HOP Psychoanalysis Abstract

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CFP: Psychoanalysis and History

A Special Issue of History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History

The relationship between psychoanalysis and history has been a fraught one. Freud himself both
articulated a theory of history and read historical evidence psychoanalytically; psychoanalytic
critics of various persuasions have deployed analytic categories to interpret history (we might
think of Erik Erikson, Norman O. Brown, Theresa Brennan, or Michel de Certeau); and some
historians have deployed psychoanalysis in an effort to write psychohistory, with varying results.
While the backlash against psychohistory seemed to spell the demise of psychoanalytically
informed history, recent work seems to suggest changing fortunes. Indeed, new work that sits at
the intersection of psychoanalysis and history finds its coordinates in various psychoanalytic and
historiographical trajectories, most of which do not find a lineage in the psychohistory of the
This special issue of History of the Present aims to explore new configurations of psychoanalysis
and history, configurations we think of as critical history.  We invite submissions that aim to
produce new ways of thinking this relationship. We also invite shorter interventions that aim to
theorize the relationship between psychoanalysis and history. 

Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2020. Article should be approximately 9000 words,
including notes; interventions should be 2000-5000 words, including notes. Inquiries and
submissions should be sent to Brian Connolly ( bconnolly@usf.edu ) or Joan Scott (
jws@ias.edu ).

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