Flare Question - ANS

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Date : 05/03/03

Validation paper for training program on


Q.1 What is the design capacity of Main flare system & LLP Flare system?

Ans.1 2200 t/h & 1350 t/h respectively

Q.2 What is the design release pressure for HP Flare header, LP flare header & LLP flare header?

Ans.2 Above 9 .0 kg/cm2 , 3.5 to 9.0 kg/cm2 & Below 3.5 kg/cm2 respectively

Q.3 What is the design molecular wt of Main flare system?

Ans.3 72.93 kg mole

Q.4 What is the height of Main & FCC/Coker flare stack?

Ans.4 150 mt each

Q.5 How many total pilots are there per stack in Main flare & FCC/Coker flare?

Ans. 5 Main flare 3 nos & LLP flare 4 nos.

Q.6 How many liquid seal drums are there in Main flare?

Ans.6 3 nos.

Q.7 Up to what % of design flow flare can be operated smoke less

98 % of design flow

Q.8 What are the possible causes for pilot not getting ignited?
Ans .8 1) Lack of fuel
2)Fuel gas pressure low
3) No. ignition source
4) Lack of spark in ignitor
5) Thermocouple failure
6) Improper fuel –air mixture
7) Presence of moisture in air

Q. 9 FCCU connect with which flare?

Ans.9 Main flare & LLP flare

Q. 10 What are the causes of smoky flare operation?

Ans.10 1) Heavy Fuel composition

2) Lack of steam flow

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