Manual Draft Stability
Manual Draft Stability
Manual Draft Stability
1.11 The following abbreviations are commonly used throughout the text:
АР - After Perpendiculars
DISP - Displacement
DWT - Deadweight
FP - Forward Perpendiculars
GM - Metacentric height
KB - Transverse Center of Buoyancy
KG - Transverse Center of Gravity
LBP - Length Between Perpendiculars
LCB - Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy
LCF - Longitudinal Center of Flotation
LCG - Longitudinal Center of Gravity
LKM - Longitudinal Metacentric Distance
MG - Center of Gravity from Midship or LCG
МТС - Moment to Change Trim by One Centimeter
P - Port
QM - Quarter Mean
S - Starboard
SF - Stowage Factor
Sg - Specific gravity
TKM - Transverse Metacentric Height
TPC - Tonnes per Centimeter (Immersion)
VHM - Volumetric Heeling Moment
WM - Volumetric Vertical Moment
)O( - Midships
Distance = 2 x MTC
GM - TKM - New KG
0, 7978Bmetres
Rolling Period Metric):
(METRIC): GM = 0.6532 x B2
Т = Rolling Period in Seconds of time
B = Breadth of Ship
GG1 = w x dKG
GG1 = Shift in Centre of Gravity
DISP = W +/- w
W = Original Displacement
w = Weight to be loaded or discharged
dKG = Distance from KG to G of weight
GM = W x D x cot.O-
W = Weight
D = Distance from water line
cot.O- = Angle of List
G0G1 = VHM
CUBIC METRES (M3) = Cubic Feet (Ft3)
LONG TONS x 1.016 = Metric Tonnes (MT)
2.1 The constant, in draft survey calculations, includes all weights aboard ship which are not included in the manuals. These would
include crew, crew's effects, provisions and stores, lifesaving equipment, water in pipelines, mud in the chain locker, and fouling of
the hull.
2.2 A vessel's constant will alter appreciably over a period of time. It must be checked, and probably recalculated, for every loading
survey. Stores, paint especially, together with lubricating oils, spare cylinder liners, and additional equipment will often change the
constant by more than 100 tonnes in 6 months.
2.3 The constant also increases with age. Corrosion and the accumulation of "it might be useful" stores are the main causes for this
increase. The old rule of thumb was:
"For a vessel of 10,000 tons. add one inch of draft for each five years of vessel life."
Most vessels are now much larger, so the estimate will have KO depend on tfte surveyor's experience. Check for unlisted Stores,
especially used lumber and rope.
2.5 One apparent change in constant must be guarded against. A draft survey at anchor, or alongside with one anchor down, will be
minus the weight of the anchor and chain. If, at the discharge port, both anchors are put on the bottom whilst alongside, the difference
between the initial and final surveys will produce an apparent increase in the weight of the cargo out-turn.
2.6 Ensure the weights of anchors and chains are properly added or subtracted from the loading and unloading constant calculations.
2.7 Specific gravity (Sg) is ratio of the weight of a given volume of a substance compared to the weight of the same volume of distilled
water. The theoretical Sg of distilled water is 1.000, the Sg of sea water is 1.025 times as much as one cubic meter of distilled (fresh)
water. Therefore, a ship will displace 1.025 less sea water than fresh water.
2.8 The actual Sg is always changing, particularly in the harbour. The effect of tide water and rivers is such that constant measuring of
the Sg is required through out loading. In some harbours where the effects of sea and fresh water mixing are extreme, it is necessary
to measure Fwd, Aft, and Midships Sg's, and use the average for Draft and Deadweight calculations. It may be necessary to get
measurements for both port and starboard sides of the ship if maximum accuracy is required. Measuring the Sg at different depths
may also be required.
2.9 Use a partly stopped, weighted container and a line equal in length to the distance from the deck to the keel, to sample the water
for Sg measurement. Drop the container into the water and withdraw it at an even rate. With practice, the container will be just filled
as it breaks the surface. Water samples collected in this way will represent a good average of the water in which the ship is floating.
2.10 Sg measurements for Draft and Deadweight surveys must be made with a certified hydrometer.
2.11 A great deal has been written regarding the effect of temperature on density. This is important when
viscosity is a consideration, or when specific gravity is required for scientific calculations.
2.12 However, in draft surveys, it is unnecessary to measure the temperature of the river, lake, or ocean water in which the vessel is
riding. The hydrometer reading, if taken as soon as the sample is drawn, will include the temperature, as well as the salinity effect on
specific gravity.
The Bernoulli effect can be demonstrated by trying to blow a piece of card off the end of a cotton reel (Figure 5). It is
impossible to blow the card off. The high air velocity on the inner face of the card causes a local drop in pressure relative to
the outer face of the card, thus keeping it firmly pressed on the end of the reel. Bernoulli's equation, which governs this
effect, is
P + p v2/2 + pgh = constant, where P is pressure, p the water density, v- Is the velocity, and h the depth of water.
Clearly as v increases, at a given water depth, P must decrease for the equation to remain constant.
The amount of sinkage caused by this effect will depend, therefore, on the water velocity. It will also depend on the depth of
water beneath the keel and the ship's length. The sinkage In some cases will be considerable. For example, a 1,600 tonne
coaster moored In a river where the current Is running at 4 knots will experience a sinkage of at least 5 cm where there Is
about 0.35 m of water under the keel. It Is therefore desirable to wait until the depth of water under the keel Is as large as
possible before measuring draughts If there Is any current.
Clearly In a tidal stream It would be better to measure the draughts at slack water thus avoiding this sinkage effect If at all
possible. With data currently available It would not be possible for the sinkage likely to be experienced to be estimated In all
cases. An approximate theoretical estimate can be made but the procedure Involved Is relatively complicated .
2.13 Displacement is the weight of water displaced by the ship which, for a floating vessel, equals the weight of the ship. Light
Ship's weight plus Deadweight equals Displacement (DISP).
2.14 Deadweight is the total weight carried by the ship. Included in deadweight are: cargo, constant and stores, fresh water, fuel and
2.15 All vessels must be able to remain afloat after certain kinds of minor collisions at sea, or if damaged by
heavy seas. Watertight bulkheads are one of the major structural items built into the ship for this purpose. The number of these
bulkheads is regulated by the length of the ship.
2.16.1 A collision bulkhead placed at one-twentieth (1/20) of the ship's length, measured from the stem.
2.16.2 A bulkhead forward and the engine (and boiler, if steam powered) space.
2.16.3 An afterpeak bulkhead positioned to enclose the shaft tubes in a watertight compartment.
2.17 A ship is considered a variably loaded, variably supported beam, for strength analysis. That is:
2.17.1 The weight of the ship. its equipment and cargo, will vary meter by meter along its length.
2.17.2 The ship is supported by the water in which it floats. In still water, there is more support per meter at the stern
than at the bow because the ship is fuller aft.
2.17.3 In a sea there is more displacement, and therefore more support or upward force, at the crest of a wave. There is
less displacement and therefore less support in the troughs.
2.18 The major stresses are: longitudinal tension (or stretching), compression in the deck and keel, and shearing forces, as
shown in Figure 7.
2.18.1 When the ratio of weight-to-support is greater at the ends than amidships, the ship "hogs". The keel is in compression,
the deck is in tension, and the ship bends upward in the middle.
2.18.2 When the ratio of weight to support is greater amidships than at the ends, the ship "sags". The keel is in tension, the
deck is in compression, and the ship bends downward in the middle.
2.19 Since the keel is constructed with a heavier weight of metal, the deck is where almost all failures occur. The deck of a cargo vessel
is further weakened by hatchways and other necessary openings. These openings must be reinforced. Sharp corners tend to
concentrate stresses, so hatch corners require special attention.
2.20 The deck is subject to other stresses such as deck cargo and the weight of water when heavy seas are shipped. Since deck beams
must be cut out at hatch coamings, the load bearing strength is reduced. The weight and placement of deck cargo and the effects of
heavy seas must be carefully considered. The deck plates should be strengthened, if required. Hatch coamings should be checked
for strength and rigidity.
2.21 The longitudinal centre of gravity (LCG) of a ship is that point along its length where one-half of all weights are forward, and
one-half aft. That is, it is the balance point for the ship and its contents.
L э-тбтд
Figure 8.
Figure 9.
2.22 The longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB) is that point where one-half of the ship's buoyancy is forward, and one-half aft.
Because a ship is finer at the bow than at the stern, the LCB is usually aft of the longitudinal centre of gravity. The LCB will also tend
to move aft as displacement increases. For cargo vessels, the distance is so small, however, in ratio to the length between
perpendiculars (LBP), that one-half of LBP is used for practical calculations.
2.23.1 When LCG is Aft of LCB, the ship is "trimmed by the stern".
2.23.2 When LCG is Fwd of LCB, the ship is "trimmed by the head".
2.23.3 When LCG and LCB are the same, the ship is on an "even keel".
2.24 A ship trimmed by the head will be difficult to steer. It will also be subject to excessive shipping of seas in a seaway.
2.25 A trim of one meter by the stern is generally considered ideal.Cargo stowage, fresh water, fuel oil, usage and ballasting should be
Figure 10
2.26 Cargo segregation and port rotation sometimes make ideal trimming difficult and costly. The consumption of fresh water and
fuel on a long voyage must be considered. The removal of weight can make a poor trim worse or it can improve it, depending on
where the weight is located.
2.27 There are times when a ship is put on even keel because of port requirements. The only good reason for having a ship down by
the head is for making emergency repairs to the rudder or propeller.
2.28 All ships, except tankers, are built with double bottoms to form tanks for fuel oil or ballast. These tanks are divided Fwd and
Aft and Athwartship.
2.29 When filling or checking ballast tanks, care must be taken to avoid water damage to cargo. It is best done when the hold
above the tank is empty.
2.30 It is dangerous to assume these tanks are watertight, even in a new ship. To check the ballast water tanks, fill them until the water
escapes through the overflow pipes. Check the sounding to ensure the head is stable. Also check the tank top seams and the manhole
2.31 When a double bottom tank is filled there is considerable upward force on the manhole covers. For a manhole of 1,300 cm
(approximately 41 cm or 16 inches across) with a head of fresh water six meters above the tank top, the upward force is:
0.6 kg/cm x 1,300 cm = 780 kg.
3.1 This Survey Procedure is International Standard for any type of ship. The ship is first surveyed light. to calculate the constant. It
is then re-surveyed after loading to determine the weight of cargo.
3.2 The Forward (Fwd), Aft (Aft), and Midships (Mid) drafts are read at both Port (P) and Starboard (S) marks. The P and S
readings are added, and the result divided by two.
3.3 The Aft draft is subtracted from the Fwd draft, and the result is Apparent Trim. If Trim is positive, the ship is trimmed By the
Head; if Trim is negative, the ship is trimmed By the Stern.
3.4 The After Perpendicular is a right angle line to the keel passing through the rudder post; it is also the first frame marked "0" on the
vessel's drawings.
The Forward Perpendicular is a right angle line to the keel cutting the vessel's Summer Waterline at the stern. The vessel's stability
information is calculated on the drafts measured at the perpendiculars; as the draft marks rarely coincide with these lines, a draft as read
must be corrected.
3.5 If the marks are not on the perpendiculars, the vessel usually has a tabulated plan in her hydrostatic books. However, some of the
older vessels do not have their tabulation and it is therefore necessary to work out the correction to be applied by referring to the
vessel's capacity plan and measuring the horizontal distance between the draft marks and the perpendiculars of the waterline.
1, 21
Fwd Perpendicular Corr = 1, 75(trim) = 0, 0165cm −
128, 0
(7.10) - represents the distance the draft marks are from the perpendiculars.
(128.0) - represents the length of the vessel between the perpendiculars.
(trim) - the difference between the forward and after drafts.
3.9 The Quarter Mean (QM), or Mean Draft Corrected for Deformation, must be solved next. Use the corrected draft values.
3.10 First calculate the Fwd/Aft Mean Draft. Add Fwd to Aft, and divide the result by two:
3.12 Now calculate the QM. Add the Mean of Mean (calculated in 3.11) to the Mid Mean, and divide the result by two.
NOTE: The Mid Mean is applied twice, first in calculating the Mean of Mean. and second in calculating the QM.
QM = Mean of Mean + Mid Mean
Corrections for the Fwd and Aft Drafts (Fwd corr. and Aft corr.) and Corrected Trim must be calculated. The corrections values are
different for each ship, and are found in the Stability Manuals. If required, they can be calculated from the formula given in Figure 12.
Fwd Correction Value =(distance from Fwd Draft to Fwd Perp)
(distance between Fwd and Aft Drafts)
Figure 12
3.13 Refer to the vessel's Stability & Hydrostatic Manuals and Tables for the following values:
3.15 Trim Correction values for a given Displacement are tabulated in the Ship Stability Manual. Even if these are readily available,
the following formulas should be studied in order that the principles governing a Draft Survey are fully understood.
3.16 Before calculating the First Trim Correction, Corrected Trim (CT) (Ref. 3.3) must be converted from meters to centimeters.
Multiply CT (m) by 100 to get centimeters .
3.17 To calculate the First Trim Correction, multiply TRIM by TPC, then multiply the product by the Longitudinal Centre of
Flotation (LCF) x 100. Then, divide the final product by the Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP),
CT = CT x 100
3.18 The first correction can be either positive (add), or negative (subtract), depending on the location of the LCF and the trim
3.19 The second Trim Correction is required when the Trim is greater than the LBP divided by 100. It may be applied without adverse
effect at smaller trims.
3.20 The second correction is always +/- (additive) regardless of the trim or other factors.
3.21 Before calculating the Second Trim Correction, MTC difference, sometimes referred to as dM/dZ, must be found.
3.21.1 ADD 50 cm to the Quarter Mean Draft (QM) to find the corresponding MTC from the Vessel's Hydrostatic book.
3.21.2 SUBTRACT 50 cm from the Quarter Mean Draft (QM) to find the corresponding MTC from the Vessel's Hydrostatic
3.21.3 The difference between 3.21.1 and 3.21.2 is the MTC difference, or dM/dZ.
The correction is in two parts. The first part, sometimes called the layer correction allows for the LCF not being midships. It is
simply done by similar triangles, as per figure 15(a). It can be calculated as a draft correction and applied before the displacement is
looked up. It is more usual to calculate it as a tonnage correction and apply it at this stage, because the second trim correction always
gives an answer in tonnes as wel1.
The first trim correction can be expressed:
where LCF is the distance of the center of flotation from amidships and TPC is the tonnes per centimetre per inch immersion.
The sign of the correction will depend on the trim and the position of the LCF. It is best determined by inspection. A good rule is
that, if the ship is trimmed by the stern, the correction is negative when the LCF is forward of amidships and positive when
the LCF is aft of amidships.
This is a most IMPORTANT correction, particularly in the ballast condition, and care should be taken to get it right.
The second trim correction, sometimes called the Nemoto correction, is intended to allow for the movement of the LCF with
change of trim. It was deduced by Mr. Nomoto after observations of a bulk carrier that he was involved in building. The theory on
which it is based only holds true for small changes of trim, so it is strictly true for large trims. However, as with so much in draft
surveys, it is better than nothing. The correction is very small for small trims, and rarely exceeds 30 tonnes for large vessels. It is often
ignored. It should always be used, for completeness, to avoid argument and to put all those "smart alee' ship's officers in their place.
The correction is always additive to displacement. It can be expressed as follows:
where Diff(MCT) equals the difference between the MCT at a point 50 cm above the mean draft and 50 cm below the mean draft.
MCT is the moment to change trim, taken from the table.
If a number of drafts around the vessel can be entered into a computer which has been programmed with the ship's cross-sectional
areas, the volume read-out will be correct without the need to correct for trim. Experiments have shown that the volume determined
this way is slightly different from that determined using the above method. The differences vary according to the ship's shape, so no
general rule can be applied. For casual ships, no such computer assisted calculation would be possible. However, for regular callers, a
surveyor could obtain the ship's general arrangement plans, program his computer and then do the calculation on that when doing his
survey. For any other vessel, the two corrections together give an accurate figure sufficient for the purpose, taking into consideration
all of the errors possible in the primary measurements of draft, density and soundings.
The two methods both assume that the ship bends following a regular curve. The most common is to assume that the correction to
the midships draft is one-quarter of the difference between that and the mean of the forward and aft drafts. The second' method
assumes the correction to be one-third instead of one-quarter. The first can be written as follows;
Draft corrected for deformation = Fwd Draft + Aft Draft + (6 x Mid Draft)
The second method may be written as:
Draft corrected for deformation = Fwd Draft * Aft Draft + (4 x Mid Draft)
Either method could be used to complete the calculation. To be exact, one would have to
assume that the ship did not bend on a regular curve. One would have to measure the draft or freeboard at several places along the
vessel and plot the values on a set of curves of the ship's cross-sectional area (Bonjean curves). A computer program could then
calculate the actual immersed volume. This may not be practical for most surveys as time is not available for measurements, nor for
programming the computer with all of the ship's data. It could be done using the ship's onboard computer, but a surveyor may not
wish to rely on this computer anyway.
The surveyor: should now have one figure for draft, reduced from the six original readings and corrected for list, marks not at
perpendicular, and hull deformation.
Figure 15(а)
3.22 A Specific Gravity (Sg) of 1.025 is generally assumed for Sea Water in calculating Displacement (DISP). Because the Sg. is
almost never exactly 1.025, Sg. correction must be calculated.
3.23 Calculate the Sg. correction by subtracting the measured density from 1.025, divide this by 1.025 and then multiply that answer by
the DISP.
1, 025 − MeasuredDensity
Sg. corr. = DISPL. .
1, 025
3.24 The Constant of an unladen vessel is solved by subtracting the Lightship, weights, ballast and consumables from the
3.25 Tank tables or graphs should be available so the tank soundings can be converted from measure to volumes and corrected for
3.26 Figure 16 is a typical tank graph. In addition to volume against sounding information, it provides KG and Inertia data for trim
and stability calculations. Figure 17 is a tank trim correction table and Figure 18 is a typical tank table.
3.27 Volume multiplied by Sg. equals weight. An Sg. of 1.000 is used for Fresh Water, and for Salt Water Ballast an Sg. of 1.025 is
used. Therefore, one cubic meter of Fresh Water equals one Metric Tonne and one cubic Meter of Sea Water equals 1.025 Metric
3.28 The Chief Engineer is obliged to supply the Sg. of the various fuel oils on board. It is good practice, if possible, to measure the
Sg. at the same time the tanks are being sounded.
3.30 The Final Survey follows the same procedure as the Initial Survey. Total cargo equals DISP. minus Lightship Weight.
NOTE: See completed form - Figure 19.
Figure 16
Figure 16
4.1 The weight a ship can carry varies considerably with location and season. More can be loaded in Tropical countries, but less in a
Summer Season Zone. Seasonal Winter Zone loading, when applicable, is smaller still.
4.2 Study the Leadline Certificate carefully to avoid conflict between the ship and the Port Authorities, or with the ship owners. A
Freeboard Table (Figure 1) is provided in the Ship Stability Manual.
4.3 Consumables, such as fresh water, fuel oil, lube oil, ballast, etc., necessary for the intended voyage, must be considered when
calculating Cargo Deadweight.
4.3.2 If supply is much larger than projected consumption, less Cargo Deadweight may be carried.
4.4 Calculating the Cargo Deadweight Available is relatively simple. Consult the Freeboard Table for Draft and Displacement
allowed. Subtract Lightship Weight, Constant, Ballast and Consumables. The remainder is Cargo Deadweight Available.
4.5 If oil and fresh water are to be replenished at an intermediate port, the Cargo Deadweight may have to be reduced. If the
planned intake, plus the fresh water and fuel remaining after passage to the bunkering port, is greater than the consumables on board
at Final Survey, the difference must be deducted from Cargo Deadweight Available.
4.6 Less cargo may be carried if a ship loads in a Summer Zone and will enter a Seasonal Winter Zone.
4.7 The weight of Consumables used in the voyage from port of lading to the Winter Zone may be added to the Winter Zone
allowable displacement when calculating allowable Cargo Deadweight.
4.8 If the ship is to take on consumables at an intermediate bunkering port in the Winter Zone, the total planned weight of
consumables on board at that port will govern the allowable Cargo Deadweight.
4.9 Total Cubic Capacity of the ship is available in the Capacity Plan. Bale Capacity is used if the booked cargo is not grain or other
bulk commodities.
Load a full, homogeneous cargo with Stowage Factor of 65 CF/LT.
Conversion - 1 Ft3/LT = 0.02317 M3/MT
1 M3/MT = 35.3145 Ft3/LT
NOTE; A number of good books on cargoes and their Stowage Factors are available. "STOWAGE - THE PROPERTIES AND
STOWAGE OF CARGOES", by Captain R. E. Thomas, is a particularly complete reference.
4.10 The first consideration is to distribute cargo so that weight is evenly spread throughout the ship.
4.10.1 If Weight-to-Flotation is greater at the ends of the ship than in the middle, the deck will deflect up. This is called
4.10.2 If Weight-to-Flotation is greater in the middle than at the ends of the ship, the deck will deflect down. This is called
4.11 In a Hogging condition, the deck is placed in tension, and the keel in compression. In a sagging condition, the deck is placed in
compression, and the keel in tension.
4.12 The keel is stronger than the deck because of the greater weight of metal used in construction. The deck is further weakened by
necessary openings, such as cargo hatches. These openings are reinforced, but, since they are the weakest point in the ship's
structure, careful inspection is required.
4.13 To determine the amount that the ship is hogging or sagging, measure deflection.
4.13.1 If Mid Mean is less than Fwd and Aft Mean, the ship is Hogging.
4.13.2 If Mid Mean is greater than Fwd and Aft Mean, the ship is Sagging.
4.13.3 If the Mid Mean equals Fwd Mean equals Aft Mean, the ship is on an even keel.
NOTE; Ship's decks are stronger in tension than in compression, therefore, a small amount of Hogging is preferred to Sagging.
4.14 Most modern ships have their machinery and superstructure Aft. This produces a large trim By the Stern, and a Hogging
moment, in the light condition.
4.16 Distributing weight is easier with a homogeneous bulk cargo, such as grain or concentrates. General cargoes are often more
difficult because of factors such as port rotation and cargo segregation.
(2) Solve for Percentage of each hold Percentage = Hold Capacity 100
Total Capacity
(3) Order is to carry 16,000 MT Cargo.
Hold No. 1 = 16000 x .1918 = 3068.80 MT
Hold No. 2 = 16000 x .2760 = 4416.00 MT
NOTE: If the ship has Tween Deck Holds, solve for each cargo space as demonstrated.
4.17 The percentage of cargo per hold calculation will often produce a concentration of weight in the middle. This will cause
Sagging. This can be minimized by shifting some weight forward.
4.18 Inspection of the calculated results, and rounding to 100 Metric Tonnes, will give a good approximation.
4.19 The best practice is to part load each hold in rotation. Deflection and Trim can be checked as loading progresses.
4.20 Draft must be watched constantly to avoid overloading. This can be done by checking the Midships Drafts. If loading is critical
for any reason, a Draft and Deadweight Survey must be done.
5.1 Trim and Stability calculations are mainly a matter of correctly interpreting plans, tables, and graphs. Ship Stability and Tank
manuals provide values for Longitudinal Center of Gravity (LCG), Transverse Center of Gravity (KG), Moment of Inertia, and
other data necessary for ship loading calculations.
5.2 This data may be in graph form (Figure 14), or tabular (Figure 16). Tables are more common, and are easier to work from.
5.3 Longitudinal Center of Gravity can be calculated from the Forward Perpendicular (LCG FP), the After Perpendicular (LCG AP),
or from Midships (MID).
5.4 Calculations of LCG from the FP are shorter, and avoid dealing with two sets of longitudinal moments. This greatly reduces the
chance of error, so all our examples will be based on LCG FP.
5.5 The LCG of a hold is assumed to be at the longitudinal center of that hold. The LCG of uniformly distributed, homogeneous
cargo, such as grain, is also at the center of the hold.
5.6 If the hold is to be loaded with mixed cargo, then an LCG is assumed to be at the center of each type of cargo.
5.7 For special cargoes such as heavy machinery, the center of gravity information should be supplied by the shipper.
5.8 The LCG method is the most accurate for calculating the trim of a ship, because all the major forces acting on the ship, including
buoyancy, are considered.
5.9 The Longitudinal Center of Gravity from the Forward Perpendicular LCG (FP) is equal to One-half of the Length Between
Perpendiculars (LBP) plus or minus The Center of Gravity From Midships (MG).
5.10 The Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy From the Forward Perpendicular LCB (FP) is equal to one half LBP plus or minus the
Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy (LCB).
5.11 The Longitudinal Moment of everything aboard the ship, whether Cargo, Constant, Consumables, or Ballast, is the Weight
times the LCG (FP) for that cargo.
5.12 The LCG (FP) changes whenever Cargo is loaded or unloaded, supplies are taken or consumed, and ballast tanks are filled
or discharged. The new LCG (FP) is equal to the total Longitudinal Moments divided by the Displacement.
5.12.1 Cargo unloaded, ballast discharged, and supplies consumed are subtracted.
5.13 The Trim Lever is equal to the LCG(FP) minus the LCB(FP).
5.13.1 If the Trim Lever is Positive, that is, if LCG(FP) is greater than LCB(FP), the ship is trimmed By the Stern.
5.13.2 If the Trim Lever is Negative, that is, if LCG(FP) is less than LCB(FP), the ship is Trimmed by the Head.
5.13.3 If the Trim Lever is Zero, that is, if LCG(FP) equals LCB(FP), the ship is on an even keel.
5.14 Trim is equal to the product of the Trim Lever and Displacement, divided by the Moment to Change Trim by One Centimeter
5.15 It is best practice to solve for the LCG(FP) of the Constant after each Initial Survey of the Ship's Light Condition
(Chapter Three). An average may be used, unless an unusual amount of stores has been delivered.
5.16 The LCG(FP) of the Constant moves fore and aft, depending on the location and weight of crew effects, stores, and all the
additional weights that tend to accumulate over the service life of a ship.
5.17 It is of interest to compare the work forms given in Figure 11 and Figure 19 . The procedure used in the example is the reverse
of the procedure used in Figure 11 . The LCG(FP) of the constant in Figure Ц is 200.42 M, which was the average for that ship.
= 64.99 M
(3) New LCG(FP) = LCB(FP) + Trim Lever
New LCG(FP) = 64.99+4.02 = 69.01 M.
NOTE; Since the ship is trimmed By the Stern, the LCG(FP) is Aft of LCB(FP).
(4) Final Longitudinal Moments = DISP x LCG(FP)
- 8035.5 x 69.01 Total Moment = 554529.85
(5) Calculate the lightshio weight longitudinal moments of each tank. Subtract these from the Final Longitudinal Moments. The
difference is the Longitudinal Moment of the Constant .
Longitudinal Moment of Constant = Final - all other Longitudinal Moments
= 554529.85 - 536968.25
= 17561.60 Total Moment
(6) LCG(FP) of Constant = Longitudinal Moment Weight
= 17561.60 196.10
= 89.55 M
5.18 Change of draft at one end of the ship only is sometimes required. Notice of draft requirements or limitations are normally
forwarded to a vessel in advance, because weight added means greater mean draft. As little as possible should be added to achieve the
desired trim. If possible, without adversely affecting the ship's stability, weight should be removed.
5.19 The change of draft is calculated, theoretically, as a ratio of the trim to the proportion of the distance of the actual Longitudinal
Centre of Flotation (LCF) to the FP and AP.
5.20 For practical purposes, because the distance from LCF to Midships is so small in relation to the length of the ship. LCF is
assumed to be midships. Therefore, change of draft is calculated, with sufficient accuracy, as trim divided by two.
5.22 The weight is placed forward of the tipping center to increase the forward draft; it is placed aft of the tipping center to increase
the after draft.
5.22.1 The weight required is equal to TPC times the trim in centimeters divided by two.
5.22.2 The distance to locate the weight is two times the MTC divided by the TPC.
Distance = 2 x MTC
5.23 It is the responsibility of an office to always maintain a stable ship, in order to protect lives, the ship and its cargo.
5.24 Stability calculations are the most important aspect of the loading calculations. Not only the crew's comfort but stress on a
ship's structure is affected by stability, and a ship in stable equilibrium is not so liable to capsize.
5.25 Transverse Stability is a subject all Deck Officers are familiar with, so only the main, practical points are summarized here.
GM = TKM - New KG
GM = GM - GG1
5.27 Full or empty tanks have no free surface, since there is no liquid moving as the ship rolls in the seaway. Avoid slack tanks to the
greatest extent possible to minimize the loss of GM caused by free surface.
5.28 In a heavy seaway, the liquid in a slack tank will surge with considerable speed and force, sometimes causing damage to the
tank itself.
5.29 Fuel oil tanks are normally only filled to 80 or 85 percent capacity so as to avoid overflow oil pollution. Fresh water and fuel are
both subject to daily consumption, so it is impossible to keep these tanks full for the entire voyage. Dividers, or swash plates, can
minimize the free surface to a large extent.
5.30 Sea water ballast tanks should be either filled to their limit, or empty. When filling these tanks, it is good practice to let them
overflow sufficiently to ensure no air pockets are trapped inside.
5.31 If Free Surface Correction data is not available, the following formula can be used for metric measure rectangular tanks only.
5.33 The following list summarizes the steps to calculate Trim and Fwd/Aft Drafts at the next loading or discharge port.
5.33.1 Check Fwd and Aft Drafts upon arrival and solve for corrected trim.
5.33.2 Deduct fuel oil and water consumed from DISP at previous port. Add ballast water if taken in; subtract if discharged.
5.33.3 Using DISP calculated in 5.33.2, refer to Hydrostatic Tables and obtain Draft, MTC and LCB. Check Sg to account
for any difference from Mean Draft found in 5.33.1.
5.33.4 Solve for Total Longitudinal Moments on arrival. Work back from Trim to Trim Lever to LCG(FP).
5.33.5 Measure the LCG(FP) of all weights to be loaded or discharged. Solve for their Longitudinal Moments.
5.33.6 The New Total Longitudinal Moments equals 5.33.4 plus or minus 5.33.5.
5.33.7 Add all weights taken in and subtract all weights discharged to find new DISP. Refer to Hydrostatic Tables for new
Draft, MTC and LCB.
5.33.8 Solve for new Trim and Fwd and Aft Drafts.
6.2 The IMCO and SOLAS requirements for loading grain are:
6.2.2 The residual stability area shall not be less than 0.075 metre-radians.
6.2.3 The correct metacentric height shall not be less than 0.30 metres.
6.3 The trim and stability and Grain stability should be made as soon as details of the grain cargo to be loaded are received.
Depending on the Stowage Factor (SF) of the grain to be loaded, slack holds may be required. Check the approved Grain Loading
Pland for the designated slack holds in this situation .
6.4 The actual Horizontal Heeling Moment (HHM) is 6qual to the Volumetric Heeling Moment (VHM) divided by the Stowage
Factor (SF) of the cargo.
Figure 25
6.5 The increase in Vertical Centre of Gravity (GG„) is equal to the Volumetric Vertical Moment (VVM) divided by the product of the
Displacement and SF.
NOTE; If cargo data is given in Imperial Measure, then convert your figures.
Metric Tonnes = Long Tons x 1.016
Cubic Metres(M3) = Cubic Feet(F3) x 35.314
6.6 VHM. VVM and allowable HVM are found in the Grain Loading Plan. The actual HVM is calculated and compared with the
allowable HVM. If the actual HVM is greater than the allowable HVM, a new stowage distribution with less heeling moment must be
You are required to complete a stability calculation prior to the commencement of loading. This is to indicate your vessel's worst
condition during the forthcoming voyage. The calculation should be made on this form and presented to the Port Warden before the
vessel can be issued with a Certificate of Readiness to Load. If there are any subsequent changes to the original stowage plan,
(tonnages, cornnodities or stowage factors, etc.) you should prepare a corrected plan for the Port Warden's, approval.
The manner in which this calculation is made will depend upon:
(a) Your type of vessel;
(b) The geographical position of your loading port; and
(c) The type of grain stability information with which your vessel has been provided.
In this case, complete Tables I, II, III, IV, V, VII В and IX.
Vessels having onboard documents requiring other than the criteria described above, or no documents, should consult with the Port
Warden for further instructions.
* It is possible that the term "heeling moment" is used in some stability booklets. This term is an alternative for
"upsetting moment" and the two are to be taken to mean the same.
7.1 When a large amount of deck cargo is carried, or when port rotation produces unusual weight concentration in upper holds,
stability must receive careful attention. When a ship is nearing her stability limit, and there is a significant amount of cargo deadweight
allowances yet available, it is good practice to conduct a rolling period test in still waters.
7.2 The Rolling Period Test is most frequently used for timber carriers, but should be applied whenever GM is an important factor for
loading. It should be noted that safe ocean crossings have been made by ships having a minimum corrected GM of not more than
0.03 M at any point in the voyage.
7.3 The loss of GM through consumption of Fuel Oil and Fresh Water must be taken into account. An average loss of GM per day
can be derived from the .departure and arrival Trim and Stability calculations.
7.4 The main advantage of conducting a rolling period test is that the actual GM is observed, making the result almost error free.
There will be a large difference between the computed GM based on the shipbuilder's data and the actual GM based on test. This is
because the shipbuilders base their computations on the Inclining Experiment of an empty ship.
7.7 The difference in rolling period obtained by testing in still waters, and the average taken at sea, is not significant enough to cause
7.8 For the rolling period test to give good results, the following conditions must be met:
7.8.1 If the ship is alongside, she must be clear of her berth, with her lines slack, so she can roll freely.
7.8.2 Barges and lighters must be well clear so as to not hinder the ship's movement.
7.8.3 Enough weights must be available to list the ship at least fifteen (15) degrees. Two or more derricks may be required.
NOTE: The stevedores should be informed in advance if the need for a test seems likely. Their co-operation in lifting the weights is
often required.
7.9 The best position for the observers is the forecastle deck. There they can note the inclination of the superstructure, especially the
bridge wing, against a reference point.
7.10 Lift the weights on one side of the ship. When the ship has been steadied in the listed position, drop the weights onto the dock
or into the water. Ensure the cargo runners are slack, so they offer no resistance.
7.11 It is best to tinie the complete period of roll from maximum angle of list through upright to opposite list, and all the way back to
original listed side. That is:
7.12 Time the period of roll at least three (3) times to ensure good accuracy of the average. Use this average in the Rolling Period
Т = 0.797 В
GM = 0.6532 x B2
GG1 = w x dKG
DISP +/- w
7.13 If a close estimate of GM is all that is required, it can be calculated from a deliberate listing of the ship. Weights are suspended
from a derrick, or placed on the deck if no derrick is available.
7.14 The weight (W), the distance of the weight from the center line of the ship (D), and the angle of list (0-) are measured. The
product of the weight (w) and the distance (D) are divided by the DISP. The result is then multiplied by the Cotangent of the Angle of
List (cot 0-):
GM = W x D x cotO-
The ratio between the waterplane area of the ship and the circum-
scribing rectangle.
cw =
This is the ratio between the underwater midship section and the circumscribing rectangle
cm =
A knowledge of the vessel's total wetted surface area up to the watering line is necessary when estimating the quantity of point required
to cover the ship's bottom. It may also be used for esti-nating the total area of the shell plating, when added to the outer surface area
above the waterline; fran this an apprcodnete weight of shell plating can be obtained. An accurate knowledge of the wetted surface area
is also necessary when estimating the frictional resistance of the hull to notion through the water.
A close approximation to the wetted surface area, S, may be made by using the following formulae:
S=c W+L
Where W = Displacement in tons
L = Length in feet
с = A coefficient which depends partly on the beam -draught ratio, an average value being 15.5
The formula then becomes;
S = 15, 5 W + L