Acid Dye
Acid Dye
Acid Dye
Acid dyes are so called because they are usually applied under acidic conditions. Acid dye contains acidic
groups usually –SO3H, and are used on fibers containing basic group that can interact with these acidic
group. The fibers most readily colored with acid dyes are manmade, synthetic, nylon fibers and natural
protein fibers.
Fiber with Basic Amino group + Dye with acidic Sulfonic group = Dye fiber with salt linkage between dye and fiber
Most of the acid dyes are sodium salt of sulphonic acid and carboxylic acids and anion group is
the active coloured component.
Water soluble.
Acid dyes have a direct affinity towards protein fiber and polyamide fibers.
Maximum cellulosic fiber cannot absorb acid dye.
Always applied on acidic medium with organic or inorganic acid
Some acid dye has good light fastness.
Many bright shade is found.
1. Azo Group
2. Nitro Group
3. Anthraquinone Group
4. Triphenylmethane
5. Pathalcoyanine Group
6. Xanthane Group
The application of acid dyes to protein fibers results in an ionic or salt linkage between the dye molecule
and the fiber polymer. Protein fiber or Wool fiber has amino group of one side and carboxylic group in
another side. In certain condition it becomes
H2N-W-COOH → H3N-W-COO - [H2N-W-COOH → Wool]
The attached hydrogen of the carboxylic group is transferred to amino group in other end. Thus when
wool fiber is taken in an acid solution negative ionized carboxylic group of wool molecule takes H+ from
HCl and is produced electrically neutralized carboxylic acid group. Chloride ion from acid is absorbed by
positively charged amino group.
H3N-W-COO - + HCl→ ClH3N-W-COOH [HCl → H+ + Cl- ]
When wool is immersed in acid solution the concentration of acid reduces and the absorption of acid by
wool fiber increases. This absorption continues until equilibrium absorption unit. When strong acid is in
acid dye, then dye is splitted up in following
The application of acid dyes to nylon also results in ionic bond or salt linkage between the dye molecules
and the polymer. The point at which the ionic link is formed is the terminal amino group of nylon. The
greater crystalline fiber structure of nylon compared with wool as well as the relatively lower number of
amino group means that the dark shades on nylon cannot be obtained with acid dyes.
Effect of Acids:
Acid helps to dye exhaustion by the material during dyeing of acid dye. Even most acid dyes are not
exhausted without acid bath. Acid dye has strong affinity towards protcinous fibers. As acid dye is
prepared by the mixture of acid, so acid has strong affinity towards protein fiber. For this when
proteinous fibers are dyed with acid dye, acid bath is used so that colour affinity be increased. Moreover,
if metallic bath is used colour action can be damaged by acid reaction. For this acid bath is used during
dyeing of acid dye.
Differences among direct dye acid dye and basic dye
Size Size of dye molecule is Size of dye molecule is small. Size of dye molecule is smaller
big. than that of direct dye.
Medium Dyeing is done in acid or Dyeing is done in acid medium. Dyeing is done in neutral medium.
alkaline or neutral medium.
Color-ion Forms colored anion and Forms colored anion and colorless Forms colored cation and colorless
colorless cation in solution. cation in aqueos solution. anion in aqueous solution.
Affinity They have direct affinity to They have direct affinity to protein They have no direct affinity to
cellulosic fibers. fibers. cellulosic or protein fibers.
Wash Washing fastness is about Washing fastness is ablut 2-5. Washing fastness is about 4-5.
fastness 2-3.