Piyush Raj paid his class XI science semester fees of Rs. 1730 for the academic year 2020-2021 at Dav Public School in Koyla Nagar. The payment was made on October 27, 2020 using a credit card. No late fees, discounts or other charges were applied to the semester fee amount that was due. A receipt was issued confirming full payment of the semester tuition fees.
Piyush Raj paid his class XI science semester fees of Rs. 1730 for the academic year 2020-2021 at Dav Public School in Koyla Nagar. The payment was made on October 27, 2020 using a credit card. No late fees, discounts or other charges were applied to the semester fee amount that was due. A receipt was issued confirming full payment of the semester tuition fees.
Piyush Raj paid his class XI science semester fees of Rs. 1730 for the academic year 2020-2021 at Dav Public School in Koyla Nagar. The payment was made on October 27, 2020 using a credit card. No late fees, discounts or other charges were applied to the semester fee amount that was due. A receipt was issued confirming full payment of the semester tuition fees.
Piyush Raj paid his class XI science semester fees of Rs. 1730 for the academic year 2020-2021 at Dav Public School in Koyla Nagar. The payment was made on October 27, 2020 using a credit card. No late fees, discounts or other charges were applied to the semester fee amount that was due. A receipt was issued confirming full payment of the semester tuition fees.