Act No.9 of 2020

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Registered No. HSE/43, [Price : Rs.3.00 Paise % e ” ==. SOLS SST cressdseioo THE ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE PARTIV-B EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No.9), AMARAYATI, FRIDAY, 3“ JANUARY, 2020. ANDHRA PRADESH ACTS, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS Ete., “The following Act of the Andhra Pradesh Legislature received the assent of the Govemcr onthe 31" December, 2019 and the said assent is hereby first published onthe * 3" Janey, 2020 in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette for general information : ACT No. 9 of 2020. ANACT FURTHER TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ACT, 1955AND THE ANDHRA PRADESH MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1965 Reitenacted by the Legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh in the Seventieth Year oftie Republic of India, as follows:- 1. (1) _ ThisActmaybe called the Andhra Pradesh Municipal Laws Short title and (Amendment) Act, 2019. commencement, (2) Itshall come into force on such date as the State Governmentmay by notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, appoint. 2. Inthe Municipal Corporations Act, 1955,- Amendment of Act Hof 1956. (1) _ insection 197, insub-seetion (1), in clause (j), sub-clause (9 shall be ee omitted, (2) in sections 420 and 421, for'the words “ an advertisement or advertisement or an advertising” wherever they occur, the words “Display Device” shall be substituted. 3. Ta the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965,- Anmndmestot . ‘Act6of 1965. (1) in section 81, in sub-section (1);clause-(b) shall be omitted. 2 @) @ 6) ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY [PARTIV-B insection 115,- @ inthe marginal heading, forthe word “advertisements” the words “Disney Devices” shall be substituted; (@) forthe word “advertisement” wherever it occurs, the words “Display Device” shall be substituted; GH) _ in sub-section (2),in clause (i) forthe word “tax”, the word “fee” shall be substituted; Gv) forsub-section (3), the following shall be substituted, namely,- “(G) Subjectto the provisions of sub-section (2) inthe case any Display Device liable to the registration and permission fee, the Commissioner shall grant permission for the period to which the payment of the fee relates.”. in sections 116 and 117, for the word “advertisement” wherever it occurs, the words “Display Device” shall be substituted. insection 118,- @ inthe marginal heading, for the word “advertisements”, the words “Display Devices” shall be substituted. , @ forthe word “advertisement” wherever it occurs, the words “Display Device” shall be substituted. forsection 119, the following shall be substituted, namely, “119. Collection of fee on Display Devices:-The Commissioner may form ‘out the collection of registration fees and permission fees on Display Devices, for any period not exceeding one year ata time on such terms and conditions asmay be determined by the council.” GONTU MANOHARA REDDY, Secretary to Government, Legal and Legislative Affairs & Justice, Law Department, Printed by the Commissioner of Printing at. P, Legislative Assembly Printing Press, Amaravat. ee

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