20 Tumors PDF
20 Tumors PDF
20 Tumors PDF
of Tumors
Section I: Clinical Avian Neoplasia and Oncology
Section II: A Retrospective Study of Case
Submissions to a Specialty Diagnostic Service
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Overview of Tumors:
Section I
Clinical Avian Neoplasia and Oncology
Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I
Lucy Bartlett
Lucy Bartlett
Fig 20.1.1 | Mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Fig 20.1.2 | Mucoepidermoid carcinoma after resection.
Fig 20.1.3 | Fibrosarcoma on the Fig 20.1.4 | Fibrosarcoma on the wing of Fig 20.1.5 | Squamous cell carcinoma
face of a budgerigar. a lovebird. of the rhamphotheca, and papillomatosis
in an older Timneh grey parrot.
Fibrosarcomas may be subcutaneous or more deeply complete excision is rarely accomplished. Radiation ther-
located in underlying tissue, and often appear fixed and apy has been attempted with some success, however,
proliferative with a nodular, red surface. They tend to be squamous cell carcinoma appears to be an exceptionally
locally invasive and often recur with conservative surgi- radioresistant tumor and long-term control is rare.
cal excision. Therefore, additional local treatment in the Anecdotal reports indicate that radioresistance may be
form of radiation therapy is often indicated for providing even greater in birds than in mammals.19,35 Strontium
long-term local control. As the metastatic rate in other therapy when tumor depth is not a limiting factor has
domestic species ranges from 5 to 15%, local disease shown some promise in selected psittacine cases.35
management is paramount, with metastatic control as a Distant metastasis is rare, therefore chemotherapy is not
secondary concern. Surgical excision followed by both commonly utilized. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has
radiation and chemotherapy has been reported with been attempted in two reported cases. One case of a
some success in a few publications.14 Strontium radiation squamous cell carcinoma in the beak of a hornbill
therapy, although limited by depth of penetration, has showed a positive result in decreasing tumor size, but
been anecdotally reported as efficacious in several failure to eliminate the neoplasia.31 The second case
instances.35 demonstrated a positive response to PDT after each
treatment, but treatments were not able to be adminis-
Squamous Cell Carcinomas tered at regular intervals.28
562 C l i n i c a l Av i a n M e d i c i n e - Vo l u m e I I
Fig 20.1.6 | Chondroma on the leg of a Fig 20.1.7 | Gross appearance of the Fig 20.1.8 | The bird in Fig 20.1.11,
budgerigar. abdomen in a 9-month-old African grey showing hemangioma encompassing most
parrot with diffuse coelomic hemangioma. abdominal viscera.
generally the suggested methods of treatment, as (see Chapter 13, Integument). Although histopathologi-
benign lesions are often cured with complete excision cally benign, in at least one case in this author’s experi-
and a decrease in tumor burden can be accomplished ence, hemangioma occurred in a juvenile African grey
in malignant lesions. As tumors such as osteosarcoma (Psittacus erithacus) and involved the coelomic cavity,
carry high metastatic rates, additional therapies may be small intestine, liver, lung, air sacs and pericardium.
indicated. Extrapolation from canine and feline oncol- Complete surgical excision could not be accomplished
ogy may suggest other modalities such as radiation ther- and euthanasia was eventually required (Figs 20.1.7,
apy for additional local treatment and chemotherapy for 20.1.8). Treatment of a hemangiosarcoma with radiation
systemic control. therapy has been reported in one case.9
Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I
Lucy Bartlett
subsequent wasting. Metastasis to the lungs has been
confirmed in one case report.4
Biliary and pancreatic carcinomas are frequently diag- Fig 20.1.9 | Thymoma in a lovebird,
nosed in the genus Amazona and to a lesser degree,
Ara, in conjunction with internal papillomatosis.11,13 A
recent connection to a herpesvirus has been identified
(see Chapter 32, Implications of Viruses in Clinical with conditions related to the pituitary hormone(s) that
Disorders). Carboplatin has been used in several cases are affected. Usually, this will be pronounced polydypsia
with equivocal results, but with no apparent toxicity.7,35,38 and polyuria. Occasional presentations will be that of a
retrobulbar mass and subsequent exophthalmia.27 In
Surgical excision is the treatment of choice with solitary human medicine, surgical resection and radiation ther-
lesions of hepatic cell carcinoma in other species, and is apy (if needed) are utilized for treatment. Size and mon-
the only documented curative treatment in human medi- etary constraints make routine treatment by these meth-
cine. Combinations of chemotherapy and radiation ther- ods unlikely in our small psittacine patients.
apy have been used with equivocal results in people in
an attempt to prevent or limit metastatic disease. In Thyroid
widely disseminated hepatic carcinoma, palliative chemo- Budgerigars that are iodine deficient may develop non-
therapy is often employed. However, extrapolation from neoplastic thyroid hyperplasia that presents as a thyroid
people would indicate that this type of cancer is highly mass, often causing a change in the voice or a respira-
resistant to chemotherapy. The most commonly employed tory squeak.
chemotherapeutic agents in human medicine appear to
be doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), however, Thyroid Tumors
mean survival times do not appear to be statistically These are not as common in birds as they are in domestic
improved in patients with widely disseminated disease. rabbits, but do occur (Fig 20.1.9). They may be intra-
The use of immunotherapy — including interferon, in thoracic or located in the area of the neck. In humans,
conjunction with cisplatin, doxorubicin and 5-FU — has classification according to cell type (medullary, cortical
shown the most promise to date in human patients. and mixed) is a prognostic indicator, with cortical
Unfortunately, interferon is limited in its usefulness by tumors having the highest incidence of recurrence and
cost and availability in veterinary medicine. The effi- malignancy. Thymoma and thyroid adenocarcinoma have
ciency of radiation therapy for carcinomas and other been reported in several psittacine species. Surgical exci-
neoplasias is largely unknown. However, tolerance of sion is the primary treatment recommendation. Adjuvant
radiation therapy has been anecdotally reported as radiation and chemotherapy protocols are being utilized
greater than anticipated. in human medicine. Cisplatin is used in many human
chemotherapy protocols for thymomas and thymic carci-
Endocrine Neoplasia nomas. Limited studies have shown that psittacines may
Neoplasia of endocrine origin is not frequently reported be tolerant of the common side effects induced by cis-
in birds. platin, and this agent may be useful in the treatment of
these neoplasias.
Pituitary Adenomas
These have been documented in multiple avian species, Pancreatic Neoplasias
but are most prevalent in budgerigars and cockatiels. Infrequent accounts of primary pancreatic neoplasia of
Affected animals may present with acute neurologic con- variable cell origin, not associated with internal papillo-
ditions (seizures/opisthotonos). They also may present matosis, have been reported.23
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564 C l i n i c a l Av i a n M e d i c i n e - Vo l u m e I I
Lori Harrison
Lori Harrison
Fig 20.1.10 | Retrobulbar lymphoma in a young African grey. Fig 20.1.11 | Gross necropsy photo of the liver
from the African grey in Fig 20.1.10. A fine-nee-
dle aspirate of the liver demonstrated that the
lymphoma had spread to involve the hepatic
Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I
1. Alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide and Most anticancer agents have associated vomiting, diar-
lomustine prevent cell replication by covalently bind- rhea and bone marrow suppression as sequelae. It is
ing to the nucleotide bases of the DNA molecule. important to monitor patients for signs of dehydration
2. Antimetabolites will mimic purine, pyrimidine or or secondary infection as a result of chemotherapy
metabolite precursors of the nucleotide bases, result- administration. Some anticancer agents have particular
ing in non-functional DNA. toxicities known to that drug alone, such as sterile hem-
3. Steroids such as prednisone and prednisolone cause orrhagic cystitis due to cyclophosphamide metabolites in
lympholysis and suppress neutrophil function and dogs and people. Such toxicities are not well reported in
antibody production. avian species and should be monitored for accordingly.
4. Plant alkaloids such as vincristine bind to micro-
tubules to prevent normal formation and function of When confronted with a confirmed diagnosis of neoplasia,
the mitotic spindle. The antibiotics such as adriamycin a current literature search is warranted due to the rapid
intercalate between DNA base pairs to disrupt tran- advances and changes in treatment recommendations.
scription and also cause oxygen free radical damage. Consultation with a veterinary oncologist will increase the
5. Miscellaneous drugs such as the Platinol compounds likelihood of selecting an appropriate treatment regime
(cisplatin and carboplatin) also bind to bases of the and properly administering the chosen therapy.
DNA preventing replication, but have a bifunctional
ability with double attachment to DNA strands. Products Mentioned in Text
a. Depo-Lupron, Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Deerfield, IL USA, 800-622-2011
6. L-asparaginase hydrolyzes asparagine to aspartic acid
and ammonia, resulting in loss of an essential amino
acid for cell function.
References and 10. Hahn KA, Jones MP, Petersen MG: Adenocarcinoma in a Budgerigar. Parrot. J Avian Med Surg 9(4):263-
Metastatic pheochromocytoma in Exotic DVM 4(2):11-12 May 2002. 270, 1995.
Recommended Reading a parakeet. Avian Dis 41(3):751-4, 19. Manucy TK, Bennett RA, 28. Rosenthal K, et al: A Report of
1. Altman RA, et al (eds): Avian 1997. Greenacre C: Squamous cell car- Photodynamic Therapy for
Medicine and Surgery. Phila- 11. Hillyer EV, et al: Bile duct carci- cinoma of the mandibular beak in Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a
delphia, WB Saunders Co, 1997. noma in two out of ten Amazon a Buffon’s macaw (Ara ambigua). Cockatiel. Proc Ann Conf AAV
2. Andre JP, Delverdier M: Primary parrots with cloacal papillomas. J J Avian Med Surg 12(3):158-166, 2001, pp 175-176.
bronchial carcinoma with oseous Assoc Avian Vet 5(2):91-95, 1991. 1998. 29. Schmidt RE: Selected Neoplasia
metastasis in an African grey par- 12. Jones MP, Orosz SE: Pulmonary 20. Morrissey JK: Gastrointestinal of the Avian Integument. Exotic
rot (Psittacus erithacus). J Avian carcinoma with metastases in a Diseases of Psittacine Birds. Sem DVM Vol 4(2):13-14, 2002.
Med Surg 13(3):180-186, 1999. Moluccan cockatoo (Cacatua Avian Exotic Pet Med 8(2):66-74, 30. Sturkie PD, Whittow GC (eds):
3. Burgmann PM: Common moluccensis). J Avian Med Surg 1999. Sturkie’s Avian Physiology 5th ed.
psittacine dermatologic diseases. 15(2):107-113, 2001. 21. Orosz, SE, Ensley PK, Haynes CJ: San Diego, Academic Press,
Sem Avian Exotic Pet Med 13. Kennedy FA, Sattler-Augustin S: Avian Surgical Anatomy. Harcourt Brace and Co, 2000.
4(4):169-183, 1995. Oropharyngeal and cloacal papil- Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 31. Suedmeyer WK: Attempted
4. Campbell TW: Carcinoma of the lomas in two macaws (Ara spp.) 1992. Photodynamic Therapy of
ventriculus with metastasis to the with neoplasia with hepatic 22. Ottinger MA: Neuroendocrine Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the
lungs in a sulphur-crested cocka- metastasis. J Avian Med Surg Regulation of Reproduction in Casque of a Great Hornbill
too (Cacatua galerita), J Avian 10(2):89-95, 1996. Birds and Clinical Applications of (Buceros bicornis). J Avian Med
Med Surg 13(4):265-268, 1999. 14. Lamberski N, Theon AP: GnRH Analogues in Birds and Surg 15(1):44-49, 2001.
5. Clyde VL, Orosz SE, Munson L: Concurrent irradiation and intra- Mammals. Sem Avian Exotic Pet 32. Tell LA, Woods L, Mathews KG:
Severe hepatic fibrosis and bile tumoral chemotherapy with cis- Med 11(2):71-79 April, 2002. Basal cell carcinoma in a blue-
duct hyperplasia in four Amazon platin for treatment of a fibrosar- 23. Rae M: Endocrine Disease in Pet fronted amazon parrot (Amazona
parrots. J Avian Med Surg coma in a blue and gold macaw Birds. Semin Avian Exotic Pet Med aestiva), Avian Dis 41(3):755-9
10(4):252-257, 1996. (Ara ararauna). J Avian Med Surg 4(1):32-38 Jan 1995. Jul-Sep 1997.
6. Coleman CW: Lymphoid neopla- 16(3):234-238, 2002. 24. Ramos-Vara JA: Lymphosarcoma 33. Tully T: Liposarcomas In A Monk
sia in pet birds: A review. J Avian 15. Lennox AM: The Use of Aldara with plasmacytoid differentiation Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus).
Med Surg 9(1):3-7, 1995. (Imiquimod) for the Treatment of in a scarlet macaw (Ara macao). J Assoc Avian Vet 8(3):120-124
7. Degernes LA: Multicystic biliary Cloacal Papillomatosis in Avian Dis 41(2):499-504 Apr-Jun Fall 1994.
adenocarcinoma in a blue-and- Psittacines. Exotic DVM 4(3):34- 1997. 34. Watson CL, Lucroy MD: Primary
gold macaw (Ara ararauna). J 35 July 2002. 25. Ritchie B, Harrison GJ, Harrison Appendicular Bone Tumors in
Avian Med Surg 12(2):100-107, 16. Lightfoot TL: Avian Common LR (eds): Avian Medicine: Dogs. Compend Contin Edu Pract
1998. Clinical Presentations: Neoplastic, Principles and Application. Lake Vet 24(2):128-138 Feb 2002.
8. Filippich LJ: Intravenous cisplatin Toxic, Viral and Miscellaneous. Worth, FL, Wingers Publishing, 35. www.vin.com, Member Search -
administration in sulphur-crested Proc Atlantic Coast Vet Conf, Inc, 1994. Species: Bird, Subject: Neoplasia
cockatoos (Cacatua galerita): 2001. 26. Ritchey JW, Degernes LA, Brown 36. www.exoticdvm.com
Clinical and pathologic observa- 17. Lupu CA: Evaluation of Side TT Jr: Exocrine pancreatic insuffi- 37. www.avianmedicine.net
tions. J Avian Med Surg 15(1):23- Effects of Tamoxifen in ciency in a yellow-naped Amazon 38. Zantop DA: Treatment of bile
30, 2001. Budgerigars, (Melopsittacus (Amazona ochrocephala) with duct carcinoma in birds with
9. Freeman KP: Radiation therapy undulatus). J Avian Med Surg pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Vet carboplatin. Exotic DVM 2(3):76-
for hemangiosarcoma in a 14(4):237-242 Dec 2000. Pathol 34(1):55-7 1997. 78, 2000.
budgerigar. J Avian Med Surg 18. MacWhirter P: Use of Carboplatin 27. Romagnano A, Mashima TY:
13(1):40-44, 1999. in the Treatment of Renal Pituitary Adenoma in an Amazon
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Overview of Tumors:
Section II
A Retrospective Study of Case
Submissions to a Specialty Diagnostic Service
The occurrence of various types of avian neoplasia has prevalence of neoplasia over the 7-year period was high-
been comprehensively reviewed.6 This section documents est in Anseriformes (ducks, geese, swans), Galliformes
the prevalence of neoplasms in 22 avian orders submit- (poultry, pheasants), Strigiformes (owls) and
ted to a specialty diagnostic service (Northwest ZooPath, Cuculiformes (cuckoos, turacos).
Monroe, WA) from 1994 to 2002. Cases were selected
based on histologic diagnosis. Cysts, hyperplastic Tables 20.2.3 and 20.2.4 list the tumor submissions by
processes, fibromatous polyps and poxvirus-related pro- type and biological behavior. The most common types of
liferative lesions were not included. Cases diagnosed as tumors were cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, multi-
neoplastic based on cytology alone also were excluded. centric lymphoma, cutaneous soft tissue sarcoma, biliary
Although potentially reversible and not considered true adenocarcinoma and ovarian/oviduct adenocarcinoma.
neoplasms, adenomatous polyps and papillomas were
included because of the known association of these
lesions with concurrent neoplasia in psittacine birds.4 Neoplasia by Avian Order
Type, location, biological behavior and patient outcome
are addressed. Apparent trends for particular types of
neoplasms in some orders or species also are identified
and discussed. For the purposes of this manuscript, Order Psittaciformes (parrots and related species) had
prevalence refers to a given percentage within the study 3545 representatives and 220 neoplastic processes
population, and the study population comprises the (prevalence = 6.2%) (see Table 20.2.2), slightly higher
cases submitted to the service. The prevalence of these than the average prevalence for tumor submissions from
neoplasms in the populations from which these birds other orders. Table 20.2.5 summarizes the most common
originated is not known. presentations of neoplasms within this order. Trend crite-
ria were based on total number of tumor types in a
Table 20.2.1 lists the tumor submissions by site and bio- species (two or more), and percent of total for all tumors
logical behavior. Skin was the most common site for in a species (10% or greater). Using these criteria, numer-
tumor development, followed by alimentary tract, repro- ous trends were observed within this order. For cock-
ductive tract and liver. In all locations except alimentary atiels (Nymphicus hollandicus), trends were identified in
tract, malignant tumors were more common than soft tissue sarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, ovarian/
benign tumors; the large numbers of cloacal and oral oviduct adenocarcinoma, fibrosarcoma and seminoma.
papillomas and adenomatous polyps in psittacine birds For Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.), trends were identi-
account for this variation in behavior. fied for squamous cell carcinoma, cloacal adenomatous
polyp, cloacal papilloma and biliary adenocarcinoma. For
Table 20.2.2 summarizes total numbers of submissions macaws (Ara spp.), trends were identified for cloacal
and total numbers of tumors for each order. For the adenomatous polyp, cloacal papilloma and biliary adeno-
study period, 9574 avian samples were submitted, repre- carcinoma. For cockatoos (Cacatua spp.), trends were
senting 22 orders; 557 neoplastic processes were identi- identified for soft tissue sarcomas and cloacal adenoma-
fied, for an overall prevalence of 5.8%. The overall tous polyps. For budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus),
20s2_Tumors Sec 2.qxd 8/23/2005 12:37 PM Page 567
Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I I
Table 20.2.1 | Tumor Submissions by Table 20.2.3 | Epithelial, Gonadal and Bimorphic Neoplasmsa: Total Numbers,
Site and Biological Behavior Biological Behavior and Patient Outcome
Location Total Malignant Benign Tumor Tumor Invasive Lymphatic Meta- Death Death Excised Lost to
Type # Behavior invasion stasis Due to Due to follow
Skin 120 92 28
Tumor Other up
Alimentary 67 32 35
Malignant neoplasms
Reproductive 64 59 5
Squamous cell 48 48 1 4 16 0 3 29
Liver 54 45 9 carcinoma
Kidney 28 17 11 Biliary 29 29 0 5 28 0 0 1
Respiratory 20 20 0 adenocarcinoma
Intracoelomic 17 16 1 Ovarian/oviduct 28 28 2 9 19 2 0 7
Pancreas 13 12 1
Renal 16 16 0 1 15 0 0 1
Endocrine 13 6 7 adenocarcinoma
Uropygial gland 8 7 1 Seminoma 15 15 0 0 5 8 3 3
Musculoskeletal 7 7 0 Pancreatic 13 13 0 7 13 0 0 0
Thymus 5 4 1 adenocarcinoma
Conjunctiva 5 2 3 Intracoelomic 12 12 0 5 12 0 0 0
CNS 3 3 0
Hepatocellular 11 11 0 3 10 1 0 0
Spleen 2 1 1 carcinoma
Heart 2 2 0 Proventricular 10 10 0 4 10 0 0 0
Air sac 9 9 1 4 8 0 0 1
Table 20.2.2 | Total Submissions and adenocarcinoma
Prevalence of Neoplasia by Order
Pulmonary 6 6 0 0 6 0 0 0
Order Cases Tumors % adenocarcinoma
Anseriformes 1024 119 11.6 Ventricular 5 5 1 1 5 0 0 0
Strigiformes 131 13 9.9
Cloacal 4 4 0 0 1 0 0 3
Galliformes 783 74 9.4
Cuculiformes 62 5 8.1
Sertoli cell tumor 4 4 1 1 1 3 0 0
Psittaciformes 3545 220 6.2
Bimorphic 4 4 0 1 4 0 0 0
Columbiformes 294 17 5.8 pulmonary tumor
Sphenisciformes 204 11 5.4 Thyroid 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
Phoenicopteriformes 265 13 4.9 adenocarcinoma
568 C l i n i c a l Av i a n M e d i c i n e - Vo l u m e I I
trends were identified for soft tissue sarcoma, squamous (Cacatua spp.), an African grey, a thick-billed parrot
cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma and renal adenocarcinoma. (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) and a Patagonian conure
Interestingly, although lipomas are recognized as a com- (Cyanoliseus patagonus). This distribution is similar to
mon tumor in budgerigars,6,12 a trend was not identified that of retrospective studies of this condition.4,14 Malig-
in this analysis of submissions. This may be because clini- nant transformation of cloacal “papillomas” has been
cians easily recognize these tumors, thus biopsies are not described in psittacine birds.6,14 In this study, four cloacal
routinely submitted. For lovebirds (Agapornis spp.), adenomatous polyps (two macaws, one amazon parrot
trends were identified for soft tissue sarcoma, fibrosar- and one cockatoo) underwent local transformation to
coma and lymphoma. For African greys (Psittacus eritha- adenocarcinoma, although no metastases were seen.
cus) and rosellas (Platycercus spp.), trends were identi- Adenomatous polyps also were noted in the proventricu-
fied for squamous cell carcinoma. lus of a cockatoo and on the eyelid of a cockatiel. Two
cloacal adenomatous polyps were associated with con-
Cloacal Adenomatous Polyps and Papillomas current biliary adenocarcinoma and two with concurrent
Cloacal adenomatous polyps were common in Amazon pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Cloacal papillomas also
parrots and macaws, and also were seen in cockatoos were common in macaws and Amazon parrots, and one
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Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I I
570 C l i n i c a l Av i a n M e d i c i n e - Vo l u m e I I
hepatic malignancies and concurrent hemochromatosis, with myelolipomas were from the same zoo.
suggesting iron storage in the liver may precipitate
malignant transformation in this species, as alluded to SPHENISCIFORMES
by other authors.8,9
Order Sphenisciformes (penguins) had 204 representa-
tives and 11 tumors (5.4%) (see Table 20.2.2), about
PHOENICOPTERIDAE average compared to submissions from other avian
Suborder Phoenicopteridae (flamingos) had 265 repre- orders. Over half of the tumor submissions (6, 55%)
sentatives and 13 tumors (4.9%) (see Table 20.2.2), were squamous cell carcinomas, occurring in four differ-
suggesting that the overall prevalence of neoplasia in ent species of penguins. These data suggest that, in gen-
the family/suborder is about average. Interestingly, liver eral, penguins may be predisposed to development of
tumors accounted for slightly less than half of the tumor this form of neoplasm.
submissions (see Table 20.2.1), suggesting that hepatic
neoplasia may be over-represented in captive flamingos. CICONIIFORMES
These birds typically store large amounts of iron in the Order Ciconiiformes (herons, storks, ibises, spoonbills,
liver7,15 and all the flamingos with hepatic neoplasia in New World vultures) (see Table 20.2.2) had 307 represen-
this study had iron deposition; however, no overt tatives and 11 tumors (3.6%), indicating the overall inci-
changes were noted morphologically in relation to the dence of neoplasia in this order was slightly below the
iron, such as cirrhosis seen in mynahs, toucans or birds submitted average. Eight of the tumor submissions were
of paradise,3,7,15 so the significance of the iron deposition in roseate spoonbills (Ajaia ajaja) and seven of the
relative to the neoplasia is undetermined. Two flamingos tumors in this species were focal or multicentric renal
had squamous cell carcinomas on the pads of the feet, adenomas, a tumor that was otherwise uncommonly
and had previous and ongoing protracted episodes of encountered in avian submissions. These data indicate
bumblefoot, which may have predisposed to neoplastic that roseate spoonbills may be predisposed to developing
transformation. this form of neoplasia. Although benign, four of these
tumors contributed directly to the cause of death.
Order Strigiformes (owls) had 131 representatives and 13 MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS
tumors (9.9%) (see Table 20.2.2), suggesting that overall Several orders had no apparent trends in neoplastic dis-
prevalence of neoplasia in this order may be relatively ease. These include Columbiformes (pigeons, doves),
high compared to other orders in the study. Six of the Gruiformes (cranes, related species), Falconiformes
owls were burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia), suggest- (eagles, hawks, falcons, Old World vultures), Charadrii-
ing that these birds may have a higher than average formes (shorebirds), Coraciiformes (kingfishers, mot
prevalence of neoplasia. Three hepatocellular neoplasms mots, hornbills), Cuculiformes (turacos, cuckoos), Pici-
were noted in this order, all in burrowing owls. Myelo- formes (woodpeckers, toucans, barbets), Struthioni-
lipoma, an unusual neoplasm in birds, appears to be formes (ratites), Coliiformes (mousebirds) and Pelecani-
over-represented in owls, occurring in three cases in the formes (pelicans, cormorants). Two birds of undeter-
study. All were intracoelomic neoplasms that were exten- mined species also had neoplastic processes. Four orders,
sively invasive and of undetermined origin. Interestingly, Gaviiformes (grebes, loons), Procellariiformes (fulmars),
the two affected snowy owls (Nyctea scandiaca) were Caprimulgiformes (tawny frogmouths) and Apodiformes
pen mates for most of their lives and died from these (hummingbirds) were represented in low numbers and
tumors within months of each other. All three of the owls had no neoplastic processes (see Table 20.2.2).
20s2_Tumors Sec 2.qxd 8/23/2005 5:09 PM Page 571
Chapter 20 | O V E R V I E W O F T U M O R S : S E C T I O N I I
References and 5. Johne R, et al: Herpesviral, but Brentwood, TN, HBD Int’l, Inc, 13. Styles DK, Phalen DN,
no papovaviral sequences, are 1999, pp 1172-1199. Tomaszewski EK: Elucidating the
Suggested Reading detected in cloacal papillomas of 9. Panigrahy B, Senne DA: Diseases etiology of avian mucosal papillo-
1. Biggs PM: Lymphoproliferative dis- parrots. Arch Virol 147(10):1869- of mynahs. J Am Vet Med Assoc matosis in psittacine birds. Proc
ease of turkeys. In Calnek BW (ed): 1880, 2002. 199(3):378-381, 1991. Assoc Avian Vet, 2002, pp 175-
diseases of Poultry. Ames, Iowa 6. Latimer KS: Oncology. In Ritchie 10. Payne LN, Fadly AM: Leukosis/ 178.
State Univ Press, 1997, pp 485-489. BW, Harrison GJ, Harrison LR sarcoma group. In Calnek BW
2. Calnek BW, Witter RL: Marek’s (eds): Avian Medicine: Principles (ed): Diseases of Poultry. Ames, 14. Sundberg JP, et al: Cloacal papil-
Disease. In Calnek BW (ed): and Application. Brentwood, TN, Iowa State Univ Press, 1997, pp lomas in psittacines. Am J Vet Res
Diseases of Poultry. Ames, Iowa HBD Int’l, Inc, 1999, pp 640-672. 414-466. 47(4):928-32, 1986.
State Univ Press, 1997, pp 369-413. 7. Lowenstine LJ, Munson L: Iron 11. Reece RL, et al: Common 15. Ward RJ, et al: Hepatic iron over-
3. Gosselin SJ, Kramer LW: Patho- overload in the animal kingdom. necropsy findings in captive birds load in birds: Analytical and mor-
physiology of excessive iron stor- In Fowler ME, Miller RE (eds): Zoo in Victoria, Australia (1978-1987). phological studies. Avian Pathol
age in mynah birds. J Am Med and Wild Animal Medicine. Current J Zoo Wildl Med 23(3):301-312, 17:451-464, 1988.
Assoc 183(11):1238-1240, 1983. Therapy 4. Philadelphia, WB 1992.
4. Graham DL: Internal papilloma- Saunders Co, 1999, pp 260-268. 12. Reece RL: Tumors of unknown 16. Witter RL: Reticuloendotheliosis.
tous disease: A pathologist’s view 8. Macwhirter P: Passeriformes. In etiology. In Calnek BW (ed): In Calnek BW (ed): Diseases of
of cloacal papillomas – and then Ritchie BW, Harrison GJ, Diseases of Poultry. Ames, IA, Poultry. Ames, Iowa State Univ
some! Proc Assoc Avian Vet, 1991, Harrison LR (eds): Avian Medicine: Iowa State Univ Press, 1997, pp Press, 1997, pp 467-484.
pp 141-143. Principles and Application. 485-489.
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