
The kernel is simplified by moving algorithms out of it.
Three disadvantages:
a.Bugs are harder to fix - a new firmware version or new hardware is needed
b.Improving algorithms likewise require a hardware update rather than just kernel or device
driver update
c.Embedded algorithms could conflict with application’s use of the device, causing decreased
29) What are the information contained in a boot control block and partition control
Boot control block:
Contain information needed by the system to boot an operating from that partition. If the disk
does not contain an operating system,this block can be empty.It is typically the first block of a
partition.In UFS, this is called the boot block.
Partition Control block:
Contains partition details , such as number of blocks in the partition , size of the blocks ,free
block count and free block pointers, and free FCB count and FCB pointers.
30) Define buffering.
A buffer is a memory area that stores data while they are transferred between two devices or
between a device and an application. Buffering is done for three reasons
a. To cope with a speed mismatch between the producer and consumer of a data stream
b. To adapt between devices that have different data transfer sizes
c. To support copy semantics for application I/O
44) Write three basic functions which are provided by the hardware clocks and timers.
• OSTickInit()
• OSTimeSet()
• OSTimeGet()
1) Explain the different disk scheduling algorithms with examples.
2) Explain and compare FCFS, SSTF, C-SCAN and C-LOOK disk scheduling algorithms
with examples.
3) How do you choose a optimal technique among the various disk scheduling techniques?
4) Write short notes on disk management.
5) Explain in detail the disk structure and implementation
6) Discuss how free space is managed by operating system?
7) Explain the process scheduling in Linux.
8) Write in detail the memory management in Linux.
9) Discuss in-detail the disk performance with suitable expressions.
10) Write short notes on swap space management.
11) Write short notes on file system in Linux.
12) Explain about the various components and salient features in Linux.
13) Write an elaborate note on RAID and RAID Levels.
14) Explain the file allocation methods.
15) i) Explain the issues in designing a file system. (8)
ii) Explain the various file directory structures. (8)