LFCS Practice Questions: Domain Sample Task

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LFCS Practice Questions

This document is designed to help Candidates prepare for the Linux Foundation Certified
System Administrator (LFCS) exam. The document does not include answers.

The document is not meant to be inclusive of all exam topics, but rather to encourage further
study and practice. The sample tasks provided will not appear on the LFCS exam.

To familiarize yourself with the format and types of tasks candidates are requested to perform,
we recommend you attempt these sample tasks on a Linux CLI system, using a distribution
supported by the exam. Please check the​ F ​ andidate Handbook​ for distributions currently
​ AQ​ or C
supported by the exam .

Domain Sample Task

Open the file under

Essential Commands
/home/student/textreferences/editme.txt​ and
complete the following tasks:

1. Move line ​7777​ to line ​1​.

2. Remove line ​7000​.
3. Replace every occurrence of the word ​Earth​ shown with
an uppercase E, with the word ​Globe​.
4. Add a new line at the very end of the document that
contains ​Auctores Varii​.

Operation of Running System Create a bash shell script named ​certscript.sh​ under

● Make sure the script can be invoked as

● The first line of output from the script should consist of the
name of the user who invoked it.
● The second line of output should contain the IP address
of the default gateway.

Operation of Running System Install the ​tmux​ package on your system.

Operation of Running System Alter the init boot sequence so that the ​rc.local​ or
boot.local​ script (depending on the distribution that you have
selected) is executed at boot time.

LFCS Practice Questions v1.0

Operation of Running System Create a cron job that kills all processes named
scan_filesystem​ which is owned by ​root​, every minute.

User & Group Management Linux administrators are responsible for the creation, deletion,
and the modification of groups, as well as the group membership.
Complete the following tasks to demonstrate your ability to create
and manage groups and group membership:

1. Create the ​computestream​ group.

2. Create a ​computestream​ folder in ​/exam/​.
3. Make the computestream group the owner of the
/exam/computestream​ folder.

User & Group Management Create a ​candidate​ user account with the password ​cert456​.
Modify the sudo configuration to let the ​candidate​ account
access root privileges with no password prompt.

User & Group Management Configure the system so that an empty ​NEWS​ file is automatically
created in the home directory of any new user.

User & Group Management Create a group called ​students​.

User & Group Management Create a new user account with the following attributes:

● Username is ​harry​.
● Password is ​magic​.
● This user’s home directory is defined as
● This new user is a member of the existing ​students
● The ​/home/school/harry/binaries/​ directory is
part of the ​PATH​ variable.

User & Group Management Create a user account with username ​sysadmin​ with the
following attributes:

● Use a password of ​science​.

● This user’s home directory is defined as ​/sysadmin/​.
● sysadmin​ has sudo privileges and will not be prompted
for a password when using the sudo command.
● The default shell for this user is ​zsh​.

User & Group Management Ensure that all users can invoke the ​last​ command and access
a list of users who previously logged in.

User & Group Management Correct the ​projectadmin​ user account so that logins are
possible using the password ​_onetime43_​. Set the home

LFCS Practice Questions v1.0

directory to ​/home/projectadmin​.

User & Group Management Alter the ​devel​ user account so that it can log into the system
with a working ​bash​ shell environment.

Networking Find the name of the service which uses TCP port ​2605​, as
documented in ​/etc/services​, and write the service name to
the file ​/home/student/port-2605.txt​. Find all of the ports
used for TCP services ​IMAP3​ and ​IMAPS​, again as documented
in ​/etc/services​, and write those port numbers to the file

Storage Management The following tasks may be achieved using the user ​student​’s
sudo privileges:

1. Temporarily mount the filesystem available on

/dev/xvdf2​ under ​/mnt/backup/​.
2. Decompress and unarchive the
/mnt/backup/backup-primary.tar.bz2​ archive
into ​/opt/​. This should result in a new directory (created
from the archive itself) named ​/opt/proddata/​.

Storage Management Configure the swap partition ​/dev/xvdi1​ so that it does ​not​*
become attached automatically at boot time.

Storage Management Configure the system so that the existing filesystem that
corresponds to ​/staging​ gets persistently mounted in read-only

Essential Commands Working with archives and compressed files is an integral part of
the System Administrator’s job.

Perform the following tasks to demonstrate your ability to work

with archives and compressed files:

1. Extract all files from archive file ​/opt/SAMPLE001.zip

into target directory ​/opt/SAMPLE001
2. Create a tar archive file ​/opt/SAMPLE0001.tar
containing all files in the directory ​/opt/SAMPLE001
3. Compress the tar archive file ​/opt/SAMPLE0001.tar
using the ​bzip2​ compression algorithm
4. Compress the tar archive file ​/opt/SAMPLE0001.tar
using the ​xz​ compression algorithm

Make sure that the uncompressed archive file

/opt/SAMPLE0001.tar​ is not removed after creating the
compressed versions of the archive file!

LFCS Practice Questions v1.0

Essential Commands A data directory is not used anymore and is about to be archived.
You have been asked to identify and remove some files,before
archiving takes place.

Perform the following tasks to demonstrate your ability to search

for files given various criteria:

1. Find all executable files in the directory

/srv/SAMPLE002​ and remove them
2. Find all files in the directory ​/srv/SAMPLE002​, which
have not been accessed during the last month and
remove them
3. Find all empty directories in the directory
/srv/SAMPLE002​ and remove them
4. Find all files in the directory ​/srv/SAMPLE002​ with a file
extension of ​.tar​. Write a list of matching filenames, one
per line, to the file
/opt/SAMPLE002/toBeCompressed.txt​, which has
already been created. Ensure that you specify a relative
path to each file, using ​/srv/SAMPLE001​ as the base
directory for the relative path

LFCS Practice Questions v1.0

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