Marketing 4 Menu Planning
Marketing 4 Menu Planning
Marketing 4 Menu Planning
Marketing is about discovering (or creating) and then meeting consumer desires.
If those desires change over time, we can customise the marketing environment
based on the form the desires take when they are acted on. In our resturant is created marketing
culture .. A culture shared by our employees produes and a drive to achieve our goal which is lead to
more succesful restourant . The products we serve are of highest quality which is combined with
profesional service and pleasant atmosfere.
Marketing target
Restourant “San Pierre” intends to cater a wide group of prople. We want everybody to feel welcome
comfortable and satisfied with our service and food with delightful atmosfere in our restourant.
There are few ranges of people wich we consider as our target.
Local people.: They are many local people who enjoys our traditional food. Seating by the
creek and enjoying in the view of restourant which lead them trough history of their place. Its
very cachy for local people.
Tourists: lot of people are traveling trough whole year on a cruiser ships which are comeing
ocasionaly to Boka bay. Its very appealing for them to come in a restourant whish is tipicaly in
Bokeljian style.
Happy Couples: Deppending on a occasion couples would love to enjoy in romantic atmosfere
where we will help them to impress their better half.
The family: Perfect place for family and friends which will come for accommodative menu and
friendly service.
We have organized our mareting in the way for guest to feel served in best meaning and for us to have
good profit and be comfortable.Good atmosfere ,proffesional and friendly service , delicious food will
sure attract guest to come and taste our food again. We orgaize special events such as:
Bokeljian dinner
Valentine s Day
We also organize Aniversaries and Weddings were all expetations from guest are recived.
Web site
Direct mail
Bilboard by the main road throuh whole sea coast
Brochures and calendars in Camelia mall
we are also promoted with tourist agency