Career Episode Report Complete
Career Episode Report Complete
Career Episode Report Complete
CE 1.1) I have served as a junior Transport Engineer at Maulana Shaukat Ali Road and Chakar
Azam underpass project from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015 with IKAN and AKB JV.
Where I was responsible for:
CE 1.2) I was part of team in project under the supervision of two prestigious companies IKAN
and AKB JV generally had to construct an underpass on canal road at Punjab university
constructed with secant pile system & R.C.C top slab resting on reinforced concrete capping
beam and supporting on bored cast-in-place secant piles. Under my supervision two bridges were
also constructed on Kharak drain at proposed roundabout at Maulana Shaukat Ali road to Multan
road through Punjab university land project.
CE 1.3) I was trying to get a deeper understanding of the context of the project before beginning
the actual creation. In order to do that, I did a thorough analysis of the various research methods
and strategies that shaped the foundation of my idea. Basically, I have been learning through a
variety of Experiences that have been established on the project. Then I debated the data
obtained with my project manager and my colleagues. Performing the experimentation helped
me improve my knowledge base and encouraged me to explore the nature of the project in
greater detail. The initial analysis enabled me a lot to ensure the structured and effective
execution of my project. In addition, it also helped me to come up with an appropriate project
development strategy. Ultimately, I separated my project into a variety of essential modules and
assigned each module to a member of my team who should have their skills in mind. In turn, I
have assigned a particular time period to each section to ensure that project criteria were fulfilled
during the defined timeline. With an successful project management schedule, I was able to
conclude my project in a timely and organized fashion.
CE 1.4) The essential thing I worked on during the creation of my project was to do the project
reporting in compliance with the values of architecture and transparency. I began by having
official approval from the chairman of the Highway and Roads Authority for project creation. To
this end, I compiled and sent to him a brief project proposal. It consisted of a brief description of
the background of the project and its expected outcomes. Upon gaining his permission, I
continued working on the project and making sure that my boss became well informed of all of
the procedures.
Construction Drawings
To this purpose, I have written and sent a progress update for its approval by the purpose of each
week. Depending on his analysis, I provided the necessary input that helped me enhance the
outcome of my research. Finally, I also spent a great deal of my energy on the final presentation
and the progress report of my project.
CE 1.5) First of all notes were prepared under my supervision and signatures. Where reference
standards for testing materials and workmanship were not explicitly-stated on the drawings and
contract documents, latest relevant standards of AASHTO, ASTM were applicable as instructed
by the me to the proposed highway alignment to assist the bridge contractor in locating the
proposed work on ground.
CE 1.6) Final responsibility for precise & accurate setting out of the proposed underpass &
coordination with proposed highway alignment were solely with the contractor. Contractor
carried out detailed closed traverse survey along the proposed alignment cross - referenced to
survey of Pakistan coordinate grid for this purpose. All survey coordinates shown on survey /
layout plans referred to survey of Pakistan coordinates survey monuments also exist at regular
intervals along
CE 1.7) Design criteria for the given project was completely followed and is discussed here.
Except for traffic live load to be adopted in the design, the complete design of highway
bridges has been carried out in accordance to AASHTO-LRFD bridge design
specification-4th edition 2007' (AASHTO-LRFD).
Traffic live loads have been adopted in accordance to 'West Pakistan Highway Code-
1967' (WPHC).
CE 1.8) Soil investigation for the site was done by Geotechnical services & report had made
available. Piles had been tested according to the specifications and conditions of contract. The
load test report of the index piles was submitted to the me for review and approval. Then
modification in foundation design shown in these drawings had been carried out, when required,
by the consultants based on the results of the said load test reports prior to commencement of
piling for permanent works. Assumed bearing capacity of pad footing was 200 KPa. It was my
responsibility to confirm the bearing capacity prior to commencement of work if applicable.
CE 1.9) The underpass walls had a retention system in the form of secant pile' wall. The canal
barrel was supported on bored cast-in-place R.C.C hard and soft piles which had been designed
both as vertical load bearing piles and secondary soft secant piles.
CE 1.10) Finally in the conclusion of project the onsite outcomes were observed according to the
outcomes of documents and was revealed that our project yielded 85% of efficiency in real time
cost and quality. After working on the project, I have produced a separate segment in my final
project report in which I listed a range of recommendations for potential projects, including the
alteration of construction materials, the analysis of environmental impacts, etc. Not only did the
transition help me develop more educational awareness and comprehension, but it also
encouraged me to focus on my different personal skills. I also continued to develop my
quantitative and analytical capabilities by intensive programming. In addition, my project boss
supported me with consistent support and inspiration, which helped me a lot to remain
concentrated and calm during the production of the project. My capacity to navigate pressure-
charged conditions has also been enhanced by ten folds.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
I had great interest in underpass design and I got opportunity in form of this job to fulfill my
ambition in very established and practical environment of company. I have built proposals for
surface transport projects in compliance with defined technical requirements and state or federal
development policy. I Prepared plans, requirements, or projections for transport services. I have
proposed improvements on existing bridges , highways or motorways on boost traffic
movement.. This was the complete one year (September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015) of my
professional field work to achieve most of highway engineering knowledge and experience. I
used numerous Transportation engineering principles that I studied during my degree to carry out
this project. In fact, I have used my staff, time and project management expertise to guide my
staff to a effective and productive execution of the project. It was a wonderful experience for me
that trained me a lot.
Junior Transport Engineer September 1, 2014 to Maulana Shaukat Ali Road and
August 31, 2015 Chakar Azam
Summary Statement
The paragraph in the
A brief summary of how you career episode(s)
Competency Element
have applied the element where the element is
I applied my technical abilities and CE 1.3, CE 1.4, CE
enhanced my understanding related 1.5, CE 1.6, CE 1.9
to engineering discipline in all my
projects. I showed my high
TE1.1 extensive, systematic understanding with the mechanical
description of the fundamental techniques that I have shown while
concepts of social and physical performing designing and drawing
sciences and architecture common formalities of project along with
to technical disciplines the documentation of procedure. I
have conducted the technological
job effectively by properly
conducting and applying my
engineering skills.
and team building abilities, 1.5, CE 1.6, CE 1.7,
effectively accomplished the CE 1.8, CE 1.9, CE
and leadership project, and mentored my 1.10
colleagues at any point of the