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Man's Best-Boy Friend-10

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“You should see a doctor.” Thomas said while he writes his signature on documents that I have prepared
for him. These documents should be submitted to the different offices and banks today, but since I
came in late for work, I’ll just deliver these tomorrow. I arrived at the office during lunch break, and
Thomas went out for a lunch meeting. I waited for him in his office for a full hour. In order for my mind
to work on something, I ordered ice cream dessert online. It arrived 30 minutes later, and like always,
desserts really make you less sad.

Thomas arrived 10 minutes later than I have expected. Once he arrived, I opened my laptop and
showed the summary of his finances, and as usual, everything is compiled, stored in different locations
and more than 60% of his assets are untouchable, unless the court finds him guilty of a particular crime.
I also showed him his tax payments, investment, dividends from different corporations and credit
account of his wife, daughter and son. I finished updating him of his finances after around 2 hours.

“You should downgrade your wife’s and son’s credit limit. They are spending too much. I will also look
at the properties that you want to purchase in the other country. Let’s see if we can put it under one of
your corporations, or would you want to put it under your daughter’s name?”

“Do not change the topic, Elijah.” As he push all the documents toward me and look at me straight in the

Oh no, he’s serious. He used my first name.

His stare is intimidating and his alpha smell is dominating. If I haven’t known this person for three years,
I might have run out the room now. I sighed. He rolled his eyes.

“I have been telling you that since last year. Why are you so adamant in not seeing an expert? You need

I’m afraid, Thomas.

I’m afraid that I’ll find out that I’m insane and there’s no cure for it.

I’m… not crazy. I’m just emotional.

“I’m helping myself, Thomas. If I work really hard, it goes away eventually. All I need is something that I
can focus my mind on. I can’t go to therapy, vacation or spa to relax, it’ll just make me more vulnerable.
I’m helping myself, and I’m surviving.” I collected all the documents and put them neatly in a folder,
stood up and put them in my bag on the leather couch. Thomas leans back on his chair.

“You’re surviving it, but you’re not getting better. That’s the third time this month, right? Go to a
therapist. If you’re worried about the payment, I’ll pay for you. Please let me do this for you.”

“You remember our agreement, right? No cash gift beyond what is appropriate. A regular accountant –“

“Doesn’t earn millions overnight. I know that, but this is treatment, not money. You know you can ask
me for anything. Hell, I would give you two of my Swiss account if you want! That’s how much
important you are to me, you’re like my brother now. Please, do it for me, go to a doctor and if therapy
is needed, take it.”
“Thomas, there’s no need for that, really. I, uhm, I adopted a dog as a start of my own version of
therapy. The dog really helped me last night. He pulled me to bed and keep me company. Last night
wasn’t as bad as the previous episodes because of the dog.”

“But a dog is not the only therapy you can – “

“Thomas, I know you are really stubborn and I know you will not let this go. If you really want to help
me, there is a problem that is causing me stress that I think you might be able to help me with.”

“Tell me.”

I sit in front of his table again and recounted the trouble of losing my apartment in three weeks, and the
need to find a new apartment that is dog friendly, near my work office (Thomas’ office) and not
expensive. I emphasized that I don’t need a high end unit for it might blow my cover of a regular

“I can help you with that, I have lots connections. How about a house? There are houses near this office
that we can purchase.”

“An apartment is just fine. And DON’T purchase it for me. I can pay for it.”

“I’ll find you an apartment or house that is dog friendly, but you have to promise me you’ll see a doctor.
Or I’ll just make you go, you know, I have my ways.” His face turned dark and I roll my eyes at him.

“Please don’t kidnap a doctor or shoot me with a tranquilizer.” I said and he chuckled, “Fine. After I
settle in, I’ll go see a doctor. Thank you for looking out for me, Thomas.”

“Eli, we’re like brothers now, and I’m really concerned about you. For more three years that we’ve
known each other, I have never seen or smelled alpha on you, declined all my invitation to any events.
You’re taking this ‘keeping a low profile to keep eyes off on our business’ thing really seriously. Come
on, go out sometimes, date alphas and come with me once in a while. It might help.”

“My ‘low profile’ is keeping both of us safe and your billions of dollars and assets safe.” I sighed. I know
that being alone and aloof might be aggravating my situation, but I can’t jeopardize our situation. “I
know you mean well, Thomas, but if you want to be on the safe side, we should minimize our
interactions here.”

“I understand you, but I sometimes wish that we can go beyond this office relationship. I’m not implying
romantic or sexual relationship, but a dinner with my family or a drink with my friends won’t hurt us that
much right?”

Thomas might be one of the most terrifying mob boss in the city, but he really is a gentleman at heart.
He loves his kids, nice to his friends and really like a brother to me. But the things that we have done to
use and hide his ill-gotten wealth have placed us in a precarious situation.

“I understand, Thomas. Maybe when I settle down in my new place and see a doctor, I might join you in
a nice dinner.” I said with a smile. Thomas smiled back.

“I’ll hold on to that. I’ll make sure to help you find your new place as soon as possible.”
We continued to talk about his family, his wife’s exorbitant spending and his alpha son’s rebellious
stage. I really enjoy these types of talk with Thomas, because it eases my mind with relaxing
conversations and I get to know Thomas as a person.

I left the office with the documents that needed to be submitted the next day to different places. I also
received a text from Mr. Jensen that my package from the pet store have arrived. I head straight to the
grocery to buy supplies for Growly and I.

I opened the door to the apartment and Growly is standing behind it, his tail wagging and he looks
exited to see me. I walk to the kitchen to drop off the groceries first and went back down to Mr.
Jensen’s room to fetch the package from the pet store. After a short talk and no updates about Growly’s
owner, I went back up to my unit.

I unpack the package in the kitchen and show everything to Growly who seems uninterested. When I
went to the sink, I saw the plates and bowl that I set down on the floor for Growly’s food and water. I
stared at it for a moment.

Did I pick them up and put them in the sink when I came in the first time?

I looked at Growly who is lying on the floor with his eyes on me, then to the plates and the bowl on the
sink. Then I realized that the dog must have poop or pee somewhere in the apartment. I pull out the pet
spray and plastic for dog poop from the eco-bag and hunt for the mess made by the dog. I smelled and
looked everywhere, but there’s no evidence of any poop or pee. I walked back to the kitchen.

“Where did you poop or pee? Come on, tell me, I’ll clean up before we eat.” I said to the dog. In my
surprise, he stood up, and walk out of the kitchen and I followed him. He enters the bathroom and sit
beside the toilet bowl. I look around the bathroom, but there is nothing here and I smell nothing as
well. I stared at the dog, and he seems to get that I don’t understand him for he suddenly stood on his
hind legs, and with his front leg, scratch on the flush several times, until the toilet flushes itself. He sit
up again and my mouth is hanging open and my eyes went wide in surprise.

Holy shit! He can use the toilet?!

“You poo and pee in the toilet?!” I asked, my voice a bit high and the dog bark once and wag his tail. My
shoulders dropped and I kneeled on the floor and stretch my arms forward.

“Come here, Growly. You’re good boy.” He barked once again and walk towards me. I wrap my arms
around his neck and bury my head in his soft fur. “Thank you. You are a good boy, Growly. Thank you
so much.” I don’t know if I’m still emotional about the episode last night, but I feel warm and happy
now. Like the void didn’t exist and just by knowing Growly can take care of himself is such an emotional
moment for me.

I should take care of myself too.

“Sorry, Growly. I think I’m getting emotional. Come on, let’s eat before I break into tears here.” I stood
up, wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and head towards the kitchen. As promised, steak is our
dinner today. I took three steak, clean it, rub spices on it and put it on the skillet. On another pan, I stir
fry some beans, carrots, green peas and corn. While the steak and vegetables are cooking, I pull out
from the package Growly’s bowls for food and water and quick wash them. I fill the bowl with water
and put it down. Growly groan a little when he realized that it was just water. When the steaks and
vegetable are done, I put two servings in Growly’s bowl and set it down. He immediately attacked his
steak, while I enjoy my own serving of steak on a plate on the table. This is my real first meal of the day,
and I didn’t realized how much I missed a real meal until I bite a piece of steak and followed it with
vegetables. While I chew and savor the food, I watch Growly eat.

This feels nice.

Feels nice not to be alone when eating.

After eating and washing the dishes including Growly’s food bowl, I found myself sitting on the listening
to the noises from the TV, while I work on some documents for Thomas’. Growly is sitting lying beside
me. I tried to play with him with the squeaky ball, but he just ignore it and I found that its squeak is
really annoying. I let it roll away and didn’t bother to look for it. After an hour, my eyelids are starting
to drop and I feel my head dropping like a drinking-bird toy. I stretch my arms up, save all the works on
the laptop, turn it off and put in on the coffee table. I get up and went to the door to check if it’s lock for
the night and turn off the TV and lights in the kitchen and living room and turn the night light on, basking
the room in soft, golden lights. I heard Growly jump from the couch and probably head to his doggy bed
on the foot of my bed. I went to the toilet, brush my teeth and give myself a very quick shower.

I changed into my usual sleeping clothes – t-shirt and boxers – and went to the bed where,
unsurprisingly, Growly is already lying on one side of the bed. I sighed in defeat as I turn off the lights in
the room.

That dog bed cost me money, you know?

Dumb dog.

I didn’t try to move him, I just tuck myself under the cover, lay on my side, facing him. I put my hand on
his head and gave him ear scratches.

“Thank you, Growly. You saved me last night.” I said and close my eyes.

In a few moments, I fall into a deep, peaceful slumber.


My human omega have brought me to different places in the city to look at houses and apartments. He
told me one night that he took three weeks off his job so he’ll be able to look and settle in our new place
before the last week of the month. I was confused by then, when he suddenly said,

“I’ll be in heat soon, its due on the last week of this month, so I have to work hard for this. I’m actually
stressed, Growly. “


My human omega will be in heat soon! He’ll be vulnerable, in great pain and danger, and he still have to
look for a house for the both of us?

This is shit! No wonder he’s been up all most nights looking at his laptop, and most of his days talking on
I need to…

I need to help him!

I am an alpha, and I will take care of you! Just a few more days…

By the end of the second week of the month, I am able to shift forms in remarkable amount of time,
though still not my best record. I’m fortunate that my human omega spent most half of the day out of
the apartment, it gives me a lot of opportunities to practice. I still feel a little tired after shift, which
means that I still need to rest. Once I shift in less than half a minute, then that is good enough. That
means I’m strong enough.

I’ll be strong for you, human omega!

This weekend, we started early and have our breakfast in the car. We have three locations to look at in
the morning and two sites in the afternoon.

“After today, we’ll decide which one is the best. Growly, I want you to check every corner of the house,
use your sniffer to find anything bad, then when I ask you if you find anything bad, you bark once for
yes, twice for no. let’s try practicing…” My human omega and I practice saying yes and no in bark

Don’t worry, human omega! I got this!

One bark for yes, two for no, then point where the bad thing is.

Got you there, my human omega!

“Also, no growling at people. Be good today, ok. I think I should put a sign on you to warn strangers.
What do you think? You want sign on you?”

Hell no!!

Mind their own business, I’ll mind my own business.

I gave him two barks. He sighed.

The first unit we visited is almost similar to the one we’re currently staying at. All is good, nothing
smells bad. I responded with two barks when he ask for anything bad. We roam around the area and it
feels a little far from stores and other important establishment. My human omega also noted that he
would have like it more if it’s within the first three floor of the building. It’s on the fifth, and he’s quite
doubtful of the elevator.

The next one is high-rise condominium unit near the business area, and close to everything, especially
my human omega’s work place. He tells me, while in the elevator, that this one is quite pricy, yet
provides a good view of the area, but then again, it’s on the 15 th floor. I growled at the sales agent who
was waiting at the door who tried to pet me. Once my human omega apologized, we enter and examine
the unit. It was beautiful, smaller than their living now, but fully furnished and have large bay windows.
I went and stand on my hind legs to look out of the window.
“Like the view, Growly?” my human omega said as he stand beside me, his hand on my head as he stare
out of the window. I bark once and he turn to smile down at me.


I will never get tired of that smile.

“You like it huh?” then he looked down on the streets below, and shrug his shoulders, “We’re quite far
from the ground.”

Guess who is afraid of heights?

After the tour, I feel happy that this place is one of our choices. However, the human omega explained
to me that living in a beautiful space with a beautiful view in a business area will not come cheap, as
there are additional monthly dues to be paid. He noted that if we’re going to live there, we’ll eat cup
noodles and ramen for the rest of our lives.

The last one for the day is also an apartment unit, and I can sense that my human omega like it. It has
two bedrooms and it’s on the second floor of a 10-story high apartment. However my nose picked
something wrong with one of the bedroom.

I smell blood here. Human blood.

When my human omega ask if there’s anything wrong with the house, I bark once and lead him into one
of the bedrooms.

“My trained dog seems to smell something bad here. I want full disclosure of the history of this place
within the last five years.” The land lady looked tense first and then loosen her shoulder and told them
that an omega was robbed, raped and murdered there. My human omega’s smell change a bit, a little
bit of fear mixing in his sweet smell. I licked his hand to calm him down.

Three units, and none of them spark any joy in my human omega. We eat lunch in a restaurant where
they have tables outside. He ordered chicken for me and fish for him. He promised that he’ll cook steak
at home. We eat in silence, but in the corner of my eyes, I can see that he’s worried.

This is stressing him out!

I wish I can help make you feel better…

After 30 minutes of eating and 30 minutes of walking around, we went to the next location for our
apartment hunt.

“The last two places are houses for sale. One was recommended by Dr. Gavin and the other was found
by my boss, Thomas. I actually didn’t like the idea of a house because, as you might have observed, I live
alone and no one usually comes to visit, but if I you want to live me, and I really appreciate if you would
live with me, a house is a better choice for us. They are about 30 -45 minutes walking distance away
from my work, and the area is still within the center of the city, just closer to the suburbs.”

The two small houses were really nice. The first one is a two-story house with a gravel car park. My
human omega liked that it has a small piece of land in front and at the back of the house. The house is
narrow, and long. It has a toilet & bathroom, a pantry and a laundry room on one side where the stairs
is and the long room is divided generally into the living room and the kitchen on the other end. Upstairs,
there are two large bed rooms and in between them is another toilet and bathroom. There are large
windows in both room.

“This is nice. My family’s house in the suburb is a wider and their lawn and backyard is also more
spacious than this, but I like it. The space is overwhelming though, it’s larger than our apartment. Do
you find anything bad, Growly?”

I bark twice.

The second house is not too far, and fortunately it is also listed in the same realty as the first house. The
agent walked us toward the next house, and it give us an opportunity to walk along the street. The
second house is almost the same as the first one but this has three bedroom and an attic. My omega
find it as good as the other one and I found nothing bad in this house either.

“I liked the houses that you’ve shown me today, Laura. The neighborhood seems nice as well. My anti-
social dog seems to love them and they are still walking distance to work.” My human omega brought
out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a business card and gave it to Laura, “Would you mind
sending all the details of these houses, including the contract if available to my e-mail today?”

“Well, of course sir, once I get back to my office I’ll send all the details to you, pricing, contract and
everything.” She said looking at the card, “Ah, I see. You’re an accountant. I was wondering why you
were not asking about pricing and mortgages.” She led us back to the first house where our car is

“My work is mostly about acquiring assets so I’m kind of used to these transactions. The houses are
ready for occupancy, right?” The agent nodded. “How long do you think it will take before I can move in
after paying for it?”

“I know you know the answer to that, sir. Are you in a hurry?”

“Well, I need to settle before my heat.” My omega is worried and he is a bit desperate in his tone. “I’m
due last week of this month, and I don’t want to look around for a place to stay. I was hoping you have
some ways to hasten the process. I want to move in any of this house before this coming Saturday.”

“Wow. So one week to process everything, huh? But you haven’t seen the contract and the listing price
yet? Are you sure about this? I can probably let you move in as long as it is paid, but I just want you think
over about this purchase.”

“Thank you for your concern. I’m already okay with any one of this houses. I’ll just make a choice and I
can wire the payment as early as Monday.”

“Wow. Okay this is fast. But the customer is always right! I won’t argue with someone who knows more
about money than I do! Well, ok! I’ll send you all the papers today, just tell me which one you prefer
and I’ll help you with moving in.” By this time, we arrived at our car and my human omega opened the
driver seat door and I jumped in to take my seat on the front passenger side.

“Thank you, Laura. I’ll wait for those documents. I’ll get back to you as soon as Sunday or Monday
morning. See you soon.”
On the drive home, my human omega talked to his boss over the phone.

“Hello, Thomas. I went house hunting today with my dog. I went through your recommendations, the
condo unit and the three bedroom house.”

“Oh, did you like any of them? I hope you prefer the condo unit so I can easily go to you if I’m bored or

“It was really nice, Thomas. My dog loved it, but it’s quite far from the ground. It’s expensive as well.
That unit suits someone like you, a handsome CEO, but not for an average, afraid of heights accountant
like me.”

“One, yes you are right, I’m a handsome CEO. Two, I’ve told you, the price is not an issue, remember our
latest deal, I’ll buy the house, you will be my family’s accountant and you’ll go see a doctor. Third, just
don’t look down, silly. How about the house? How is it?

Wow. So my human omega is not really paying for the house?!

And some ‘handsome’ CEO is not bothered by the price at all?!?

Something’s not right here.

“The house is nice, I like it. There is another house recommended to me by my dog’s vet that is on the
same listing as the one you recommended, it’s only two bedroom though. I like both houses! They are
both ready for occupancy and the installed stove, oven, ref and washing machine are all new. I’m going
to pick one of them later.”

“Good. Choose whatever you want, and you can pay for it using any of my account. Just make a report
like you always do. So when do you think you’ll move in?”

They continue to talk and talk, and I’m kind of pissed that they seem to be pretty friendly with one
another. I should probably go with my human omega to scare this ‘handsome CEO’ to stay away from
what is mine.

After picking up dinner, we went home directly. My human omega seems tired, as he just put down the
steak on its packaging on the floor near the couch on the living area while he eat his fish directly from
the package in the couch. He turn on the movie, watch the news for a while. After we finish eating, he
pick up all the empty food packs and dispose them on the trash bin on the kitchen. I heard him making
coffee, while I settle myself on the couch, too lazy and too full to move.

I can feel myself regaining my normal strength.

Soon I’ll be able to show myself to this omega.

Moments later, my human omega settle beside me on the couch, he raised his legs and settle his feet on
the coffee table. He placed his mug on the coffee table far from his feet and he placed his laptop on his
lap. He lean back on the couch and started at looking at documents on his laptop.

I changed my position and squeezed my head on his lap. He put one hand on my head and slowly
scratch it, while he silently read. I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes, my human
omega is also asleep in the couch, his head lying back on the back of the couch. His laptop still in his lap.
He must have been tired.

My poor, sweet omega.

I’ll pull him to bed.

I nuzzled my nose into his neck and smell and taste his sweet and totally addictive scent.

So sweet, my human omega.

How sweet will you be when you go to heat?

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