Lesson 1 - What Is Gnosis
Lesson 1 - What Is Gnosis
Lesson 1 - What Is Gnosis
The great poet Goethe conveys to us through his wonderful use of symbols
and clues that theories are dead, empty, that they lack life, color and
A person can learn many theories and cram their mind or intellect full of
theoretical knowledge, but this only serves to convert the person into a
know-it-all who knows nothing about what is real because he has only been
formed by concepts, beliefs, opinions, and information that others have
given to him; into someone who knows nothing about the truth.
Goethe said that: "only the tree of golden fruits that is life is true"
The Tree of Golden Fruits is a direct allegory for the Tree of Life of the
Christian Genesis, or the Tree of the Garden of the Hesperides of Greek
mythology, which the Hebrew Kabbalists also called the Sephirotic Tree.
This tree of life is the tree of real life, which can only be conquered when the
person sets out to construct his inner world, conquering the 10 golden fruits,
which are the 10 internal bodies of our Being. As we said in the previous
class, the human being not only has a physical body, but 7 bodies as taught
by theosophy. In addition to these 7 bodies, there are 3 higher expressions,
which make up the 10 spheres or sephira of our tree.
Only in our internal life, in practical life, in verification, and in direct and
profound experience can we find something different and get closer and
closer to what is real.
One of the definitions we can give for GNOSIS is as follows:
"Gnosis is the knowledge of a transcendental and transformative wisdom
that teaches humanity to see, hear, and feel all the things that until now have
been designated as great mysteries and enigmas."
Let's analyze this definition: this gnostic knowledge is a transcendental and
transformative wisdom: transcendental, because it transcends time or eras.
This wisdom is not of a moment or an epoch, but is always current, always
valid, since it has to do with the pristine nature of the human being that does
not change with time; they are immutable principles.
Transformative, because this knowledge, when awakened within the human
being, naturally produces in him the need to change old habits, bad habits,
vices, and stale ways of living because he comprehends and discovers what
his life is, his psychology and his wrong ways of living. His customs and
behavior begin to be governed by a new rational and scientific order, and he
begins to re-educate himself through knowing and comprehending the way
that the immutable laws of nature work and how they govern his existence
and the universe that surrounds him. Examples of such laws are the laws of
Reincarnation and Return, the law of Karma and Destiny, the law of
Recurrence, the laws of Evolution and Involution, the law of the Pendulum,
among others, practically unknown by our humanity.
But this transformation is not only psychological but also physical and
internal, as it leads man to the development of a higher nature that is in a
latent and dormant state within him; to the positive development of his
chakras and faculties, his internal bodies, hidden senses, brains and higher
centers of Being, his multiple intelligences, etc., producing a regeneration on
the level of body, soul and spirit that will convert him into a true man and
king of his nature.
This wisdom teaches humanity techniques and practices using a didactic
which gradually produces the awakening of the consciousness, which leads
us, in a gradual and ordered way, through a series of direct experiences,
where we will be able to see, hear and feel in a direct way, what humanity
knows as great mysteries and enigmas.
Subjective knowledge
Gnosis teaches us that there are countless defects and errors within each of
us that fritter away our energy, our life, our time, and our relationships.
There we find all our bad habits, fears, vices, emotions and negative instincts,
prejudices, complexes, traumas and imbalances that embitter our life and fill
it with pain and suffering. These elements are the result of ignorance within
us; of unconsciousness, of incomprehension. They are the result of our
wrong ways of living which over time have created habits, shaped our
character and our behavior to form our destiny that has been completely
affected and conditioned by these undesirable elements that we carry inside.
Although this may seem strange to us, these elements have their own life
within each one of us. They have their own thoughts, their own desires, and
even a strength of will that is often superior to ours as individuals. How many
times have we wanted to change a habit, but it was stronger than our own
will to change? A person who has a vice like smoking may know that smoking
hurts him, know all the evils that it entails, and may even know that smoking
will cause him to die. Nevertheless, within him there is a superior force that
leads him to continue with that habit over all the logic and will of the person.
That element has a force of its own which is superior to that of the individual.
That force that leads us to error is called Ego or the Self.
For this reason, it is necessary to know deeply all these elements that
embitter our lives and lead us to pain and suffering and to premature death.