Terminacion de Cables Aislados PDF
Terminacion de Cables Aislados PDF
Terminacion de Cables Aislados PDF
• General Information about Heat-shrinkable Terminations 3.00
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• T50NS Terminations for 5-8 kV, 1/C and 3/C Extruded Dielectric 3.10
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Non-shielded Power Cables
• T-UD 1/C Terminations 15-35 kV, Bare Concentric Neutral and 3.20
Jacketed Concentric Neutral Cables
T Series
Heat Shrinkable Cable Terminations
Termination Considerations
IEEE 48-1996 IEEE Test Procedures the operating design pressure, if INERTIA-REPL terminators are
and Requirements for Alternating- any, of the cable system. This class Class 1A terminations only.
Current Cable Terminations 2.5 kV is divided into three types: They are designed for both bare
through 765 kV are the standard to and jacketed concentric neutral
which INERTIA-REPL terminations — Class 1A: For use on extruded cables, longitudinally corrugat-
conform. dielectric cable ed (Type LC), drain wire, and
IEEE Std 48-1996 defines a ter- — Class 1B: For use on laminated metallic tape shielded cables.
mination as “a device” used for dielectric cable
terminating alternatingcurrent power — Class 1C: Expressly for pressure- Terminations are available with and
cables having laminated or extruded type cable systems without external grounding kits, and
insulation rated 2.5 kV and above. in both indoor and outdoor configu-
They are classified accordingly: B) Class 2 Termination: rations. Separately applied sheds
Provides electric stress control for provide the additional external
A) Class 1 Termination: the cable insulation shield terminus, creepage necessary for outdoor
Provides electric stress control for and provides complete external applications which allow the termi-
the cable insulation shield terminus; leakage insulation between the nation to be easily configured for
provides complete external leakage cable conductor(s) and ground. either upright or inverted configura-
insulation between the cable tions. The non-tracking outer tube
conductor(s) and ground; and C) Class 3 Termination: provides greater than 30 years of
Provides electric stress control for
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provides a seal to the end of the service; even in very heavily pol-
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cable against the entrance of the the cable insulation shield terminus. luted environments.
external environment and maintains
Med. Volt. Term.
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may require greater spacing to meet these BIL should not be bent to a radius less Radius
levels. For shedded terminations, the distances than ten times (10x) the jacket
shown are between shed edges or between a diameter or manufacturer recom- Diameter
shed edge and ground. Figure 5.�Figure
mendations; 5.� is5.�
whichever Figure 5.�
Bending radius radiusBending
Bending radius radius
Termination Tests to IEEE 48-1996 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements
Figure 5.�
for Alternating Current Cable Terminations 2.5 kV Through 765 kV Bending radius
Partial discharge (corona) extinction voltage < 5 pC 7.5 kV 13.0 kV 21.5 kV 30.0 kV
Power frequency voltage 1 min. dry withstand 35 kV 50 kV 65 kV 90 kV
Power frequency voltage 6 hr. dry withstand 25 kV 35 kV 55 kV 75 kV
Power frequency voltage 10 sec. wet withstand 30 kV 45 kV 60 kV 80 kV
Direct voltage 15 min. dry withstand 65 kV 75 kV 105 kV 140 kV
Lightning impulse voltage withstand (1.2 x 50 µs wave) 95 kV 110 kV 150 kV 200 kV
Partial discharge (corona) extinction voltage < 5 pC 7.5 kV 13.0 kV 21.5 kV 30.0 kV
Cyclic Aging 30 cycles 130°C for 6 hours/day while at 15 kV 26 kV 43 kV 60 kV
Lightning impulse voltage withstand (1.2 x 50 µs wave) 95 kV 110 kV 150 kV 200 kV
Partial discharge (corona) extinction voltage <5 pC 7.5 kV 13.0 kV 21.5 kV 30.0 kV
Pressure leak test: 30 PSIG for 1 hr., 15 PSIG for 2 hrs., Pass Pass Pass Pass
Med. Volt. Term.
T50NS Series
5-8 kV Heat Shrinkable Cable Terminations
for 1/C and 3/C Non-shielded Cables
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required for outdoor applications.
T52N T52N3
5-8 kV # 4-2/0 AWG T51N 0.40” (10 mm) 0.95” (24 mm)
CAT010509- Rev 1. © 2009 INERTIA- REPL INC. All rights reserved
5-8 kV # 4-2/0 AWG T51N3 0.40” (10 mm) 3.00” (76 mm)
3/0-500 kcmil T52N3 0.70” (18 mm) 3.30” (84 mm)
750-1500 kcmil T53N3 1.10” (28 mm) 5.00” (127 mm)
Selection is easy. First lookup the Contents include the non-tracking, Packaging includes three (3) sin-
conductor size to be terminated. corona resistant tube, anti-track gle-phase kits per box. Boxes are
Select the part number and confirm sealants, and installation guide. labeled in accordance with the re-
the dimensional data. This is im- Compression or mechanical con- quirements of IEEE 48-1996.
portant if your cable size is at either nectors for the conductor or ground
extreme of the range shown for the wires are not provided. They must
selected kit. be purchased separately.
T_UD Series
1/C Heat Shrinkable Cable Terminations for
15 kV-35 kV Bare Concentric Neutral and
Jacketed Concentric Neutral Cables
Concentric Concentric
Next Page
use in padmounted enclosures. Neutral Neutral
Selection is easy. Lookup the con- Contents include the nontracking Packaging includes one (1) single-
ductor size for the voltage class of tube, anti-track sealants, the stress phase kit per box. Boxes are labeled
cable to be terminated. Select the gradient mastic, the stress gradient in accordance with the requirements
indoor or outdoor termination part tube and shed(s), as required, for of IEEE 48-1996.
number and confirm the dimen- outdoor kits.
sional data. This is important if your Compression or mechanical con-
cable size is at either extreme of the nectors for the conductor or for the
range shown for the selected kit. shield grounding are not provided.
They must be purchased sepa-
INERTIA-REPL, INC. Tel: 209-931-5100 E-mail: sales@inertia-repl.com
6665 Hardaway Road • Stockton, CA 95215 Fax: 209-931-8186 3.20
Med. Volt. Term.
T_LC Series
1/C Heat Shrinkable Cable
Terminations for 15kV-35 kV Type LC
Longitudinally Corrugated XLP/EPR Cables
Next Page
required where subject to direct
precipitation or exposure to sunlight.
Selection is easy. Lookup the con- Contents include non-tracking tube, or for the shield grounding are not
ductor size for the voltage class of anti-track sealants, stress gradient provided. They must be purchased
cable to be terminated. Select the mastic, stress gradient tube and separately.
indoor or outdoor termination part shed(s), as required, for outdoor
number and confirm the dimen- kits and a dual solder-blocked braid Contents: Packaging includes one
sional data. This is important if your external grounding kit for additional (1) single-phase kit per box. Boxes
cable size is at either extreme of the fault current ampacity. are labeled in accordance with the
range shown for the selected kit. Compression or mechanical con- requirements of IEEE 48-1996.
nectors for the conductor
T_G Series
1/C Heat Shrinkable Cable Terminations for
5 kV-35 kV Copper Tape, Drain Wire or Lead
Sheathed, XLP/EPR Cables
Selection is easy. Lookup the con- Select the indoor or outdoor termi- if your cable size is at either ex-
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ductor size for the voltage class of nation part number and confirm the treme of the range shown for the
cable to be terminated. dimensional data. This is important selected kit.
#4-#1 AWG #6-#2 AWG T081G T081SG 0.35”-0.60” (9-15) 0.95” (24)
1/0-250 kcmil #1-4/0 AWG T082G T082SG 0.60”-0.95” (15-24) 1.20” (30)
300-500 kcmil 250-500 kcmil T083G T083SG 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
600-1750 kcmil 600-1750 kcmil T084G T084SG 1.10”-1.75” (28-44) 2.10” (53)
1500-2500 kcmil 2000-2500 kcmil T085G T085SG 1.60”-2.45” (41-62) 2.75” (70)
15 kV #4-4/0 AWG T151G T151SG 0.60”-0.95” (15-24) 1.45” (36)
3/0-350 kcmil T152G T152SG 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
400-1000 kcmil T153G T153SG 1.10”-1.65” (28-42) 2.10” (53)
1250-2500 kcmil T154G T154SG 1.60”-2.45” (41-62) 2.75” (70)
25 kV #2-350 kcmil T251G T251SG 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
350-1000 kcmil T252G T252SG 1.10”-1.70” (28-43) 2.10” (53)
1000-1750 kcmil T253G T253SG 1.60”-2.45” (41-62) 2.75” (70)
2000-2500 kcmil T254G T254SG 2.05”-3.00” (52-76) 3.45” (88)
35 kV #1-1/0 AWG T351G T351SG 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
2/0-500 kcmil T352G T352SG 1.10”-1.85” (28-47) 2.10” (53)
750-1750 kcmil T353G T353SG 1.60”-2.45” (41-62) 2.75” (70)
2000-2500 kcmil T354G T354SG 2.05”-3.00” (52-76) 3.45” (88)
UniShield® is a registered trademark of General Cable Technologies Corporation
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cable has the following components:
• nontracking tube • stress gradient mastic
• stress control tube • anti-track sealant
• nontracking sheds • installation guide
• external grounding kit
- constant force spring
Packaging for these kits include three (3) single-phase - solder-blocked braid
kits per box. Boxes are labeled in accordance with the - copper foil tape
requirements of IEEE 48-1996. Compression connec-
tors for the conductor or for shield grounding are not
provided. They must be purchased separately.
Med. Volt. Term.
T_3G Series
3/C Heat Shrinkable Cable Terminations
for 5 kV-35 kV Copper Tape, Drain Wire
Shielded Armored, or Unarmored Cables
Next Page
Outdoor terminations are only
required when subjected to direct
precipitation or exposure to sunlight.
The indoor version is acceptable for
use in padmounted enclosures.
Outdoor Termination for Armored Indoor Termination with Armor
or Unarmored Jacketed Cable Terminator (not supplied)
For wire shielded or UniShield
CAT010509- Rev 1. © 2009 INERTIA- REPL INC. All rights reserved
cables, use the T_ 3X, T_ 3SX, T_ There are also three adhesive lined used in conjunction with the kit for
3X or T_ S3X kits instead of the T_ tubes for rejacketing and sealing the a sealed cable end.
G3B, T_ 3SGB, T_ G3B or T_ SG3B ground wire(s). A cable breakout
kits when an external grounding Contents:
boot and sealant are also provided Everything is included to construct
kit is unnecessary. The T_3X kits to seal the crotch area of the three-
without breakout boots are well a three-core termination. The
core cable.This kit is used whenever kit includes three (3) single-core
suited for indoor applications and sealing of the three-core cable is
for use with armor terminators. T_3B terminations, plus three (3) each
required for indoor applications and rejacketing phase and ground wire
kits are suited for outdoor applica- always on outdoor applications
tions or wherever a sealed crotch tubes. A cable breakout boot for
is desired. The T_3X kits contain three core sealing the crotch is also brovided
jacketing tubes to keep the metal- in the T_3B kits.
There are two kinds of kits avail- lic shielding in close contact with Contents: Packaging includes one
able in both indoor and outdoor the insulation shield of the cable. (1) three-phase kit per box. Boxes
variations: There are also three adhesive lined are labeled in accordance with the
tubes for rejacketing and sealing the requirements of IEEE 48-1996.
The T_3B kits contain three core ground wire(s).
jacketing tubes to keep the metallic T_3X kits are used whenever seal-
shielding in intimate contact with the ing of the three-core cable is not
insulation shield of the cable. required, or when an armor termina-
tor (JAG type, for example) is to be
1. Determine if your application re-
quires a boot to seal the three-core
cable. If unsure, select the kit with
the boot.
2. Lookup the conductor size for
the voltage class of cable to be
terminated and select the indoor or
Core tubes (3)
outdoor termination part number.
Ground tubes (3)
3. Confirm the dimensional data.
This is important if your cable size is Breakout boot
at either extreme of the range shown
Black sealant
for the selected kit.
Cable tie
600-1000 kcmil T084G-3B T084G-3X T084SG-3B T084SG-3X 1.10”-1.75” (28-44) 2.10” (53)
Next Page
8 kV
#6-#2 AWG T081G-3B T081G-3X T081SG-3B T081SG-3X 0.35”-0.60” (9-15) 0.95” (24)
#1-4/0 AWG T082G-3B T082G-3X T082SG-3B T082SG-3X 0.60”-0.95” (15-24) 1.20” (30)
250-500 kcmil T083G-3B T083G-3X T083SG-3B T083SG-3X 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
600-1000 kcmil T084G-3B T084G-3X T084SG-3B T084SG-3X 1.10”-1.75” (28-44) 2.10” (53)
15 kV
#4-1/0 AWG T151G-3B T151G-3X T151SG-3B T151SG-3X 0.60”-0.95” (15-24) 1.45” (30)
2/0-350 kcmil T152G-3B T152G-3X T152SG-3B T152SG-3X 0.80”-1.25” ( 20-32) 1.50” (38)
400-1000 kcmil T153G3B T153G-3X T153SG-3B T153SG-3X 1.10”-1.65” (28-42) 2.10” (53)
25 kV
#2-250 kcmil T251G3B T251G-3X T251SG-3B T251SG-3X 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
300-750 kcmil T252G3B T252G-3X T152SG-3B T152SG-3X 1.10”-1.70” ( 28-43) 2.10” (53)
35 kV
#1-1/0 AWG T351G3B T351G-3X T351SG-3B T351SG-3X 0.80”-1.25” (20-32) 1.50” (38)
2/0-500 kcmil T352G3B T352G-3X T352SG-3B T352SG-3X 1.10”-1.85” ( 28-47) 2.10” (53)
T3MODY T84, T85, T153, T252, T351 & T352 1.0 - 1.8 (25-55mm) Not applicable
T3MODA T81, T82, T83,T151, T152 & T251 0.5 -1.25 (15-32mm) 1.15-3.25 (32-98mm)
T3MODB T84, T153, T252, T351 & 352 1.0 - 1.8 (25-46mm) 2.65-5.30 (67-135mm)
Note: The 3X and 3Y kits are used when converting 3/C cables armored or unarmored, where no seal is required, or an
armor terminator or TECK connector is required to seal the individual cores. The 3A and 3B kits are used for converting
3/C cables armored or unarmored, when the cable breakout boot is used to seal the individual cores.