Enrique's Journey Chapter 1

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Francisco Muñoz


Enrique´s Journey Chapter 1


1. resolve (used as a noun, 4): a resolution or determination made, as

to follow some course of action. 
2. bleak (4): without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary.         
3. to huddle (6): to gather or crowd together in a close mass.     
4. bewildered (7): completely puzzled or confused; perplexed.        
5. grief (9): keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss.       
6. musty (11):Having an odor or flavor suggestive of mold, as old buildings, long-
closed rooms, or stale food.
7. seldom (12): on only a few occasions; rarely; infrequently; not often
8. mattress (14): a large pad for supporting the reclining body, used as or on
a bed.                           
9. to slash (18): to cut, reduce, or alter.                         
10. labyrinth (20): an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is
difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit.
11. smuggler (21): person who import or export (goods) secretly, in violation of
the law, especially without payment of legal duty.                
12. to harvest (22): the season when ripened crops are gathered. 
13. to smack (24): to strike sharply, especially with the open hand or a flat
14. burden (25): the main point, message, or idea.
15. repercussion (30): an effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some
event or action.
16. introverted (31): a shy person.
17. easygoing (34): calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual.  
18. to handcuff (39): a ring-shaped metal device that can be locked around a
person's wrist, usually one of a pair connected by a short chain or linked bar;
19. slob (40): a slovenly or boorish person.                                
20. flaws (42): a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault.
Francisco Muñoz


1. What is the significance of January 29, 1989 in the story?

A// this day was when the mother of Enrique left them because she
went to the United States.

2. Describe Lourdes's first two jobs in the United States.

A// The first job of Lourdes in the United States was to sort tomatoes
and she received 14 dollar per 2 hours and the second job was as
baby-sitter and they paid her 125 dollars per week.

3. Explain how Lourdes's departure changes the emotional state of

Belky, Enrique's sister.
A// Belky started feeling alone and distressed because of the departure
of Lourdes.

4. Who is Santos, and what effect does he have on Lourdes?   

A// Santos was a man that liked to drink and became boyfriend of
Lourdes and have a daughter with her. The effect on Lourdes was that
he left her alone with the baby and that spend all the money they had
in drinking.

5. Who is Gloria Patel, and what effect does she have on Lourdes?
A// Gloria is a lawyer that worked for the INS, the effect that she had on
Lourdes was that she cheated her and other immigrants, because she
said that she will make them resident if they pay her 3500 dollars.

6. Explain the sad story of the Guatemalan boy, Francisco Gaspar. 

A// Francisco was a guy that after his parents died decided to go to the
United States, when he was already there he harvest chiles but one
day the police caught him and was returned to Tapachula.

7. On pages 26 and 27, we learn what people who live in extreme

poverty must do in order to survive.  Describe these activities.
A// The first activity was registering trash to find food to eat, another
activity was burning the trash so people paid or give something as
exchange and the last selling sawdust.
Francisco Muñoz

8. What happens to Enrique's uncle, Marco, the money changer?

A// He went to change 50,000 lempiras and some thieves kill him by
shooting 3 times in the chest and also Victor, his brother, who received
1 shot on the head.

9. Who is Maria Isabel, and how is she similar to Enrique?

A// Maria is a girl who suffered the same as Enrique because her
parents also abandoned her, Enrique saw Maria for the first time in the
funeral of his uncle Marco, she was similar to Enrique because they
became boyfriends and because she suffer the same as Enrique.

10. How does Enrique's drug habits affect him, personally, and also
create problems in his relationships with others (such as when
he steals from his own family). 
A// The drugs affected Enrique in a bad way because he became more
aggressive and no one like him because of his mood and after he steal
them so this make him to lose also his family.

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