DTL Assessment 2
DTL Assessment 2
DTL Assessment 2
Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.
Evaluation score – refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Brief explanation of the scope and sequence for the year as it pertains to
5 assessments and topics. Lesson tailored primarily around ice-breaker games, minimal
knowledge taught in relation to key concepts and topics.
1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Minimal use of specific terminology as it pertains to the topics. Lesson could
5 be improved by integrating specialist language. The minimal presence of metalanguage
may be due to it being the first lesson of the year.
2.2 Engagement
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: A dynamic and highly interactive and engaging lesson, that involves almost
5 every aspect of the lesson incorporating working in pairs and groups. Ice-breaker games
performed throughout the duration of the lesson is evidence of engagement.
3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: There is minimal opportunities to assess the background knowledge of
5 students. The only informal pieces of information obtained would be monitoring the
manner in which they interact and engage with various students.
3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: There is a strong focus on team-work, problem solving and students are all
5 encouraged to share with the class.
3.6 Narrative
1–2–3–4– Comments: Some use of narrative and personal stories through the implementation of
5 two truths and a lie, and Do you know bingo.
Identify the four NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.
QT model
1)Background knowledge 2)Higher- order thinking
3)Deep knowledge 4)Cultural knowledge
Lesson Plan
10 Introduction
As this is the first HPE lesson for the students the teacher is entering the class with three
initial objectives:
1. To introduce them-self to the students and address what we hope to achieve over the
coming year. This will involve a demonstration of the scope and sequence for year 7
which includes the layout of each unit and assessment task students will complete for
each term.
2. To identify the background knowledge and understandings which students have
previously attained. This second objective is specific to each unit of work as new skill
are introduced and developed; hence in this unit background knowledge circulates aro
student relationships and helping build connections between new peers.
3. Every class/classroom activity needs to ensure all students are given equal opportunity
be included, for students to feel safe, and to have an element of fun within the lesson.
can be achieved through various pedagogical approaches which address a variety of
students learning needs. Examples are group work, audio-visual learning, comprehens
and integration of ICT learning mediums (as seen in appendix B).
4. Explain to the class that some topics may be uncomfortable. Emphasis the class is
safe and supportive environment in which all students and their opinions, background
and beliefs must be respected.
5.Explain to the class what lessons on what days will be theory based and those that w
be practical based. Remind students of what must be brought to both theory and prac
6.Introduce question box for any questions you wish to ask privately, place a question
the question box at any time. Remind students that questions must be appropriate,
respectful and relevant. The box will be at the back of the class, away from the vision
students to ensure anonymity.
After explaining (in summary) these six points to students, the teacher will then state that
“While this unit will be enjoyable, there will be some topics that we cover that may make
uncomfortable, embarrassed, or may spark a question that you don’t wish to share with th
“Because this can happen, we have created a “Question Box” which can be used by plac
an anonymous (or named) question, suggestion or any other kind of feedback on a piece
paper. This is to help ensure that you feel like this is a safe environment where all of you
question’s – no matter how long or short, simple or difficult they are - can be heard as lon
they are appropriate to the conversation. Alternatively, you may stick your hand up if you
have a question at any point during the class. The question box will be located at the back
the classroom and will not be in direct sight of the class to ensure anonymity of the stude
and is available every lesson in our classroom or between class times too at the HPE staff
room. It is also worth noting that the door is our primary fire exit in the event of an
emergency so cannot be blocked at any time. Remember, chances are if you are thinking
asking the question, then someone else is too.”
12 Introduction activities 1
After having met their classmates and completing introductions, the teacher is to direct
student’s attention towards the board.
The teacher is to write up on the board “Classroom Rules and standards” and direct
students towards this statement.
Teacher states:
“Okay, so I hope you’ve all enjoyed todays class. We will now be going through a set of
rules and standards that can be used for our class for the year. If you have a point, then pl
share it and I’ll scribe it up on the board. Alternatively, there is also the “Question Box”
available if you would like to drop an anonymous piece of feedback or suggestion also.”
Accordingly, students are given a chance to set the rules for the class. Students are
encouraged to take notes related to this. Teacher to facilitate discussion and ensure fair an
equal input occurs.
An important part of this process is allowing the students the freedom to assist with settin
the rules as it encourages positive social interactions to occur (Board of Studies, 2003b).
As this is the case, the teacher will have a prepared list of rules for reference (see resourc
below), though will avoid referring to them to allow this task to be student directed.
“Thank you very much for your input. I will ensure these rules are checked over and
available for the next lesson, along with any additional rules or standards we may have
missed. Before the next lesson I would like you to think through what we discussed and a
notes you’ve taken about the rules and standards for next weeks’ discussion. Don’t forge
bring a workbook (exercise book) if you haven’t already.”
- Recap of activities covered today and their relevance to the unit of work.
- Reminder that some topics are difficult to discuss, and respect is essential in this subj
- Reminder next lesson bring your sports clothes and meet on the front oval.
- Finish off lesson by commending the effort and behaviour throughout today and you
looking forward to a great year with them.
60 .
Relating to others The group activities throughout this lesson are able to reveal: a. how students
interact one-to-one with their peers and b. how students respond to the teacher
during class discussion. Observations about attitudes, values and ability of
students to relate to each other will be evident throughout the games of diversity
bingo and the human knot game. All forms of assessment will be informal.
Communication skills As this will be the first time the teacher and students meet in a classroom setting,
communication is vital to this lesson. The majority of activities in this lesson are
student centred which grants more room for teacher observation. Observations
will be easier to monitor, particularly through the use of the human knot game,
whereby communication is the most critical aspect of the success of each group.
All form of assessment will be informal.
Academic Justification
Although the original lesson plan was the first PDHPE lesson of the year, there is scope for
improvement as it pertains to meeting all areas of the NSW Quality Teaching model.
Modifications I have made will focus on areas that were originally lacking. They are
background knowledge, cultural knowledge, higher-order thinking and deep knowledge.
The original lesson plan is deficient in the area of cultural knowledge. In PDHPE there are
often topics which can be uncomfortable to discuss. My modified lesson plan involves the
implementation of the ice-breaker game diversity bingo. This game will create cultural
awareness, sensitivity and knowledge. (Baker 2012), (p.g. 64) states that “creating an
inclusive and supportive environment will validate students of all cultures and will enlighten
students how to approach areas of cultural difference in a sensitive manner”. This game
promotes culturally responsive pedagogy. (Young & Sternod 2011), (p.g. 7) states that
“acknowledging and celebrating differences fosters a supportive learning environment”.
Diversity bingo celebrates and acknowledges difference and diversity whilst allowing
students to be comfortable with each other and topics learnt. (Young & Sternod 2011), (p.g.
8) states that “cultural knowledge in physical education allows for understanding in areas of
dress, personal space and physical contact”, all of which are vital in PDHPE. This
modification promotes culturally responsive pedagogy and cultural knowledge for both the
teacher and students.
The original lesson plan is deficient in the area of higher- order thinking. The
implementation of the human knot game promotes two key facets of higher-order thinking.
Those areas are problem-solving and effective communication. (Collins 2014) , (p.g. 3),
states that “when teachers promote higher-order thinking as problem solving they inform
students how to solve potential problems at school and life in general”. The human knot
game is complex requiring high-order thinking to disentangle your group. This will develop
the cognitive skills of the students. The human knot game links directly back to syllabus
outcomes 4.2 and 4.11. (Collins 2014), (p.g. 6) states that “when teachers encourage and
promote higher-order thinking they enlighten students as it pertains to areas of effective
communication”. My incorporation of the human knot game allows for the development of
higher-order thinking which was originally absent in the initial lesson plan.
The original lesson plan was deficient in the area of deep knowledge. Whilst it is difficult to
integrate deep knowledge into the first ever PDHPE lesson for year 7 students, there is scope
for it to be implemented. (Ward et al 2014), (p.g. 39) states that “tasks rich in deep
knowledge are essential for students to acquire an enhanced and deep understanding of the
content being delivered”. My implementation of the interactive quiz game Kahoot provides
the initial framework for students to acquire deep knowledge in the learning areas. (Ward et
al 2014), (p.g. 41) states that “feedback is essential for acquiring deep understanding and
knowledge’. The Kahoot quiz provides near instant feedback which will enable students and
the teacher to identify areas of strength and weakness. By modifying my teaching approach
to include the Kahoot quiz I will create and foster an ideal learning environment for students.
(Guerriero 2014), (p.g. 2) states that “pedagogical knowledge creates effective learning
environments”. Through the implementation, the seed is planted for students to have a deep
and enriched knowledge of content areas.
Baker, W. (2012). From cultural awareness to intercultural awareness: Culture in ELT. ELT
journal, 66(1), 62-70.
Collins, R. (2014). Skills for the 21st Century: teaching higher-order thinking. Curriculum
& Leadership Journal, 12(14).
Tobias, S. (1994). Interest, prior knowledge, and learning. Review of Educational Research,
64(1), 37-54.
Ward, P., Ayvazo, S., & Lehwald, H. (2014). Using knowledge packets in teacher education
to develop pedagogical content knowledge. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance, 85(6), 38-43.
Young, S., & Sternod, B.M. (2011). Practicing culturally responsive pedagogy in physical
education. Journal of modern education review, 1(1), 1-9.