Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs OUTLINE, PROJ, QUIZ
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs OUTLINE, PROJ, QUIZ
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs OUTLINE, PROJ, QUIZ
Course Rationale
Principles of In order to have an understanding of human behavior it is important to
Health Science realize that each person is motivated by needs.
I. Complete the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Quiz.
II. Complete Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Activity. (Teacher Guidelines)
Key - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs Quiz
Completion of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Activity
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Graphic
Colored construction paper
Various songs
For enrichment, the student will research and report on Dr. Maslow and his
Hierarchy of Needs.
130.202(c)(1)(I) identify human needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy of
Human Needs
A. Physiological Need
B. Safety Need
C. Love and Affection Need
D. Esteem Need
E. Self-Actualization Need
A. Physiological Need
B. Safety Need
C. Love and Affection Need
D. Esteem Need
E. Self-Actualization Need
You are being sent into a bubble to live for one year. Make a list of 25 things
you will need to take with you to survive.
Students will ask many questions, but the only information they can receive is the above
2. When finished, students are to turn the paper over on desk and cannot add to the list. Some
will not be able to think of 25 things.
3. Make a recording of 10-12 different songs. Record about 5 – 10 seconds of each song with
several seconds between. You can use classical, country, oldies, rock and roll, rap, pop,
and heavy metal.
4. As the music is played, students write down the emotion or feeling they have as they are
listening to the music.
5. Discuss how important music is to survival, how many hours a day are spent listening to
music, and discuss how fulfilling life would be without music.
6. Students turn their papers over and with a show of hands see how many included music on
their list.
7. Break into groups and each group is given a packet of colors. I use construction paper and
cut them in strips using black, white, the primary colors, and a few others. First, they write
down how each color makes them feel, what mood it represents individually. Then they
discuss their observations as a group.
8. Discuss the observations, as a class focusing on how important color and art are to us
everyday. Students then review their lists to see if they included color or art as existence
without color is discussed.
9. As a class, review the lists placing each need into one of the categories of the pyramid.
10. As you talk about self-fulfilling needs – goals and ideals that motivate us -- students write
down three goals: one for the end of the semester, one for the end of the school year, one
for five years from now, and draw a picture of how they feel about themselves at this time.
The students seal the goals in an envelope with their name on it, and return to the teacher.
Keep them until the middle of May, and then return them. Keep all the envelopes from the
1st and 2nd semesters and return them in May.