Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips With 940 NM Diode Laser: Two Case Reports

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Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm Diode Laser: Two Case Reports
case report

Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm

Diode Laser: Two Case Reports
Vidyaa Hari Iyer, 2Sana Farista

Abstract Anatomically, the upper and lower lips are referred

Lip hyperpigmentation is an issue with the young adults when to as the ‘Labium superius oris’ and ‘Labium inferius
the dark brown patch on the lips makes an unsightly appearance. oris’ respectively. The juncture where the lips meet the
The laser energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin that surrounding skin of the mouth area is referred as the
causes pigmentation. This causes a photothermal ablation vermilion border, and the typically reddish area within
of melanocytes which leads to its disruption and subsequent
removal by the body’s immune system. It generally takes one
the borders is called the vermilion zone. The vermilion
to three treatments to lighten or remove unwanted pigmen- border of the upper lip is known as the Cupid’s bow and is
tation with laser. With most laser lip pigmentation removal, the the area of transition from the skin to the oral mucosa.
pigmentation becomes darker for approximately 1 week and Histologically,3 the skin of the lips is stratified squamous
then flakes off. The treatments are spaced at least 1 month
epithelium with three to five cellular layers, and is very thin
apart. There is also usually some redness and mild swelling in
the treatment areas for a few days after treatment. The previous compared to typical face skin, which has up to 16 layers.
studies reported 100% clearance of pigmentation of the lips with Connective tissue papilla extend deep into the epithelium
a single laser treatment, and recurrence was not observed even and are heavily vascularized. Between the outside and inside
after 6 months. This article highlights the use of 940 nm diode of the lips—the labial vessels, nerves, the orbicularis oris
dental lasers for lip depigmentation procedure. Dental diode
lasers have become a universal alternative tool for esthetic muscle (striated) which shapes the lips, and labial salivary
corrections of the oral cavity. glands are present. With light skin color, the lip skin contains
fewer melanocytes (cells which produce melanin pigment
Keywords: Laser depigmentation, Melasma, Lip depigmentation,
Diode lasers, Esthetic correction, Melanin, Hyperpigmentation. which give skin its color). Hence, the blood vessels appear
through the skin of the lips, which leads to their notable
How to cite this article: Iyer VH, Farista S. Management of
Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm Diode Laser: Two Case red coloring. With darker skin color, this effect is less pro-
Reports. Int J Laser Dent 2014;4(1):31-38. minent, as the skin of the lips contains more melanin and
Source of support: Nil thus is visually darker.

Conflict of interest: None declared

Laser equipment
INTRODUCTION A 940 nm diode (Ezlase, Biolase, USA) was used for the
Lips are a visible body part at the mouth of humans and many removal of hyperpigmentation of the lips. Diode surgical soft
animals. Lips are soft, movable, and serve as the opening tissue lasers are class IV lasers, and all laser safety pre-
for food intake and in the articulation of speech and sound. cautions are to be followed precisely, such as wearing of
A woman’s lips are also a visible expression of her fertility protective eyewear specific to the wavelength by the patient,
creating the illusion that a woman has more estrogen.1 dental assistant and the operating dentist; minimizing reflec-
Human lips are a tactile sensory organ, and can be erogenous tive surfaces in the operating site, reduce the traffic within
when used in kissing and other acts of intimacy.2 the operatory, the laser safety officer is present to ensure
all safety protocols are adhered to control the hazards, etc.
Private Practitioner, 2Postgraduate Student
Case reports
Fellowship and Diplomate in Laser Dentistry, Smile Dental
Clinic, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India The patients were initially evaluated for their concern about
Diplomate in Laser Dentistry,  Arora Dental Clinic, Chhattisgarh the appearance of lip discoloration after a consultation
India with general physician to rule out any systemic conditions.
Corresponding Author: Vidyaa Hari Iyer, Private Practitioner General prescriptions prescribed authentically by doctors or
Fellowship and Diplomate in Laser Dentistry, Smile Dental beauticians did not eradicate the patches on the lips, hence,
Clinic, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Phone: 09840176088
increasing their anxiety to reduce the dark appearance

International Journal of Laser Dentistry, January-April 2014;4(1):31-38 31

Vidyaa Hari Iyer, Sana Farista

Case 1 scale (VAS) was used to record pain, bleeding and redness.
The entire lip was depigmented (Fig. 6), and the patient
A 19-year-old boy had come to our dental clinic with
was comfortable throughout the treatment process. Low
concern of his dual colored lips (Fig. 1). His expectation
level laser therapy (LLLT) was done extraorally with 2.5 W
was monotone lips and leveling his melanin tone. History
using a specialized handpiece (Fig. 7). Postoperative
taking was done meticulously and all systemic factors
instructions were given and the patient was encouraged to
were ruled out. The patient was clinically examined, an
have cold beverages and to avoid hot and spicy food. The
informed consent was taken after complete explanation of
patient was advised to apply lip vaseline after 24 hours and
the procedure, and all laser safety precautions were followed
throughout the healing process. The patient was continuously
(Fig. 2). A topical anesthetic spray (15% lidocaine) and
monitored at 24 hours postoperatively (Fig. 8), 3 days (Fig. 9)
anesthetic gel (precaine—lidocaine 8%, dibucaine 0.8%
and 1 month (Fig. 10) postoperative interval to access the
in a flavored aqueous base) was applied on the lips of the
repigmentation pattern.
patient. The patient was asked to open the mouth widely
as if a lipstick was to be applied and the depigmentation
Case 2
process was carried out from the upper lip to the lower lip
in a sequential clockwise manner (Fig. 3). A 400 µm 7 mm A 21-year-old girl had visited our dental office and com­
length surgical disposable tip was used to ablate the lips and plained of dark pigmented lips (Fig. 11). It was an esthetic
bring about depigmentation (Fig. 4). The laser setting was concern hampering her self-confidence and attitude. She had
1 W continuous mode (Fig. 5). Care was taken to remove enquired many dermatologists too regarding her concern
the pigmentation along the commissure also. Visual analog before visiting us. Her expectation was to lighten her lips

Fig. 1: Preoperative view of hyperpigmented dual toned Fig. 2: All laser safety precautions adhered to pre- and
lips (Case 1) intraoperatively (Case 1)

Fig. 3: Intraoperative view using diode lasers for Fig. 4: A 400 μm initiated surgical tip used for depigmentation
depigmentation (Case 1) of lips (Case 1)


Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm Diode Laser: Two Case Reports

Fig. 5: Laser settings used in 940 nm diode 1 W, Fig. 6: Immediate postoperative view after depigmentation
continuous wave (Case 1) with laser (Case 1)

Fig. 7: Low level laser therapy done postoperatively (Case 1) Fig. 8: One day postoperative view showing crusted lip
appearance (Case 1)

Fig. 9: Three-day postoperative view showing pink lips (Case 1) Fig. 10: One month postoperative view showing pink lips (Case 1)

so that she could wear light colored lipsticks. History taking and all laser safety precautions were followed (Fig. 12).
was done meticulously, and all systemic factors were ruled A topical anesthetic spray (15% lidocaine) and anesthetic
out before commencing the treatment. gel (precaine—lidocaine 8%, dibucaine 0.8% in a flavored
The patient was clinically examined, an informed consent aqueous base) was applied on the lips of the patient. The
was taken after complete explanation of the procedure patient was asked to open the mouth widely as if a lipstick was

International Journal of Laser Dentistry, January-April 2014;4(1):31-38 33

Vidyaa Hari Iyer, Sana Farista

Fig. 11: Preoperative view of hyperpigmented dark toned Fig. 12: All laser safety precautions followed pre- and
lips (Case 2) intraoperatively (Case 2)

Fig. 13: Intraoperative view using diode lasers for Fig. 14: A 400 μm initiated surgical tip used for depigmentation
depigmentation (Case 2) of lips (Case 2)

Fig. 15: Laser settings used in 940 nm diode 1 W, continuous Fig. 16: Immediate postoperative view after depigmentation
wave (Case 2) with laser (Case 2)

to be applied, and the depigmentation process was carried out (Fig. 15). Care was taken to remove the pigmentation along
from the upper lip to the lower lip in a sequential clockwise the commissure also. Visual analog scale was used to record
manner (Fig. 13). A 400 µm 7 mm length surgical disposable pain, bleeding and redness. The entire lip was depigmented,
tip was used to ablate the lips and bring about depigmentation and the patient was comfortable throughout the treatment
(Fig. 14). The laser setting was 1W continuous mode process (Fig. 16). Low level laser treatment was done

Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm Diode Laser: Two Case Reports

Fig. 17: Low level laser therapy done postoperatively (Case 2) Fig. 18: One day postoperative view showing crusted lip
appearance (Case 2)

Fig. 19: Three-day postoperative view showing pink lips (Case 2) Fig. 20: One month postoperative view showing pink lips (Case 2)

extraorally with 2.5 W using the specialized handpiece

(Fig. 17). Postoperative instructions were given to the patient
and she was encouraged to have cold beverages and to avoid
hot and spicy food. The patient was advised to apply lip
Vaseline after 24 hours and throughout the healing process.
The patient was continuously monitored at 1 day (Fig. 18),
3 days (Fig. 19), 1 month (Fig. 20) and 6 months (Fig. 21)
postoperative interval to access the repigmentation pattern.

The psychological quotients of patient’s need to be
considered and clearly evaluated before commencement of
such procedures. A realistic evaluation of the dark-colored Fig. 21: Six-month postoperative view showing pink lips (Case 2)
lips, the treatment process, postoperative healing and
reappearance of the pigments is clearly informed to the index was modified to classify the lip tone under this new
patients. A realistic decision is then charted out. The patients classification. The lip tone can be classified into categories,
appreciate such tim e spent with them before the procedure, such as:
so that the dentists can safely deliver what is possible. 1. No islands of melanocytes giving a pink color to the lips.
Dummett and Gupta’s oral pigmentation classification4,5 2. Few light brown hued islands of melanocytes giving a
(1964) and William and Terry Meyers gingival pigmentation light brown tone to the lips.

International Journal of Laser Dentistry, January-April 2014;4(1):31-38 35

Vidyaa Hari Iyer, Sana Farista

3. Mild dark hued islands interspersed on the surface of the fool proof methods to guarantee predictable results when
lips giving a brown color. done individually. 
4. Moderate dark hued islands interspersed on the surface
of the lips giving a dark brown color. Discussion
5. Dark hued tone on entire lips giving it a chocolate brown Oral melanin pigmentation is caused due to endocrine distur-
color. bances, Albright syndrome, malignant melanoma, familial
6. Severe dark hued tone on entire lips giving it a blackish intestinal polyposis,6-8 antimalarial therapy, Peutz-Jeghers
brown-colored lips. syndrome,9 trauma, hemochromatosis, chronic pulmonary
The laser tip was initiated and the outer skin layers disease, smoking,10 racial pigmentation11 to name a few.
of the lips were ablated sequentially in a clockwise man- Melasma, a skin condition that commonly effects people
ner so that no areas were left untouched. The tip was with dark complexions, is characterized by patches of
cleaned periodically to eliminate the hot tip effect while discolored skin on the lips and other areas of the face. This
doing the complete procedure. Care was taken to conti- increase in melanin is often due to sun exposure, though
nuously monitor the patients comfort level using the VAS. pregnancy, hormonal imbalances12 and genetics are other
A crusted appearance of the lips is seen during the first common causes. Laugier-Hunziker13,14 (LH) syndrome is a
3 days of healing, which might be esthetically compromis- rare benign condition in which hyperpigmentation of the lips
ing. Application of Vaseline and vitamin E brings about and buccal mucosa occurs with no systemic associations.
radical relief for the patient. This crust is self-whitening A number of previous studies have been published over
and leaves a pink-colored lips beneath it in about 7 days. the past few years enumerating the successful removal of
The general postoperative instructions included are us- benign cutaneous15 pigmented lesions, such as lentigines, café
age of a sunscreen lotion daily and staying out of the sun au lait macules’ nevi,16 nevus of Ota, and lentigo maligna17
which decreases the activation process of the melanocytes by a variety of lasers,18-23 such as the excimer (351 nm),
thereby preventing early recurrence of pigmentation in the argon24-27 (488, 514 nm), ruby28,29 (694 nm), Nd:YAG30
lips. Sun exposure increases the melanin in the skin and (1060 nm), and CO231 (10,600 nm). Q-switched Nd:YAG
causes areas to darken. Eating green vegetables and fruits, lasers can also be very effective and requires a course of three
and drinking plenty of water help to keep the lips hydrated to four treatments spaced 4 weeks apart which includes an
and supple. Honey and glycerin works as best moisturizing advantage of minimal downtime.
agents, and neem paste or aloe vera paste revitalizes the Laser tissue interaction is basically based on the chromo-
lips. Rubbing cucumber to the lips also brings quick relief phore present in the host tissue and the ability of these
to chapped skin. Application of lime juice on lips helps to chromophores to absorb the laser light. The melanocytes
maintain the natural color of lips and keeps them shining present in the basal layer get activated and spread over the
and soft. Usage of beeswax contained in lip balms gene- tissue thereby creating a darker hue to the lips. Such melanin
rally protects, seals and moisturizes the lips. Cocoa butter when closely placed causes an increase in the pigment of
is also an excellent antioxidant which softens and protects the lips giving it a dark appearance. The diode lasers have
the lips. Vitamin C intake is also essential for getting rid of an affinity toward melanin and hemoglobin and hence were
lip pigmentation. Gentle massages using olive and peanut used to bring about the depigmentation process in this case
oil are great for pigmented lips. These homecare remedies report.
aid in maintenance of healthy lips. Decades before, red rose The diodes (810, 940 and 980 nm) are used widely in
petals were crushed and applied on lips to give it a beauti- treatment of depigmentation procedures intraorally for over
ful red hue. General instructions, such as reduced caffeine a decade now. The same concept was extended to bring
and nicotine consumption, avoiding smoking also improves about changes in the vermillion zone of the lips to enhance
the lip color. Traditional methods, such as skin-bleaching the esthetic quotient of patients who had a desire for such
products, chemical peel that are safe for sensitive skin can corrective treatment. Both the cases showed a radical change
lighten skin color by peeling away layers of the skin. Appli- of pigmentation within 1 week of laser intervention and
cation of hydroquinone cream decreases the production of reduced the lip tone to two to four shades lighter which
melanin in skin and kojic acid, a natural product extracted brought a change in the outlook of the patients. The VAS
from mushrooms works by blocking the melanin production aided in understanding the psychological quotient in both
in the skin. Topical retinoid application lightens the color the patients and also reiterated the fact that lasers are indeed
in lips and reduces the pigment by promoting rapid cell painless and bloodless in nature. The patients recorded
turnover. Many of these techniques cumulatively can result scores less than 1 and were very receptive to the concept
in significant downtime with transient results but cannot be of lasers in esthetic correction of their dark pigmented lips.


Management of Hyperpigmentation of Lips with 940 nm Diode Laser: Two Case Reports

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