10 1016@j Applthermaleng 2010 12 006
10 1016@j Applthermaleng 2010 12 006
10 1016@j Applthermaleng 2010 12 006
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The current work presents a semi-empirical mathematical model to simulate the unsteady behavior of
Received 5 August 2010 mass flow rate and power of reciprocating compressors. The model is based on thermodynamic equations
Accepted 1 December 2010 fitted to thirteen calorimeter data sets of two compressors with different capacities. The curve fitting
Available online 8 December 2010
suggests linear correlations between the measured values and the thermodynamic equations, indicating
that only two calorimeter data sets are necessary for curve fitting. Additionally, the proposed model was
also fitted to data sets of 21 other compressors obtained directly from the catalog of two different
Reciprocating compressor
manufactures. Besides, comparisons of computed and measured values of mass flow rate and power, in
Household application
transient regime, were conducted for the two fitted compressor curves. A good agreement of results was
Transient state found for both compressors in either cycling or start-up tests. It was found that the proposed semi-
empirical model can be satisfactorily applied to dynamic simulations of the whole refrigeration system.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-4311/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124 1115
2. Mathematical model The specific compression work can be computed by the inte-
gration ðvdpÞ over an indicator (p-V) diagram of an ideal recipro-
Because of the compressor high rotational speed, the refrigerant cating compressor with clearance. By considering the compression
compression is quite instantaneous in comparison to the response as an isentropic process (pvk ¼ const), one can find [24]:
Table 1
Calorimeter test results for compressors X and Y. Ambient temperature ¼ 32 C. Refrigerant R134a.
45 55 60 45 55 60
35 Mass flow rate (kg h1) 2.21 1.92 1.75 2.48 2.01 1.79
Compressor power (W) 102.68 102.53 100.65 92.0 87.0 83.5
Compressor shell temperature ( C) 64.4 65.9 66.8 63.9 64.5 60.0
Discharge line temperature ( C) 66.2 67.3 67.1 63.6 64.2 60.3
Suction line temperature ( C) 39.4 40.6 39.3 40.5 44.5 41.2
25 Mass flow rate (kg h1) 4.41 3.90 3.95 4.64 4.28 4.03
Compressor power (W) 145.9 148.9 150.0 126.4 130.8 130.7
Compressor shell temperature ( C) 67.4 70.1 72.3 63.5 65.1 66.0
Discharge line temperature ( C) 75.1 81.4 82.5 72.9 74.8 76.6
Suction line temperature ( C) 35.6 39.8 40.5 38.8 40.0 41.0
15 Mass flow rate (kg h1) 7.69 7.04 6.74 7.77 7.38 7.16
Compressor power (W) 192.5 202.5 210.1 162.4 175.0 179.8
Compressor shell temperature ( C) 68.1 71.9 74.1 62.3 65.9 66.5
Discharge line temperature ( C) 80.9 87.0 91.6 71.2 78.9 80.6
Suction line temperature ( C) 30.9 32.5 34.8 29.9 34.6 34.0
1116 C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124
Table 3
Calorimeter tests for ambient temperature ¼ 43 C. Condensing temperature ¼ 55 C, 0.6
evaporating temperature ¼ 35 C.
Table 4
Fitted constants of Eqs. (6) and (7) for compressor X and Y.
As heat transfer and leakages are intensified with the increase of the
discharge-to-suction pressure ratio, one may suggest that the
a 220
actual-to-ideal volumetric efficiency ratio is also pressure ratio
dependent. Fig. 1, for example, shows the actual-to-ideal mass flow
Measured Compressor Power (W)
180 _a
m p
¼ hv ¼ a þ b d (6)
m ps
where hv is the volumetric efficiency ratio (¼hva/hvi), a and b are the
140 linear and the angular coefficient of the straight line which are
fitted to calorimeter data. The a and b coefficients for compressors
X and Y are shown in Table 4. According to equation (6), hv gets
100 close to the unity as the discharge pressure approaches the suction
pressure. This would be expected as the losses and leakages
80 decrease with the drop in the pressure ratio. Table 4 also shows the
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
coefficient of determination and the largest difference between the
Mass flow rate x Isentropic work (W)
measured and calculated mass flow rates. Note that the largest
Fig. 2. Compressor power as a function of the product of the mass flow rate and the difference lies within the 5% uncertainty estimated for the calo-
isentropic compressor work. (a) Compressor X and (b) compressor Y. rimeter tests.
Table 5
Calibration data for EMBRACO and TECUMSH catalog compressors.
a b R 2 _
W hg R2
18 Table 6
Characteristics of the refrigeration system.
Refrigeration system Vertical freezer
14 Capacity 300 L
Measured mass flow rate (kg/h)
4 Table 7
Measuring instruments and their uncertainties.
Variable Instrument Uncertainty
0 Temperature T type thermocouple 0.2 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Discharge pressure Absolute pressure transducer 0.03 bar
Calculated mass flow rate (kg/h) Suction pressure Absolute pressure transducer 0.03 bar
Mass flow rate Coriolis 0.012 kg h1
Fig. 3. Comparison of measured and computed mass flow rates for different compressor
Compressor power Wattmeter 0.2% of the measuring
Difference [%]
5.5 15
and 0.999. The following correlation was thus proposed for the 8 5
4 0
_ þm_ a wi
Difference [%]
_ a ¼ m
W _ a wa ¼ W (7) 0 10 20 30 40 50
hg 6 Time (min)
where W _ and 1/hg are, respectively, the linear and angular coeffi-
cients of the straight line. W _ is suggested to be the power
l Experiment
consumption for the unloaded compressor. The unloaded 4 Model 0
compressor still consumes energy to overcome the losses even if Difference
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
600 8
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
Measured compressor power (W)
500 10
Difference [%]
400 4
0 10 20 30 40 50 5
± 10% Time (min)
300 4 Experiment
Model 0
0 0 -10
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Calculated compressor power (W) Time (min)
Fig. 4. Comparison of measured and computed compressor powers for different Fig. 5. Comparison of the measured and computed mass flow rate for the start-up test.
compressor models. (a) Compressor X and (b) compressor Y.
C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124 1119
minimum values of mass flow and power found within an estab- Other compressors
lished range of evaporating and condensing temperatures should
be used in the calibration. Note that the maximum and the As the required data for the curve fitting are those available in
minimum mass flow rate take place at the lowest and the highest manufacturer catalogs, the current model can be easily applied to
pressure ratio, respectively. other compressors. Curve fitting was conducted for nine EMBRACO
According to Eq. (7), the highest and the lowest measured [25] and twelve TECUMSEH [26] compressors. Their capacities
compressor powers occur at the maximum and minimum isen- range from 70 to 400 W and they employ three types of refriger-
tropic powers, respectively. The product of Eqs. (1) and (4) can be ants: eleven use R134a, eight R600a and the other two R404a.
used to identify the maximum and minimum values of isentropic Those tests were performed in different conditions, depending on
power within an established range of evaporating and condensing the compressor type. In general, the evaporating temperatures
temperatures. The analysis of Eqs. (1) and (4) shows the isentropic range from 40 to 10 C and the condensing temperatures, from
power is either zero at zero mass flow rate (the highest pressure 35 to 65 C. The shell temperatures are not available at the catalog
ratio) or zero compressor work (pressure ratio equal to zero). in order to evaluate the gas specific volume. As discussed in Section
Therefore, the minimum power can either take place at the lowest 4.1, the temperature chosen for the evaluation of the specific
or at the highest pressure ratio within the established range of volume does not affect significantly the curve fitting and therefore,
evaporating and condensing temperatures. On the other hand, the the ambient temperature is used instead. Besides, the compressor
maximum isentropic power usually occurs at the highest evapo- clearance fractions were also not available and consequently, they
rating pressure combined to the highest condensing pressures. In were estimated. A sensitivity analysis conducted for all compres-
order to assure a good fit for both mass flow and power, four sors showed that the lower the clearance fraction the higher the
conditions are suggested for the calibration: the four combinations coefficient of determination of the fitted curves. Thus, the largest
of minimum and maximum evaporating and condensing temper- coefficients of determination were obtained for the clearance
atures of the established range. fractions equal to zero. That means the ideal volumetric efficiency is
a 20 20
a 300 25
15 20
15 15
Compressor power [W]
Mass floow rate [kg/h]
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
Experiment 10
Model 5
10 Difference 150 5
-5 -5
5 Experiment
First approach model -10
-10 Difference
0 -15
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 -15
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [min]
Time [min] 25
b 300
20 20
b 20
Experiment 250
Model 15
Difference 15
Compressor power [W]
10 200
Mass floow rate [kg/h]
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
150 5
0 0
-5 -5
5 Experiment
First approach model -10
-10 Difference
0 -15
0 -15 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [min]
Time [min]
Fig. 7. Comparison of the measured with the calculated compressor power by
Fig. 6. Comparison of the measured and computed mass flow rate during the first employing the measured mass flow rate. The start-up test. (a) Compressor X and (b)
3 min of test of Fig. 5. (a) Compressor X and (b) compressor Y. compressor Y.
1120 C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124
200 compressor discharge line and was thermally isolated from
Difference [%]
-10 the ambient. To check the influence of the flowmeter on the system
performance, the freezer was tested without and with it. A reduc-
150 -15
tion on the condenser-superheating region was observed, which
-20 did not affect significantly the system performance as a whole.
The compressor electric power was measured by a wattmeter.
Experiment A data acquisition system was used and all variables were recorded
First approach model
-30 every 4 s. The instruments uncertainties are shown in Table 7.
50 Difference
-35 Comparisons of measured and computed values of mass flow
rate and compressor power were conducted for both compressors
0 -40 X and Y. The computed variables were based on measured
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
boundary conditions such as, suction and discharge pressures and
Time [min]
compressor shell temperature. Because these boundary conditions
present measuring uncertainties, the computed values are not
b 300 10
exact. Therefore, the uncertainties of the calculated mass flow rate
and compressor power can be evaluated according to [27]:
a 250 20
Compressor power [W]
Difference [%]
150 -15 200
Compressor power [W]
Difference [%]
-25 150
Experiment -30 5
50 First approach model
Difference 100
0 -40
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time [min] 50 Experiment
Second approach model
Fig. 8. Comparison of the measured with the calculated compressor power by Difference [%]
employing the measured mass flow rate. The first 3 min of Fig. 7.
0 -10
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
equal to one and that Eq. (6) is a correlation for the actual volu- Time (min)
metric efficiency. Table 5 shows the calibration data for all 21
compressors. b 250 20
Figs. 3 and 4 compare, respectively, the measured mass flow rate
and compressor power to their computed counterpart for such
compressors. 363 points were used in the comparisons of Figs. 3 15
and 4. 91% of the points of Fig. 3 lie under the þ/ 10% error bars
Compressor power [W]
in which 77% are under þ/5% differences. In Fig. 4, on the other Experiment
Second approach model 10
hand, 83% of the points are under þ/5% error bars and only 14%
Difference [%]
2 2 2 the compressor power is 3 W (about 3% of lowest measured value).
DZ ¼ DZjTsh þ DZjpe þ DZjpc (8) In this case, the uncertainties of suction and discharge pressures
have the same importance on the compressor power deviation. The
where DZ is the uncertainty of mass flow rate (Eq. (6)) or shell temperature (or suction temperature) does not affect the
compressor power (Eq. (7)). DZjTs , DZjpe and DZjpc are changes on compressor power. Note that the uncertainties of the computed
mass flow rate or power, caused, respectively, by the uncertainties values are much larger than the measured ones (Table 7). Therefore,
of shell temperature DTsh, suction Dpc and discharge pressures Dpe to decrease the uncertainty of the correlations, the uncertainty of
given in Table 7. DZjTs , DZjpe and DZjpc are calculated according to: the pressure measurements must be reduced.
Fig. 5 shows comparisons of the measured and computed mass
DZjTsh ¼ ZðTsh þ DTsh ; pc ; pe Þ ZðTsh ; pc ; pe Þ (9) flow rates of both compressors for the start-up test. Not only the
results are quite close e most differences lie within 15% error
bands e but also the curve shapes are very similar (see the zoom at
DZjpc ¼ ZðTsh ; pc þ Dpc ; pe Þ ZðTsh ; pc ; pe Þ (10)
the upper part of the figure), meaning the quasi-steady state
hypothesis is adequate. Fig. 6 shows the first 3 min of the results of
DZjpe ¼ ZðTsh ; pc ; pe þ Dpe Þ ZðTsh ; pc ; pe Þ (12) Fig. 5. Although measured and computed values show different
trends in the first 3 points, the model represents quite well the
The maximum deviation of mass flow rate, as calculated by mass flow rate. However, one would expect the model behavior to
Eq. (8), is 0.07 kg h1 (4.7% of 1.5 kg h1 e the lower measured value be closer to the physics as the mass flow rate should reach its
of mass flow in the transient tests), which is mainly caused by maximum value at the compressor start-up, as a consequence of
the suction pressure uncertainty. The deviations produced by the the highest volumetric efficiency (equal to one) and the low specific
uncertainties of discharge pressure and shell temperature volume at the suction port. As the pressure ratio growths, the
are smaller than one tenth of the ones induced by the suction specific volume increases and the volumetric efficiency decreases,
pressure variations. On the other hand, the maximum deviation of causing a monotonic reduction of the mass flow rate, as predicted
a 300 20
8 20
15 a
10 7 Experimental
Model 15
Compressor power [W]
0 6
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
-5 10
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
150 -15
4 5
-25 3
-30 0
Second approach model -35 2
50 Difference [%]
-40 -5
0 -50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 -10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)
300 10
Time [min]
b b 8 20
250 Experimental
Model 15
0 Difference
Compressor power [W]
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
150 -10
4 5
Experiment -20
Second approach model
Difference [%] -5
0 -30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 -10
0 2 4 6 8
Time (min)
Time [min]
Fig. 10. Comparison of the measured with the calculated compressor power by
employing the computed mass flow rate. The first 3 min of Fig. 9. (a) Compressor X and Fig. 11. Comparison of the measured with the calculated mass flow rate for the cycling
(b) compressor Y. test. (a) Compressor X and (b) compressor Y.
1122 C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124
by Eq. (6). One could argue that the measured mass flow rate peak curves of compressor power and mass flow rate are not exactly in
is due to the compressor rotor inertia. Nevertheless, the necessary phase because the power depends not only on the mass flow rate
time to reach the steady-state rotation is only a fraction of a second but also on the compressor work.
and consequently, the 4 s data acquisition period is not fast enough The second approach, which employs the computed mass flow
to pick up such start-up peak. Therefore, the initial behavior of the rate on the calculation of the compressor power, is now used to
measured mass flow rate seems incorrect. This must be caused by compare the measured and the computed power values (see Fig. 9).
the low response time of the Coriolis flowmeter. In comparison to Fig. 7, the curves are again very similar though the
Two approaches were adopted to verify the compressor power computed values have different magnitudes: the steady-state
model (Eq. (7)). Firstly, the compressor power is evaluated by differences have changed from 5% to þ10% for compressor X and
employing the measured mass flow rate and secondly, by using the from 3% to 5% for compressor Y. Fig. 10 shows the first 3 min of
computed mass flow rate. A comparison of the measured with the results of Fig. 9. One can see the measured and computed curves
the first approach computed power is presented in Fig. 7. The are in better agreement than they were in Fig. 8, indicating once
curves are very similar to each other with the discrepancies within more the transient measurement of the mass flow is not accurate.
þ/15% for both compressors. The same comparison was also performed for the cycling
The first 3 min of the results of Fig. 7 are shown in Fig. 8. The experiments. The oneoff cycles take place approximately every
largest value of the compressor power must take place at the start- 21.5 min for compressor X (10.1 min running) and every 16.4 min
up in order to overcome the rotor inertia. Besides, due to the (7.5 min running) for compressor Y. As the cycles are approximately
reduction of the mass flow rate, despite the slight increase of the of the same duration, only one of them was chosen for the analysis.
compressor work, the power should decrease after the start-up, as Fig. 11 compares the measured and computed mass flow rates,
observed in the measured curves of Fig. 8. As the calculated power during the “on” period. Note that the compressors are switched on
is based on the measured values of the mass flow rate, its peak is at time zero and off after 10.1 and 7.5 min, respectively. Although the
a result of the curve shape shown in Fig. 6. Note that the measured differences are quite high soon after the compressor start-up, these
a 200 20
a 200 30
150 Difference 20
Compressor power [W]
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
100 10
0 50 0
0 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 -10
Time [min] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time [min]
b 200 20
b 200 30
Experimental 16 25
First approach model Experiment
150 Difference 14 Second approach model
Compressor power [W]
150 Difference 20
Compressor power [W]
Difference [%]
Difference [%]
6 100 10
50 0 50 0
0 -6 0 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time [min] Time [min]
Fig. 12. Comparison of the measured with the calculated power based on the Fig. 13. Comparison of the measured with the calculated power based on the
measured values of mass flow rate for the cycling test. (a) Compressor X and (b) computed values of mass flow rate for the cycling test. (a) Compressor X and (b)
compressor Y. compressor Y.
C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124 1123
0 employing Eq. (7). Besides, Eq. (7) has shown a better curve fitting
Difference [%]
than Eq. (6) for almost all cases; the coefficients of determination
for Eq. (6) were smaller than they were for Eq. (7). Fig. 14 compares
the measured mass flow rate to the one computed by Eq. (7). Note
that the isentropic compressor work was based on the measured
3 values of suction and discharge pressures and also on the shell
temperature. Not only the curve shapes of Figs. 11 and 14 are quite
2 similar but also the differences on Fig. 14 are smaller than those
found in Fig. 11.
Concluding remarks
0 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 In the current work, a semi-empirical model to predict the
Time [min] transient mass flow rate and the power of domestic refrigeration
b 8 5 compressors was presented. The model was based on thermody-
namic equations and they were fitted to thirteen calorimeter test
Experiment data sets of two compressors. The analysis showed that the actual-
Second apprach model
Difference to-ideal volumetric efficiency ratio is linearly dependent on the
6 discharge-to-suction pressure ratio and that the compressor power
is a linear function of the product of mass flow rate and compressor
Mass flow rate [kg/h]
isentropic work. These linear correlations require only two calo-
Difference [%]
rimeter data sets to be fitted.
4 Data fitting was also conducted for other 21 compressors whose
data were obtained directly from the catalog of two manufacturers.
363 data sets were employed on the fitting. The comparison of the
-5 catalog values to the model results showed that 77% and 83% of
the mass flow rate and compressor power differences were with
the error bands of þ/5%, respectively.
Two types of transient experiments were used to validate the
current model: the start-up and the cycling tests. Despite a delay
between the measured and computed mass flow rates, at the
0 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
beginning of the tests, the results agreed quite well. Excluding the
Time [min] first five measuring points, the differences were within 4% to
þ18% for the compressor X and 10 to þ12% for compressor Y in
Fig. 14. Comparison of the measured and the calculated mass flow rate based on the the transient period. In steady-state, the observed differences for
measured compressor power for the start-up test. (a) Compressor X and (b) compressors X and Y were 8% and 10%, respectively. The delay,
compressor Y. however, might be related to the Coriolis flowmeter response time.
In order to compare the computed and measured compressor
differences reduce considerably and stabilize at approximately 7% powers, two different approaches were employed to calculate the
for compressor X and 5% for compressor Y. After the peak observed power: the first based on the measured and the second, on the
in the measured values, the curves agree quite well and the differ- computed mass flow rate. In the first approach, the measured and
ences are even smaller than those observed in the start-up test. Note computed curves are quite similar but there is a time shift between
that the slope change at about 1.5 min is observed in both measured them, probably related to the measurement of the mass flow rate.
and calculated curves, for both compressors. With exception to the first 3 measuring points, all differences are
As before, the power is either based on the measured or within e9 to 12% and 13 to 12% for compressors X and
computed values of mass flow rate. Fig. 12 presents the measured Y, respectively.
power and its computed counterpart based on the measured mass Not only the measured values of mass flow rate and compressor
flow rate. Despite the time shift, the measured and calculated power were liable to uncertainties but also their computed coun-
curves are very similar to each other. The calculated curves are terparts, as they were based on measured values of pressure and
delayed in comparison to the measured ones; the maximum temperature. The uncertainties of the computed values were esti-
calculated powers take place a few seconds after the measured mated to be much larger than the measured ones. Therefore, most
values. The time shift makes the differences of measured and of the differences found in the comparisons can be attributed to the
computed curves quite high at the start-up. As soon as the curves computed value uncertainties, which can only be decreased if the
get in phase, the differences reduce significantly, reaching 4% for pressure transducers uncertainties (mainly the suction pressure)
compressor X and becoming almost unnoticeable for compressor Y. are reduced.
The power was again computed by employing the calculated Considering the good agreement with experimental values, one
mass flow rate and compared to the measured figures (see Fig. 13). concludes that the proposed semi-empirical model can be applied
Regarding their shapes, the measured and computed curves are to dynamic simulations of reciprocating compressors. Therefore,
very similar to each other, as the time shift has completely the process can be considered quasi-steady because the pressure
1124 C.O.R. Negrão et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (2011) 1114e1124
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