MTC Item # 02
MTC Item # 02
MTC Item # 02
m~.~~1~*~~~,~ II
D<\TEOF S.SUE(l1,fg!j~J:f)
Paga 1 of 2
CONrRACT(P/0) NO.(JIIQi\!J:s,)
: F2CXXJO'.X325 EN10 204 3.1 / ISO 10474 3.16
COMMODITY(J:Jll,'i~) : H.F.W. STEEL PIPE CUSTOMER(.:il~Af) : VAN LEEUWEN PIPE AND TUBE GULF F ZE 706, Yeompo-ro, Buk-gu, Ulsa.n, Korea.
SFECIFK:AllON(J:Jll,'ii'/21) : APl!:lBMPSl2
Tersle A"cpatias'.Gaoa,;ilh : 2hch) 1-larchessTest 0/N lrrpact Test D.W.TTES~ t;)
Test TErnie Str,nglh Y-eld Y/R
Ma<. 0/N lrrpact Test(Ot;)
FCS WEK3HT 2;:ec. E.L 211EEl"l>rea(%)
OF SiZE !Shea
HEAT No. FteSSJre rrme
l3affi Wad Sb"englh Rate
- vaJua
Jlro::!beo 818!\l'J\JOJle)
(2.lie! x s=m!x,:jOI)
- Hv' ;i. 3
1 2
3 avg
(%) 1 2 avg
3 SU48864 H 14 16 se 11 3 ;i. This malersl has teen fut,, kllad and rrnde bi tasic o~n process
p (rMCP)
14 15 89 11 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 10 4 2ffi 1se
;i. l-larcl1es:; kl NACE MR:J175(2013ED) / ISO 151 !:6 : Ma><.24eHv
p 13 15 89 11 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 10 4 289 188
,i; Metallo;itap1b Test : CDJD
4 SU4lff6 H 14 16 91 12 3
,i; API 5L/>nnex.E(N.D.E) : 0.D<6':~(1frnrn hde), O.D::6":UT(3.2mm
p 14 15 87 12 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 10 4 288 19J hde)
p 14 15 88 12 5 1 1 2 3 2 1 11 5 2ffi 194 ,i; HR m l maiufactured bi : POSCO(KOREA)
Heat TreatmEnt
I Nm-D,sb"uclh,e Test
I Flattening/
VEUa & Drrensi:n
I Resd.Ja Mao,ersm
(Gauss) I I I
Paga 2 of 2
D<\TEOF S.SUE(l1,fg!j~J:f)
CONrRACT(P/0) NO.(JIIQi\!J:s,)
: F2CXXJO'.X325
: APl!:lBMPSl2
CUSTOMER(.:il~Af) :
EN10 204 3.1 / ISO 10474 3.16
Tersila Ploparfies(G,;Je Length : 2 heh)
1-8/dness Test
706, Yeomp o-ro, Bu k-gu, Ulsan, Korea
(2.lie! x s=m!x,:jOI)
- KV ;i. 3
1 2
3 avg
(%) 1 2 avg
OlEm"ra Canrxsilim(%) 2:x100 3:x1000 4 :x10000 Zh-0:,aling Test HC-Test HJ.CTest Rerral<
Mn CEO FCM 0:pper SUfalB Cdl,ps3 S.S.C.c ;i. 1) T,i:e of Pbe end('2ts) EB: ERW Black BE:El,vel End
Spoc. C Si p s Cu Ni 0- Mo V Ti Nb B ZnCoalhg
;i. 7 ;i. 5 ;i. 5 Test Test
No. Heat No. ;i. 2) L: LPn(iWna, T: Transvel93
,__ ;i. 4 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 Tme Rerult r:si % % % ;i. 3) B: Bffie, w Wek:1 Lhe, H: HffitAffeclBd Zme
Mh .
,__ ;i. 4) H: Heat(L.a:le)Anat;sis, p: RocuctAna,sis
w'Bx. 22 45 13:l 25 15 50 3J 30 150 50 40 50 10 430 250 ;i. 5) CEQ=C+Mn/6+(0-+Mot\/)l:,t-(r,.n-+Cu)/15 (If, C > 0.12)
7 SU4ffi39 H 13 15 91 12 4 ;i. This malersl has teen fut,, kllad and rrnde b:I tasic o~n prOCESs
p (rMCP)
13 15 89 12 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 9 4 228 186
;i. Harcl1es:; kl NACE MR:J175(2013ED) / ISO 151 !:6 : Ma><.24eHv
p 13 15 9:J 12 5 2 1 2 2 2 1 10 3 291 128
;i. Metallo;i,aphc Test : CDJD
Heat TreatmEnt
I N01-D,slrLclh,e Test
I Flattening /
VEUa & Drrensi:n
I Resd.Ja Mao,ersm
(Guss) I I I
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068690
27,410 ::
SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0.891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0.010 0 .0021 0.001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068710 : 26,930
: 1 SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0.891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0 .010 0 .0021 0.001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062410 1 27,410 : SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0.010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062440 1 27,370 SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
: 2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062490 1 27,500 :: SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0. 1362 0.152 0 .913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0.010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062500 1 27,410 SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062510 1 27,480 SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0. 1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal , Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~ 'E;l x,1231~)£ ~O I ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
Surveyor To :
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 1 >
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200421-FH01KN-0021A1-0001
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 21 , 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
HRD068690 L 0.283
HRD068710 L 0.283
HRD062410 L 0.294
HRD062440 L 0.294
HRD062490 L 0.294
HRD062500 L 0.294
HRD062510 L 0.294
We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ f:!Afg~ Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 2 >
~o ,~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~ : 200421 -FH01KN-0021A1-0002
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 21 , 2020
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062550
27,410 ::
SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0.010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062580 : 26,910
: 1 SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0 .913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062370 1 27,450 : SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0.011 0 .0011 0.001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062400 1 27,370 SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0 .001
: 2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062430 1 27,420 :: SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0. 1368 0.156 0 .918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0.011 0 .0011 0.001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062450 1 27,440 SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0 .918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0 .001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062460 1 27,430 SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0. 1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0.001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal , Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 3 >
~O I ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200421-FH01KN-0021A1-0002
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 21 , 2020
Product No.
HRD062550 L 0.294
HRD062580 L 0.294
HRD062370 L 0.296
HRD062400 L 0.296
HRD062430 L 0.296
HRD062450 L 0.296
HRD062460 L 0.296
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ ~Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 4 >
~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~ : 200421 -FH01KN-0021A1-0003
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 21 , 2020
! ! ! !
12.29x1576xC : HRD062470 1 27,390 : SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0.01 1 0 .001 1 0 .001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC : HRD062590 1 26,900 SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0. 156 0 .918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0.001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
*** Sub Total ({)20) *** 16 : 437,230 (kg)
CEQ (G) = C + Mn/6 + (Ni + Cu)/15 + (Cr+ Mo + V)/5
*** Grade Tota( *** 16 I. 437,230 (kg)
: :
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B : Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal , Angle: 180' This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurizalion & dephosphorization process
~ ~.A.fg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI .A.f!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£ ~O I ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g L ICf. ~-i?!~}\~
Surveyor To :
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 5 >
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200421-FH01KN-0021A1-0003
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 21 , 2020
Product No.
HRD062470 L 0.296
HRD062590 L 0.296
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
~ ~Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£ ~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf. ~.ii;!));:}~
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 6 >
i(Q ~o ~()IY\
POSCO Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea Chief of material testing section KO JAE GON
Certificate No./8 ~A-i't!~ : 200422-FH01 KN-0003A2-0004
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 22, 2020
! ! ! !
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065290 1 27,420 : SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0.891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0.010 0 .0021 0 .001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065300 1 27,410 SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0. 1283 0.149 0 .891 0.0123 0.0029 0.01 8 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0 .010 0 .0021 0.001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068700 1 27,420 : SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0.891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0 .010 0 .0021 0.001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068760 1 27,410 SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0. 1283 0.149 0 .891 0.0123 0.0029 0 .018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0 .010 0 .0021 0 .001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062360 1 27,390 : SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0. 1362 0.152 0 .913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062420 1 27,430 SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0 .913 0.0101 0.0029 0 .018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 136
3: 134
: A: 136
12.29x1576xC \ HRD062380 1 27,450 : SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.01 6 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0 .001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180' This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurizalion & dephosphorization process
~ ~.A.fg~Ai ~-tt!~AI .A.f!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£ ~O I~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
Surveyor To :
i(Q ~o ~()IY\
~·11;;: 11:e:ii
POSCO Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 7 > Chief of material testing section KO JAE GON
Certificate No./8 ~A-i't!~ : 200422-FH01 KN-0003A2-0004
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 22, 2020
Product No.
HRD065290 L 0.283
HRD065300 L 0.283
HRD068700 L 0.283
HRD068760 L 0.283
HRD062360 L 0.294
HRD062420 L 0.294
HRD062380 L 0.296
We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ ~Afg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 8 >
~o ,~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
~()IY\ ltli
Certificate No./8 ~A-i't!~ : 200422-FH01 KN-0003A2-0005
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 22, 2020
! ! ! !
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062390 1 27,460 : SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0.1368 0.156 0.918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0.01 1 0 .0011 0 .001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062480 1 27,390 SU48864 B 389 535 41 Good 1: 124 L 0. 1368 0.156 0 .918 0.0108 0.0027 0.022 0.008 3 0.016 0.002 0 .011 0 .0011 0.001
2: 144
3: 157
A: 142
12.29x1576xC \ HRD065200 1 26,940 : SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0.1321 0.153 0 .908 0.0116 0.0035 0.019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 110
A: 106
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065270 1 27,570 SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0. 1321 0.153 0 .908 0.01 16 0.0035 0 .019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 110
3: 99
A: 106
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065280 1 27,480 : SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0. 1321 0.153 0 .908 0.0116 0.0035 0.019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 110
3: 99
A: 106
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065310 1 27,480 SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0.1321 0.153 0 .908 0.01 16 0.0035 0 .019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 110
: A: 106
*** Sub Total ({)20) *** 13 ( 356,250 (kg)
CEQ (G) = C + Mn/6 + (Ni + Cu)/15 + (Cr+ Mo + V)/5
*** Grade Tota( *** 13 ( 356,250 (kg)
• Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurizalion & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 9 >
~O I~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
~()IY\ !~II
Certificate No./8 ~A-i't!~ : 200422-FH01KN-0003A2-0005
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 22, 2020
Product No.
/X1IS ~~ CEO
HRD062390 L 0.296
HRD062480 L 0.296
HRD065200 L 0.290
HRD065270 L 0.290
HRD065280 L 0.290
HRD065310 L 0.290
We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fu lly killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(T MCP) process
This material has been made by desulphu rization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ ~Afg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposara ng-gil, Gwangya ng-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 10 >
~o , ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LICf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
~()IY\ !ill
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0006
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 23, 2020
! ! ! !
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062520 1 27,390 : SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0.1398 0.156 0.905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0.010 0 .0018 0 .001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062530 1 27,470 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0.001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062560 1 27,370 : SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0.1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0.001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065180 1 26,920 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0 .021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0 .001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065120 1 27,360 : SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1378 0.150 0 .892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0.001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065140 1 27,400 SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0.1378 0.150 0 .892 0.0120 0.0040 0 .017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0 .001
2: 111
3: 119
: A: 119
12.29x1576xC \ HRD065190 1 26,920 : SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1378 0.150 0 .892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0 .001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurizalion & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 11 >
~O I~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
~()IY\ i~ii
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0006
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 23, 2020
Product No.
HRD062520 L 0.297
HRD062530 L 0.297
HRD062560 L 0.297
HRD065180 L 0.297
HRD065120 L 0.292
HRD065140 L 0.292
HRD065190 L 0.292
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ ~Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 12 >
~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
~()IY\ !ill
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0007
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 23, 2020
! ! ! !
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065210 1 27,470 : SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0.1378 0.150 0.892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0.010 0 .0016 0 .001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065220 1 27,420 SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1378 0.150 0 .892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0.001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065230 1 27,430 : SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0.1378 0.150 0.892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0.0016 0.001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065250 1 27,410 SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1378 0.150 0 .892 0.0120 0.0040 0 .017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0 .001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065170 1 27,440 : SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0. 1357 0.149 0 .899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0 .011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068740 1 27,510 SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0 .899 0.0113 0.0036 0 .019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0 .011 0 .0007 0 .001
2: 113
3: 116
: A: 119
12.29x1576xC \ HRD072760 1 27,070 : SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0. 1321 0.153 0.908 0.0116 0.0035 0.019 0.010 2 0.01 9 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 110
3: 99
A: 106
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurizalion & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 13>
~O I~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
i(Q ~o
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0007
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 23, 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
HRD065210 L 0.292
HRD065220 L 0.292
HRD065230 L 0.292
HRD065250 L 0.292
HRD065170 L 0.292
HRD068740 L 0.292
HRD072760 L 0.290
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea < PAGE : 14 >
~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0008
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 23, 2020
* Position - T: Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
____________u_r-ve_y_o_r_T_o_:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._.5'!._.__7_EI_A_fB_~_A_:i_~_._~_9~-A-I_A_
S:,_1e_L_lc_f._______ 1:i11
POSCO Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 15>
k'o Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200423-FH01KN-0012A1-0008
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 23, 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£ ~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
Surveyor To :
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea < PAGE : 16 >
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8 ~A-i'r:!~ : 200429-FH01KN-0015A2-0009
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 29, 2020
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068680
27,430 ::
SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0.891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0.010 0 .0021 0 .001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068770 : 27,470
: 1 SU48862 B 380 519 41 Good 1: 138 L 0.1283 0.149 0 .891 0.0123 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.017 0.002 0 .010 0 .0021 0.001
2: 148
3: 152
A: 146
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062350 1 27,440 : SU48863 B 396 535 40 Good 1: 136 L 0.1362 0.152 0.913 0.0101 0.0029 0.018 0.009 2 0.018 0.002 0.010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 136
3: 134
A: 136
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062540 1 27,470 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0.1398 0.156 0.905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0 .001
: 2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062570 1 27,450 :: SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0.010 0 .0018 0.001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062600 1 27,410 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0.1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0 .001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062610 1 27,470 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1398 0.156 0.905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0.001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal , Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~ 'E;l x,1231~)£ ~O I ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
Surveyor To :
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 17 >
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8 ~A-i'r:!~ : 200429-FH01 KN-0015A2-0009
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 29, 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
HRD068680 L 0.283
HRD068770 L 0.283
HRD062350 L 0.294
HRD062540 L 0.297
HRD062570 L 0.297
HRD062600 L 0.297
HRD062610 L 0.297
We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ f:!Afg~ Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE : 18 >
~o ,~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200429-FH01KN-0015A2-0010
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 29, 2020
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062620
27,470 ::
SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0.1398 0.156 0.905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0.010 0 .0018 0 .001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD062630 : 27,420
: 1 SU48865 B 391 538 39 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1398 0.156 0 .905 0.0122 0.0031 0.021 0.008 2 0.016 0.002 0 .010 0 .0018 0.001
2: 136
3: 133
A: 132
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065240 1 27,370 : SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0.1378 0.150 0.892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0.010 0 .0016 0.001
2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD067870 1 27,400 SU48866 B 389 532 40 Good 1: 127 L 0. 1378 0.150 0.892 0.0120 0.0040 0.017 0.008 2 0.014 0.002 0 .010 0 .0016 0 .001
: 2: 111
3: 119
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065150 1 27,480 :: SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0. 1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0.011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065160 1 26,850 SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0 .011 0 .0007 0 .001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065260 1 27,480 SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0.011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
* Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200429-FH01KN-0015A2-0010
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 29, 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
HRD062620 L 0.297
HRD062630 L 0.297
HRD065240 L 0.292
HRD067870 L 0.292
HRD065150 L 0.292
HRD065160 L 0.292
HRD065260 L 0.292
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea < PAGE : 20 >
~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8 ~A-i'r:!~ : 200429-FH01KN-0015A2-0011
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 29, 2020
12.29x1576xC ( HRD067860
27,530 ::
SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0.011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068720 : 1 27,440 SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0 .011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068730 1 27,440 : SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0.011 0 .0007 0.001
2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD068750 1 27,630 SU48867 B 383 524 39 Good 1: 129 L 0.1357 0.149 0.899 0.0113 0.0036 0.019 0.009 1 0.018 0.002 0 .011 0 .0007 0 .001
: 2: 113
3: 116
A: 119
12.29x1576xC ( HRD065130 1 27,560 :: SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0. 1321 0.153 0 .908 0.0116 0.0035 0.019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0.010 0 .0017 0.001
2: 110
3: 99
A: 106
12.29x1576xC ( HRD067880 1 27,540 SU48869 B 386 531 41 Good 1: 106 L 0.1321 0.153 0.908 0.0116 0.0035 0.019 0.010 2 0.019 0.003 0 .010 0 .0017 0 .001
2: 110
A: 106
*** Sub Total ({)20) *** 20 1 548,750 (kg)
CEQ (G) = C + Mn/6 + (Ni + Cu)/15 + (Cr+ Mo + V)/5
••• Grade Tota( *** 20 I 548,750 (kg)
*** Grand Tota( *** 63 : 1 724 81d lkal
• Position - T : Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We he reby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal , Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
• Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Surveyor To :
<PAGE : 21 >
~O I ~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8 ~A-i'r:!~ : 200429-FH01 KN-0015A2-0011
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~ : Apr. , 29, 2020
Product No.
/X1i~~~ CEO
HRD067860 L 0.292
HRD068720 L 0.292
HRD068730 L 0.292
HRD068750 L 0.292
HRD065130 L 0.290
HRD067880 L 0.290
Surveyor To :
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~ -tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposara ng-gil, Gwangya ng-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea <PAGE: 22 >
~o ,~~ 'aof~ "? ~) gLI Cf.
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section
Certificate No./8~A-i'r:!~: 200429-FH01KN-0015A2-0012
Mill Test Certificate/7c;IA~8~A~ Date of Issue/~~~,;:~: Apr., 29, 2020
* Position - T: Top, M : Middle, B: Bottom We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
* Tensile Test. Direction : Transversal, Gauge Length : 50mm(Rectangular), compliance.
YP Method: 0.5% underload This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
* Bend Test - Direction: Transversal, Angle: 180° This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
* Impact Test. Direction : 1/4T Transversal, Full-Size : 1OmmX10mm This material is fine grained steel.
* Division - L : Ladle Analysis Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3.1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
____________u_r-ve_y_o_r_T_o_:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._.5'!._.___7_EI_A_fB
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
Product No.
/X1i~~~ ff
We hereby certify that the material herein has been made in accordance with the order and is fully in
This material has been fully killed and made by basic oxygen process.
This material has been made by vacuum degassing process.
This material is fine grained steel.
Test Certificate is issued according to EN 10204 3 .1.
This material has been made by thermomechanical rolled(TMCP) process
This material has been made by desulphurization & dephosphorization process
~ f:!Afg~Ai ~-tt!~AI Af!eAi ~~(~'E;l x,1231~)£ ~o,~~ 'aof~ "? ~)g LI Cf.
Surveyor To :
Gwangyang Works, 20-26, Pokposarang-gil, Gwangyang-si, Jeollanam-do, 57807, Korea < PAGE : 24 >
kn Joto
Chief of material testing section