Lab 7 Instructions
Lab 7 Instructions
Lab 7 Instructions
Recall that the North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics makes publicly available birth
and infant death data for all children born in the state of North Carolina. This comprehensive
dataset for the births in 2001 contains 120,300 records. The data in ‘NCBIRTH800.sav’ which
we have used previously represents a random sample of 800 of those births and selected
1. Is low birth weight associated with mother’s smoking status during pregnancy after
accounting for gestational age?
2. Is low birth weight associated with mother’s ethnicity, after accounting for gestational
age, mother’s age and smoking status during pregnancy?
Mothers’s e
a) Construct contingency tables for each categorical explanatory variable and the
outcome variable
b) State your null and alternative hypotheses.
Alternative is not equal to 1
Odds ratio for the ethnithicity is equal to 1
c) Perform a logistic regression between mother’s smoking status and low birth
weight adjusted for gestational age. Report the appropriate test statistic, odds
ratio, 95% confidence interval, and p-value.
Overall P-value for the …you csn dtsrt there,
Can be asked to interprete..the odds for black people are…
Its calculating odds ratio relative to each group
d) Interpret your results in a sentence.
Read the text book Multivarible Linear regression.
No quiz
21/2 month…..1 week ..probability