Term Paper On DBL

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Term Paper on: Applying Organizational Behavior

Concepts on Dulal Brothers Limited (DBL)


Name ID
Rubaiyat Nayeem Hasan 18304078
Saif Hasan 18104133
Showrav Paul 18304046

Course Title: Organizational Behavior (MGT 201)

Section: 08

Semester: Spring 2019

Submitted To: Md. Shezanur Rahman, Lecturer, BRAC Business School (BBS)

Date of Submission: 30th March, 2019

Table of Contents

1. Cover Page
2. Letter of Transmittal
3. Executive Summary

4. Introduction

5. Methodology
6. Main Body of the report
7.Summary of the Key Findings
8. Conclusion and Recommendation

9. Appendix
10. Bibliography and References

History of DBL Group

DBL Group started its business in 1991 with a small garments factory named Dulal Brother
Limited. It is now grown into a respected and trusted name in Bangladesh for our manufacturing
operations with an ever-contributing workforce of about 15,700. Currently it has facilities for
spinning, fabric knitting, dyeing and finishing, garments, washing, packaging and printing. The
Company supplying quality apparels across the world to the best of the retailers.
The company embarked on a growth plan that is expected to truly transform the organization. In
the next two years our home textiles, pharmaceuticals, and leather industry will be in operation.
Vision 2020 aims to sustain the confidence which has been endowed on us by the society and
grow further as a distinctive DBL Group for its customers, employees, associates and

The vision statement of DBL Group is - "Extend our leadership through World Class

The mission of DBL Group is to develop a progressive, empowered and consumer focused
corporate culture to enhance market leadership along with the passion of corporate social


Organizational behavior (OB) is the academic study of the ways people act within groups. Its
principles are applied primarily in attempts to make businesses operate more effectively. After
doing this term-paper we will able to understand about the study of organizational behavior
includes areas of research dedicated to improving job performance, increasing job satisfaction,
promoting innovation, and encouraging leadership. Each has its own recommended actions, such
as reorganizing groups, modifying compensation structures, or changing methods of performance
On the other hand, we also will able to understand how Organizational Behavior is related with
Real World Examples. Findings from organizational behavior research are used by executives
and human relations professionals to better understand a business’s culture, how that culture
helps or hinders productivity and employee retention, and how to evaluate candidates' skills and
personality during the hiring process.
Organizational behavior theories inform real-world evaluation and management of groups of
people. There are a number of components. Like we found this during our term-paper:

 Personality plays a large role in the way a person interacts with groups and produces
work. Understanding a candidate's personality, either through tests or through
conversation, helps determine whether they are a good fit for an organization.
 Leadership, what it looks like and where it comes from, is a rich topic of debate and
study within the field of organizational behavior. Leadership can be broad, focused,
centralized or de-centralized, decision-oriented, intrinsic in a person’s personality, or
simply a result of a position of authority.
 Power, authority, and politics all operate inter-dependently in a workplace.
Understanding the appropriate ways these elements are exhibited and used, as agreed
upon by workplace rules and ethical guidelines, are key components to running a
cohesive business.


Although, we have worked at a member unit of DBL Group, we obtained whole-hearted co-
operation from employees of DBL, HRD in Head Office. All the day, they were so busy to give
me much time to make this term-paper properly. But they were not unhelpful. But on the way of
our project we have faced the following problems that may be terms as the limitation. They are:

Fear of disclosure
Another limitation of this report is organization’s policy of not disclosing some data and
information for obvious reasons, which could be very much useful. As an employee it was not
possible for me to collect all the necessary secret information. Because of the limitation of
information, some assumptions were made. So, perception about some observation may not be
Limitation of time
The first obstruct is time itself. Due to the time limit, the scope and dimension of the project has
been curtailed. We could not spend sufficient time for our term-paper because they were also
busy at their own work. And it is in the verge of budget so they have to work like a machine. So,
it was difficult to talk with them fully but we tried to cover all the sectors as good as possible
although the representative of the company was ready to give us information but in an
organization such a big one it is almost impossible cover every aspects. So, in spite of showing
gratitude but they can’t give us the amount of time we need.

Members Left
When we started to work on term-paper we were 5 members in our group. But at the last moment
of time we didn’t get any support from two members as they are not active in the class also. So,
it was really tough to make the term-paper with 3 members. But we tried our best to work it out
and we gave our highest levels of dedication to the assigned project.

Methodology refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating
a hypothesis, and collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain
conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain
generalizations for some theoretical formulation. It includes the process of gathering, recording
and analyzing critical and relevant facts about any problem in any branch of human activity. It
refers to critical searches into study and investigation of problem/ proposed course of
action/hypothesis or a theory. The study requires a systematic procedure from selection of the
topic to preparation of the term paper. To perform, the data sources were to be identified and
collected, to be classified, analyzed, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner and key
points were to be found out. The overall process of methodology has been given as below.
Sources of Data
The data and information of this report are collected from –

 Primary sources
 Secondary sources

Primary sources: The data were collected through personal interview and discussion. The
interview sessions were conducted with some Junior Officer, Senior Officer an HR Manager of
the company.
We had taken face to face interview, which helps us to relate with the term-paper primarily and
we used only primary Data in order to complete our assigned work.
Secondary Sources:

• Company Website

• Relevant report study’s

Executive Summary

DBL Group is a diversified business entity which has vertically integrated textile and apparel
manufacturing facilities, with concerns in ICT & Telecommunications and Ceramic Tiles. It
started its business in 1991 and till date it has resulted in a conglomerate of 18 concerns with the
process of investing into Pharmaceuticals and Light Engineering sectors. It has a dedicated and
skilled workforce of more than 35,000 employees and believes in earning the loyalty of its
employees to keep their devotion toward the company. So their Group HR role is not only
concentrated to hiring, firing, letter issuance, dispatches or filing stage but also it has started to
perform employee motivation, employee development, employee retention, facilitating
organizational development initiatives etc. which contributes to the achievement of
organizational goals to add value. The main focus of this report is to compare and evaluate the
theories and concepts of the new employees and how the HR team is practicing. The report is
divided into five sections. Every section describes various aspects. The first section is all about
the internship period at DBL Group, reasons for choosing this topic, information collection
procedure for the report and limitations which we have faced. The second section describes some
theoretical aspects which are important to know about the Recruitment & Selection Procedure.
The third section describes about the DBL Group, its philosophy, organizational pillars, products
and services which are providing by them. The fourth section describes the comparison and
evaluation the real practice of Recruitment & Selection Team of DBL Group which is the central
part of the report. Here, the scenario of the actual practice and expectation of the new joiners’ is
shown. On the basis of analysis & day to day observation. Though DBL Group is trying to
involve with the best HR Practice but identification of DBL Group’s strengths, opportunities,
weakness and threats helps to provide some recommendations for their better HR (Recruitment
& Selection) improvement. At the end, fifth section covers a formal conclusion with findings
along with recommendations. And, the sample questionnaire which we have used to do the
analysis is attached as appendix. We hope that the reader of this report will be satisfied to my
brief discussion of ‘Expectation of the New Joiners’ and Practice of Recruitment & Selection
Team of DBL Group’.
Main Body

DBL Group ( Dulal Brothers Limited ) diversified conglomerate which has various integrated
apparel and textile manufacturing facilities with concern in Ceramic Tiles, Semiconductor
Design (VLSI), Pharmaceuticals, Sewing Threads, Dyed Fiber and Yarn, ICT and
Telecommunication etc. The manager of the company Murad Hossain Bappy told us that, from
around the country approx. 35,000 employees works here where the ratio of male and female
workers are 70:30 but in terms of garments and textiles then the ratio of male and female turns
into 20:80 but the male employee are more active than the female employees. There are 22
female supervisors in the garments sector. This female supervisor lead from the front, organized
the works, plan everything and in the end control everything.

When the company takes employees they look for diversity in them. Like if one employee is
from Rajshahi then other have to be from another place. By this what's happens?? Asking this
question he (Bappy Sir) told us that if there is diversity in the company then the ideas will come
from different places, cultures of the ideas be different in term of their work. Another thing that
they look for is leadership in working field and the interaction with other employees in the
company. When we ask the question about the group work level of the company then Bappy sir
told us that, in their company there is no high amount of group but when in some field there is.

According to our course MGT 201 (Organizational Behavior), the main theme or the way a
company have or haired good employee by following the Basic OB Model where the input have
to be diversity, personality, team responsibilities, group roles and others which will be processes
through motivation, emotions and mood, decision making, leadership, communication. Then the
outcome that the company needs is attitudes and stress for the company, citizenship behavior,
performance, group functioning etc. From DBL side we can see that, they have good input,
processes and outcomes when comes to individual level but in terms of group level they are well
behind then the other companies.

When we talk about the workforce of the company then Bappy sir told us that, those (the
managers) sometimes forget that they need to recognize and capitalize on the differences to get
the most from their employees. But workforce wasn't present in the organization. Diversity
increases an organization access to the widest possible pool of skills, abilities and ideas.
According to Bappy sir, there is diversity is the company in age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion
and disability and other things. In the DPL group there are some employees who are stereotypes
and assumption and can be visualized easily. There another kind of employees can be
differentiate by their personality and working performance. If we go through our 2nd Chapter of
our course then we can find that there are 2 different level of diversity which are the surface level
and deep level diversity. According to the book, human difference that are easily seen is surface
level and the values that are more difficult to see is the deep level diversity. Another thing that is
told by the OB scientists is that, diversity is a company is a good thing but too much diversity is
not good, sometimes the result can be opposite also.

Another thing the DBL Group also looks when they give jobs to the employee is Tenure.
According to the OB experts tenure is a biographical characteristics that every company needs.
Tenure is working in a job and had the experience of the job then a normal employee. DBL
Group is taking employees over 30 years old and they train them with what have they had, with
good payment and they are leaving the organization in the age of 60-70. That means, they stick
with their old employees as much as possible and bring new employee in a small number. When
we ask the question why they are doing this, they told us that the more age of the employee will
be the more loyalty they will show towards the company. A good thing about the DBL Group is
there is no discrimination in their company. It’s a large company, where peoples are working in
different sectors and have any employees but there is no discrimination among them in the
company. As there is no discrimination in the company there is no issue on religion fact, sexual
and gender fact in the company. In other companies there is some discrimination among
religious where company like to have Muslim people or other religion people in the company but
in DBL Group there no issue like this, although they all work together shoulder to shoulder.

DBL Group is a large company. There are various types of company under them. Then what
types of ability they look for in the employee when they give their job? Mr. Bappy said that, they
have different fields and according to the field they hire employees. For the Groups accountant
they look ability to do speedy works. Market searching is another field where they hire
employees most of the time. So the ability to identify the sequence in a problem and then solve
the problem looks in an employee. Salesperson is another post they need in their company and
ability like recall past experience is Mr. Bappy and his company look for. According to our
course book, the ability Mr. Bappy looks are Number Aptitude, Inductive Reasoning and
Memory. Here, the accountant falls under number aptitude because he has known how fast a
math can be done and can play with the numbers. Then the market researchers falls under
inductive reasoning, where he have identify the problem and have to bring out a solution of that
problem. Lastly, the salesperson falls under the memory dimension where he have remember the
past experience and put that experience in further sales.

According to the fields of the DBL Group, the employee had to be have physical ability has
much they can. From Bappy sir we came to know that, there is disable people work in their
Q 1. Briefly describe MBTI personality traits and describe which personality types are preferred
for which specific positions by the organization
Answer: In this world there are approximately 730 core people are living right now and in time
of reading 258 child had just born now. (According to Newspaper: Bhorer Kagoj ). So, there are
many people, isn’t it? But in terms of recruitment process what type of people you would select?
It is a complex situation, cause there are many to choose but what will be the preferred one or
how will we select employee – simply, we will assign those people who have the characteristics
that will best suited to our company. But now the question is how we will choose an employee or
how we will divide this types of employee to a group of characteristics aka Personality Traits.
There are certain amounts of personality measurement around the whole world; in which The
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality assessment
instrument in the world. Participants are classified on four axes to determine one of 16 possible
personality types. They are:
Myers-Briggs Types

Courtesy : Pinterest
Respondents are classified as extraverted or introverted (E or I), sensing or intuitive (S or N),
thinking or feeling (T or F), and judging or perceiving (J or P). Not clear? Let us see a picture so
that we can understand.
So, in order to find out we do make some questions so that we can find what kind of which type
of personality traits they followed. My first question was to HR manager “What type of people
you prefer in recruitment process?” He replied, “In the time of recruitment we go for those
people who are Sociable, Self-willed, Assertive as well as those who can adopt situation
quickly.” “Suppose there is time limitation and now you have make a decision fast, what you
will do?” He said that then we will think about the problem and search for the best available
option and then we will execute it. “Which is important to you in the time of making any plan
for problem?” He replied I will think each of the time before making any decision why I need to
do the work and if there is any best available option left. Because, you know making a decision
is not easy. If some bad happens then we have to give answers to the top management. So, we
think in depth of problem. “Which one do you prefer in terms of direction and who will be in
charge of the process?” He replied being a director is not easy. It is too difficult to control
workforce. Often there is conflict between two groups but in our organization we discovered that
most of time there are some basic problems for this problems. Such as : Who report to whom,
who will be the group leader, who will be responsible if anything goes wrong, the competition in
quantity rather than quality etc. you might be thinking these are pre-set before of any work. Yes
you are right but only 50% because everything is pre-decided but unfortunately our workers
made mistakes willingly or unwillingly. Cause, as they only think about the present situation
rather than the future impact on the company. So, we told them everything specifically what to
do such as if you ae facing any problem then you must inform your leader then h/she will let
Supervisor and then h/she will let the Head of Operation know then h/she will let me know if the
problem was not solved by group leader or Supervisor or Head of Operation. So, you are seeing
the hierarchy-and we maintained it strictly because we believed direction should be centralized
not the scattered one. It will make the decision worse.
After this question-answer session we can summarize this as ESTJs and they are organizers.
They are realistic, logical, analytical, and decisive and have a natural head for business or

Q 2. How the organization ensures people of their desired personality are selected
Answer: As all employers quickly learn, there's a world of difference between a worker who's
correctly matched to their job and their organization, and one who is not. Human Resource
Management is the part of the organization that is concerned with the “people” dimension.
Human Resource Management deals with the people working in the organization. It is a process
of acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources of an
organization. When you’re hiring a sales associate or a customer service rep, sure, you want to
focus on candidates with the right sort of people-pleasing personality, but when it comes to
solving tech problems or infusing your business with creative ideas, hard skills and sheer mental
horsepower must be more important, right?

In the time of recruitment, finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process
begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result
is pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. According to theory, the steps in
recruitment process are:

Factors Governing Recruitment Process

There are two factors that direct the recruitment process. They are Internal Factors and External
Factors. Internal factors are those which arise within the organization. It can be controlled by the
organization. The forces of internal factors are – Recruitment Policy, Human Resource Policy
(HRP), Growth, Cost, and Size of the Firm etc. External factors are those which arise from the
outside of the organization. It cannot be controlled by the organization. The forces of external
factors are – Supply and Demand of Labor Market, Unemployment Rate, Social & Political
Condition, Sons Of Soil (Employment for Local People), and Company’s Image etc. 2.2.2
Development of Recruitment Process By depending on the internal & external factors, the
development of the recruitment procedure should consider the following matters:
• Manpower planning and establishment of position
• Clarification of the scope and skill sets required to successfully perform the duties of the
• Review of the Job Fact Sheet or Position Description to ensure that the skills and abilities
required coincide with the current expectations of the position. If they do not, then a position
evaluation should be undertaken
• Review of the compensation available to the position (i.e. salary and benefit plans, etc.)
• Analysis of the impact that the hiring will have on the budget
Initiation of Recruitment Process
After the development of the recruitment procedure, the organization starts to initiate the
recruitment process. It is the process of finding and sourcing quality profiles for the organization.
It includes researching profiles that exactly matches the position.
This process could be done in two ways. They are – Internal Recruitment and External
a. Internal Recruitment
The assessment of an employer's current staff to ascertain if any current employees are
sufficiently skilled or qualified to perform required job vacancies. When a business engages in
internal recruitment, a current employee might be reassigned to the new position by giving them
either a promotion or an internal transfer.

b. External Recruitment
The assessment of the current available pool of job candidates, other than existing staff, to
ascertain if any are sufficiently skilled or qualified to fill and perform existing job vacancies.
When a business engages in external recruitment, a head hunter might be used to facilitate the
search, contact and recruitment process.

1. Selection Process
Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with a
greater likelihood of success in a job. The selection of a candidate with the right combination of
education, work experience, attitude, and creativity will not only increase the quality and
stability of the workforce, it will also play a large role in bringing management strategies and
planning to fruition. According to theory, selection steps include:
Initiation of Selection Process In this stage, Candidates send their CVs in application for a
specific vacancy, or they send unsolicited CVs for any suitable position. The HR division
collects job applications against each job vacancy and short listed the CV’s from that collection.
After that, the HR team fixed a panel for the interview session in a specific date and informs the
candidates to appear in that session.
Initiation of Selection Process
In this stage, Candidates send their CVs in application for a specific vacancy, or they send
unsolicited CVs for any suitable position. The HR division collects job applications against each
job vacancy and short listed the CV’s from that collection. After that, the HR team fixed a panel
for the interview session in a specific date and informs the candidates to appear in that session.
Selection Procedure
Selection must be differentiated from recruitment. It is a negative process as the inappropriate
candidates are rejected here. The recommended following steps are generally followed:
a. Preliminary Interview - Basic Testing Concepts. Including:
i. Ability Tests: Helps to determine how well one can perform his task
ii. Aptitude Tests: Helps to determine a person’s potential to learn in a given area.
iii. Personality Tests: To measure a prospective employee’s motivation to function in a particular
working environment
iv. Interest Tests: To measure an individual’s activity preferences.
v. Written Test: Helps to check verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning ability based on the
educational background

2. Selection Tests
Every employee has their own way of conducting selection test. Generally the following tests are

3. Interviews
It is formal, in depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability, Adaption
to Leadership, soft skills, unskilled, skilled, managerial and professional employees. Generally, it
is a two-way exchange of information, the interviewers learn about the applicant, and the
applicant learns about the organization

So, all the process are done to find out about the employee interest, employee type, his/her
mentality about the work, if h/she is adoptable to situation or not and how fast h/she react to any
situation etc. are taken cause to ensure ensures people of their desired personality got selected or
Q 1. What do you think how organizational justice works like a refinement of equity theory?
Answer: Over the last 30 years, organizational justice has been researched extensively in social
psychology, specifically in organizational contexts by psychologists and management
researchers, among others interested in the construct (Blakely, Andrews & Moorman, 2005;
Moorman, 1991; Trevino & Weaver, 2001). Perceptions of organizational justice constitute an
important heuristic in organizational decision-making, as research relates it to job satisfaction,
turnover, leadership, organizational citizenship, organizational commitment, trust, customer
satisfaction, job performance, employee theft, role breadth, alienation, and leader-member
exchange (Cohen Charash & Spector, 2001). Organizational justice mainly works to ensure safe
and secure workplace with no-injustice. The research on organization justice perceptions which
focuses on the role of fairness in the work place have shown that organizational justice
perceptions strongly effect the attitude of the workers such as job satisfaction, turnover intentions
and organization commitment and also workplace behavior such as absenteeism and
organizational citizenship behavior (Colquitt, Conlon, Wesson, Porter, & Ng, 2001) on the other
hand, Equity theory proposes that individuals estimate the ratio of what has been contributed
(i.e., inputs) to what has been received (i.e., outcomes) for both themselves and a chosen referent
other (Adams, 1965). Inputs are the employee's contributions (e.g., education, performance,
work experience), while outcomes constitute rewards that employees receive in exchange for
their contributions (e.g., compensation, promotions, career development opportunities). If an
imbalance between inputs and outcomes occurs, individuals are likely to reduce the discrepancy
by adjusting their attitudes, contributions, or outcomes to restore the balance between the two
ratios. To work in an organization it is necessary to ensure that organizational justice and equity
theory both are connected with each other. To describe organizational justice in a simple way
that is how an employee judges the behavior of the organization and the employee's resulting
attitude and behavior.

Q 2. Is there any negative impact of self-efficacy while a self-sufficient person works in a group?

Answer: Self-efficacy refers to the individual's capacity to produce desired effects. Self-

efficacy is part of developing the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses
of action required to manage prospective situations.  A strong sense of self-efficacy enables
learners to view challenging problems as tasks to be mastered; giving a deep interest in and
commitment to the activity and an ability to recover quickly from setbacks.  A strong sense
of self-efficacy enables learners to view challenging problems as tasks to be mastered; giving a
deep interest in and commitment to the activity and an ability to recover quickly from setbacks as
it helps to grow Verbal persuasion, Vicarious experience, Physiological and emotional states.
 People with a weak sense of self-efficacy:
 Avoid challenging tasks
 Believe that difficult tasks and situations are beyond their capabilities
 Focus on personal failings and negative outcomes
 Quickly lose confidence in personal abilities

On the other hand,

 People with a strong sense of self-efficacy:

 View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered
 Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they participate
 Form a stronger sense of commitment to their interest and activities
 Recover quickly form setbacks and disappointments

So, we can say that obviously self-efficacy is must as a professional worker to be a successful
employee in an organization. But, self-efficient person is not friendly always while they work in
a group. They love to call them self-sufficient as they believe that they have all the
characteristics of a good employee. Because of this believe they start dominating their group
members while they are working in a group. End of the result we can see that there is a lack of
synergy if a self-efficient person works in a group. According to the interviewee, as with self-
esteem, there are potentially negative aspects to self-sufficiency. There is a danger that self-
sufficiency can involve a disassociation from others. Some self-sufficient people may become so
self-immersed and self-contained that they behave selfishly, without taking account of the needs
of others. This might be called ‘detached self-sufficiency’ or ‘egocentric self-sufficiency’, and
Be contrasted with the healthier mode of ‘engaged self-sufficiency’, in which one experiences a
strong sense of connection to others, and a strong sense of empathy and responsibility. He added
that, a disadvantage of self-reliance is that you don’t let other people help you. This can lead to
your being overwhelmed or making others feel bad because they feel like you are snubbing them
or not opening up to them. It is always good to be able to do things for yourself, but sometimes
you have to let others help! And lastly he said we are limited in our expertise, our physical
abilities, and in many other ways. Nobody is absolutely self-reliant in my opinion, and if they
are, they are not achieving as much as they could through collaboration. We are social beings,
and it is our ability to work together that is one of our great strengths.

Key findings
From DBL Group we can find that, male and female ratio is normally 70:30 and in terms of
garments is turns in to 20:80. Another thing about the company is there are 22 female supervisor,
which is different from other company. There is diversity in the company which help them to
have different ideas from different culture. But a rare thing is there is group work act in the
company. Different level of diversity, workforce and ability helps the company to gain new
employee with better ideas and working skills.

In time of doing the project, we covered chapter 5 which talks about Personality and Values of
individual person. As we know that human are the complex components in an organization and
they are inter-related with our organization performance. So, I tried to figure out how Personality
and Values are connected to organization’s performance all over all how they can be
differentiated in term of their individual characteristics.


According to OB, group helps employees to be good in communication, leadership, take
responsibility and other things. But at DBL Group there was lack of group work. As the
company was mainly focuses on garments site, so there the company need less group work. Even
in the ICT and accounted sector there is no group work field. The employees are that how is
trains that they don't have to work in group, Mr. Bappy said to us. To us, every company needs
to have group performance in terms of doing well in every sector and in terms of get more from
the employees. OB model tells that, if a company put input the group level then the outcome will
be group cohesion and functioning and the organization will have better ideas, leader and
responsible person in the company.

No job for disability people:

Mr. Bappy said that, their company needs people who is stable and work hard. So they can't take
any disability people in their company. But we think that and according OB, there are many job
that a disability employees can do. As an example, they can seat in the cashier sector where they
have to only count money and give money. If they don't have any legs and isn't so strong but still
they can work. Like this, the disability persons can do jobs in emergency calls center, job in
finding data, take attendance of the employee any other fields. By this they can earn something
and the company can gets an employee with fixed place selected. This kind employee doesn't
leave or turnover so easy because they don't get jobs. So it's a plus point for a company to get a
employee who will stay in the company with less salary than normal that place employee and
will stay in the job. DBL needs to have this kind of employee for the betterment of their

The main problem of the MBTI are:

 The types are only stereotypes, they do not describe individuals.

 The MBTI puts you in a box that does not allow a person to use a mix of the preferences.
 The descriptions only appear accurate because of the Barnum or Forer effect.
 MBTI data does not show a bimodal distribution for the preferences, which would be
expected if everyone's personality fitted into one or other category.
 The reliability of the MBTI is poor, especially given its claim that type is inborn and
remains the same throughout life.
 There is no validity data that shows the MBTI can be used to predict job performance.
 It is important to note that the first three of these are about the interpretation of MBTI
results. The latter three relate to the psychometric properties of the MBTI questionnaire.
However, as we shall see shortly, these criticisms are due to interpretation as well. The
psychometric properties of the MBTI are good, when using an appropriate interpretation.


Because the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is relatively easy to use, it has become one
of the most popular psychological instruments currently in use today. Approximately two million
U.S. adults complete the inventory each year.
While there are many versions of the MBTI available online, it should be noted that any of the
informal questionnaires that you may find on the Internet are only approximations of the real
thing. The real MBTI must be administered by a trained and qualified practitioner that includes a
follow-up of the results. Today, the questionnaire can be administered online via the instrument
publisher, CPP, Inc., and includes receiving a professional interpretation of your results.
The current version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator includes 93 forced-choice questions in
the North American version and 88 forced-choice questions in the European version. For each
question, there are two different options from which the respondent must choose. So, my simple
suggestion would be that don’t need to follow MBTI theory blindly just know the way to use it
effectively and efficiently.

Chapter Number Name of the chapter Topics covered

1 What is Organizational OB model, ratio of male
Behavior. female in the company.
2 Diversity in Organization Level Diversity, Biographical
charayeristics, intellectural
abilities, discrimination.
5 Personality and Values MBTI theory, personalities
traits with the organization.
7 Motivation Concepts Equity Theory


1. Robbins, S.P. and Judge, T.A (2018-19), Organizational Behavior, 15th

2. DPL Group; URL: http://www.dbl-group.com/
3. Interview with HR Manager, Mr. Bappy.

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