155 21-O1 PDF
155 21-O1 PDF
155 21-O1 PDF
OPERATION MANUAL Supersedes: Form 155.21-O1 (410) Form 155.21-O1 (615)
Issue Date:
June 12, 2015
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
This equipment is a relatively complicated apparatus. This document is intended for use by owner-authorized
During installation, operation, maintenance or service, operating/service personnel. It is expected that this in-
individuals may be exposed to certain components or dividual possesses independent training that will enable
conditions including, but not limited to: refrigerants, them to perform their assigned tasks properly and safely.
oils, materials under pressure, rotating components, and It is essential that, prior to performing any task on this
both high and low voltage. Each of these items has the equipment, this individual shall have read and under-
potential, if misused or handled improperly, to cause stood this document and any referenced materials. This
bodily injury or death. It is the obligation and respon- individual shall also be familiar with and comply with
sibility of operating/service personnel to identify and all applicable governmental standards and regulations
recognize these inherent hazards, protect themselves, pertaining to the task in question.
and proceed safely in completing their tasks. Failure
to comply with any of these requirements could result
in serious damage to the equipment and the property in
which it is situated, as well as severe personal injury or
death to themselves and people at the site.
The following symbols are used in this document to alert the reader to areas of potential hazard:
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
YIA ST 1A1 46 C S D
VOLTAGE CODE X = Special Tubes
1A1 through 14F3
HW=Hot Water
YORK IsoFlow Absorption Chiller
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FIGURE 1 – MODEL YIA OPTIVIEW CHILLER..............................5 FIGURE 14 – SALES ORDER SCREEN..................................... 43
FIGURE 2 – FLOW DIAGRAM..........................................................9 FIGURE 15 – HISTORY SCREEN................................................ 44
FIGURE 3 – OPTIVIEW CONTROL CENTER............................. 20 FIGURE 16 – TREND SCREEN.................................................... 46
FIGURE 4 – YIA OPTIVIEW NAVIGATION................................... 23 FIGURE 17 – TREND SETUP SCREEN...................................... 48
FIGURE 5 – HOME SCREEN........................................................ 26 FIGURE 18 – TRIGGERS SCREEN............................................. 49
FIGURE 6 – EVAPORATOR / ABSORBER SCREEN................. 28 FIGURE 19 - PRINTERS................................................................. 65
FIGURE 8 – SYSTEM SCREEN.................................................... 32 FIGURE 21 – SAMPLE PRINTOUT (LAST NORMAL STOP)... 68
FIGURE 9 – PURGE SYSTEM SCREEN..................................... 34 FIGURE 22 – SAMPLE PRINTOUT (SALES ORDER).............. 68
FIGURE 10 – PURGE TREND SCREEN..................................... 36 FIGURE 23 – SAMPLE PRINTOUT (HISTORY)......................... 69
FIGURE 11 – CONTROL VALVE SCREEN................................. 37 FIGURE 24 – SAMPLE PRINTOUT (PURGE TREND).............. 69
FIGURE 12 – SETPOINTS SCREEN........................................... 38 FIGURE 25 – SAMPLE PRINTOUT (SETPOINTS).................... 67
FIGURE 13 – DIAGNOSTICS SCREEN...................................... 42 FIGURE 26 – COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK DIAGRAM............ 71
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Description of System and Fundamentals of Operation
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Description of System and Fundamentals of Operation
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
(LiBr) PT4
VS17 3F VR10
(Stabilizer) VR8
VR9 Oil Trap
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
INTRODUCTION The OptiViewTM control center expands the capabilities
of remote control and communications. By providing a
The YORK OptiView™ Control Center is a micropro- common networking protocol through E-Link Gateway,
cessor based control system for YORK chillers. YORK Chillers not only work well individually, but
also as a team.
The panel comes configured with a full screen LCD
Graphic Display mounted in the middle of a keypad The E-Link Gateway provides communications for 2
interface. The graphic display allows the presentation YORK chillers with Building Automation Systems
of several operating parameters at once. In addition, (BAS). The E-link is a circuit board that can be installed
the operator may view a graphical representation of the directly in the OptiView Panel or can be supplied already
historical operation of the chiller as well as the present mounted in a line voltage capable enclosure.
operation. For the novice user, the locations of various
chiller parameters are clearly and intuitively marked. This new protocol allows increased remote control of the
Instructions for specific operations are provided on chiller, as well as 24-hour performance monitoring via
many of the screens. a remote site. In addition, compatibility is maintained
with the present network of E-Link communications.
The graphic display also allows information to be repre- The chiller also maintains the standard digital remote
sented in both English (temperatures in °F and pressures capabilities as well. Both of these remote control ca-
in PSIG) and Metric (temperatures in °C and pressures pabilities allow for the standard Energy Management
in kPa) mode. The advantages are most apparent in the System (EMS) interface:
ability to display English, German, Italian, Spanish, and
Portuguese languages. 1. Remote Start
2. Remote Stop
The Control Center continually monitors the system op- 3. Remote Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature
eration and records the cause of any shutdowns (Safety, Setpoint adjustment (0-10VDC) or Pulse Width
Cycling or Normal). This information is recorded in Modulation
memory and is preserved even through a power failure
condition. The user may recall it for viewing at any time 4. Remote Load Limit Setpoint adjustment
by accessing the History Screen. During operation, the (0-10VDC) or Pulse Width Modulation
user is continually advised of the operating conditions 5. Remote “Ready to Start” Contacts
by various status and warning messages. In addition, it 6. Safety Shutdown Contacts
may be configured to notify the user of certain conditions 7. Cycling Shutdown Contacts
via alarms. A complete listing of shutdown, status, and
8. See 155.21-W2 for additional connection details
warning messages is attached in the Display Messages
section of this book.
The chiller operating program resides in the OptiView
control center Microboard. The control center could be
There are certain screens, displayed values, program-
equipped with the following Microboard:
mable Setpoints and manual control shown in this book
that are for Service Technician use only. They are only
displayed when logged in at SERVICE access level • 031-02430-005 – The program resides in non-
or higher. removable onboard memory. The software version
is C.OPT.15.xx.yzz, and is viewable on the DIAG-
These parameters affect chiller opera- NOSTICS Screen in SERVICE access level. The
tion and should NEVER be modified by program can be upgraded by downloading a new
program from a Program Card. Program Cards are
anyone other than a qualified Service
shirt-pocket-size portable memory storage devices
available from YORK.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Software versions (C.OPT.15.xx.yzz) are alpha-numeric If the unit is equipped with Franklin Pumps, the steam/
codes that represent the application, language package hot water shut-off valves are energized and the refrigerant
and revision levels per below. Each time the controls pump and generator pump (50 Hz Models YIA-10E3 -
portion or language section is revised, the respective YIA-14F3) are started.
revision level increments.
If the unit is equipped with Buffalo pumps, refrigerant
• C – Commercial chiller pump operation is controlled by float/level switches 1F
and 3F. The refrigerant pump is not started until both
• OPT - Used on Microboard 031-02430-000 refrigerant level float switches 3F and 1F close and the
• 15 – YIA Absorption Chiller “REFRIGERANT PUMP STARTUP DELAY” setpoint
• xx - controls revision level (00, 01, etc) timer has elapsed as follows: The refrigerant level will
rise to a level that causes 3F to close. As the level con-
• y – language package (0=English only, 1=NEMA, tinues to rise, it will cause 1F to close. When 1F closes,
• zz – language package revision level (00, 01, etc) timer is started. If 1F remains closed for the duration of
the timer, the refrigerant pump is started when the pro-
The operating setpoints and configurations can be ac- After the refrigerant pump has been started, if the refrig-
cessed thru the OptiView control panel. Modifications to erant level decreases to the extent that first 1F opens and
the setpoints and configurations can only be done from then 3F opens, the REFRIGERANT PUMP SHUTOFF
the OPERATOR or SERVICE level. DELAY setpoint timer is started when 3F opens. If 3F
remains open for the duration of the timer, the refriger-
UNIT OPERATION ant pump is shut off after the programmed delay has
elapsed. When the unit first enters SYSTEM RUN or
Start and Stop the Unit after a refrigerant pump shutdown has occurred due to low
The unit can be started using the main switch, using a refrigerant level, the Chiller REFRIGERANT LEVEL
remote signal when the unit is in remote mode or by a SHUTDOWN setpoint timer is started. The programmed
scheduled starting. value is the number of minutes the unit is allowed to run
without the refrigerant pump running. If the refrigerant
If the steam or hot water control valve is open less than pump is not started before the timer has elapsed, a safety
10% and the leaving chilled liquid temperature is at or shutdown is initiated.
above setpoint run is initiated and the chilled liquid and
Condenser pump contacts close. The chilled and con- To assure that both 1F and 3F float/level switches are
denser liquid flow switches are bypassed for 30 seconds operational, the program compares the state of 1F to 3F.
each after the respective pump contacts close, or until the Since each float/level switch closes as the refrigerant level
respective flow switch closes, if less than 30 seconds. If rises against it and opens when the level decreases below
the unit is kept from starting because the leaving liquid the device, and 1F is at a higher level than 3F, it is not
temperature is below setpoint, a cycling shutdown shall possible that 1F would be closed if 3F is still open; unless
be initiated. one of the switches is malfunctioning. If this condition is
detected, a warning is displayed.
For Low Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature (LCHLT)
shutdowns only, the system starting temperature is de- The unit will perform a cycling shutdown without initiat-
termined by adding 2.0°F(1.1°C) to the leaving chilled ing dilution when LCHLT is less than LCHLT Setpoint
water setpoint. - LCHLT Shutdown Setpoint (see Setpoints Section).
During this shutdown, dilution is initiated if the strong
If the condenser or chilled liquid flow switch does not solution temperature drops below a calculated value for
close within 30 seconds of the pump contacts closure, a crystallization. When the local entered LCHLT setpoint
safety shutdown is performed. is manually changed, LCHLT must be below both the
new and previous LCHLT setpoint values by the offset
When run conditions are met and flow switches closed for amount to initiate cycling shutdown until 30 minutes
2 continuous seconds, startup continues as follows: have elapsed from the time of change. After 30 minutes,
low LCHLT cycling shutdown is based only on the new
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
setpoint. This allows the chiller to remain running while Strong Solution Concentration (SSC) Control
adjusting LCHLT to a new setpoint. If a setpoint change The "Strong Solution Concentration Control" is a fuzzy
is entered more than once within 5 minutes of the first logic control; to avoid the unit reaching concentrations
entry, the final entry is considered a single change and that can crystallize the solution.
the control works to that value and the value before any
entry changes were made. The 30 minute delay for cy- Load Limits
cling shutdown temp entered does NOT apply to remote Additionally, the following limits may exist:
command setpoint changes. • Pulldown Limit Active; if True, the control limits
the max. load to the pulldown current load value.
The unit can be stopped at any moment by pressing the
main switch to the stop position, by receiving a stop order
• Soft shutdown in process; if True, the control lim- 2
its the max. load to the ramp down current load
remotely when the unit is in remote mode, when there is
a scheduled stop or by requesting a soft shutdown on the
user interface. • Remote Control active; if True, the load should NOT
be more than remote load limit setpoint.
When the unit is stopped using the main switch or by • Warning activated; panel will display a warning
applying a scheduled stop, the control valve closes and a message that is further explained in the Messages
dilution cycle is performed immediately. When the unit is Section of this manual.
stopped remotely with a soft shutdown selected or by a lo- • Max. Load Limit; programmed valve position
cal soft shutdown. The loading of the unit will be linearly limit.
decreased on a user programmed ramp down time to the
valve unload limit (programmed at SERVICE access from Limiting Capacity by mixing Solution &
10% to 20%) before shutting the unit down, and then a Refrigerant
dilution cycle is performed. This results in less shock to Isoflow chillers are equipped with provisions to accom-
the customer's steam/hot water supply system. modate low load operation (down 10%) with cooling
water temperature as low as 45°F (7.2°C). Achievement
Once the Soft Shutdown initiates ramp down, it will of low capacity at low cooling water temperature requires
continue until the user defined unloading threshold is reduction of concentration in the solution circuit. Water
met, regardless of any run/stop status change before from the refrigerant circuit is added to the solution circuit
shutdown. for dilution naturally by operating the unit at low load.
If the unit is operating under a load condition that is equal Further load reduction occurs by sending Lithium Bro-
to the low unload limit setpoint, when the soft shutdown mide under a controlled basis to the refrigerant circuit.
is initiated, the unit will go into an instant shutdown. The amount of actual Lithium Bromide transferred is kept
to a minimum by introducing this Lithium Bromide only
Automatic Load Control when the refrigerant level in the refrigerant circuit is at a
Three subcontrols interacting constantly determine load minimum operational level.
valve position. They are "Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem-
perature Control (LCHLT Control)", "Strong Solution The unloader valve (3SOL) is opened when the upper
Control (SCC Control)" and load limits. The control refrigerant float/level switch (1F) opens and the leav-
performs an analysis of all of them and never exceeds ing chilled water temperature is greater than 2°F above
the lowest limit. setpoint. This temperature threshold prevents transfer of
solution during possible low refrigerant level at start-up
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature by blocking out the operation of 3SOL until the chilled
(LCHLT) Control water temperature is within range of normal operation.
The "Leaving Chilled Water Temperature Control" is a
fuzzy logic control, to match the leaving chilled liquid The refrigerant level solenoid (unloader control) 3SOL
temperature with leaving chilled liquid temperature Valve is energized (open) to transfer solution from the
setpoint. solution (absorber on 50Hz models YIA-10E3 - YIA 14F3
with Franklin Pumps) pump discharge to the refrigerant
pump suction when a low level of refrigerant would oth-
erwise cause refrigerant pump cavitation.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
During normal operation where at least medium load Dilution Cycle Operation
prevails, Lithium Bromide in the refrigerant circuit is A dilution cycle is performed every time the chiller is
NOT required. The YIA unit provides means for Lithium cycled off or shutdown. The purpose of the dilution cycle
Bromide removal from the refrigerant circuit as load is is to prevent the solution from crystallization while the
increased. chiller is off by reducing the solution concentration.
The goal is to reduce the concentration down to 57°
During operation, the refrigerant temperature sensor (13.8°C) at which the crystallization temperature is
(RT8), which is continuously monitored and displayed, near 35° F (1.6°C). A dilution cycle will occur at most
provides several control functions. If the refrigerant unit shutdowns. A typical dilution cycle will operate the
temperature falls to 35.5°F (1.9°C), the stabilizer refriger- refrigerant, solution, generator (Franklin pumps 10E3 –
ant solenoid valve (2SOL) is energized (open) on units 14F3 only), condenser and chilled liquid pumps with the
equipped with Franklin pumps; if the unit is equipped with control valve fully closed. When a dilution cycle is per-
Buffalo pumps, it will be energized only if the refrigerant formed, the evaporator continues generating vapor and
pump is running. This transfers refrigerant to the genera- the absorber continues the mass transfer by absorbing the
tor’s solution outlet line to reduce the concentration, thus vapor, but the rate produced in the generator is reduced
reducing the cooling capacity of the unit. This lessens the drastically because the control valve is closed.
possibility of crystallization. Simultaneously, unit loading
is inhibited to 50% valve position. If the temperature falls The Mod “D”, YIA absorption chiller is capable of
to 34.0°F (1.1°C), the solution (absorber on 50 Hz Models performing four different dilution cycles:
YIA-10E3 – YIA-14F3 with Franklin pumps) pump turns 1. Normal dilution
off; this should allow the refrigerant temperature to rise.
2. Manual dilution
If the refrigerant temperature rises to 35.5°F (1.9°C), the
solution pump turns on. If the refrigerant temperature 3. Limited dilution
rises to 36.0°F (2.2°C), the stabilizer refrigerant solenoid 4. Short dilution
valve is de-energized (closed), and the unit loading inhibit
is removed. Normal Dilution Cycle – is performed when the short
dilution cycle is disabled and unit is under either leaving
However if the refrigerant temperature continues to fall, chilled liquid temp (LCHLT) control or strong solution
a low refrigerant temperature safety shutdown occurs at concentration (SSC) control. The control valve will close
33.0°F (.5°C). If the unit experiences a shutdown when and all pumps; solution, refrigerant, generator (Franklin
the refrigerant temperature is 34°F (1.1°C) or below, the pumps 10E3 – 14F3 units only), condenser and chilled
chilled liquid pump contacts remain closed for a mini- liquid will continue to run for 6 minutes. The normal
mum of 30 minutes. Subsequently, when the refrigerant dilution cycle will terminate after the 6 minute interval is
temperature rises to 37.0°F (2.8°C), the dilution cycle complete. A normal dilution cycle is independent of the
begins. solution concentration at the start of the dilution cycle.
A normal dilution cycle will initiate in all three control
The motor coolant solenoid valve (units with Franklin panel access levels (View, Operator, or Service). The
pumps only) is energized (open) whenever the strong solu- following conditions will pre-maturely terminate the
tion temperature is above 160°F (71.1°C) (this threshold normal dilution cycle.
is programmable from 127°F to 160°F (52.8 to 71.1°C);
the threshold should only be programmed by a qualified
service technician.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Limited Dilution Cycle – A limited dilution cycle was The mode determines how to clear the purge tank.
created for power failure situations when the unit is • Auto-purge mode enables the unit able to clear the
connected to a stand-by generator. A limited dilution purge tank by itself and monitor its performance.
will only operate the solution pump or generator pump
• Manual purge mode allows the operator to clear the
(Franklin pump 10E3 – 14F3 units only) for a four hour
purge tank when necessary.
time period to conserve energy. It will not operate the
chilled liquid pump or condenser tower water pump • Maintenance mode allows the operator to change
during this period. If the condenser flow switch closes, the purge pump oil.
(indicating flow) the limited dilution cycle will termi-
nate. If the chilled water pump flow switch closes, the Repair mode gives the service technician full freedom
limited dilution cycle will continue. During a limited for all purge device operation. It allows troubleshoot-
dilution cycle, the unit will continue to monitor if the ing and also allows operation to purge directly from the
fault condition has been cleared to switch to a normal evaporator-absorber shell, which is helpful in the unit
dilution cycle. start-up process.
Short Dilution Cycle – The short dilution cycle option To reduce the risk of injury, never oper-
must be enabled under the “Setpoints” screen in Service ate the purge pump with the belt guard
access level. Upon unit shut down, the software logic removed!
will monitor the strong solution temperature taken at
RT10 and compare this to the solution concentration
crystallization point. The duration period of the short
dilution cycle will be as follows: Extreme caution must be taken when
performing a purge process. Never
Pumps allowing air to enter the unit at any
2SOL opening
Concentration operation
duration duration time.
Less than 57% 60 seconds N/A
57% - 59% 70 seconds 50 seconds
The auto-purge system can start and
59% - 61% 110 seconds 90 seconds stop automatically; even when the unit
61% - 63% 170 seconds 150 seconds is NOT running.
63% - 65% 200 seconds 180 seconds
Greater than 65% 230 seconds 210 seconds
The YIA purge system will collect any non-condensables If at anytime during the manual purge process, the purge
in the absorber section and store them in a unit mounted pump pressure at PT3 or purge tank pressure (PT4)
purge tank. At a predetermined purge tank pressure, the reaches 100mm Hg Abs or higher, both the purge pump
non-condensables will be expelled to the atmosphere by solenoid valve (8SOL) and purge tank solenoid valve
a unit mounted purge pump. The YIA auto-purge will (7SOL) will close. The purge pump will run for another
also monitor, record and trend the amount of purges in 65 seconds then shutdown and the panel will display a
any given time. warning message that is further explained in the Mes-
sages Section of this manual.
Manual Purge
It may be necessary to manually purge the unit mounted Once purge tank solenoid valve (7SOL) is opened,
purge tank. The manual mode allows the operator to non-condensables stored in the Purge Tank will be
perform this function. The manual purge can be per- expelled to the Atmosphere by the Purge Pump. The
formed from the OptiView control panel independent OptiView logic monitors this process and if a decrease
of unit operation. The pump can be turned on in either in pressure at the Purge Tank (PT4) is NOT seen every
the Operator or Service modes. 6 seconds, the panel will initiate a purge failure.
Before initiating a manual purge, VP2 A warning message will be displayed (further explained
must be opened and VP4 closed. in the Message Section of this manual) and both Purge
Tank Solenoid Valve (7SOL) and the Purge Pump
Motorized Ball Valve (8SOL) will close and the Purge
Pump will run for an additional 65 seconds before shut-
ting off.
From the HOME screen select the PURGE key to
navigate to the Purge Screen. Select MAN/AUTO so the The Manual Purge will continue until Purge Tank Trans-
purge field box displays "MANUAL". Press the "ON" ducer (PT4) reads 20mmHg Abs. At that time the manual
key and the purge pump will operate for 2 to 20 minutes purge will initiate a normal shutdown by closing Purge
depending on the duration of the Purge Warm-up setpoint Tank Solenoid (7SOL) and Purge Pump motorized Ball
(default is 2 minutes). If the purge pump was operated Valve (8SOL). The Purge Pump will continue to operate
in the past 50 minutes, the purge warm-up will be 2 for a post purge oil clean-up for 10 minutes.
minutes. Purge pump solenoid valve (8SOL) and purge
tank solenoid valve (7SOL) will be closed at this time. After the manual purging is finished, press the "PURGE
PUMP" key to activate purge pump field then press
After the pre-programmed purge warm-up period has the "OFF" key to shut off the pump. The pump will
timed out the purge pump solenoid valve (8SOL) will continue to run for an additional 10 minutes for a post
begin to open and a 1 minute timer will initiate. After the purge clean-up.
1 minute timeout, the pressure at purge pump pressure
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
When the post purge cleaning process finishes, the Once the purge tank pressure transducer (PT4) reads 30
purge pump is turned off and the last 7 days manual mm Hg Abs, both 7SOL and 8SOL will close. The purge
purge counter and the total manual purge counter is pump will continue to run for another 10 minutes for a
increased by 1. post purge oil clean-up then shut off.
The manual purge can be stopped by the user at any When the post purge cleaning process finishes, the last
moment, but the manual purge counters will NOT be 7 day auto purge counter and total auto purge counter
increased if the (7SOL) (8SOL) valves are still closed. will increase by 1.
When the manual purge is manually stopped, the control
will close (7SOL) and (8SOL) and run the pump for 65 If at anytime during the manual purge process, the purge
seconds. pump pressure at PT3 or purge tank pressure (PT4)
reaches 100 mm Hg Abs or higher, both the purge pump
Auto Purge solenoid valve (8SOL) and purge pump solenoid valve
When the unit mounted purge tank pressure transducer, (7SOL) will close. The purge pump will run for another
PT4 reaches 80mm Hg Abs, the auto purge sequence 65 seconds then shut down and the panel will display a
is triggered. The purge pump will start and run for the warning message that is further explained in the Mes-
pre-programmed purge warm-up period. If no pre- sages Section of this manual.
programmed time period has been entered the default
will be 2 minutes. If the purge pump was operated in Maintenance Purge
the past 50 minutes prior to the auto purge sequence, The maintenance purge mode is intended exclusively for
the “Purge warm-up period” will be 2 minutes. After the the unit operator to periodically change the purge pump
purge pump warm-up setpoint time has expired, purge oil. Periodic oil changes are necessary to maintain ef-
pump solenoid (8SOL) will start to open and a 1 minute ficient operation of the system. The purge pump should
timer will initiate. always be operated with the gas ballast open to prevent
refrigerant vapor from condensing in the oil.
After 1 minute the pressure at purge pump pressure
transducer (PT3) is read. If this pressure is 15 mm Hg An indication of when the oil in the purge pump needs
Abs or less, purge tank solenoid (7SOL) will open. If changed is when the oil in the sight glass becomes yel-
not, the purge pump will continue to run for an additional lowish or milky in color. A purge pump capacity test
minute. If during this additional minute, the pressure at may also be an indicator, but this is not recommended
PT3 reaches 15 mm Hg Abs or less, purge tank solenoid for the operator to perform.
(7SOL) will open. If not, purge pump solenoid valve
(8SOL) will close and the purge pump continues to run It is recommended to warm-up the purge pump oil for
for 65 seconds. Please note during the 65 second pump a minimum of 10 minutes to reduce the viscosity of the
shut-off delay, manual turnoff of the purge pump is oil prior to draining.
prevented. This allows time for purge pump solenoid
valve (8SOL) to fully close. The panel will display a Enter the "Operator" access level by entering the op-
warning message that is further explained in the Mes- erator code "9675" and proceed to the "Purge Screen".
sages Section of this manual. Pressing the "Maintenance" key at the bottom of the
screen will change the purge mode to "Maint" and will
Once purge tank solenoid (7SOL) is opened, allow the pump to be started manually. The 8SOL and
non-condensables stored in the purge tank will be 7SOL valves will not open while the pump continues
expelled to the Atmosphere via the purge pump. The to run.
OptiView logic monitors this process and if a decrease
in pressure at the purge tank (PT4) is NOT seen every Once the pump is started in this man-
6 seconds, the panel will initiate a purge failure. ner the pump will continue to run until
it is manually shut off. Before proceed-
A warning message will be displayed (further explained
ing to any other purge mode, ensure
in the Messages Section of this manual) and both Purge
Tank Solenoid Valve (7SOL) and Purge Pump Motorized the purge pump is not running.
Ball Valve (8SOL) will close and purge pump will run
for another 65 seconds before shutting off.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
INTERFACE CONVENTIONS this point, the user will be prompted to enter a User ID
and the corresponding Password. By default, the User
Overview ID is zero (0). In order to gain standard OPERATOR
The new graphical display on each control panel allows level access, the Password would be entered as 9 6 7 5,
a wide variety of information to be presented to the user. using the numeric keypad. OPERATOR access reverts
Each screen description in this document will begin to the VIEW level after 10 continuous minutes without
with a section entitled Overview which will describe a keypress. If a custom User ID and Password have been
the graphical elements on the screen and give a short defined (see User Screen), the user may enter that User
summary of the functions available. Each element on ID and the corresponding password value.
the screen will then be categorized into three distinct
If the correct password is received, the user is autho-
groups: Display Only, Programmable, and Navigation.
Below is a short description of what types of information rized with the appropriate Access Level. If an incorrect
are included in these groups. password is entered, the user is notified of the failure
and prompted again. At this point the user may retry the
The Programmable values and Navigation commands password entry, or cancel the login attempt.
are also subject to access level restrictions as described
below. For each of these elements, an indication is given Change Setpoints
to show the minimum access level required to program On the Setpoints Screen, a Login key will be visible if
the value or navigate to the sub-screen. the present access level is VIEW. This key brings up
the Access Level prompt described above. It allows the
Display Only user to login at a higher Access Level without return-
Values in this group are read-only parameters of informa- ing to the Home Screen. After login, the user may then
tion about the chiller operation. This type of information modify setpoints on that screen.
may be represented by a numerical value, a text string,
or an LED image. For numerical values, if the moni- Setpoints
tored parameter is above the normal operating range, The control center uses the setpoint values to control the
the high limit value will be displayed along with the chiller and other devices connected to the chiller system.
">" symbol; if it is below the normal operating range, Setpoints can fall into several categories. They could be
the low limit value will be displayed along with the numeric values (such as 44.0°F (6.6°C) for the Leaving
"<" symbol. In some cases, the value may be rendered Chilled Liquid Temperature), or they could Enable or
invalid by other conditions and the display will use X’s Disable a feature or function.
to indicate this.
Regardless of which setpoint is being programmed, the
Programmable following procedure applies:
Values in this group are available for change by the user.
In order to program any setpoints on the system, the user 1. Press the desired setpoint key. A dialog box appears
must first be logged in with the appropriate access level. displaying the present value, the upper and lower
Each of the programmable values requires a specific Ac- limits of the programmable range, and the default
cess Level which will be indicated beside the specified value.
value. All of the programmable controls in the system 2. If the dialog box begins with the word “ENTER”, use
fall into one of the categories described below: the numeric keys to enter the desired value. Leading
zeroes are not necessary. If a decimal point is neces-
Access Level sary, press the "•" key (i.e. 45.0).
In order to program any setpoints on the system, the user
Pressing the ▲ key, sets the entry value to the default
must first login with an appropriate access level. When
for that setpoint. Pressing the ▼ key, clears the pres-
power is applied to the chiller, the system begins with an
ent entry. The ◄ key is a backspace key and causes
Access Level of VIEW. This will allow the user to navi-
the entry point to move back one space.
gate to most screens and observe the values displayed
there. However, the user will not be allowed to change If the dialog box begins with “SELECT”, use the
any values. To change any values, the user must return ◄ and ► keys to select the desired value.
to the Home Screen (shown by default when power is If the previously defined setpoint is desired, press
applied to the system), and use the LOGIN key or utilize the "X" (Cancel) key to dismiss the dialog box.
the CHANGE SETPOINTS key described below. At
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Login Screen
Control Valve Screen (page 37)
Calibrate Screen (Service Only)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Overview Login
When the chiller system is powered on, the above default Access Level Required: VIEW
display appears. The primary values which must be moni- The OptiView Panel restricts certain operations based on
tored and controlled are shown on this screen. The Home access level and password entry by the operator. Three
Screen display depicts a visual representation of the chiller different access levels are View, Operator, and Service.
itself. Animation indicates chiller run status. The access levels are listed in hierarchial order beginning
with the lowest level and proceeding to the highest level.
Display Only Users logged in under higher access level may perform
any actions permitted by lower access levels.
Chilled Liquid Temperature - Returning
Displays the temperature of the liquid as it enters the VIEW: The panel defaults to the lowest access level
evaporator. which is termed VIEW. In this mode, the chiller op-
erating values and setpoints can be observed, but no
Chilled Liquid Temperature - Leaving changes can be made.
Displays the temperature of the liquid as it leaves the
evaporator. OPERATOR: The second access level is termed OP-
ERATOR and will allow the customer to change all of
Cooling Liquid Temperature - Returning the setpoints required to operate the chiller system. The
Displays the temperature of the liquid as it enters the OPERATOR access level reverts to the VIEW level
absorber. after 10 continuous minutes without a keypress.
Cooling Liquid Temperature - Leaving SERVICE: In the event that advanced diagnostics are
Displays the temperature of the liquid as it leaves the necessary, a SERVICE access level has been provided.
condenser. Only qualified service personnel utilize this access level.
This level provides advanced control over many of the
Operating Hours chiller functions and allows calibration of many of the
Displays the cumulative operating hours of the chiller. chiller controls.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Login System
Access level required: View Causes an instant return to a detailed view of the status
This key is displayed when the user is NOT logged in. of System Pumps, Liquid Flow details, Solenoid Valves,
Pressing the login key will bring up a login screen, al- and Level Switches. Manual operation of these devices
lowing OPERATOR and SERVICE access level. is from here.
Logout Purge
Access Level Required: OPERATOR or SERVICE Causes an instant return to a detailed view of Purge
This key is displayed when a user is logged in at any Pump, Valve status & Purge Tank pressures, Auto-
level other than VIEW. Pressing it will return the access Manual purge counters, & Purge mode. Purge trend is
level to VIEW. accessed from here.
Generator / Condenser
Causes an instant return to a detailed view of all Gen-
erator and Condenser parameters, including Generator
pressure, Steam temperature and pressure, and Solution
temperature and concentration.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Evaporator - Refrigerant
Range: 40.0°F - 77.0°F (4.4°C-25°C)
Displays the refrigerant temperature in the evaporator.
Default: 42.0°F (5.5°C)
Absorber - Cooling Liquid Temperature
Warning Reset
Displays the returning cooling liquid temperature to the
Access Level Required: SERVICE
This soft key allows the technician to clear the warning
message when in SERVICE access.
Stabilizer & Unloader Valve
Displays the present position of stabilizer (2SOL) and
unloader (3SOL) solenoid valves.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Causes an instant return to the Generator/Condenser
System 2
Causes an instant return to the System Screen.
Causes an instant return to the Purge System Screen.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Evaporator / Absorber
Causes an instant return to the Evaporator / Absorber
System 2
Causes an instant return to the System Screen.
Causes an instant return to the Purge Screen.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Overview Solution
Access Level required: SERVICE
This screen gives an overview of system mechanical This key selects the solution pump for manipulation to
equipment status for both shells. Auto or Manual. To turn the pump "ON " or "OFF" use
the soft keys located at the bottom of the display.
Display Only
Pumps Access Level required: SERVICE
Displays the current On/Off state and Auto/Manual con- This key selects the refrigerant pump for manipulation
trol of the Solution and Refrigerant Pumps (also Genera- to Auto or Manual. To turn the pump "ON" or "OFF" use
tor pump on units equipped with Franklin Pumps). the soft keys located at the bottom of the display.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Chilled Navigation
Access Level required: SERVICE
This key selects the Chilled liquid pump run contacts Home
for manipulation to Auto or Manual. To switch the pump Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
run contacts "ON" (closed) or "OFF" (open) use the soft
keys located at the bottom of the display.
Manual Dilution
Access Level required: SERVICE
This soft key initiates a manual dilution cycle.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Manual Count
Displays the number of Manual purges performed within
the 7 day counter interval.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Programmable Navigation
Access Level required: OPERATOR
This key allows the purge pump, 7SOL, and 8SOL to
be manually operated independently for troubleshoot-
ing or repair.
Access Level required: SERVICE
This key switches the purge system between Automatic
and Manual control modes.
Access Level required: OPERATOR
Maintenance mode allows the operator to change the
purge pump oil. In “Operator” mode a “Maintenance”
key will be displayed at the bottom of the display.
Pressing this key will change the pump to Maintenance
mode. The “On/Open” and “Off/Close” keys can be
manipulated to control the operation of the pump, while
the remainder of the purge routine is disabled. The 7SOL
and 8SOL valves will remain closed as long as the Main-
tenance mode is in effect. Pressing the “Manual/Auto”
key will disable the Maintenance mode.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Overview N/A
Displays a breif description of the control valve.
Valve Type
Displays whether the valve is controlled 4-20mA (ana-
log) or pulsed width modulation (digital) with position
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
SETPOINTS SCREEN the 2SOL valve to dilute the solution. When the value is
set to ON considers the strong solution concentration to
define the length of the dilution cycle and also opens the
This screen provides a convenient location for pro- 2SOL valve to help shorten the dilution cycle. When this
gramming the most common setpoints involved in the setpoint is set as OFF, the unit will perform a 6 minute
chiller control. This screen also serves as a gateway to dilution cycle. If this setpoint is set ON, the unit will
the Diagnostics screen for service troubleshooting. perform a short dilution cycle, the dilution cycle depends
on the strong solution concentration and uses the ranges
provided in the following table.
Display Only
Pumps work 2SOL Valve
Operational Setpoints Concentration
During opens during
Displays the operational setpoints. below 57% N/A N/A
57% - 59% 70 Seconds 50 Seconds
Pulldown Setpoints
59% - 61% 110 Seconds 90 Seconds
Displays the pulldown setpoints.
61% - 63% 170 Seconds 150 Seconds
63% - 65% 200 Seconds 180 Seconds
Programmable above 65% 230 Seconds 210 Seconds
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
RT10 Strong Soln from STS Temp Offset is used in conjunction with the REFRIGERANT PUMP
Access Level required: SERVICE STARTUP DELAY setpoint to limit pump cycling.
This offset is to compensate slight error of the RT10
sensor. The considered temperature for strong solution RANGE: 1 second - 45 seconds
from the Heat Exchanger will be read from RT10 + RT10 DEFAULT: 30 seconds
Strong Soln from STS Temp Offset. If this value is NOT
correct, the considered strong solution temperature from Refrigerant Pump Start-up Delay
the heat exchanger will be wrong. This temperature is Access Level required: SERVICE
used by the panel to determine the need for dilution This setpoint determines the delay between detection
during cycling shutdowns. of sufficient refrigerant level and the control center
initiating a start of the Buffalo refrigerant pump. When
RANGE: -5°F to 5°F (-20°C to -15°C) the refrigerant level has increased to a level that allows
DEFAULT: 0°F refrigerant level switch 1F to close, and it remains closed
continuously for the duration of this timer, the refrigerant
RT9 Condensed Refrigerant Temp Offset pump will be started after this setpoint time delay has
Access Level required: SERVICE elapsed. This setpoint is used in conjuntion with the RE-
This offset is to compensate slight error of the RT9 sen- FRIGERANT PUMP SHUTDOWN DELAY setpoint to
sor. The considered temperature for condensed refriger- limit pump cycling. This setpoint timer is disabled at the
ant will be read from RT9 + RT9 Condensed Refrigerant instant of unit shutdown. This is to allow the refrigerant
Temp Offset. If this value is NOT correct, the considered pump to start at the begining of the dilution cycle.
condensed refrigerant temperature will be wrong. This
temperature is used by the panel to determine strong RANGE: 1 second - 900 seconds
solution concentration for control. In the worst cases an DEFAULT: 120 seconds
inaccurate value can contribute to crystallization.
Chiller Refrigerant Level Shutdown Delay
RANGE: -5°F to 5°F (-20°C to -15°C) Access Level requirement: SERVICE
DEFAULT: 0°F (-17.7°C) This setpoint is a timer that determines the amount of
time the unit is allowed to operate without the refrigerant
RT3 Strong Soln from Gen Temp Offset pump running when the unit is equipped with Buffalo
Access Level required: SERVICE pumps. If the refrigerant pump is not started before the
This offset is to compensate slight error of the RT3 timer elapses, a safety shutdown is performed and "DAY-
sensor. The considered temperature for strong solution TIME-REFRIGERANT PUMP LEVEL SWITCH 3F
from generator will be read from RT3 + RT3 Strong Soln FAILURE" is displayed.
from Gen Temp Offset. If this value is NOT correct, the
considered strong solution temperature will be wrong. RANGE: 20 minutes - 60 minutes
This temperature is used by the panel to determine strong DEFAULT: 30 minutes
solution concentration for control. In the worst cases an
inaccurate value can contribute to crystallization. Motor Coolant Solenoid Open Temp
(Units equipped with Franklin Pumps Only)
RANGE: -5°F to 5°F (-20°C to -15°C) Access Level requirement: SERVICE
DEFAULT: 0°F (-17.7°C) The motor coolant solenoid valve (1SOL) is normally
energized (opened) when the strong solution temperature
Refrigerant Pump Shutoff Delay is greater than 160°F (71.1°C) and de-energized (closed)
Access Level required: SERVICE when it is less than 150°F (65.5°C). Units operating at
This setpoint determines the time delay between detec- lower heat source temperature require a lower tempera-
tion of insufficient refrigerant level and the control center ture threshold for energizing (opening) the motor coolant
initiating a shutdown of the Buffalo refrigerant pump. solenoid valve (1SOL). The "close" threshold is fixed
When the refrigerant level has decreased below the level at (programmed open threshold minus 10°F (-12.2°C)).
that allows refrigerant level switch 3F to open, and it The default value should be used unless directed other-
remains open continuously for the duration of the pro- wise by YORK/Johnson Controls Service.
grammed timer, the refrigerant pump will be shutdown
after this setpoint time delay has elapsed. This setpoint
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
This screen shows details of the Software Version the
Absorption chiller is currently running.
Display Only
Software Version
States the Software Version the OptiView Control center
is currently running.
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Analog I/O
Service access level only.
Digital I/O
Service access level only.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Display Only
Model Print
Factory defined model number of the chiller system. Access Level Required: VIEW
This generates a listing of the Sales Order data.
YORK Order
Factory defined order number under which the chiller NAVIGATION
was sold.
Chiller Serial Number Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Factory defined serial number for the chiller system.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
The user may use the soft keys provided to access the View Details
Safety Shutdowns, Cycling Shutdowns, Start Inhibits, Access Level Required: VIEW
and Warning Histories. The view details button will This generates a report listing the status of the chiller
show the operating data at the time of shutdown. The parameters at the time of the selected shutdowns.
Print Details button can be used to generate a hard-
copy report of the parameter values at the time of the Print Details
shutdown. The print file button will generate a print of Access Level Required: VIEW
the parameter values for all of the faults in the selected This generates a hard copy printed report listing the
file grouping. status of the chiller parameters at the time of the selected
shutdowns. For additional details refer to the Printers
Display Only Section of this manual.
Safety Shutdowns History File Print File
This window displays the date and time and the descrip- Access Level Required: VIEW
tion of the Safety Shutdowns. This generates a savable electronic report via hyperter-
minal listing the status of the chiller parameters at the
Cycling Shutdowns History File time of the selected shutdowns. For additional details
This window displays the date and time and the descrip- refer to the Printers Section of this manual.
tion of the Cycling Shutdowns while the system was
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
This soft key activates the Start Inhibit History File to
N/A be accessed.
This soft key activates the Warnings History File to be
Home accessed.
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Last Normal Stop
This soft key activates a pop-up window with the pa-
rameter values at the time of the last normal chiller stop
This key causes a instant return to the Trending Screen
allowing the user to view trending data on selected command.
chiller parameters.
While this window is displayed, the print details button
Safeties will generate a hardcopy report of the data. The keypad
This soft key activates the Safeties Shutdown History "X" key will exit the pop-up window.
details to be accessed.
This soft key activates the Cycling Shutdowns History
File to be accessed.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Access Level required: OPERATOR
This key allows the operator to to set the minimum value
on the trending chart.
Access Level required: OPERATOR
This key allows the operator to set the maximum value
trending chart.
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
Trend Setup
Causes an instant return to the Trend Setup Screen.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Overview Home
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.
This screen allows the operator to configure the trend-
ing Data Chart. Trending
Causes an instant return to the Trending Screen.
Display Only
N/A Causes an instant return to the Triggers Screen.
Collection Interval
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
This key allows the Operator to select the interval at
which the requested data is collected.
Chart Type
Access Level required: OPERATOR
This key allows the Operator to select "One Chart" or
"Continuous" for representing the trending data col-
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Pri to Sec
This key allows the Operator to select whether the
Primary Trigger, Secondary Trigger or both have to be
true in order to start or stop data collection. Selections
are AND, OR, XOR and None.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
The Status Bar of the Display contains a Status Line ADC in progress - load Limit to 50%
and, beneath it a Details Line. The Status Line contains The auto-decrystallization process is triggered when
a message describing the operating state of the chiller; the temperature sensed by RT2 is greater than 160°F
whether it is stopped, running, starting or shutting down. (71.1°C).
The Details Line displays Warning, Cycling, Safety,
Start Inhibit and other messages that provide further This process sets the valve opening to 50% to decrease
details of the Status Bar messages. The Status Messages the concentration in the solution, and opens 2SOL valve
listed below are displayed on the Status Line. All other 2 minutes every 10 minutes. If the 3F level switch opens
messages are displayed on the Details Line. the auto-decrystallization process stops and starts a
limited auto-decrystallization process. The unit verifies
To aid in the meaning of the message, messages are the temperature in RT2 every 10 minutes, if it is less
displayed in different colors as follows: than 150°F (65.5°C), the control assumes that the unit
Normal Operation messages - Green has been decrystallized and returns to normal operating
Warning messages - Yellow
Cycling Shutdown messages - Orange Cooling Start Sequence initiated
Safety Shutdown messages - Red A chiller start has been initiated and the control is per-
forming pre-run checks.
Status Messages
Dilution Cycle is in progress
System Ready to Start The system is in dilution. The chiller pumps will run and
The chiller is shut down but will start upon receipt of a require chilled liquid and condenser liquid flow with the
Local or Remote start signal. control valve closed until the dilution timer expires. The
Stabilizer Valve (2SOL) will open as required.
System Starting
A chiller start has been initiated and the control is per- High Concentration Control in effect
forming pre-run checks. The system is running in LOCAL or REMOTE mode.
Loading is limited by the strong solution concentration
System Running compared to the solution temperature leaving the solu-
The chiller is running under the condition described in tion-to-solution heat exchanger (RT10). Concentration
the Details Line of the Status Bar. is calculated using strong solution temperature (RT3)
and refrigerant from from the condenser temperature
Cycling Shutdown – Autostart (RT9).
The chiller is shut down on a CYCLING shutdown. The
cause of the shutdown is still in effect and is displayed Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Control
on the Details line of the Status Bar. The chiller will in effect
automatically restart when the CYCLING condition The system is running in LOCAL or REMOTE mode.
clears. The loading and unloading is being automatically
controlled by the leaving chilled liquid temperature
Safety Shutdown – Reset to Restart setpoint.
The chiller is shutdown on a SAFETY shutdown. The
cause of the shutdown is still in effect and is displayed Limited Dilution Cycle is in progress
on the Details line of the Status Bar. The chiller can be A limited dilution cycle is performed when the control
started after the Safety condition clears and the Operator calls for dilution, and a dilution cycle can NOT be
is required to press the WARNING RESET key in OP- performed, due to loss of power for the chiller pumps.
ERATOR or SERVICE access to clear the warning. It only applies when backup power is supplied for the
solution pump.
System Start Inhibited
The chiller is prevented from being started due to the
reason displayed on the Details Line of the Status bar.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Manual Dilution Cycle is in progress While the “Secondary ADC” is in effect, the stabi-
A dilution cycle was initiated manually in SERVICE lizer refrigerant solenoid valve (2SOL) is not energized
access and is in progress. It lasts 6 minutes or until (opened) and the steam/hot water valve is driven to
terminated manually. the closed (0%) position. If the refrigerant pump starts
before the “Secondary Limited ADC” terminates (level
Manual Operation Control in effect switches 1F and 3F close), a standard ADC is performed
The Control Valve is in Manual operation, in SERVICE and the unit continues to run.
access. The valve may be in "LOAD", "UNLOAD", or
"HOLD" command. Unit is unable to perform a Limited Dilution
A limited dilution cycle starts only the solution pump, The control is calling for a limited dilution cycle and it
and it can last up to 4 hours. If the fault condition clears, is unable to be performed.
the control reverts to normal dilution.
Unit Load has reached the Maximum Load
Primary Limited ADC in progress - Limit Setpoint
Load set to 50% The system is running in LOCAL or REMOTE oper-
Applicable only to units equipped with buffalo ating mode and the steam or hot water valve position
pumps. has reached and is being limited to the "Max Allowed
Loading" setpoint value that has been programmed by
The unit is running and performing a “Primary Limited the service technician. During unit commissioning, it
Automatic Decrystallization Cycle”. This variation of is sometimes necessary to temporarily limit the load
the standard Automatic Decrystallization Cycle (ADC) to some value less than 100% because of local or unit
is performed if the refrigerant pump is not running when conditions. Programming of this function should only
a standard ADC is initiated or is turned-off during a be performed by a qualified service technician.
standard ADC.
Unit Load has reached the Remote Load Limit
Limited ADC have two phases: Primary and Secondary Setpoint
(see below). The Primary Limited ADC is the same as The system is running in REMOTE mode and the unit
Standard ADC except it is performed for only 10 minutes loading is being inhibited by the remote load limit com-
and the stabilizer refrigerant solenoid valve (2SOL) is mand from a remote device. The load value that is in
not energized (opened) during the first two minutes of effect can be viewed from the Valve Screen.
the cycle, as would be done in a Standard ADC. If the
the refrigerant pump starts before the “Primary Limited The load limit value is 100% to 10% but is limited fur-
ADC” terminates, (level switches 1F and 3F close), a ther by the local max. and min. load setpoints.
normal ADC is performed. Otherwise, when 10 minutes
have elapsed and the “Primary Limited ADC” termi- Unit Load is controlled by Pulldown Demand
nates, normal chiller operation continues, unless the Limit
ADC temperature (RT2) is greater than 150°F (65.6°C) The system is running in LOCAL or REMOTE mode.
when it terminates, then the “Secondary Limited ADC” The loading is being inhibited by the programmed
(see below) is initiated. pulldown demand limit.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Start Inhibit Messages Steam Valve Loaded > 10% close to < 9% to
Auxiliary Safety Shutdown This message is displayed when the Steam Control Valve
When "Auxiliary Safety Shutdown" contacts connected position is greater than 10% and the unit is OFF. This
between , I/O Board TB4-1 and TB4-31 are open. The message clears when the Steam Control Valve position
message clears when the "Auxiliary Safety Shutdown" is less than 9%.
contact closes.
Unit in Standby until power supply recovers
Generator Hi-press analog PT1 > 672 mmHg This message occurs during power failure, when an
This message is displayed when generator shell pressure emergency power is used. The Cycling Shutdown
is greater than or equal to 672mmHg. The message clears Contacts close, Shut-off Valve closes, and 6SOL Valve
when Generator shell pressure is less than 672mmHg. (if applicable) closes, and all pumps stop. Clears when
normal power is restored.
HW Valve loaded > 10% close to < 9% to
restart Unit shutdown by Remote Device
When the Hot Water Control Valve position is greater The unit is ready to start and the "Remote / Local Cy-
than 10% and the unit is OFF. This message clears when cling" contact connected between I/O board TB4-1 and
the Hot Water Control Valve position i sless than 9%. TB4-13 opens. This message clears when the "Remote
/ Local Cycling" contacts close.
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temp < Setpoint
When the LCHLT is less than LCHLT setpoint. this
message clears when LCHLT is greater than LCHLT Warning Messages
Autopurge Failure - Purge Tank Pressure has
Low Refrigerant Temp Analog RT8 < 33°F not decreased
(.56°C) This message occurs when the purge tank pressure
The unit is inhibited from starting because the refriger- (PT4) has not decreased in 6 seconds when there is an
ant temperature is less than or equal to 33°F (.56°C). autopurge in process. The unit will close 7SOL and
The message clears when the refrigerant temperature is 8SOL, change the purge mode to MANUAL, stop the
is greater than 33°F (.56°C). purge pump after 65 seconds, and close the alarm con-
Low Refrigerant Temp in Evap RT8 < 35.5°F
(1.9°C) Recovery Condition
This message indicates the refrigerant temperature • Pressing the WARNING RESET key in SERVICE
decreased to 35.5°F (1.9°C). The unit will be inhibited access will open the alarm contacts.
from further loading (the load signal will be allowed to
decrease or remain at it's present level, but will NOT Excess Purging in the Last 7 Days –
be allowed to increase) until the refrigerant tempera- see Setpoint-
ture increases to 36.0°F (2.2°C). The reset threshold is The purge counter has counted a number of purges be-
36.0°F (2.2°C). yond the Maximum Purge/Week setpoint. The chiller
alarm contacts close.
Unit Shutdown by Multiunit Remote
This message is displayed when the "Multi-unit se- Recovery Condition
quence" contact connected between I/O Board TB4-1
and TB4-9 opens. The message clears when the 'Multi- • Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
unit Sequence" contacts close. opens the alarm contacts.
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key in SERVICE
access clears the message.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Faulty Strong Solution Temp Sensor RT3 • Hot water supply temperature is less than 266°F
This message occurs when the strong solution temper- (130°C), unit is hot water high temp; releases the
ature is less than or equal to 91°F (32.7°C) and the warning, but it is required to press the WARNING
unit has been running more than 30 minutes. When this RESET key in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to
condition occurs the unit closes the alarm contacts. clear the message.
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
Recovery Condition opens the alarm contacts.
• Strong solution temperature is less than 91°F
(32.7°C); releases this warning, it is required to High Steam supply Press PT2 > 32 PSIA
press the WARNING RESET key in OPERATOR (220.6KPA)
or SERVICE access to clear the warning. This message occurs when the units steam supply pres-
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment sure is greater than or equal to 32PSIA (220.6kPa).
opens the alarm contacts. When this condition occurs the unit closes the alarm
Generator High Pressure > 517mmHg -
Load set to 30%- Recovery Conditions
This message occurs when the generator shell pressure • Steam supply pressure is less than 31 PSIA
is greater than or equal to 517mmHg (10PSIA). (220.6kPa); releases this warning, it is required to
When this warning occurs the unit limits the control or SERVICE access to clear the message.
valve opening to 30% and closes the alarm contacts. • Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
will open the alarm contacts.
Recovery Condition
• Generator shell pressure is less than or equal to High Steam Supply Temp RT7 > XXX.X°F
310 mmHg (6PSIA), enables control valve opening (XXX°C)
greater than 30%, it is required to press the WARN- This message occurs when the unit Steam supply tem-
ING RESET key in OPERATOR or SERVICE ac- perature is greater than or equal to 285°F (140.5°C),
cess to clear the warning. and the unit is configured as steam low temp energy
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment supply, or when the units Steam supply temperature is
will open the alarm contacts. greater than or equal to 337°F (169.4°C), and the unit
is steam high temp energy supply.
High Hot Water Supply Temp RT7 > XXX.X°F Recovery Conditions
• Steam supply temperature is less than 284°F
This message occurs when the unit hot water supply
(140°C), unit is steam low temp; releases this warn-
temperature is greater than or equal to 250°F (121.1°C),
ing but is required to press the WARNING RESET
and the unit is configured as hot water low temp. energy key in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to clear the
supply. When the units hot water supply temperature is message.
greater than or equal to 266°F (130°C), and the unit
• Steam supply temperature is less than 336°F
is configured as hot water high temperature energy
(168.8°C), unit is steam high temp; releases this
warning but it is required to press the WARNING
RESET key in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to
Recovery Condition
clear the message.
• Hot water supply temperature is less than 249.5°F
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
(120.8°C), unit is hot water low temp; releases this
opens the alarm contacts.
warning but it is required to press the WARNING
RESET key in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to
clear the message.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Low Ref Temp in Evap RT8 < 34.0°F (1.1°C) - Possible Crystallization RT2 > 160ºF (71.1ºC)
Soln Pump is off Temperature on the automatic decrystallization line
The evaporator refrigerant temperature is less than (RT2) exceeded 160 ºF (71.1ºC) during operation. Au-
or equal to 34°F (1.1°C). tomatic decrystallization process started.
When this warning occurs the unit stops the solu- Recovery Condition
tion pump, opens 2SOL if the refrigerant pump is • Temperature on the automatic decrystallization line
running, inhibits load command for valve opening, (RT2) decreased below 150 ºF (65ºC) when the ADC
and closes alarm contacts. process timed out.
Recovery Condition Purge Failure; PT3 > 15mmHg -
Check Purge Pump
• Refrigerant temperature is greater than 34°F
This message occurs when the unit is attempting to
(1.1°C); changes warning message to "LOW RE- perform a manual or auto purge, the purge pump is run-
FRIGERANT TEMPERATURE RT8 is less than ning and the purge pump pressure does not decrease
35.5°F (1.9°C)", this message allows the solution less than 15mmHg within 2 minutes from 8SOL re-
pump operation. ceiving an open command. The unit will close 8SOL,
• Refrigerant temperature is greater than 36°F stop the purge pump, after 65 seconds change the pump
(2.2°C); it releases the warning, closes 2SOL, mode to MANUAL, and close the alarm contacts. The
enables the solution pump operation and LOAD unit performs a safety check corresponding to the cur-
command for the control valve. It is required to press rent operation state.
or SERVICE access to clear this message. Recovery Conditions
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any • Press the WARNING RESET key in OPERATOR
moment opens the alarm contacts. or SERVICE access to clear the warning.
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment
Low Refrigerant Temperature in Evap RT8 < opens the alarm contacts.
35.5°F (1.9°C)
The evaporator refrigerant temperature is less than Purge Pump failure - manually close VP2 & VP4
or equal to 35.5°F (1.9°C). This message occurs when the purge pump pressure at
PT3 is greater than 100mmHg and the purge pump is
When this condition occurs the unit opens 2SOL if running. The unit will close 7SOL and 8SOL if open,
the refrigerant pump is running, inhibits load com- turn OFF the purge pump after 65 seconds, change the
purge mode to MANUAL if in AUTO, and close the
mand for valve opening, and will close the alarm
alarm contacts.
Recovery Condition
Recovery Condition
• Purge pump pressure is less than 100mmHg; it
• Refrigerant temperature is greater than 36°F releases this warning but it is required to press the
(2.2°C); it releases this warning, closes 2SOL, RESET WARNING key in OPERATOR or SER-
enables the solution pump operation and LOAD VICE access to clear the warning.
command for the control valve. It is required to press
or SERVICE access to clear this message.
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any
moment opens the alarm contacts.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
When this condition occurs the unit closes the alarm Refrigerant from Condenser RT9 or Shell
contacts, closes 7SOL and 8SOL if open, sets the purge Pressure PT1 conflict
pump to OFF, stops the purge pump operation counter, This message occurs when the condensed refrigerant
and changes the purge mode to MANUAL if it is in temperature sensed by RT9 does not correspond to the
AUTO. condensing pressure sensed by PT1.
Recovery Conditions Short dilution cycle and strong solution concentra-
• Purge pump overload contacts close releases this tion control is disabled and dilution occurs upon low
warning and enables change to AUTO purge mode, LCHLT cycling shutdown regardless of strong solution
it is required to press the WARNING RESET key temperature.
in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to clear the
warning. Recovery Condition
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment • Condensed refrigerant temperature corresponds to
opens the alarm contacts. Condensing pressure; releases this warning but it
is required to press WARNING RESET key in OP-
Purge Pump Service recommended ERATOR or SERVICE access to clear the warning.
This message occurs when the purge pump run hours Short dilution (if originally selected) is enabled and
counter is greater than the Purge pump service interval strong solution control logic restarted.
setpoint. It is required to press the WARNING RESET
key in OPERATOR or SERVICE access to clear the Refrigerant Level Switch Conflict - CHK 1F & 3F
message. This message appears when 3F is open after the re-
frigerant shutdown delay setpoint has been met AND
Recovery Condition 1F is closed due to the Refrigerant pump startup delay
• Pressing the WARNING RESET key at any moment setpoint being met. This message only applies to units
will acknowledge the warning and open the alarm equipped with Buffalo pumps. This warning does not
contacts. modify the state of the machine.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Recovery Condition
• The operator should review and resolve the problem,
place control in the STOP/RESET position, and run
manual dilution if necessary.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Condenser Liquid Flow Switch Opened Dilution Cycle Interrupted - Switch 3F Opened
The condenser liquid flow switch has been opened This shutdown occurs when 3F is open at least for
continuously for 30 seconds. If the chiller was in RUN "Chiller Refrigerant level shutdown delay setpoint"
status, the chiller initiates limited dilution. If the con- when the unit is performing a dilution cycle (only ap-
denser liquid pump was commanded to run in manual plicable to unit equipped with Buffalo Pumps). The unit
mode from the control panel and the unit was not in will start a limited dilution cycle after the refrigerant
RUN status, the chiller remains in standby. pump shutoff delay expires.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Generator Hi-Press Digital Switch HP1 Opened High Hot Water Supply Temp RT7 > %XXX.XX°F
The generator high pressure digital safety switch opened The unit is hot water fed and the hot water temperature
(Shutdown = 710 mmHg Abs). If the chiller was in RUN less than or equal to 255°F (123°C) and the generator
status, the chiller initiates a dilution cycle. configuration is for low temp, or the unit is hot water fed
and the hot water temperature is greater than or equal to
Recovery Conditions 270°F (132°C) and the generator configuration is high
temp. The unit will perform a dilution cycle.
• If the chiller was in RUN status at the time of the
event, then when the digital safety contacts close
Recovery Conditions
(Reset = 40 mmHg Abs) and the unit switch is
taken to STOP/RESET position the chiller continues • Hot Water temperature is less than 254°F (123°C)
dilution if it was in progress or becomes ready to when the generator configuration is low temp and the
start. unit switch is placed in the STOP/RESET position.
• If the chiller was not in RUN status at the time of the • Hot Water temperature is less than 269°F (131°C)
event, when the digital safety contacts close (reset when the generator configuration is high temp and the
= 40 mmHg Abs) and the unit switch is placed to unit switch is placed in the STOP/RESET position.
STOP/RESET position the chiller becomes ready
to start. High Steam Supply Press PT2 > 35psia
Gen Hi-Temp Digital Switch HT1 Opened – This safety shutdown occurs when the steam supply pres-
Man Reset sure is greater than or equal to 35PSIA (241.3KPA), the
The generator high temperature digital safety switch unit will perform a dilution cycle.
opened (Shutdown = 337ºF/169ºC). If the chiller was
in RUN status, the chiller initiates a dilution cycle. Recovery Condition
• Steam supply pressure is greater than or equal to
Recovery Conditions 31PSIA and the unit switch is placed to the STOP/RE-
SET position; unit becomes "READY TO START".
• If the chiller was in RUN status at the time of the
event, then when the digital safety contacts close
(Reset = 333ºF/167ºC) and the unit switch is taken to High Steam Supply Temp RT7 > XXX.XX°F
STOP/RESET position the chiller continues dilution The unit is steam fed and the steam temperature ≥ 290°F
if it was in progress or becomes ready to start. (143°C) and the generator configuration is for low temp,
or the unit is steam fed and the steam temperature is ≥
• If the chiller was not in RUN status at the time of
340°F (171°C) and the generator configuration is high
the event, when the digital safety contacts close
temp. The unit will perform a dilution cycle.
(Reset = 333ºF/167ºC) and the unit switch is placed
to STOP/RESET position the chiller becomes ready
Recovery Conditions
to start.
• Steam temperature is less than 289°F (142°C) when
High Concentration in Strong Solution the generator configuration is low temp and the unit
This shutdown occurs when the strong solution con- switch is placed in the STOP/RESET position.
centration is greater than or equal to strong solution • Steam temperature is less than 339°F (170°C) when
concentration safety shutdown limit (66%). When this the generator configuration is high temp and the unit
occurs the unit will perform a dilution cycle. switch is placed in the STOP/RESET position.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Recovery Condition
• The unit switch is taken to STOP/RESET position.
The chiller continues dilution if it was in progress
or becomes ready to start.
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
OptiView Control Center
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
Purge Pump Valve Closing Solution Pump is Off and 3SOL is Open
The purge process has completed and the autopurge 3SOL has been opened manually with the solution pump
ball valve is given a closed command (de-energized). off. This is an unusual condition. This message resides
This message resides for 60 seconds after the valve until a close command is issued to 3 SOL.
command is issued.
Start Prohibited at this Moment
Refrigerant Pump has been Stopped after 2h The chiller can not be started at this time due to equip-
of Operation ment or status conflict. This message resides for 60
The refrigerant pump was manually started with the seconds after the failed start command is issued.
chiller not running and the 2 hour run limiting timer
has expired. The pump is stopped automatically by the Valve Calibration Prohibited
control. This message resides until the unit switch is Control valve calibration process not be started at this
taken to RUN or the WARNING/RESET key pressed time due to equipment or status conflict. This message
in OPERATOR or SERVICE access. resides for 60 seconds after the failed calibration com-
mand is issued.
Refrigerant Pump is Off and 2SOL is Open
2SOL has been opened manually with the refrigerant 3SOL and 2SOL Manual Control Prohibited
pump off. This is an unusual condition. This message Control for the stabilizer or unloader solenoid valve can
resides until a close command is issued to 2 SOL. not be switched to manual because the unit is waiting
for a SERVICE level reset or in limited dilution. This
Reset Prohibited at this Moment message resides for 60 seconds after the failed control
The chiller can not be reset at this time due to equipment command is issued.
or status conflict. This message resides for 60 seconds
after the failed reset command is issued.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
The Control Center provides the required formatting con- Printer Setup
trol codes for the printers above when the printer is se- The printer must be configured as follows. Refer to
lected on the PRINTER Screen in the instructions below. manual provided by Printer manufacturer with respec-
These codes are transmitted through the serial interface tive Printer.
to the printer to provide a proper print format. Different
printers require different formatting control codes. Other
If equipped with HIGH SPEED serial board:
printers might provide proper operation when connected
SW1 ‑ off (‑) Low when busy
to the Control Center. However, the print format may not
be correct or as desired. Proceed with caution and use the 2 ‑ off 1200 Baud*
following guidelines if an unlisted printer is selected: 3 ‑ off 1200 Baud*
1. All must be capable of RS‑232 Serial communic- 4 ‑ on 1200 Baud*
ations. 5 ‑ Not Used
2. Primary differences between printers involve the for- 6 ‑ off no parity
matting control codes required by the printer. These 7 ‑ off Pin 20 & pin 11 act as busy line
codes are sent from the Control Center to the printer.
For example, Weigh-Tronix printers require a control SEIKO
code to select 40 column width. This same code is
interpreted by the Okidata printer as an instruction DipSW1‑1 = off Input‑Serial
to print wide characters. In some instances, a printer 1‑2 = on Printing speed high
will ignore a code it cannot interpret. 1-3 = on Auto loading ‑ on
3. The Control Center requires a busy signal from the 1‑4 = off Auto LF ‑ off
printer when the printer receive buffer is full. This 1‑5 = on Setting Command ‑ Enable
causes the Control Center to momentarily terminate 1‑6 = off Printing density ‑ 100%
data transmission until the printer can accept more
data. The busy signal polarity must be asserted low 1‑7 = on Printing density ‑ 100%
when busy. 1‑8 = on Printing, density ‑ 100%
DipSW 2‑1= off Printing Columns - 80
Printer Connections 2‑2 = on User Font Back‑up ‑ on
Connect the printers to the Control Center Microboard as
2‑3 = on Character Select ‑ normal
follows. Only one printer can be connected at a time.
2‑4 = off Zero ‑ slash
SEIKO 2‑5 = on International character set ‑
Microboard Printer Function
2‑6 = on International character set ‑
J2-4 pin 3 Tx (data to printer)
J2‑2 pin 8 DSR (busy signal from printer)
J2‑9 pin 5 Gnd 2‑7 = on International character set ‑
Cabinet Shield American
2‑8 = off International character set ‑
Hardware required American
Cable – #18 AWG stranded 50 ft. maximum length. DipSW 3‑1= on Data length ‑ 8 bits
Connectors – 3‑2 = on Parity Setting ‑ no
- Microboard: None. Strip 1/4" insulation from 3‑3 = on Parity condition ‑ odd
wire and insert into screw terminal block. 3‑4 = on Busy control ‑ H/W busy
- Printers: Seiko ‑ 9‑Pin D‑type Subminiature 3‑5 = off Baud rate select ‑ 19.200*
(DB‑9 pin male). 3‑6 = on Baud rate select ‑ 19.200*
3‑7 = on Baud rate select ‑ 19.200*
3‑8 = off Baud rate select ‑ 19.200*
* Settings shown for 1200 Baud. Other Baud rates can be selected.
Refer to Printer manufacturer’s manual supplied with Printer.
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
REV. 1.0 2008
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
- H I S T O R Y F I L E R E P O R T - - P U R G E T R E N D R E P O R T -
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
- S E T P O I N T S L I S T R E P O R T -
FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
DOWNLOADING SYSTEM HISTORIES TO 4. Press the the Print Screen key on the appropriate
A LAPTOP FROM AN OPTIVIEW CONTROL screen to be captured. The HyperTerminal will dis-
PANEL play the printed information and the information will
be recorded as a .txt file.
Downloading histories to a file is another useful method
to capture system operating conditions. The following
instructions are to establish communication between the When the print file has been recorded, select Transfer
OptiView Control Panel and a laptop computer. from the toolbar and capture from the drop down
menu and select Stop. This will stop the transfer and
1. Connect the laptop computer to the OptiView as allow access to the capture file.
The following additional RS232 connections, and wiring
Laptop OptiView up serial devices for desktop and laptop computers.
(RS-232 Serial Port) (Com 1) 3
PIN DESC Connector Terminal RS-232 Pin Assignments
(DB25 PC signal set)
2 RX to J2 4 (TXD1)
(Older Desktops Only)
3 DTR to J2 3 (RXD1)
Pin 1 Protective Ground
5 GND to J2 9 GND
Pin 2 Transmit Data
Pin 3 Recieved Data
2. Setup HyperTerminal
Pin 4 Request To Send
a. Go to START menu
Pin 5 Clear To Send
b. Select All Programs
Pin 6 Data Set Ready
c. Select Accessories Pin 7 Signal Ground
d. Select Communications Recieved line Signal Detector
Pin 8
e. Select HyperTerminal (Data Carrier Detect)
f. In the box displayed, it requires a name and icon Pin 20 Data Terminal Ready
for the connection. Select a name that is descrip- Pin 22 Ring Indicator
tive and select an icon. Select OK.
g. In the box labeled Connect using the select com The connector on the PC has Male pins, therefore the
port that will connect to the YIA unit. This port mating cable needs to terminate in a DB25/F (Female
is usually labelled Com 1. Select OK. pin) connector.
h. Port settings
Bits per second 57600 RS-232 Pin Assignments
(DB9 PC signal set)
Data bits 8 (Most Laptops)
Parity None Recieved line Signal Detector
Pin 1
Stop Bits 1 (Data Carrier Detect)
Flow control None Pin 2 Recieved Data
3. Set HyperTerminal to capture a file. Pin 3 Transmit Data
RX 3
The following factors can be used to convert from English to the most common Sl Metric values.
P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by Johnson Controls 2015 www.johnsoncontrols.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 155.21-O1 (615)
Issue Date: June 12, 2015
Supersedes: 155.21-O1 (410)