Scanner and Accessories - BIGPROBE PDF

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Product Manuals 2020





Chain Scanner BCSM1806 for pipe inspection 04

Chain Scanner BCSM1809 for pipe inspection 06

Chain Scanner R8 for Small-Diameter Pipe 07

Roller Scanner R1 for phased array probe ........................................................................................................ 09

Mini Scanner BM0S-01 with mini encoder ............................................................................................................................ 10

Simple Scanner R6 for manual inspection ............................................................................................................................ 11

Easy Scanner BHST-06 for manual inspection 12

Weld Scanner BC06 for weld inspection ............................................................................................................................ 13

Weld Scanner BMST for weld inspection ............................................................................................................................ 14

............................................................................................................................ 15
Weld Scanner R3 for TOFD and PA inspection

Weld Scanner R3-2005 for TOFD and PA inspection 17

Multifunction Scanner BC08 for weld and corrosion inspection 18

................................................................................ 20
Multifunctional Scanner R4-X4 for composite inspection

Two-Axis Scanner LSC1903 for composite inspection .............................................................................................. 21

.............................................................................................. 22
Two-Axis Scanner LSC1907 for composite inspection

................................................... 23
Two-Axis Wire Drawing Scanner Wing-X3 for Wind blade inspection

.COM 02

Dovetail Encoder BCSM1806-11 25

Mini Encoder BMINI 26

Round Encoder BM0S-03-04 ....................................................................................................................................... 27

Elliptical Encoder BM0S-03-04A ............................................................................................................................. 28

Hinged Encoder BM0S-01-03 29

Hinged Long Arm Encoder BCSM1806-11-01 30

Conical Encoder BM0S-01-04 31

Water Filling Device For Corrosion EIAM4 32

Ultrasonic Immersion Device EIA6 33

Product Description ............................................................................................................................................................. 35

Package .............................................................................................................................................................

Service & Support .............................................................................................................................................................


.COM 03
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Chain Scanner BCSM1806

The chain scanner BCSM1806 consists of chain links,
magnetic trolley and holding device. Through the
assembly of various components, it can ensure that the
scanner does not move along the circumferential
direction of the tube, thereby ensuring the
implementation of ultrasonic phased array or TOFD
process. Chain scanner BCSM1806 can provide
solutions for girth welds and corrosion detection of
carbon steel pipes or stainless steel pipes larger than
2.5 inches.

Features Enable to scan up on 2.5in. (63.5 mm) OD pipes, or greater.

All parts are waterproofed, suitable for use in harsh outdoor environments.
One-axis or Two-axis code manual scanning, ergonomic handle.
Simple hold device, fast scanning and positioning.
Spring-loaded probe holders to ensure that the probe can maintain good contact in any position or
The resolution of the circumferential encoder is 36steps/mm, and the resolution of the axial
encoder is 999steps/mm.
Provide single-probe inspection in one side or two probes in two sides for weld inspection.
T he encoder adop t s DB or L EM O connec t or, w hich c an be direc t ly appl ied t o O M N I S C A N
instruments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray,
MultiX, Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Scanner chain links cover · Number of links · 620mm chain links
· 375mm x1 · Encoder interface
· Probe holder module x1 · Frame style
· Guide rod x1
· Encoder trolley x1


.COM 04
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories


BCSM1806-E2P1H : BCSM1806-E1P1:
Two encoders, one frame with a No frame, one encoder with a probe
probe holder holder

BCSM1806-E1P1H: BCSM1806-E1P2H :
One encoder, one frame with a one encoder, one frame with two probe
probe holder holders

BCSM1806-Type 2 : BCSM1806-Type 3:
For flat weld inspection, no chain with Flat plate or tube inner surface inspec-
a encoder tion, no chain with two encoders.

.COM 05
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Chain Scanner BCSM1809

The chain scanner BSCM1809 consists of chain links,
Description magnetic trolley and holding device. Through the
assembly of various components, it can ensure that the
scanner does not move along the circumferential
direction of the tube, thereby ensuring the
implementation of ultrasonic phased array or TOFD
process. Chain scanner BSCM1809 can provide solutions
for girth welds and corrosion detection of carbon steel
pipes or stainless steel pipes larger than 2.5 inches.

Features Enable to scan up on 2.5in. (63.5 mm) OD pipes, or greater.

All parts are waterproofed, suitable for use in harsh outdoor environments.
One-axis or Two-axis code manual scanning, ergonomic handle.
Simple hold device, fast scanning and positioning.
Spring-loaded probe to ensure that the probe can maintain good contact in any position or
The resolution of the circumferential encoder is 36steps/mm, and the resolution of the axial
encoder is 999steps/mm.
Provide single-probe inspection in one side or two probes in two sides for weld inspection.
T he encoder adopt s DB or L EMO connec tor , which can be direc tly applied to OMNISC A N
instruments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray,
MultiX, Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages :
Options: Size :
· Chain links 300mm x1
· Chain links · 560mm chain links
· Spring loaded arm x1
· Encoder interface
· Main frame x1
· Mouse type with encoder x1

Gas pipeline inspection Ring flange inspection

Built-in pipe weld inspection

.COM 06
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Chain Scanner R8 For Small-Diameter Pipe

R8 chain scanner for small diameter scanner is a suitable for of 1"-4" pipe girth weld inspecition. It
Description is divided into a main scanning chain and an auxiliary scanning chain, which can be used
individually or in groups according to the process.

One chain R8 -1 Two chains R8 -2

Features Up to two phased array probes can be installed to achieve bilateral detection of welds.
Encoder resolution: 93.18Steps/mm.
Probe spacing is adjustable, the adjustment distance is 30mm.
Scanning can be completed in a narrow space less than 20 mm from the pipe.
The chain links are adapted to the scanning of different pipe diameters by quick insertion and
Can be adapted to bend detection.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Chain links 25mm~100mm x1 · Number of Chain links x1 · Chain links (170mm)
· Loading arm X1 · Encoder interface x1
· Encoder x1

Link section Loading Encoder Cranked Clamp Preloaded

section section section section section

1 inch Main Chain  1 0 1 0 1 1

Auxiliary Chain 1 2 0 1 1 1
1.2 inch Main Chain  1 1 1 0 1 1
Auxiliary Chain 3 3 0 1 1 1
1.5 inch Main Chain  1 2 1 0 1 1
Auxiliary Chain 1 4 0 1 1 1

2 inch Main Chain  1 4 1 0 1 1

Auxiliary Chain 1 6 0 1 1 1

2.5 inch Main Chain  1 7 1 0 1 1

Auxiliary Chain 1 9 0 1 1 1

3 inch Main Chain  1 10 1 0 1 1

Auxiliary Chain 1 12 0 1 1 1

4 inch Main Chain  1 14 1 0 1 1

Auxiliary Chain 1 16 0 1 1 1

.COM 07
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories


1" Pipe 2" Pipe

(without adding quick-install section) (add 4 quick-install sections)

3" Pipe 4" pipe

(add 10 quick-install sections) (add 14 quick-install sections)


Hold the concave end of the chain link in one hand and insert the
convex end of the chain link in the other hand.

.COM 08
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Roller Scanner R1
Description The R1 Roller scanner is suitable for composite materials and other smooth surface materials
inspection , which is commonly used in the aerospace industry. The unique tire materials have
been specially developed to require only a small amount of coupling to obtain a good
transmission model. R1 Roller can scan positions that cannot be reached by conventional
phased arrays.

Features High coupling effect with minimal couplant.

Easy setup and have ef�cient C-scan .
25mm(0.98 in) water delay block for 50 mm(1.97in)composites inspection.
Up to 51.2 mm wide beam coverage .
Low transparent wheel material .
Zero-degree detection of composite materials and other materials with smooth surface.
Plates corrosion detection, axial corrosion detection in large-diameter pipes.

Standard packages : Size :

· Array probe x1 · (L × W × H):
· Grip module x1 235 mm × 145 mm × 150 mm
· laser button module x1
· Main support module x1
· Probe wheel module x1
· Encoder module x1

.COM 09
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Mini Scanner BM0S-01

Mini Scanner BM0S-01 can connect to
the probe wedge for weld inspection
without any tools. It has high-precision
coding information, which can be used
to locate the defect position and
measure the length. Applicable to the
detection of flat plate welds and pipe
outer diameter welds.

Features IP68 waterproof.

The encoder resolution is 43steps/mm.
Anti-skid design of rubber clamping on both sides of probe wedge holding arm.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB or LEMO connector, which can be directly applied to OMNISCAN instru-
ments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX,
Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Scanner x1 · Encoder interface x1 · 120mmx80mmx40mm
· Tool x1

Order BMOS -DB15(DB15 interface, OMNISCAN mxI)

Information BMOS -L316(lemo 16 cores,OMNISCAN mxIOMNISCAN mxIOMNISCAN mxII)
BMOS -L308(Lemo 8 cores, Prisma UT)

.COM 10
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Easy Scanner R6
Mini Scanner R6 can connect to the probe wedge for weld inspection without any tools.
It has high-precision coding information, which can be used to locate the defect
position and measure the length. Applicable to the detection of flat plate welds and
pipe outer diameter welds.

Features Single phase array probes used for pipeline and at welds.
Flexible and convenient, can change the probe clamping direction at 90°
Compatible with “depth scan” and “lateral scan”.
Support encoder scanning, quick disassembly and easy installation.

Standard packages : Size :

· Frames x2 · 53x70x23mm
· Probe holders x2
· Encoder x1
· Handles x2
· Magnetic wheels x4
· Wheel set brackets x2

.COM 11
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Easy Scanner BHST-06

BHST-06 is a easy scanner specially
designed for the use of Olympus
wedges and encoders. It is suitable
for small-diameter portable
inspection, also suitable for TOFD or
PAUT training.

Features Support up to a pair of PAUT probes or a pair of TOFD probes.

Aluminum alloy frame is light and strong.
Wheel encoder or wire drawing encoder can be installed.
Unique design keeps the two probes horizontally consistent.

Standard packages : Size :

· Scanner x1 · 390mmx55mmx50mm
· TOFD Probe Holders x2
· Encoder x1


.COM 12
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Weld Scanner BC06

Weld Scanner BC06 consists of a non-magnetic micro
wheel set, double frames, spring loading arm and
encoder. It can be installed a pair of TOFD probes or 1 to 2
PAUT probes . In the case of interference on one side of
the weld, its scanning blind area is small and it can be
adapted to wheel encoder or cable encoder for TOFD or
PAUT training.

Features Support up to a pair of PAUT probes or a pair of TOFD probes.

Aluminum alloy frame is light and strong.
Wheel encoder or wire drawing encoder can be installed.
Double crossbar design keeps the two probes horizontally consistent.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Frames x2 · Encoder : · 450mmx200mmx100mm
· Probe holders x2 round encoder 1905 or wire drawing

· Encoder x1 encoder
· Encoder interface

Order BC06-XXX-E(L/S)

Information xxx : pcs distance

E(L/S): L wire drawing encoder
S Conical encoder for Flex scanner

.COM 13
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Weld Scanner BMST

Description The scanner BMST is a upgraded version based on BC06, which consist of magnetic
wheel set, double crossbar, compression spring loading arm, handle and encoder.
BMSTcan be installed a pair of TOFD probes or 1 to 2 PAUT probes for TOFD and PAUT

Features Support up to a pair of PAUT probes or a pair of TOFD probes.

Aluminum alloy frame is light and strong.
Wheel encoder or wire drawing encoder can be installed.
Double crossbar design keeps the two probes horizontally consistent.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Frames x2 · Encoder interface · 400mmx150mmx140mm
· Probe holders x2
· Encoder x1
· Handles x2
· Magnetic wheels x4
· Wheel set brackets x2

Order Flex+ -xxx-EM

Information xxx : pcs distance

EM: Mini encoder

.COM 14
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Weld Scanner R3
Description R3 welding scanner is a general-purpose pipeline and flatbed scanner.Through the
curvature adjustment can detect the longitudinal seam and ring seam. The scanner can
be installed with one or two pairs of probes, which can realize the use of TOFD (diffrac-
tion time difference method) probe, PA (phased array) probe and pulse echo technolo-
gy to detect the weld.

Features PA-TOFD weld scanner can be used for phased array and TOFD inspection of at butt
welds and pipe circumferential welds.
Support up to 4 probes and can remove clamping arm manually in a side.
Support encoder scanning, quick disassembly and easy installation.
The spacing of the walking wheels can be adjusted.
work freely in small detection space.
Excellent adaption, can hold wedges in different sizes.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Double rob module x2 · Single pole module X1 · Double rob Assembly:
· Probe holder x4 · Holder X4 L x W x H :184 x 450 x 111mm
· Handle module x2 · Handle module X2 · Single rob Assembly:
· Magnetic Wheel Module X2
· Encoder x1 L x W x H :184 x 350 x 111mm
· Encoder module X1

.COM 15
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Clamping holder Clamping holder

R3 B module A module
Double rob
Double rob Assembly module
Encoder module

Handle module Clamping holder Clamping holder

A module B module

L (mm) W (mm) H (mm)

184 450 111

R3 Clamping holder Clamping holder

B module A module
Single rob Assembly

Single rob Magnetic

module Encoder module wheel module

Handle module

L (mm) W (mm) H (mm)

184 350 111

.COM 16
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Weld Scanner R3-2005

Description R3-2005 is a weld scanner that can be installed with four TOFD probes or two phased
array probes and two TOFD probes. The scanner uses magnetic wheels to attract
ferromagnetic materials to be inspected. The scanner can be moved with one hand.

Features Support up to two probes simultaneously (2 TOFD or 2 PA).

Permanent magnet wheel or demagnetizing wheel can be selected according to
detection surface.
4 sturdy and durable magnetic wheels or degaussing wheels can make the scanner
tightly adsorbed on the surface of ferromagnetic materials.
The degaussing wheel is extremely convenient when detecting ferromagnetic materi-
als, and can quickly and easily clean up debris such as iron filings.
The aluminum alloy frame is light and strong.
Simple clamping device, convenient and fast installation.
Waterproof encoder with a resolution of 43steps/mm.
Removable handle reduces the height of the space occupied by the scanner.
According to the use environment, the handrail wheel frame and the probe loading
arm can be installed at any position of the cross bar.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instru-
ment FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages : Options:

· Dovetail slot frame x1 · Probe Holder: torsion spring/compression spring/spring
· Probe holders x2 or x4 loaded arm
· Encoder x1 · Encoder interface
· Frame structure: single rod / double rod / triple rod
· Handles x2
· Magnetic wheel: permanent magnet wheel/demagnetizing
· Magnetic wheels x4
· Wheel set brackets x2

Size :
· 450mmx200mmx120mm

.COM 17
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Multifunction Scanner BC08

Description BC08 scanner can be applied to the
inspection of flat plate, pipe girth weld or
longitudinal weld. It consists of a
multi-section frame, and a probe holding
device and an encoder are assembled on
the frame. According to the needs of actual
inspection, the scanner can realize the
scanning of a single probe or the
simultaneous scanning of multiple probes

Features Aluminum alloy frame is light and strong.

The armrest wheel frame and the probe loading arm can be installed at any position of the cross bar.
The width of the probe holding arm is adjustable, and different types of wedges can be installed.
According to the detection surface, you can choose permanent magnet wheel or demagnetizing wheel.
According to the detection object, single, double or triple pole structure can be selected, and the length
of the pole can be customized.
Single root is suitable for flat weld or pipe girth weld inspection.
Double rod is suitable for the detection of flat plate, unequal thickness plate weld or pipe girth weld.
Three rods are suitable for flat plate, pipe girth weld and pipe longitudinal weld.
Encoder resolution: 43steps/mm.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to OMNISCAN instru-
ments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, Prisma

Standard packages : Options:

· Dovetail groove · Probe holder
· Crossbar x1 · Torsion spring/compression spring/spring loaded arm
· Blessing arm x4 · Encoder interface
· Rod structure: single rod / double rod / triple rod
· Encoder x1
· Magnetic wheel: permanent magnet/demagnetizing wheel
· Handle x2
· Magnetic wheel x4
Size :
· Wheel set bracket x2
· 450mmx200mmx120mm
· Connect module x1

Order BC08-M (M/R permanent magnet wheel/demagnetizing wheel)-S (S/D/T single rod/double
rods/triple rods) xxx (length)-H (H/V torsion spring/compression spring) x (probe Quantity 1/2/4)
For example, model BC08-M-S450-H4, configured as permanent magnet wheel, single rod
450mm, 4 torsion spring loading arms.
BC08-R-M450-V2, configured as demagnetizing wheel, double rod splicing, total length 450mm,
2 compression springs vertical loading arm.
BC08-R-T500-V2, configured as demagnetizing wheel, three-bar splicing total length 500mm, 2
compression springs vertical loading arm.

.COM 18
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories


With 2 pairs of vertical spring loader With 2 pairs of torsion spring loaders

Scan the longitudinal weld with bending Scanning for welds of unequal height

Vertical compression spring loader Torsion spring loader

(equipped with 3 holes/5 holes/7 holes (equipped with 3 holes/5 holes/7 holes
probe holders) probe holders)
Features: Features:
1. The up and down vertical stroke can be adjusted 1. The adjustment is simple and convenient, and
properly, and the adjustment range is 25mm. the special lock design makes it very convenient to
2. The vertical inclination can be adjusted and fixed lift and drop the loader.
at will. 2. Reasonable torsion spring design to ensure that
3. The maximum spring compression range is up to the clamped wedge and the surface of the detected
30 mm. workpiece fit well.

Permanent magnet wheels Degaussing whees

1. Design a special isolation sleeve on the Unique patent, the wheel set can be controlled by
traditional permanent magnet wheel, which plays the knob to make the wheel set magnetic and
a certain role in isolating the iron cutting impurities eliminate the magnetism, so it can clean up the iron
from being absorbed on the wheel set. cutting impurities adsorbed on the wheel set.
2. The price advantage is obvious.

.COM 19
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Multifunction Scanner R4-X4

Description R4-X4 scanner is developed by adding modules
on the basis of BC08, which is suitable for pipe
diameter weld or corrosion detection. According
to the needs of different inspection, the scanner
can realize the scanning of a single probe or the
simultaneous scanning of multiple probes.

Features Modular assembly based on BC08 (minimum detection tube diameter is 150 mm).
For different pipe diameters, the detection of different pipe diameters can be achieved by
increasing the number of long and short chain links (number 6 in the figure).
Encoder resolution: 43steps/mm.
The encoder adopts DB or LEMO connector, which can be directly applied to OMNISCAN
instruments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray,
MultiX, Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages : Options:

· Dovetail groove crossbar x1 · Holding arm
· Blessing arm x2 torsion spring/compression spring
· Encoder interface
· Encoder x1
· Number of links
· Magnetic wheel x4
· Wheel set bracket x2
Size :
· Cable clamp x1
· 450mmx200mmx120mm

Order R4-X4-08B-M (M/R permanent magnet wheel/demagnetiza-

tion wheel)-Ø (minimum detection tube diameter to
Information maximum detection tube diameter)-Lxxx (guide rod
length)-H (H/V torsion spring/compression spring) x (probe
number 1/2/4).

R4-X4-08B-M- Ø (150~1000)-L450-H4, configured as
permanent magnet wheel, detection tube diameter
150~1000 mm, single guide rod 450mm, 4 torsion spring
loading arms.
R4-X4-08B-R- Ø (150~500)-L450- H 2, configured as
degaussing wheel, detection tube diameter 150~500 mm,
single guide rod 450mm, 2 torsion spring loading arms.

R4-X4-08B8-M- Ø (150~800)-L500-V2, configured as

permanent magnet wheel, detection tube diameter 150~800
mm, single guide rod 500mm, 2 compression spring vertical
loading arms.

BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Two-Axis Scanner LSC1903

Description LSC1903 scanner is a two-axis small flat-bed manual scanner. The scan range is: X scan
axis travel 150mm, Y step axis travel 150mm. X and Y axis encoder resolution is:
999steps/mm. It is suitable for partial C-scan imaging of composite materials or smooth
metal materials.

Features X-Y structure, dual encoder output, encoder resolution is 999steps/mm.

Manual suction cup adsorption, strong and reliable.
Aluminum alloy and screw structure, small and light.
The width of the probe holding arm is adjustable, and different types of wedges can be installed.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to OMNISCAN
instruments. Customizable encoders are used for phased array instrument FocusLT, Dynaray,
MultiX, Prisma UT,etc.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Manual suction cups x2 · Encoder interface · 440mmx440mmx100mm
· Cable encoders x2
· Signal processor box x1
· Water filters x2
· Guide wheels x2
· PAUT blessing frame x1 UT
. Blessing box x1

Order Order Information

Information X Y-11 -XxxxYxxx, X and Y distnace can be customized, for example, the standard
model is:

XY-11 -X150Y150

BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Two-Axis Scanner LSC1907

Description The LSC1907 is a two-axis plane manual scanner using vacuum suction cup adsorption.

Features It can be used with phased array instruments to detect defects such as blade debonding, stomata
and inclusions.
Automatic conversion of polar coordinates realizes X-axis and Y-axis grid scanning, and generates
A, B, C, and D scanned images.
Specially designed probe loading arm can adapt to changes in blade surface profile.
Ensure good coupling between probe and blade surface.
Vacuum suction cup can make the scanner firmly adhere to the blade surface.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Manual suction cup x2 · Encoder interface · 423.2mm×191mm×141mm
· Cable encoder x2
· Signal processor box x1
· Water filter x2
· Guide wheel x2
· PAUT blessing frame x1
UT blessing box x1

Phased array
water filling device

.COM 22
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Two- Axis Automatic Scanner Wing-X3

Abstract Wing-X3 is a two-aixs plane automatic scanner using vacuum suction cup adsorption
for wind turbine blade inspection. It can be used with phased array instruments to
detect defects such as blade debonding, stomata and inclusions. The vacuum chuck
can make the scanner firmly attached to the surface of the blade, complete the grid
scanning through the automatically controlled X axis and Y axis, and generate A, B, C, D
scan images. The specially designed probe loading arm can adapt to the change of the
blade surface profile to ensure a good coupling between the probe and the blade


Portable car-controlled system, integrating control panel, battery, control system, water pump
and vacuum pump.
One-key return to zero, single axis up and down left and right jog control and automatic grid
Axial and radial scanning can be switched freely.
The water supply and the scan are synchronized and delayed, and the water is automatically
stopped at the end of the scan, effectively saving the water consumption on site.
The encoder configuration of the scanning rack can ensure that the size of the scanned image of
the instrument is consistent with the size of the blade scanning area, with an error of ±1%.
The battery is equipped with low-voltage alarm, temperature control display, vacuum unit sealed
design. Power failure can ensure that the scanner is kept on the blade for more than 10 minutes to
avoid tooling falling, and provide response time for manual protection

Standard packages : Options:

· Two-axis automatic scanning rack x1 · Encoder interface
· Work car x1
· Motion control box x1 Size :
· Power box x1 · 423.2mm×191mm×141mm
· Water pump x1

Order Order Information:

Information XY-MA-XxxxxYxxxx-P (M/A)-Dxxx X:

380 short axis travel
Y: 2000 Long axis travel
M/A: M manual suction cup, A automatic
suction cup
D50: with 50ah power bank

.COM 23
Encoder &

BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Dovetail Encoder BCSM1806-11

Description Dovetail encoders are widely used for flat

welds and pipe outer diameter welds.

Features IP68 waterproof rating.

Two specifications of encoder resolution:42steps/mm and 32.6-steps/mm.
Quick installation design structure, very convenient and flexible to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

30 36
40 50

Encoder Plug m
DB 1
ØD Steps/mm

30 43
40 32.6 Other 3

P/N:BCSM1806-11-Ø -L -m

.COM 25
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Description BMINI is a mini encoder designed for mini
scannner BHST-06, which is suitable for small
diameter inspection,and widely used in TOFD
or PAUT inspection.

IP68 waterproof rating.

The encoder resolution is 45.5steps/mm.
Quick installation design structure, very convenient and flexible to use;
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

Standard packages : Options: Size :

· Encoder x1 · Encoder interface · 35mmx35mmx28mm

Encoder Plug m
DB 1
Other 3


.COM 26
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Round Encoder BMOS-03-04

Description Round encoders are mainly used for
Olympus scanner products. It can be
used for flat welds and OD pipe weld

IP68 waterproof rating.

Two specifications of encoder resolution: 42steps/mm and 32.6steps/mm;
The screw hole installation hole distance is 17mm, which is very convenient and flexible
to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

Size ØD

Encoder Plug m
DB 1
ØD Steps/mm

30 42 LEMO 2
40 32.6
Other 3

P/N: BM0S-03-04-Ø -m

.COM 27
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Elliptic Encoder BM0S-03-04A

Description BM0S-03-04A oval encoder is mainly
used for Olympus scanner products,
which is applicable to the detection of
flat plate welds and OD pipe weld

Features IP68 waterproof rating.

Two specifications of encoder resolution: 42steps/mm and 32.6steps/mm.
The screw hole installation hole distance is 15mm, which is very convenient and flexible
to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

Size ØD

Encoder Plug m
DB 1
ØD Steps/mm
30 42
Other 3
40 32.6

P/N: BM0S-03-04A-Ø -m

.COM 28
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Hinged Encoder BM0S-01-03

Description The hinged encoder can be used with the BM0S-01 handheld micro scanner, which is
suitable for flat welds, OD pipe weld inspection.

Features IP68 waterproof rating.

Two specifications of encoder resolution:42steps/mm and 32.6-steps/mm.
Convex cone rotation fixed structure, easy to adjust the encoder swing angle, flexible
and convenient to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

Size ØD

Encoder Plug m
DB 1
ØD Steps/mm

30 42 Other 3
40 32.6

P/N:BM0S-01-03-Ø -m

.COM 29
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Conical  Encoder BCSM1806-11-01

Description Conical  encoder BCSM1806-11-01is mainly
used for the chain scanning frame type and
multi-function type scanner, which is applica-
ble to the detection of flat plate welds and OD
pipe weld inspection.

IP68 waterproof rating.
Two specifications of encoder resolution: 42steps/mm and 32.6steps/mm.
Convex cone rotation fixed structure, easy to adjust the encoder swing angle, flexible
and convenient to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.
The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.



Encoder Plug m
DB 1
ØD Steps/mm
30 42
40 32.6 Other 3

P/N: BCSM1806-11-01-Ø -L -m

.COM 30
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Conical Encoder BM0S-01-04

Description The cone-connected encoder is mainly used for
miniature scanners and flat weld scanners,
which is applicable to the detection of flat
plate welds and OD pipe weld inspection.

Features IP68 waterproof rating.

Two specifications of encoder resolution: 42steps/mm and 32.6-steps/mm.

Convex cone rotation fixed structure, easy to adjust the encoder swing angle, flexible
and convenient to use.
The encoder wheel set adopts anti-skid design.

The encoder adopts DB interface or LEMO interface, which can be directly applied to
OMNISCAN instruments, and can also be customized for mainstream phased array
instruments such as FocusLT, Dynaray, MultiX, and Prisma UT.

.COM 31
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Water Filling Device For Corrosion EIAM4

Description EIAM4 is specially designed by water injection, water distribution, and closed structure
of the water immersion tank, and it use a small amount of smooth water flow and a
consumable rubber pad substrate to ensure uniform coupling of each wafer of the
phased array probe. TEIAM4 can be assembled on the chain scanner, using the
two-dimensional motion structure and code output of the chain scanner to provide a
semi-automatic phased array for detecting wall thickness thinning caused by corrosion,
abrasion, and erosion.

Features The thickness of the water layer inside the device can be customized according to customer
The adaptable probe of the water shoe module is adjusted according to customer requirements.
Convenient for the instrument to perform corrosion imaging. C Scanning gate is synchronized with
surface wave gate to ensure stable imaging signal.
Using the water layer for coupling, the interface wave of the wedge is removed.
Optimize the resolution of near surface inspection.

.COM 32
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Ultrasonic Immersion Device EIA6

Description Ultrasonic Immersion Device RIA6 is composed of electric X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, W-axis
and automatic/manual AB-axis. The device can equipped with single-axis or dual-axis
encoders for phased array or conventional UT ultrasound instruments. Which can real-
ize linear scanning, grid scanning and spiral scanning of the parts.

The ultrasound instruemt is not limited, as long as it supports dual-axis coded imaging,and it
can be combined with a scanning device for scanning imaging, such as OMNISCAN, M2M, ZETEC
and other instruments.
According to the scan axis and scan mode selected by the software, the code output is automat-
ically switched.
The software sink model is synchronized with the actual sink, making it easy to observe the
current state.
When positioning the starting point, the Jog movement can be controlled through the wireless
Supports linear scanning, multi-axis grid scanning and spiral scanning.


.COM 33
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Name 5 16
Accuracy Resolution Maximum Effective Automatic
speed itinerary /Manual
NO .1 Axis X1 Axis ±0.05 ≥32 150mm/s 700 Automatic

NO .2 Axis Y Axis ±0.05 ≥32 150mm/s 700 Automatic

NO .3 Axis Z Axis ±0.03 ≥32 100mm/s 500 Automatic

NO .4 Axis A Axis ±1° 1 ° (or 2°) Automatic

NO .5 Axis B Axis ±1° 1 ° (or 2°) Automatic

NO .6 Axis W Axis ±0.5° ≥32 60r/ min D=500mm Automatic

Application ·Vacuum brazed water-cooled radiator inspection


·New energy vehicle battery panel inspection

·Friction stir welding(FSW) heat sink detection

.COM 34
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

Corresponding Product Manual

BIGPROBE strictly guarantees the product quality. We promise to provide the

corresponding product manual for each scanner we sold, which records the

scanner specifications, materials and notes and other information. If you have

special requirements for product specifications, please contact us.

Corresponding product manual information is as follows:

More Efficient More Powerful  More Competitive

Response Performance Price
TEL +86-020-8565 6213 WEB WWW.BIGPROBE.COM

R1Roller Scanner

User manuls

Edition A



.COM 35
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories

BIGPROBE is dedicated to serving customers, and we will provide each scanner
with its appropriate safety protection box to ensure that the main accessories of

the scanner are effectively protected from damage during transportation. The

following picture is for reference only, the packaging style will be adjusted accord-

ing to the scanner size.

.COM 36
BIGPROBE Product Series
Scanners & Accessories


1.This product contains magnetic materials. The wheels of this device generate a magnetic
field, which can cause malfunctions or permanent damage to objects such as hands
Watches, storage devices, CRT monitors, medical equipment, or other electronic products.

2.People using a pacemaker or ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) must maintain at

least 25 cm (10 inches) distance.

3.Do not operate the scanner in an explosive environment.

4. Do not operate the scanner in a volatile environment.

Contact us
Thank you for your interest in BIGPROBE products and services! Our sales representatives will
work with you to find the most cost-effective solution to solve your problems. If you have
questions about non-destructive testing, please call the following number or contact our
sales staff, we will reply to you within 24 hours within the working week.
.COM 37
Contact Us
Address: Room 1403,Chanzen Center West Tower,Tianhe Dis-
trict Guangzhou,Guangdong China
TEL: +86 -020-8565 6213

DaSheng Precision
(GuangZhou)Technology Co.,Ltd.

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