At-Home Bleaching With 10% Vs More Concentrated Carbamide Peroxide Gels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
At-Home Bleaching With 10% Vs More Concentrated Carbamide Peroxide Gels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
At-Home Bleaching With 10% Vs More Concentrated Carbamide Peroxide Gels: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Clinical Relevance
Based on the results obtained in this study, similar results are obtained in terms of
bleaching effectiveness with different concentrations of carbamide peroxide, but 10%
carbamide peroxide produced lower risk and intensity of tooth sensitivity.
for 10% CP. The odds ratio for the risk of TS safer in terms of TS than bleaching gels with higher
was 0.41 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.84, p=0.01), and the concentrations of CP for at-home bleaching in
difference in means for TS intensity was 0.44 adults?
(95% CI 0.67 to 0.20, p=0.0003). No significant
difference was observed in terms of color METHODS AND MATERIALS
change in DSGU (difference in means 0.29;
Protocol and Registration
95% CI 0.25 to 0.83, p=0.29) and for DE (differ-
ence in means 0.16; 95% CI 0.38 to 0.06, This study protocol was registered at PROSPERO
p=0.16). Except from the DSGU, for which the (CRD42016029360), and we followed the recommen-
evidence was graded as low quality, the other dations of the PRISMA statement for the report of a
outcomes were considered at moderate quali- systematic review.19
Conclusions: At-home bleaching with 10% CP Information Sources and Search Strategy
showed similar bleaching efficacy with lower The controlled vocabulary (mesh terms) and free key
risk and intensity of TS in comparison with word in the search strategy are in Table 1 and
more concentrated carbamide peroxide gels. defined based on the following PICOS question
reported in the end of the introduction section:
At-home bleaching can be regarded as a popular 1. Population (P): adult patients submitted to dental
cosmetic technique for treating dental discoloration bleaching
since it provides rapid results, employs reduced 2. Intervention (I): at-home bleaching with 10% CP
chair time, and has lower risk of side effects 3. Comparison (C): at-home bleaching with more
compared to in-office bleaching.1-3 concentrated CP agents
4. Outcome (O): risk and intensity of TS during
The effectiveness of at-home whitening with 10% dental bleaching and color change in shade guide
carbamide peroxide (CP) has been well reported in
units and in DE
the literature.4-7 However, manufacturers have
5. Study design (S): randomized clinical trials
introduced different concentrations of CP (5% to
22%) for at-home bleaching8,9 and recommended The outcomes were not used in the search strategy
their use for shorter periods of time. to maximize the sensitivity of the search. To identify
Due to the continuing release of bleaching gels trials to be included for this review, we searched the
with different concentrations and protocols, choosing electronic databases MEDLINE via PubMed, Sco-
the best product for clinical recommendation is a pus, Web of Science, Latin American and Caribbean
very challenging task since clinicians should choose Health Sciences Literature database (LILACS),
a product with similar or superior clinical effective- Brazilian Library in Dentistry (BBO), and Cochrane
ness while maintaining patients’ safety. Library. An expert librarian guided the whole search
strategy. We hand searched the reference lists of all
For selection of a bleaching agent, two aspects
primary studies for additional relevant publications
should be taken into consideration: the whitening
and the related articles link of each primary study in
efficacy and the risk of side effects. In regard to the
the PubMed database without restrictions to publi-
former, some clinical studies have shown faster color
cation date or languages.
change for bleaching gels with higher concentra-
tions,10-12 while other studies did not detect signif- Other sources were also used to identify more
icant differences in groups treated with 10% or more articles. We searched the abstracts from the annual
concentrated CP agents.4,13 In the same trend, the conference of the International Association for
risk and intensity of tooth sensitivity (TS), which is Dental Research (IADR) and the Brazilian regional
the most common side effect of bleaching protocols, division (1990–2016). We explored the gray litera-
are shown to be similar4,10,13-15 or higher5,16-18 for ture using the database System for Information on
more concentrated CP agents. Grey literature in Europe (SIGLE). Dissertations
Therefore, attempts to reach a consensus to make and theses were searched for using the ProQuest
the choice easier are of clinical interest. Consequent- Dissertations and Theses Full Text database and the
ly, the aim of this systematic review of the literature Periodicos Capes Theses database.
was to answer the following PICO question: Is 10% To locate unpublished and ongoing trials related to
CP gel more effective in terms of color change and the review question, we searched the following
E212 Operative Dentistry
Table 1: Continued.
#1 AND #2
Cochrane Library (April 28, 2016)
#1 MeSH descriptor: [Tooth Discoloration] explode all trees #7 ‘‘dental discolouration’’:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Peroxides] explode all trees searched)
#3"discoloured tooth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘discoloured teeth’’:ti,ab,kw or #8 ‘‘carbamide peroxide’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘dental bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw or
‘‘stained tooth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘stained teeth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘dental ‘‘tooth whitening’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘bleaching techniques’’:ti,ab,kw or
discoloration’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘dental discolouration’’:ti,ab,kw (Word whitening:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
variations have been searched) #9 bleaching:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘dental whitening’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘bleaching
#3 MeSH descriptor: [Bleaching Agents] explode all trees systems’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘whitening systems’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘vital
#4 MeSH descriptor: [Tooth Bleaching Agents] explode all trees bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#5 ‘‘tooth staining’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘discolored tooth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘tooth #10 ‘‘vital whitening’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘home-use’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘at-home
discoloration’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘discolored teeth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘tooth whitening’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘at-home bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘home-
discolouration’’:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) applied bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched)
#6 ‘‘discoloured tooth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘discoloured teeth’’:ti,ab,kw or #11 ‘‘home whitening’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘home bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw or
‘‘stained tooth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘stained teeth’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘dental ‘‘nightguard vital bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘night-guard vital
discoloration’’:ti,ab,kw (Word variations have been searched) bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw or ‘‘home-care bleaching’’:ti,ab,kw (Word
variations have been searched)
#12 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7
#13 #8 or #9 or #10 or #11
#14 #12 and #13
bleaching treatment was compared using the DSGU Details of TS perception using different types of
(shade guide units) and/or DE values. scales
Details of color evaluation using shade guides and/
RCT studies were excluded if studies compared
or spectrophotometers
10% CP with 1) hydrogen peroxide, 2) in-office
bleaching, 3) different placebos, 4) whitening tooth- If there were multiple reports of the same study
pastes, 5) over-the-counter products, and 6) higher (ie, reports with different follow-ups), data from all
CP concentrations but did not measure any of the reports were extracted directly into a single data
outcomes under investigation in this systematic collection form to avoid overlapping data. When data
review. were not reported in the studies, we attempted to
contact authors by e-mail at least twice to request
Study Selection and Data Collection Process the missing information.
When data from multiple bleaching sessions were
Initially, the articles were selected by title and
provided, we made an average of the figures for each
abstracts according to the previously described
bleaching protocol. Concerning color change, we
search strategy. Articles that appeared in more than
employed the data that represented the immediate
one database were considered only once. Full-text
result (up to three months postbleaching). When
articles were also obtained when the title and more than one concentrated CP agent was included
abstract had insufficient information to make a clear in the study, their values were combined to make a
decision. Subsequently, three reviewers (JLG, LMW, single entry.
and TFB) classified those that met the inclusion
criteria. To handle such a large number of studies, Risk of Bias in Individual Studies
we used a study ID for each eligible study, combining
Quality assessments of the selected trials were
first author and then year of publication. Data were
evaluated by three independent reviewers (JLG,
extracted using customized extraction forms and the
LMW, and TFB) using the Cochrane Collaboration
following data recorded for each included study:
tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials.20
The assessment criteria contain six items: sequence
Details of the study, including year of publication generation, allocation concealment, blinding of the
and author(s) outcome assessors, incomplete outcome data, selec-
Details of study methods, including study design tive outcome reporting, and other possible sources of
and setting bias. During data selection and quality assessment,
Details of participants, including age and gender any disagreements between the reviewers were
Details of bleaching protocol solved through discussion and, if needed, by consult-
Details of concentration of the bleaching gels ing a fourth reviewer (AR).
E214 Operative Dentistry
For each aspect of the quality assessment, the risk ment, and Evaluation (GRADE) (http://www.
of bias was scored following recommendations as to determine the overall
described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic strength of evidence for each meta-analysis.21 The
Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0 (http:// GRADE approach is used to contextualize or justify The judgment for each intervention recommendations with four levels of
entry involved recording ‘‘yes,’’ indicating low risk evidence quality, ranging from high to very low.
of bias; ‘‘no,’’ indicating high risk of bias; and
The GRADE approach begins with the study
‘‘unclear,’’ indicating either lack of information or
design (RCTs or observational studies) and then
uncertainty over the potential for bias.
addresses five reasons (risk of bias, imprecision,
For the outcomes risk, intensity of TS, and color inconsistency, indirectness of evidence, and publica-
change in shade guide units, studies were at ‘‘low’’ tion bias) to possibly rate down the quality of the
risk of bias if there was adequate sequence genera- evidence (one or two levels) and three to possibly rate
tion, allocation concealment, and blinding (key up the quality (large effect, management of con-
domains). For the objective evaluation of color in founding factors, and dose-response gradient).21
DE*, examiner blinding was not considered a key Each one of these topics was assessed as ‘‘no
domain, as the foreknowledge of the treatment limitation,’’ ‘‘serious limitations,’’ and ‘‘very serious
would not affect the results produced by the limitations’’ to allow categorization of the quality of
instrument tool. the evidence for each outcome into high, moderate,
To summarize the risk of bias within a study for low, and very low. ‘‘High quality’’ suggests that we
each outcome, we followed the directions of the are very confident that the true effect lies close to the
Cochrane Collaboration. An outcome of a study is at estimate of the effect. On the other extreme, ‘‘very
low risk of bias when all key domains for that low quality’’ suggests that we have very little
outcome are at low risk of bias. The study was confidence in the effect estimate and that the
considered at unclear risk when one or more key estimate reported can be substantially different from
domain was also unclear, and, finally, the study was what it was measured.
at high risk of bias when at least one key domain was The GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool
at high risk. available online at was
used to create a summary of finding tables as
Summary Measures and Synthesis of the suggested in the C ochran e Handb ook for
Results Systematic Reviews of Interventions.22
Data from studies at low or unclear risk of bias were
meta-analyzed using Revman 5 (Review Manager RESULTS
version 5, Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Study Selection
Denmark). Data from eligible studies were either
dichotomous (absolute risk of TS) or continuous After the database screening and removal of dupli-
(intensity of TS, DSGU, and DE). cates, 1418 studies were identified (Figure 1). After
title screening, 182 studies remained, and this
The outcomes were summarized by calculating the
number was reduced to 22 after careful examination
standardized mean difference for the continuous
of the abstracts. After reading the articles, only 17
data and the odds ratio along with the 95%
studies were included in the qualitative analysis.
confidence interval (CI) for the dichotomous data.
The random effects models were employed. Hetero-
geneity was assessed using the Cochran Q-test and Characteristics of the Included Articles
I2 statistics. No subgroup analysis was performed. The characteristics of the 17 articles selected are
Sensitivity analyses were conducted to investigate listed in Table 2. Four articles were follow-ups of
the reasons for high heterogeneity whenever detect- earlier studies, three from Meireles23-25 and one
ed. from Matis,12 totaling 13 studies from a total of 17
articles. The parallel study design was predominant-
Assessment of the Quality of Evidence Using ly used in these studies.4,5,10,11,15-17,26,27 Four out of
GRADE the 13 studies used the split-mouth design.13,14,18,28
We graded the quality of the evidence for each Three studies used a visual analog scale for pain
outcome across studies (body of evidence) using the evaluation,10,17,18 and six studies used a numeric
Grading of Recommendations: Assessment, Develop- rating scale.4,5,13,15,27,28 Three studies evaluated
de Geus & Others: At-home Bleaching With 10% Carbamide Peroxide E215
only the risk of TS,14,16,26 and one study did not study, most of the participants were male;17 in six
evaluate this outcome.11 articles, females predominated.4,5,13-16 Six studies
For color evaluation, 10 studies used a shade did not report this information.10,11,18,26-28
guide.4,5,10,11,13,15,17,18,26,28 Eight used an objective
instrument (spectrophotometer or colorimeter) for Bleaching Protocol and Features
color assessment.4,11,13,15,17,18,27,28 Photographs or Bleaching trays with reservoir were used in most of
digital images were used in four studies.13,16,27,28 the studies.4,11,13,14,16,17,26-28 Three studies used
One study did not evaluate the color change.14 custom-bleaching trays without reservoirs,5,15,18
The number of patients per group included in and one study did not report this information.10
these studies ranged from 10 to 30. The average age Regarding the bleaching protocol (Table 2), CP
of all participants included in the clinical trials was with different concentrations, such as 12%, 26
approximately 32.4 years.4,13-17 Seven studies did 15%,10,13,15,16,18,28 16%,4,14,18 17%,11,17 20%,5,16,28
not report this information.5,10,11,18,26-28 In one and 28%,27 were used for at-home bleaching.
E216 Operative Dentistry
Basting Parallel [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vita Classical) n.r. 6 n.r. [18-42] 18 [94] 13
Bernardon and others Split-mouth [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vita Classical) n.r. 6 n.r. [18-40] n.r. [50] n.r.
(2016)18 and spectrophotometer
Braun and others Parallel [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vitapan 3D) n.r. 6 n.r. [n.r.] n.r. [30] n.r.
(2007)11 and spectrophotometer
Callan and others Parallel [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vita Classical) n.r. 6 n.r. [n.r.] n.r. [46] 1
de la Peña & Ratón Parallel [University] Shade guide unit (Vita Classical) 25.9 6 5.6 [n.r.] 28 [96] 0
(2013)15 and spectrophotometer (Vita
Gerlach and others Parallel [n.r.] Digital images 39 6 8.4 [24-57] 6 [ 36] 4
Kihn and others Parallel [University] Shade guide unit (Vita Lumin) n.r. 6 n.r. [18-65] n.r.[57] 4
Krause and others Parallel [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vitapan 3D) 31 6 4 [n.r.] 16 [30] n.r.
(2008)17 and spectrophotometer
Leonard and others Split mouth [University] n.r. 23. 6 n.r. [20-30] 0 [20] 1
Matis and others Split-mouth [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Trubyte 50.4 6 n.r. [26-73] 8 [25] n.r.
(2000)13 bioform), colorimeter (Chroma
Meter) and photographic means
Matis and others Split mouth [University] Shade guide (Vitalescence n.r. 6 n.r. [n.r.] n.r.[59] 15
(2002, 2006)28, 12 Esthetic Restorative Masters),
photographs and colorimeter
(Minolta Chroma Meter)
Meireles and others Parallel [n.r.] Shade guide unit (Vita Classical), 25.3 6 7.9 [18-55] 31 [92] 11
(2008, 2008, 2009, and spectrophotometer (Vita
2010)4, 24, 23, 25 Easyshade)
Turkun and others Parallel [n.r.] Spectrophotometer (Vita n.r. 6 n.r. [25-28] n.r. [20] 0
(2010)27 Easyshade) and digital images
Abbrevations: CP, carbamide peroxide; delta SGU, shade guide units; delta E (L*, a*, and b*); ID, identification; n.r., not reported; NRS (numerical rating scale): none,
mild, moderate, considerate, severe VAS (visual analog scale): a 10-cm horizontal line with words ‘‘no pain’’ at one end and ‘‘worst pain’’ at the opposite end; SD,
standard deviation.
Opalescence 10%, Ultradent (South Jordan, UT, USA).
Opalescence 20%, Ultradent.
Power Bleaching 10%, BM4 (Maringá, Brazil).
Opalescence 15% (Ultradent).
Power Bleaching 16%, BM4.
Perfect Bleach 10% (Voco, Cuxhaven, Germany).
Perfect Bleach 17%, Voco.
NightWhite Classic 10% (Discus Dental, Culver City, CA, USA).
Rembrandt Xtra-Comfort 12% (Den-Mat Corporation, Santa Maria, CA, USA).
Illuminè Home 15% (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany).
Nupro White Gold 10% (Dentsply).
Nupro White Gold 15% (Dentsply).
NightWhite Classic 16% (Discus Dental).
Whiteness Perfect 10% (FGM, Joinville, SC, Brazil).
8 Whiteness Perfect 16% (FGM.
Meta Tray 28% (Remedent, Deurle, Belgium).
E218 Operative Dentistry
Table 2: Extended.
Study ID Bleaching Groups/Materials Bleaching Outcomes evaluated
Tray [No. of Subjects] Protocol Color Tooth Gingival
Change Sensitivity Irritation
(Pain Scale)
Basting Without reservoirs 10% CPa [19] 2 h daily [21 d] DSGU Absolute risk n.r.
(2012)5 20% CPb [21] and intensity
(NRS 0-3)
Bernardon and others Without reservoirs 10% CPa [25] 2 h daily [45 d] DSGU and DE* Intensity (VAS Loe index
(2016)18 10% CPc [25] 0-10) scores 0-3
15% CPd [25]
16% CPe [25]
Braun and others With reservoirs 10 % CPf [10] 2 h daily [7 d] DSGU and DE* n.r. n.r.
(2007)11 17% CPg [10]
Callan and others With reservoirs 10% CPh [23] 10%: 2 h twice per day [14 d] DSGU Absolute risk Number of
(2008)26 12% CPi [23] 12%: 6-8 h daily [14 d] days
de la Peña & Ratón Without reservoirs 10% CPa [24] 1 h daily [14 d] DSGU and DE* Absolute risk n.r.
(2013)15 15% CPj [24] and intensity
(NRS 0-4)
Gerlach and others With reservoirs 10% CPa [10] 2 h daily [14 d] DE* Absolute Absolute
(2000)16 15% CPd [11] risk risk
20% CPb [5]
Kihn and others n.r. 10% CPk [28] 4 h daily-overnight [14 d] DSGU Intensity n.r.
(2000)10 15% CPl [28] (VAS 0-20)
Krause and others With reservoirs 10% CPf [10] 2 h-daily [7 d] n.r. Intensity n.r.
(2008)17 17% CPg [10] (VAS 0-10)
Leonard and others With reservoirs 10% CPh [20] 8-10 h overnight [14 d] n.r. Absolute Absolute
(2002)14 16% CPm [20] risk risk
Matis and others With reservoirs 10% CPa [25] Overnight [14 d] DSGU and DE* Intensity 0-4 scale
(2000)13 15% CPd [25] (NRS 0-4)
Matis and others With reservoirs 10% CPa [30] Overnight [6 mo] DE* Intensity 0-4 scale
(2002, 2006)28, 12 15% CPd [28] (NRS 0-4)
20% CPb [30]
Meireles and others With reservoirs 10% CPn [46] 2 h daily [21 d] DSGU and DE* Absolute risk 0-4 scale
(2008, 2008, 2009, 16% CP8 [46] and intensity
2010)4, 24, 23, 25 (NRS 0-4)
Turkun and others With reservoirs 10% CPa [10] 10%: 6-8 h daily [10 d] DE* Absolute risk Absolute
(2010)27 28% CPp [10] 28%: 20 min daily [10 d] and intensity risk
(NRS 0-4)
tant harm or benefit (Table 3). For the other From a theoretical point of view, a faster or higher
outcomes, the evidence was downgraded only for degree of color change was expected to occur with
the unclear risk of bias of most RCTs. more concentrated CP gels. Chemical theories state
that in simplest chemical reactions, an increase in
DISCUSSION the concentration of reactants may increase the
In the present systematic review, we observed that reaction rate. Indeed, a closer look of several primary
at-home bleaching with 10% CP produced similar studies indicated that more concentrated CP prod-
color change and lower risk and intensity of TS than ucts yielded a higher degree of whitening in the first
at-home bleaching performed with more concentrat- days or week of bleaching,4,10,11 but this difference
ed CP concentrations. was not maintained at the end of the treatment.
de Geus & Others: At-home Bleaching With 10% Carbamide Peroxide E219
Figure 3. Forest plot of the risk of tooth sensitivity (TS) for 10% CP vs higher-concentration CP (.% CP).
Figure 4. Forest plot of the intensity of tooth sensitivity for 10% CP vs higher-concentration CP (.% CP).
Figure 5. Forest plot of the color change in shade guide units for 10% CP vs higher-concentration CP (.% CP).
Figure 6. Forest plot of the color change in DE* for 10% CP vs higher-concentration CP (.% CP).
For instance, Matis and others13 showed that a weeks, the differences in color change or brightness
15% CP gel achieved a higher degree of whitening were no longer statistically different. Similarly,
than did the 10% CP gel after two weeks of use. Leonard and others14 concluded that higher CP
However, by extending the treatment time to six concentrations achieved faster bleaching, but the
E220 Operative Dentistry
Risk of TS assessed 648 per 1000 431 per 1000 OR 0.41 (0.20-0.84) 511 (9 RCTs) * MODERATEd
with dichotomous scale (269-608)
(yes/no) follow-up:
mean 2-3 wk
Intensity of TS — SMD 0.44 SD fewer — 340 (6 RCTs) * MODERATEd
(intensity of TS) (0.67 fewer to
assessed with pain 0.2 fewer)
scales follow-up: mean
2-3 wk
Delta SGU assessed — SMD 0.29 SD higher — 398 (7 RCTs) *** VERY LOWd,e,f
with shade guide units (0.25 lower to
follow-up: mean 2-3 wk 0.83 higher)
Delta E assessed with — SMD 1.04 SD lower — 316 (5 RCTs) * MODERATEd
spectrophotometer (2.11 lower to
follow-up: mean 2-3 wk 0.04 higher)
Abbrevations: CI, confidence interval; CP, carbamide peroxide; OR, odds ratio; RCTs, randomized clinical trials; SGU, shade guide untis; SMD, standardized mean
difference; TS, tooth sensitivity.
Intervention: 10% CP; comparison: more concentrated CP.
The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention
(and its 95% CI).
High quality: We are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect. Moderate quality: We are moderately confident in the effect
estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different. Low quality: Our confidence in the effect
estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect. Very low quality: We have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the
true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.
Most RCT are at ‘‘unclear’’ risk of bias.
Nonexplained statistical heterogeneity.
High 95% confidence interval, which does not exclude important harm or benefit.
results were equivalent, as longer application times ucts without substrate to oxidize reaches the organic
were used for the lower CP concentrations. component of the pulp tissue, where it may induce
When bleaching starts, the organic component of the formation of reactive or reparative dentin.31,32
dentin has not been oxidized yet; therefore, a higher Peroxides diffuse very quickly into dentin, reaching
number of free radicals, available in highly concen- the pulp chamber, but the rate of penetration
trated CP products, have sufficient substrate for depends on the concentration and composition of
oxidization, leading to a higher degree of whitening the bleaching agent, the thickness of the hard
at the beginning of bleaching. As time passes, the tissue,33-36 and the application protocol.30 The higher
nonoxidized substrate reduces significantly, and the the concentration of the bleaching agent, the greater
excess of active hydrogen peroxide in more concen- the aggression to the pulp cells.31,32,37
trated CP products no longer has much substrate for The damage caused by the hydrogen peroxide
action; while there are more available in dentin of leads to the expression of inflammatory mediators,
those bleached with 10% CP. The lower concentra- such as substance-P38 and prostaglandins, which
tion of active hydrogen peroxide in 10% CP gels is have a recognized role in triggering nociceptive
compensated for by the repetitive daily at-home impulses for the perception of pain,39 helping us
bleaching protocol in a nonlinear trend. For instance, explain why higher-concentrated hydrogen peroxide
when 10% CP was applied in participants for eight could be responsible for the higher absolute risk and
hours daily, this group achieved faster bleaching intensity of TS.
than the group that used the product one hour daily; Most of the studies in dental bleaching use shade
however, in just two more days, the color change of guides for color evaluation.4,5,10,11,13,17,18,26,28 Al-
the one-hour group became similar to that of the though these shade guides were designed primarily
eight-hour group.30 for shade matching with composite resins, their use
Analogously, this also help us understand why a is supported in the literature for evaluating bleach-
higher risk and intensity of TS was observed for ing efficacy.34,40-42 Compared with the spectropho-
higher-concentrated CP products. The surplus of tometer, the shade guides show better visual
hydrogen peroxide from highly concentrated prod- correlation and have the potential to allow for more
de Geus & Others: At-home Bleaching With 10% Carbamide Peroxide E221
accurate and consistent monitoring and reliable 4. Meireles SS, Heckmann SS, Leida FL, dos Santos Ida S,
color of teeth.43 Della Bona A, & Demarco FF (2008) Efficacy and safety of
10% and 16% carbamide peroxide tooth-whitening gels: A
It is worth mentioning that the conclusions herein randomized clinical trial Operative Dentistry 33(6)
collected are of moderate quality of evidence, and 606-612.
this means that we are moderately confident in the 5. Basting RT, Amaral FLB, França FMG, & Flório FM
effect estimate. The true effect is likely to be close to (2012) Clinical comparative study of the effectiveness of
the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility and tooth sensitivity to 10% and 20% carbamide peroxide
home-use and 35% and 38% hydrogen peroxide in-office
that it is different. The great limitation observed in bleaching materials containing desensitizing agents Op-
this systematic review was the high number of erative Dentistry 37(5) 464-473.
studies at unclear risk of bias. Future studies with 6. Jadad E, Montoya J, Arana G, Gordillo LA, Palo RM, &
well-designed protocols, when added to the results Loguercio AD (2011) Spectrophotometric evaluation of
collected so far in future systematic reviews of the color alterations with a new dental bleaching product in
same topic, may eventually lead the conclusions to patients wearing orthodontic appliances American Jour-
nal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 140(1)
high quality of evidence.
7. Grobler SR, Hayward R, Wiese S, Moola MH, & van
WKTJ (2010) Spectrophotometric assessment of the
The 10% CP product demonstrated a significantly effectiveness of Opalescence PF 10%: A 14-month clinical
lower risk and intensity of TS when compared to study Journal of Dentistry 38(2) 113-117.
higher CP concentrations without jeopardizing color 8. Li Y, Lee SS, Cartwright S, Wilson AC, DeVizio W,
change. In any case, these results should be Petrone M, Volpe AR, & Zhang YP (2004) Comparative
tooth whitening efficacy of 18% carbamide peroxide liquid
interpreted with caution since most of the studies whitening gel using three different regimens Journal of
included in the meta-analysis were at unclear risk of Clinical Dentistry 15(1) 11-16.
bias. 9. Matis BA (2003) Tray whitening: What the evidence
shows Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry
Acknowledgement 24(4A) 354-362.
This study was partially supported by the National Council for 10. Kihn PW, Barnes DM, Romberg E, & Petterson K (2000)
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