Experiment 3: Type of Chemical Reaction

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STUDENT ID : 2018435816
To study the general types of chemical reaction and to write balanced equation for each
type of the reaction


There are many types of chemical reaction and we can simply classified them into 4
types of chemical reaction which is combination, decomposition, displacement and
methathesis. The example of all of this typ of chemical reaction is :
(a) Combination

The chemical reaction in this type occurs when the two substance combine to form a
single product. Example :

2 Na(aq) +C l (g) →2 NaC l(s)

(b) Decomposition

This chemical reaction is the opposite of the combination reaction. In this reaction a
(single substance is decomposes to form two or more simpler substance. Example :

CaC O 3(aq) →Ca O(s )+ C O 2(g )

(c) Displacement

This reaction is also called as single-replacement reaction. This reaction occurs when
the element react with another compound and the displaces one of the element after the
reaction end. Example :

Z n( s )+2 H Cl ( aq) → H 2(g )+ Zn Cl2 (aq)

(d) Metathesis

In this type of chemical reaction, the compound exchange its ‘partner’ between each
other. Example:

2 K I (aq )+ Pb ¿ ¿

Magnesium ribbons 1.0 M CuSO4 Crucible and cover

Sand paper 1.0 M FeSO4 Bunsen Burner
Copper 0.1 M AgNO3 Tripod stand
Iron nails 1.0 M HCl Clay triangle
Zinc 1.0 M Pb(NO3)2 Test tube
Litmus paper 1.0 M K2Cr2O4 Wooden splint
KClO3(s) 1.0 M NaOH
Na2CO3(s) 1.0 M H2SO4

(a) Combination Reaction
1. Take a clean crucible and its cover.
2. Sand paper is used to clean te magnesium ribbon and then being coiled into
small pieces which are small enough to rest on the bottom of the crucible.
3. The crucible,cover and clean magnesium ribbon heated using bunsen burner .
For the first heating process, the crucible and its content heated with brushing
motion and the second heating, it heat to the redness for three minutes.
4. The bunsen burner is switched off after the reaction is completed.

(b) Decomposition reaction

1. A small amount of pottasium chlorate (KClO 3) placed into a dry and clean test
tube and then heated gently.
2. The wooden splint is lighted after 1 minutes of heating.blow the flame and the
wooden splint is heated into the mouth of the test tube.
3. The heating process is stoped and the reaction in the test tube is being

(c) Single replacement reaction

1. Five clean and dry test tube is placed in the test tue rack and labelled as 1,2,3,4
and 5.
2. 1 ml of 1.0 M CuSO4 and brushed iron nail placed into test tube 1. While 1 ml of
1.0 M FeSO4 and brushed pieces of copper putted into test tube 2, 1 ml of 0.1 M
AgNO3 and brushed pieces of copper into test tube 3, 1 ml of 1.0 M HCl ad
brushed pieces of copper in test tube 4 and lastly, 1 ml 1.0 M HCl and brushed
piece of zinc in test tube 5.
3. After 10 minutes ,the reaction is being observed.
(d) Metathesis or double replacement reaction.
1. Precipitate reaction.
1 ml of 1.0 M Pb(NO3)2 solution and 1 ml of 1.0 M K2Cr2O4 mixed into a clean
and dry test tube.

2. Acid-base neutralization.
3 ml of 1.0 M NaOH placed into a clean test tube and carefully added 3 ml 1.0
M H2SO4.

3. Formation of gas.
5 ml of H2SO4 and solid Na2CO3 mixed into a clean test tube. The bubbling
will formed in the test tube during the expeiment. The blue litmus paper will
turn red if the gas produced is carbon dioxide.

Experiments Observation
A: Combination reaction Shiny metal turn to white powder.
B: Decomposition reaction The glowy wooden splint lights out
(carbon dioxide gas present)

Experiments Observation
C: Single Test tube 1 Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Test tube 4 Test tube 5
Replacemen CuSO4 + Fe FeSO4 + Cu AgNO3 + Cu HCl + Cu HCl + Zn
t Reactions.
Rusty iron Colourless Bubble gas No Bubble gas
nail solution turn present and observation present.
to green white change
solution precipitte

Experiment D : Metathesis Observation / Chemical reaction

1. Precipitate reactiom Yellow precipitate formed
2. Acid- base neutralization Bubble gas formed and blue litmus paper
turned red
3. Formation of a gas Bubble gas formed and blue litmus paper
turned red

1. Write balanced chemicals equation for the reaction involves.

Answer : Experiment A: 2 Mg+O 2 ¿¿

Experiment B : 2 KClO3 ( aq) → 2 K Cl (aq )+ 3O2 (g)

Experiment C : Test tube 1 : CuS O 4 (aq)+ F e(s ) → FeSO 4(aq) +C u(aq)

Test tube 2 : Fe SO 4(aq) +C u(s ) → FeCu(aq) +SO 4(aq)

Test tube 3 : 2 AgNO 3(aq) +C u(s) →Cu ¿ ¿

Test tube 5 : Z n(s) +2 HC l( aq) → ZnC l 2(aq) + H 2 (g)

Experiment D : (i) Precipitate reaction

Pb ¿
(ii) Acid-base neutralization
NaO H (aq)+ H 2 SO4 (aq ) → N a2 S O 4 (aq) + H 2 O (aq)

(iii) Formation of gas

H 2 SO4 (aq) + N a2 CO3 (aq ) → Na2 SO4(aq) + H 2 O(aq )+CO 2( g)

2. Which test is used to identify carbon dioxide gas

Answer : Experiment B : Decomposition of the reaction. This is because the wooden
splint lights out when it added into the sampel. The wooden splint lights out because
theres presence of carbon dioxide gas.

3. How can you tell whether a chemical reaction has occurred ?

Answer : The chemical reaction has occurred when the theres any observation in the
test tube for example colour changes,temperature changes, formation of precipitate,
light emission and gas production.
Chemical reaction is used to identify a compound when the compound react with
another compound and then produced a products. There are 4 type of chemical
equation which is combination, decomposition, displacement aand metathesis.
A combination reaction a single products is formed when two substance react
with each other.
Decomposition reaction produced a single product ino two or simpler substance.
Displacement reaction is a reaction when a compound (product) is replaced by a
compoundreact with an element.
Metathesis is a reaction when two ompound exchange the “partners” with each
In the experiment A, shiny metal of magnesium ribbon change into white powder
after heated in the cruicible.
In experiment B, a glowy wooden splint lights out when the wooden splint were
inserted into mouth of the test tube. This is due to the present of carbon dioxide gas
during the heating process.
In experiment C, test tube 1,the iron nail become rusty because theres presence
of both water and oxygen. For test tube 2, the solution turn to green solution from
colourless solution after mixed FeSO4 solution and solid Copper. For both test tube 3
and 5, bubble gas present in the test tube during the experiment. The gas present in
test tube 5 is hydrogen gas.
In experiment D, theres present of carbon dioxide in part (iii). This due to
changes colour of blue litmus paper to red. For part (i), yellow precipitate is formed
while for part (ii) bubble gas is formed and blue litmus paper turn red.
 Theres 4 type of chemical reaction which is combination,decomposition,
displacement and methathesis
 The wooden splint lghts out because theres presence of carbon dioxide gas in
test tube during the experiment B
 Theres formation of carbon dioxide gas in the experiment D(iii)
 The litmus paper turn from blue to red because theres formation of carbon
dioxide gas.

 https://www.chem.wisc.edu
 https://sciencing.com/5-ways-chemical-change-occured-10025863.html
 https://m.wikihow.com/Test-for-CO%E2%82%82


Experiment C: Single Replacement Reactions

Experiment D : Methathesis

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