Responsibility, Authority and Duties of The Master As Per Safety and Quality Management System

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4.2.1 Responsibility and Authority and overriding authority

The Master is the Company direct representative, and is responsible for the safety of his crew, of the vessel, environment,
its cargo, equipment and of all persons legally on board.
Co-operation with Government Officials, Inspectors and representatives
Safe Navigation
Prevention of Oil Pollution
Pilot and Mooring Master
Sanitation and Health of Crew
Maintenance of Discipline
Safe Cargo Handling
Ship’s Safe
Classification and Regulatory Surveys and Inspections
The Master is in supreme command of the vessel and has full authority over its operation, both in port and at sea, including
the loading, care and discharge of the cargo. Master will ensure that all the shipboard operations are carried out as per the
procedures laid down in the company’s S&QMS. To fulfil the responsibility and to carry out the duty as mentioned in this
section the Master shall issue the orders in clear and simple manner. The Master has full authority over all Officers and
Crew on the vessel and his orders must be obeyed in spirit and letter by all persons on board. The Master is responsible for
the safety of his crew and vessel and the efficient execution of its commercial ventures as directed by the Company and/or
Charterer. The master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and
pollution prevention and to request the Company's assistance as may be necessary. Master may deviate from the
procedures laid down in this manual and elsewhere in the S&QMS for the safety of the following:
 Safety of life,
 Safety of the ship,
 Safety of Environment and
 Safety of Cargo
 Safety of Property
Master is responsible to the Company for onboard crew familiarization, appraisal, training, welfare, discipline and other
administrative matters. Master shall ensure that crew follows the Company's Safety Management instructions and that the
spirit of ISM and ISO 9001:2008 is applied for every work done onboard. The Master has to report directly to Company any
deficiency of the Quality and Safety Management System. This is very important for the improvement of whole the fleet
managed by Company. The Master may decide to use the exceptions to the minimum hours of rest provided in the STCW
78 and its amendments if so authorized by the flag sate authority and supported by a national CBA. As part of the onboard
signing on process, the Master must verify that all documentation of joining crew members is complete and valid. In the
event that a medical certificate expires during in the course of a voyage, the Master with the prior permission of the flag
state authority of the serving vessel, will make arrangements for the seafarer to obtain a medical certificate from a duly
qualified medical practitioner licensed at the place of examination and/or who is recognized by the competent authority at
the place of inspection at the first available opportunity, but not later than three (3) months since the expiry of the
certificate. Crew accommodation spaces are regularly inspected by the Master at intervals not exceeding one week to
ensure that accommodation spaces are maintained in a safe, clean and hygienic condition at all times and records of
inspections are maintained for a period of at least one year. Weekly inspections as required by Flag State will be carried by
Master and records maintained in the ships log book and shall be retained for a period of at least one year:
 Supplies of food and drinking water
 Galley and other spaces used for food preparation, handling and storage
 Mess rooms
4.2.2 Co-operation with Government Officials, Inspectors and representatives
The Master shall cooperate with and render such assistance as is necessary to all government, officials, inspectors and
representatives boarding the vessel, both in domestic and foreign ports, in carrying out their duties: he shall require that
this spirits of cooperation be reflected in the attitude of all members of the crew.
Master is responsible for compliance of all the terminal, local and international regulations.
4.2.3 Safe Navigation
The Master is at all times and under all circumstances solely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel. He shall
insure that while under way an adequate bridge watch will be maintained at all times.
Master will ensure that all the navigation will be conducted as per Section 8 of this manual
He shall check the navigational work and watch stood by his subordinates to assure the accurate fix of the vessel's position
and safe maneuvering of the vessel. Schedules of watch are maintained as per form 4.7
It is his responsibility to insure that all appropriate means are employed day and night to ascertain the correct position of
the vessel.
4.2.4 Seaworthiness
The Master is responsible for the seaworthy condition of his vessel. Before getting underway, he shall confer with Chief
Mate and Chief Engineer to ascertain from them that the vessel is, in all respects, ready for sea. He shall assure himself that
the vessel is properly manned, equipped, stored and provided with fuel and fresh water for the voyage contemplated with
reasonable surplus for unexpected delays and taking into consideration the season of the year and weather likely to be
encountered. The Master shall not carry, however, excessive amounts of fuel and water to the exclusion of cargo. If in the
Master's opinion the vessel is not seaworthy, he shall take the necessary action to place the vessel in a seaworthy condition
and shall not proceed until he is satisfied that the vessel is altogether seaworthy and ready to proceed on the voyage.
4.2.5 Testing of Equipment
Before getting under way, the Master shall require that the main engines and steering gear are tested (Relevant form 2.3).
He shall also require that all navigation equipment required for the safe operation of the vessel is tested and found to be in
operating condition; that the course recorder is synchronized with the bridge and engine room clocks; that telegraphs,
telephones, running lights and whistle are tested one half hour before getting under way as per form
2.1,2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.19. He shall further require that a report of the foregoing be made to him and an appropriate entry
made in the Deck and Engineer's Log Book. The Master is also responsible that the depth sounding equipment and lead
lines are in good order and ready for use before leaving port.
4.2.6 Hull defects
The Master shall give the matter of shell leaks his personal attention. He shall instruct all licensed officers to be watchful in
this respect and report to him immediately any leaks or undue deformation or cracks in deck, bulkheads or other structural
4.2.7 Presence on Bridge
The Master shall be available on the bridge. He shall not leave the navigating area when entering and leaving port, mooring
and unmooring, when in restricted waters, when in thick weather, when it is expected to make a landfall, and at all times
when the ship is in danger, or may be exposed to danger. If indisposition or illness of the Master prohibits him from
remaining on the bridge, the Chief Officer shall relieve him on the bridge. When at anchor in restricted waters the Master
or Chief Officer shall be on the bridge when the vessel swings with the tide or wind.
4.2.8 Course and Speed
The Master shall set all courses well clear of headlands, obstruction to navigation and other danger. When traversing
waters known to be dangerous for shoals, current or obstructions, he shall set his course so as provide an ample margin for
the safe navigation of his vessel taking into consideration the vessel's squat (sinkage) in relation to the vessel speed, draft
and bottom clearance; the set and maximum drift of thecurrent as well as the range of visibility of the lighted aids to
navigation. The speed of the vessel shall be set with due regard for weather, economy, regulations, and other conditions.
Safety shall be the first consideration; speed, while desirable and important, shall always be considered secondary to
4.2.9 Prevention of Oil Pollution
The Master is responsible for issuing standing orders and taking such other action as may be appropriate to insure that the
Marpol 73/78 latest Edition and Company’s Policy are strictly observed by all concerned.
4.2.10 Load Line Regulations
The Master is responsible that the vessel is loaded in conformity with the Load Line Certificate and International load Line
Convention, governmental regulations issued regarding load line applicable to the vessel. When loading, the Master shall
be governed by the seasonal load lines and zones as shown on the chart and he shall take into consideration the deeper
draft allowances for fuel, water and stores consumed so that the assigned freeboard will be observed upon change of zone
during the voyage.
4.2.11 Charts and Hydrographic Publications
Before getting under way, the Master shall obtain the latest weather report. He is responsible with the latest advice from
the Hydrographic Office. He shall also obtain information about wrecks and other obstruction to navigation that may not be
charted. The Master shall personally assume responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the chart correction log
making sure that those records are kept up to date at all times by the Officer to whom this duty is assigned. The Master
shall co-operate with Hydrographic Office by forwarding to it, whenever possible, nautical data concerning currents, aids,
and dangers to navigation and related subjects.
4.2.12 Charts in Use
The Master shall designate the chart by which the vessel will be navigated and he shall require that it be out of the
portfolio and readily available to the deck officers at all times. The Master shall lay down on this chart the courses to be
steered and shall require each deck officer to familiarise himself with the courses as laid down on the chart and the
position of the vessel before relieving the watch.
4.2.13 Navigational Equipment
The Master is responsible that all navigational equipment required is aboard the vessel and it is properly stowed, inspected,
operated and maintained at all times according to the Manufacturer's instructions. A report of same should be prepared as
per form 2.14 The Master shall report promptly to the Company or Agent at the next port of arrival, any defects in the
vessel's navigational equipment.
4.2.14 Pilot and Mooring Master
The Master may engage a pilot or mooring Master whenever in his judgement, such action is necessary or desirable. The
Master is always in command and the presence of the pilot or mooring master in no way relieves the Master or his
responsibility for the safety of the vessel. The Master, therefore, shall assure himself that the navigation is being checked
while a pilot or mooring master is aboard and that necessary action is taken to safeguard the vessel under his command.
4.2.15 Sanitation and Health of Crew
The Master is responsible for maintenance of the vessel in a strictly sanitary condition, particularly the mess rooms, galley,
refrigerated spaces, living quarters, washrooms and toilets. In this regards, he shall take daily rounds of the vessel in the
company of either the Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer. Log entry of such rounds to be made. The Master shall maintain
close observation over the health of all medicines, maintain an accurate record of treatment in the Medical Log.
4.2.16 Maintenance of Discipline
The Master is charged with the maintenance of discipline and shall be held responsible for any disorder, irregularity or
violation of the laws wherever and whenever committed aboard the vessel, provided such breach of discipline might have
been prevented by proper administration and supervision on his part. The Master shall admonish any licensed or
unlicensed member of the crew whose conduct or attitude towards his shipmates interferes with the morale of the vessel's
personnel or the performance of their duties. If such person persists in his conduct or attitude, the Master shall make a full
letter report of the circumstances with recommendations to the Company. Getting Physical against another ship’s staff will
be logged down and perpetrator will be dismissed immediately and black listed. The briefing and Debriefing of junior
officers, ratings and cadets by the Master should be carried out in the presence of concerned departmental head. Above is
not applied to day to day work related briefing and debriefing routinely carried out by departmental head. It is the prime
responsibility of the Master to see that the vessel is economically operated. Stores equipment and provisions must not be
wasted. Inventories are maintained at reasonable level. The Master will ensure that individual consumption of alcohol is
controlled by means of a record of canteen purchases, and that consumption of alcohol does not take place in any working
areas of the vessel for further details refer to Section 5 of the company Fleet Operations Manual.
4.2.17 Night Order Book and Standing Orders
The Master keeps a Night Order Book in which, every night before retiring, he shall write the course, speed, change of
course, and/or speed and time thereof, the characteristics of any light or landfall that may be expected to be sighted during
the night, and any other information or precaution that may be pertinent and necessary to enable the officer on watch
safely and accurately to navigate the vessel. The Master shall always refer to the Standing orders when writing the Night
Order Book. The Master shall require that all licensed deck officers sign the Night Order Book prior to taking over the
watch, and that they also sign the Standing orders in the Night Order Book in use, prior to standing their first watch on the
vessel. In the addition to the Standing Orders in the Night Order Book, the poster "Standing Orders" shall be framed and
posted under glass in the Chart Room. It is the Masters responsibility to assure him that all licensed deck officers
thoroughly understand the orders and instructions in the Night Order Book and the Standing Orders. While writing or
signing the Night orders or standing orders, date and time should be mentioned.
4.2.18 Safe Cargo Handling
At loading ports, the Master is responsible for the preparation of the Cargo Layout Plan, based on the cargo loading orders
received from the Company, either by written Sailing Orders or orders received by radio or fax. He may delegate this
responsibility to the Chief Officer but always remains ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the plan. Master will also
ensure that the handling of the cargo is done as per section 11 of this manual for the type of vessel. The preparation of the
Cargo Layout Diagram shall incorporate the Master's knowledge of any conditions peculiar to the cargo system of the
vessel, the proper distribution of cargo weights, bunkers, trim, the full use of the existing cargo oil piping to provide for safe
and efficient handling and avoidance of contamination between grades
4.2.19 Cash Account, Slop Chest
Although the Master may delegate the work to his subordinate, the financial responsibility remains the Masters. The
accounts are to be balanced and stocks checked and verified by the Master on the last day of each month.
4.2.20 Overtime
The Master must control overtime and labour costs by good planning and supervising the department heads. He must
ensure that no unnecessary work is undertaken.
4.2.21 Ship’s Safe
Only the Master has the custody of the combination for the ship’s safe. The combination should be changed if a security
breach is suspected or occurs.
4.2.22 Stowaways
The Master must initiate a thorough search for stowaways before departure any port and make an entry to this effect in
the appropriate log. Any stowaway found must be put ashore. Stowaways found after sailing to be handled as per specific
instructions contained in section 7.16.
4.2.23 Drills
The Master must initiate emergency drills according to the applicable laws and regulations of the Flag State. Instructions in
this regards are contained in section 7 of this manual.
4.2.24 Classification and Regulatory Surveys and Inspections
The Master must be aware of the due dates for inspections and surveys and ensure that the vessel is properly prepared.
Any defects found which cannot be rectified by the vessel alone must be brought to the attention of the company in
sufficient time to allow work to be carried out before the survey is due to be called. Ship certificate status should be
prepared s per form 1.4
4.2.25 Sleeping on board
In ports, the Master is expected to sleep on board.
4.2.26 Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF 2000)
For the Safety of the life, environment, vessel and property at sea, if the vessel requires any assistance from another vessel,
the Master is authorized to sign the Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF 2000). For the safety of life Master
may check the clause 7 of the form “is the scopic clause incorporated in this agreement” to YES.
4.2.27 Incapacity of Master
If the master is unable to retain the command, the company will be informed and after due consideration company may
direct the Chief Officer to take over the command for a specified period of time or may promote him as Master if qualified.
An entry in official log book to this effect to be made and signed by Chief Engineer and another deck Officer. A medical
certificate is to be attached if available.

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