Seismic Response of High Voltage Electrical Transformer-Bushing Systems
Seismic Response of High Voltage Electrical Transformer-Bushing Systems
Seismic Response of High Voltage Electrical Transformer-Bushing Systems
Transformer–Bushing Systems
André Filiatrault1 and Howard Matt2
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Abstract: High voltage porcelain bushings mounted on transformers have shown vulnerability during past earthquakes. This is contrary
to the generally good performance observed during shake table qualification testing of bushings anchored to a rigid base. The seismic
vulnerability of porcelain bushings might be caused by the flexibility of transformer tanks and of bushing attachments. Current seismic
qualification guidelines consider an amplification factor of 2.0 between the amplitude of the ground motion and the amplitude of the
motion at the base of the bushing. This paper investigates numerically the dynamic response of porcelain bushings mounted on trans-
former tanks. The results of the numerical study show that large amplification occurs when the fundamental frequency of the porcelain
bushing is tuned with the fundamental frequency of the transformer tank.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2006兲132:2共287兲
CE Database subject headings: Earthquakes; Electrical equipment; Electric transmission structures; Seismic effects.
Introduction for a bushing is oil leakage between its base flange and the upper
porcelain portion.
Past seismic events, such as the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 The IEEE-693 standard 共Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Northridge earthquakes in California, have demonstrated the vul- Engineers 1997兲, which provides seismic design recommenda-
nerability of particular electrical substation components to mod- tions for substation equipment, states that bushings with voltage
erate and severe ground shaking, particularly in equipment of ratings of 161 kV and above must be seismically qualified by
230 kV and above. Failure commonly occurred in porcelain bush- shake table testing. Since placing a full-scale transformer–
ings mounted on transformers and also in post insulators. The bushing system on a shake table is not economically feasible on a
combined damage inflicted upon electrical substation equipment routine basis, bushing qualification tests are generally performed
by the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes has resulted in an by placing the bushing on a rigid frame in lieu of the transformer
estimated $283 million worth of losses 共Schiff 1998兲. body itself. Although the transformer body is assumed to be fairly
High voltage transformers are substation equipment that step rigid, it is acknowledged that the supporting structure of the bush-
up or step down the voltage within transmission lines. Bushings ing, consisting of the turret and transformer tank, amplifies the
are oil-filled insulating components used to connect the internal ground acceleration. For this purpose, the IEEE-693 standard as-
electrical coils of transformers to power equipment in a substa- sumes that the motion at the base of the bushing is equal to the
tion. Bushings are cantilever like components that protrude verti- ground motion multiplied by a factor of 2.
cally, or at angle of up to 20° from the top of transformers. Perhaps with the exception of 500 kV porcelain bushings,
Porcelain bushings are often composed of a number of annular shake table testing of porcelain bushings on a rigid base using the
rings stacked upon one another and post-tensioned together by the IEEE-693 seismic qualification procedure has demonstrated a
internal conductor. generally good performance of these components. This good ex-
Due to the nature of their design, porcelain bushings have perimental performance is contrary to the failure of bushings ob-
proven to be one of the most vulnerable pieces of substation served in the field following past earthquakes. It is believed that
equipment during earthquakes. The most common failure mode the actual seismic vulnerability of porcelain bushings might be
caused by the flexibility of transformer tanks and of bushing at-
Deputy Director, Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake tachments, which amplify their dynamic response.
Engineering Research and Professor, Dept. of Civil, Structural and Very few detailed numerical finite element studies have been
Environmental Engineering, State Univ. of New York, Buffalo, New York conducted on the seismic response of transformer–bushing assem-
14260; formerly, Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Univ. of blies. Bellorini et al. 共1998兲 performed experimental on-site dy-
California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 共corresponding author兲. namic tests and numerical finite element analyses on 230 kV
E-mail: power transformer in order to evaluate the amplification factor
Graduate Research Student, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Univ. of between the ground and the transformer bushing flange and re-
California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. sponse factor of the bushing itself. In a recent study, Ersoy and
Note. Associate Editor: Vinay Kumar Gupta. Discussion open until Ala Saadeghvaziri 共2003兲 presented the development of finite el-
July 1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual pa-
ement models and discussed the results of dynamic time-history
pers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be
filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was analyses conducted on several transformer–bushings systems. It
submitted for review and possible publication on July 16, 2004; approved was found that the transformer tank top plate flexibility affects
on May 10, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engi- bushing dynamic characteristics. Also, the level of accelerations
neering, Vol. 132, No. 2, February 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/ obtained in the bushings was much higher than that predicted by
2006/2-287–295/$25.00. the IEEE-693 standard. This could explain the discrepancy
Including internal core, oil, and appendages.
230 kV Transformer C, and a 500 kV Transformer D. Table 1
Scope of Study presents the overall dimensions and weights of each transformer.
Fig. 1 shows the finite element mesh generated for each trans-
The main objective of the numerical study reported in this paper
former. A detailed description of each transformer can be found
is to quantify the amplification that occurs between the ground
elsewhere 共Matt and Filiatrault 2004兲.
motion and the motion at the base of bushings for various types of
high voltage transformers, and to compare these results with the
constant 共frequency independent兲 amplification factor of 2.0 Modeling Assumptions
assumed by the IEEE-693 standard.
The three-dimensional finite element models of the four
In this numerical study, linear dynamic time-history analyses
transformer–bushing systems were constructed using the struc-
on three-dimensional finite element models of four different high
tural analysis software SAP2000 共Computers and Structures
voltage transformers were performed using the commercially
2003兲. Eight-node shell elements with the appropriate thickness
available structural analysis software SAP 2000 共Computers and
Structures 2003兲. The analyses were performed in each principal
direction of the transformers under 20 different historical strong
ground motion time-histories scaled such that their 2% damped
spectral acceleration values at the fundamental period of each
transformer tank matched the 2% damped high required level
response spectrum specified in the seismic qualification procedure
of the IEEE-693 standard.
The ground motion amplification was then quantified in two
different ways. First, a frequency dependent spectral amplification
was computed by taking the ratio of the 2% damped absolute
acceleration response spectrum of the horizontal acceleration
time-history obtained at the base of the bushing to that of the
horizontal ground acceleration. Second, for three of the four
transformer–bushing systems, the ground motion amplification
was also computed by taking the ratio of the maximum bending
moment obtained at the base of the bushing mounted on the trans-
former to that of the same bushing rigidly mounted.
Several modeling assumptions had to be made during the de- Hollywood 0.231
velopment of the finite element models. The first modeling as- N Faring Rd 0.273
sumption was related to the oil contained inside the transformer Coldwater 0.271
tank. Transformer tanks are generally filled with oil up to their Sunland 0.157
top. For this condition, oil-sloshing effects become negligible and
Loma Prieta 1989 6.9 Capitola 0.529
were not accounted for in the models. To account for the mass of
Gilroy #3 0.555
the oil within the tank, additional mass was symmetrically added
Gilroy #4 0.417
to the vertical perimeter of the steel tank walls leading to an
Gilroy #7 0.226
appropriate location for the center of gravity of the oil mass. This
simple approach, however, neglects the potential uneven distribu- Hollister 0.279
tion of lateral loads induced by the oil on the walls of the tank. Saratoga 0.332
Due to the nature of its design, the core and coil can be as- Cape Mendocino 1992 7.1 Fortuna 0.116
sumed rigid. However, one significant modeling issue is related to Rio Dell 0.385
the bracing of the core and coil to the interior walls of the trans- Landers 1992 7.3 Desert Hot Springs 0.154
former tank. If the core and coil are not braced, they do not
Yermo 0.152
provide any stiffness to the tank, as both components will act as
two separate and independent structures. In addition, their mass
should not be included in the dynamic analysis. On the other
hand, if the core and coil are rigidly braced to the transformer The final major modeling assumption dealt with the support
tank, then the whole transformer becomes essentially rigid and conditions of the transformers. Pin supports were used at bolt
the mass of the core and coil should be included in the dynamic locations and fully fixed conditions were used at weld locations.
analysis. Although some cores and coils can be lightly braced to Since transformer tanks are typically supported by a concrete pad,
the transformer tank, most are not. Even the ones that are braced roller supports were added at each node under the tank base to
may only be braced at midheight or braced by wood shims be- prevent out of plane bending of the bottom shell.
tween the core and transformer shell. Therefore, for modeling
purposes, it was decided to consider the coil and core as unbraced
elements and not to include any stiffness or mass from these
Earthquake Ground Motions Considered
internal components in the finite elements models.
Another modeling assumption made was that the radiators and The 20 ground motions chosen for the numerical study are his-
oil conservator tank were considered rigidly attached to the trans- torical events that have occurred in California 共Krawinkler et al.
former tank. This allowed for simplification of the models and 2000兲. These strong ground motions were recorded from various
eliminated some of the noncritical local modes of vibration. To recent seismic events with varying fault mechanisms. All ground
ensure the validity of this assumption, comparison of the trans- motions are such that the location of measurement was far enough
verse and longitudinal frequencies of the transformers were done from the fault rupture to be free of any near-fault directivity ef-
when allowing for flexibility of these components. It was con- fects. Table 2 presents details of the 20 ground motions selected
cluded that making these appendages rigid had no significant ef- for the analytical study.
fect on the global longitudinal and transverse modal properties of Each of the time histories were scaled to match the IEEE-693,
both the bushing and transformer tank 共Matt and Filiatrault 2004兲. 2% damped, high required response spectrum at the fundamental
The mass of each radiator and oil conservator tank, however, was frequency of each transformer tank in the transverse and longitu-
included in the models at their respective center of gravities. dinal direction, respectively 共Matt and Filiatrault 2004兲.
All porcelain bushings were modeled as multiple beam ele-
ments with the appropriate geometry, stiffness, and mass. Much
of the flexibility of transformer bushings results from gaskets
Analysis Procedures
used to prevent oil leaks at the flange connection and at various
other locations along the bushing height. Therefore, gasket ele- Linear time-history dynamic analyses were performed separately
ments were introduced into the bushing models at the proper lo- in the longitudinal and transverse direction for each of the four
cations in order to capture this additional flexibility. These gasket transformers considered in this study under the 20 scaled histori-
elements were modeled as short beam elements with their proper cal earthquake records selected. Based on the results obtained,
material properties. Bushing and gasket models were based upon dynamic amplification factors between the motion at the base of
information from available bushing qualification reports and the transformer tanks and that at the base of the bushings were
structural drawings included in the transformer manufacturer’s quantified in two separate ways.
reports. In the first procedure, a horizontal dynamic amplification was
longitudinal and transverse directions and then compared to the 3 3.0 Surge arrester, 1.4 0.1
IEEE-693 assumed frequency independent amplification value of Mode 2
2.0. 4 3.4 High voltage 1.8 0.9
It must be noted that this first approach does not directly con- bushing, Mode 2
sider the rotational acceleration at the base of the bushing, which 5 8.4 Transformer tank, 0.0 67.5
will also affect its dynamic response. In order to consider this Mode 1,
effect, a second procedure was used to quantify the dynamic am- Transverse direction
plification between the motion at the base of the transformer tanks 6 11.4 Transformer tank, 72.2 0.0
and that at the base of the bushings. Mode 1,
Three different bushings were considered for this second nu- Longitudinal
merical study: the 500 kV bushing from Transformer D, the
230 kV bushing from Transformer C, and the 525 kV bushing 7 13.2 High voltage 0.2 0.0
bushing, Mode 3
from Transformer A. As shown later, the bushing from Trans-
former B exhibited very small spectral amplification and was not 8 14.6 Surge arrester, 0.9 0.3
Mode 3
considered in the second numerical study. For each of these bush-
ings, a dynamic time-history dynamic analysis was performed 9 15.3 Surge arrester, 0.4 0.5
Mode 4
under two mounting conditions. First, the bushing was analyzed
10 20.2 Transformer tank, 0.0 13.6
as being mounted on the transformer. In the second analysis, the
Mode 2,
bushing was assumed rigidly mounted. The time-history dynamic Transverse direction
analyses were performed using the 1992 Landers earthquake
11 24.8 Wall plate bending, 0.7 0.0
record that has been filtered to match the IEEE-693, 2% damped, Mode 1
high required response spectrum 共Fenves et al. 2003兲. For a given
12 33.9 Transformer tank, 13.5 0.1
bushing, a “bending moment amplification” was computed by Mode 2,
taking the ratio of the maximum bending moment obtained with Longitudinal
transformer-mounted boundary conditions to the maximum bend- direction
ing moment obtained for fixed base conditions. This peak bending 13 42.8 Transformer tank, 0.1 2.2
moment amplification was then compared with the amplification Mode 1,
value of 2.0 defined within the IEEE-693 standard as well as the Torsion
spectral amplification values as computed in the first numerical 14 50.7 Wall plate bending, 0.6 7.0
study described above. Mode 2
Total 92.3 93.4
Numerical Results
cies are 8.4, 14.2, 10.8, and 10.5 Hz in the transverse direction
Modal Properties of Transformer-Bushing Systems and 11.4, 25.3, 25.1, and 20.8 Hz in the longitudinal direction for
Transformers A, B, C, and D, respectively. The high voltage bush-
Tables 3–6 present the computed natural frequencies and associ- ing fundamental frequencies are 2.9, 3.2, 9.1, and 3.4 Hz for
ated percentage of modal mass participation for each of the four Transformers A, B, C, and D, respectively. It is worth noting that
transformer finite element models considered. For each trans- these frequencies are representative of the modes of vibration of
former model, the number of modes considered for the dynamic the bushing attached to the transformer supporting structure.
analyses was such that at least 90% of the total modal mass was Bushings mounted to rigid frames have much higher frequencies,
accounted for in each principal horizontal direction. The first few as shown in Table 7.
modes of vibration were generally associated with the deforma-
tion of extraneous elements such as oil conservators, surge arres-
Spectral Amplification Results
tors, and bushings with negligible modal mass contribution. As
described above, these elements were made rigid for the purpose Figs. 2 and 3 present the mean, mean +1 SD and mean −1 SD
of conducting dynamic time-history analyses. The modes that values of the spectral amplifications computed across the ground
contributed the largest modal mass participation are that of the motion ensembles for the four transformer models along the lon-
transformer frame in the transverse and longitudinal directions. gitudinal and transverse directions, respectively. The numerical
For each model, the transverse 共narrow兲 direction had a lower results are also reproduced in Table 8. The spectral amplifications
transformer tank fundamental frequency than in the longitudinal exhibit three common trends across the transformer models. First,
direction. The computed transformer tank fundamental frequen- for a given transformer in a given direction, there are generally
3 14.2 Transformer tank, 0.0 72.4 3 10.8 Transformer tank, 0.1 23.8
Mode 1, Mode 1,
Transverse direction Transverse direction
4 21.9 Transformer tank, 26.9 0.0 4 11.6 Transformer tank, 0.1 13.5
Mode 1 Mode 2,
Longitudinal Transverse direction
direction 5 12.0 Oil conservator 12.5 0.2
5 25.3 Transformer tank, 38.8 0.0 tank, Mode 1
Mode 2 Longitudinal
Longitudinal direction
direction 6 13.2 High voltage 0.0 0.1
6 34.7 High voltage 0.0 0.9 bushing, Mode 3
bushing, Mode 3 7 13.5 High voltage 1.1 0.0
7 41.1 Wall plate bending, 0.1 0.4 bushing, Mode 4
Mode 1 8 16.9 Transformer tank, 0.0 13.8
8 41.9 Transformer tank, 1.4 0.0 Mode 3,
Mode 3 Transverse direction
Longitudinal 9 19.2 Wall plate bending, 0.1 10.5
direction Mode 1
9 46.2 High voltage 0.7 0.9 10 25.1 Transformer tank, 58.2 0.5
bushing, Mode 4 Mode 1,
10 46.5 Oil conservator 0.5 0.1 Longitudinal
tank, Mode 1 direction
Longitudinal 11 26.0 Transformer tank, 2.3 9.2
direction Mode 4,
11 54.9 Transformer tank, 0.2 1.9 Transverse direction
Mode 2, 12 37.2 Wall plate bending, 0.6 1.9
Transverse direction Mode 2
12 58.2 Wall plate bending, 0.5 2.5 13 37.9 Transformer tank, 14.8 0.0
Mode 2 Mode 2,
13 63.1 Transformer tank, 4.4 0.1 Longitudinal
Mode 1, direction
Torsion 14 41.3 Wall plate bending, 1.3 0.3
14 68.1 Wall plate bending, 0.3 0.0 Mode 3
Mode 2 Total 91.2 93.1
15 78.5 Transformer tank, 11.1 0.0
Mode 3
direction the first two modes of the transformer tank are closely spaced 共see
16 82.2 Transformer tank, 0.1 9.9 Table 6兲 leading to two peaks in the spectral amplification, as
Mode 3, shown in Fig. 3.
Transverse direction The main focus of this study is the ground motion amplifica-
17 94.7 Wall plate bending, 7.2 0.1 tion that occurs at the fundamental frequency of the bushing since
Mode 3 this frequency will govern the behavior of the bushing under seis-
Total 95.3 92.6 mic excitation. Based on the results shown in Figs. 2 and 3 and
Table 8, the mean spectral amplification at the bushing fundamen-
tal frequency in the transverse direction is equal to 1.6, 1.1, 17.1,
two major peaks in the spectral amplification. These two peaks and 2.3 for Transformers A, B, C, and D, respectively. The mean
occur at the fundamental frequencies of the transformer tank and spectral amplification at the bushing fundamental frequency in the
of the bushing, respectively. In addition, the amplification at the longitudinal direction is equal to 1.3, 1.1, 2.8, and 1.2 for Trans-
transformer frequency is consistently larger than the amplification formers A, B, C, and D, respectively. Only the 500 kV Trans-
at the frequency of the bushing. Finally, the amplification in the former D and 230 kV Transformer C have mean amplifications
transverse 共narrow兲 direction is larger than that in the longitudinal larger than the IEEE-693 standard prescribed value of 2.0 at the
direction. Note that for Transformer D in the transverse direction bushing frequencies. In fact, the 230 kV Transformer C experi-
Longitudinal direction
5 7.0 Oil conservator tank, Mode 2 6.4 0.0
Longitudinal direction
6 7.4 Low voltage arrestor, Mode 1 0.0 7.1
7 8.1 Low voltage arrestor, Mode 2 0.0 0.9
8 8.4 High voltage bushing, Mode 2 0.4 0.0
9 8.4 High voltage bushing, Mode 3 0.0 4.6
10 9.9 Oil conservator tank, Mode 1 0.0 2.3
Transverse direction
11 10.5 Transformer tank, Mode 1 0.0 37.5
Transverse direction
12 11.0 High voltage arrestor, Mode 3 0.0 0.0
13 12.5 Low voltage bushing, Mode 1 0.0 0.0
14 14.9 Low voltage arrestor, Mode 3 0.3 0.5
15 15.8 Transformer tank, Mode 2 0.0 29.8
Transverse direction
16 17.7 Wall plate bending, Mode 1 0.0 1.5
17 19.9 Low voltage arrestor, Mode 4 0.5 0.6
18 20.8 Transformer tank, Mode 1 30.9 0.3
Longitudinal direction
19 21.9 Transformer tank, Mode 2 37.6 0.4
Longitudinal direction
20 22.8 Transformer tank, Mode 3 10.4 0.4
Longitudinal direction
21 28.7 Wall plate bending, Mode 2 0.0 0.1
22 37.8 Oil conservator tank, Mode 2 0.1 5.6
Transverse direction
23 44.9 Wall plate bending, Mode 3 0.2 0.0
24 47.9 Oil conservator tank, Mode 1 5.0 0.2
Longitudinal direction
Total 92.4 92.4
ences a very large amplification in the ground motion 共17.1兲 in its frequencies are relatively close to each other seems rather intui-
transverse direction. This result can be explained by comparing tive; however, no clause in the IEEE-693 standard currently
the bushing and transformer fundamental frequencies for this sys- accounts for such a situation.
tem. As shown in Table 5, these two fundamental frequencies are Fig. 4 shows the variation of the mean spectral amplification
much closer to each other for the 230 kV Transformer C 共9.1 and as a function of the transformer-to-bushing fundamental fre-
10.8 Hz兲 than for the other transformers considered. The fact that quency ratio based on the results obtained in the dynamic analy-
the highest amplifications occurred when these two fundamental ses. As the transformer-to-bushing fundamental frequency ratio
becomes closer to one, a larger amplification occurs at the bush-
ing frequency. In fact, the variation seems to follow an exponen-
Table 7. Fundamental Frequencies of High Voltage Bushing Mounted on
Transformer and Rigidly Mounted tial pattern. The difference in amplification between frequency
ratios of 1.0 and 2.0 is much larger than between the frequency
Fundamental frequency ratios of 2.0 and 3.0.
Fig. 2. Mean, mean +1 standard deviation and mean −1 standard deviation of spectral amplifications, transformers A and B
bushing, and the 230 kV Transformer C bushing, the peak mo- fundamental frequency of the transformer. In other words, once
ment amplification was 1.1, 1.7, and 7.9, respectively. In other the accelerations reach the base of the bushing, much of the
words, for the Transformer C bushing, the peak bending moment energy is concentrated at the transformer tank fundamental
of the bushing was 7.9 times greater when mounted upon the frequency. Therefore, bushings that have fundamental frequencies
transformer than when it is rigidly mounted, as is the case during tuned to the fundamental frequency of the transformer induce
seismic qualification tests.
significant interaction, which results in large ground motion
Using the same Landers ground motion time-history that
matched the IEEE-693, 2% damped, high required response spec- amplifications.
trum, spectral amplifications were computed for the same three The spectral amplification values computed in this study show
transformers in order to compare the two different amplification that the IEEE-693 specified amplification value of 2.0 appears
definitions in this study. It was found that the peak bending mo- to be conservative for some, but not all transformer–bushing
ment amplification is significantly less than the spectral amplifi- systems.
cation, as shown in Fig. 5. For the 230 kV Transformer C, the Due to differences in weight, geometry, and size between
amplification of the peak bending moment is half of the spectral transformers of different voltages or manufacturers, it is difficult
amplification at the bushing fundamental frequency. Both Trans- to generalize the results obtained in this study. However, it can be
formers A and D experienced spectral and bending moment am- stated safely that the seismic qualification test procedure for bush-
plifications less than 2.0 at their corresponding bushing funda-
ings as defined in the IEEE-693 standard does not completely
mental frequency. Also, both Transformers A and D experienced
represent the true structural dynamics of the bushing–transformer
an amplification of their peak bending moment of about 70% of
the spectral amplification at their respective bushing fundamental system. It would be highly appropriate that seismic qualification
frequency. Only the 230 kV Transformer C bushing has a bending tests consider such cases as the 230 kV Transformer C, where
moment amplification larger than the IEEE-693 specified ampli- tuned bushing and tank fundamental frequencies increase the am-
fication value of 2.0. plification that occurs between the ground and bushing base mo-
tion. In addition, the fundamental frequency of a bushing attached
Discussion of Numerical Results to a qualification test support should more accurately represent
The numerical results obtained herein clearly indicate that the the fundamental frequency of the same bushing when attached to
seismic response of a transformer–busing system is filtered at the an actual transformer top.
Fig. 3. Mean, mean +1 standard deviation and mean −1 standard deviation of spectral amplifications, transformers C and D