g1748 English PDF
g1748 English PDF
g1748 English PDF
and Economically.
DIWA-Transmissions – Economy and
Comfort Through Convincing Technology.
Today, virtually all midi, city and long-distance buses can be fitted
with Voith automatic transmissions. The unique principle of the
DIWA transmission, the differential converter, is a technology
suitable for the entire catalogue of modern combustion engines.
The proven DIWA power-split principle This makes DIWA the epitome of eco-
allows smooth acceleration across a nomical bus transmissions: up to 50 %
speed range where other transmissions fewer gearshifts means less wear and
need to shift gears two to three times. higher driving comfort.
Engine output
hydrodynamic share
0 mechanical share
b a b
Engine output
hydrodynamic share
mechanical share
Superior Technology Demonstrates
in Practical Application.
DIWA transmissions are ideally tible even under extreme conditions. Further advantages: a filter that is inte-
adapted to the technology develop- The acceleration-dependent gear-shift- grated into the housing, a compact
ments on the commercial vehicle ing program takes the acceleration and stainless-steel heat exchanger in modu-
sector. The transmissions and their load condition of the bus into consider- lar design for a long service life and a
gear-shifting programs comply with ation and places the gear-shifting points torsional vibration damper for low
the environmentally friendly low-emis- automatically into the optimum con- engine speeds and minimum consump-
sion combustion engines and the sumption range. The unique PC diagno- tion. This is added by a particularly
latest emission standards. Their elec- sis is capable of recording the functions sensitive adaptation of the braking be-
tronic-hydraulic control increases the of the transmission both during driving havior of the retarder: smooth activa-
gear-shifting quality in such a way and at standstill of the bus. The control tion, strong braking performance, fast
that the gearshifts are hardly percep- system also features an operating data switch-on/switch-off response. This is
evaluation mode. The evaluation of achieved by the controlled part-drain-
operating data allows a detailed ana age of the converter.
lysis of traffic situations and helps when
it comes to selecting a driveline that
is tailor-made to its actual operating
Major areas of application: Midibuses Standard single deckers and Buses with high transmission input torque also
articulated buses suitable for long- distance/intercity applications
Design and Operation of DIWA Transmissions.
The mature design of Voith automatic The final set of epicyclical gears acti- At the same time, the oil circuit of the
transmissions is up-to-date with the vates the reverse gear and, during brak- transmission is designed in such a way
latest technological developments. It ing, also the retarder. that the temperature stays at a low level
is simple, logical and clear. and that there is no danger of an im-
A hydraulic torsional vibration damper at paired performance, if the initial tem-
The heart of the DIWA transmission is the transmission input reduces engine perature of the cooling agent is higher.
the hydrodynamic counter-rotating torque vibrations effectively. Gear-shifting oc-
converter. Situated in front of it are the curs electro-hydraulically, with patented
impeller, the 3rd gear clutch, the differ- solenoid valves; the gear-shifting com-
ential gear and the input clutch. With mands are placed by the control system.
the 4-speed transmission, the converter
is additionally preceded by the clutch The heat exchanger of the Voith auto-
for the 4th gear which is designed as matic transmission is integrated into the
overdrive. Behind the converter, an epi- cooling circuit of the vehicle engine;
cyclical gear combines the hydrody- generated heat is immediately dissipated.
namic and mechanical forces.
Power flow during gear-shifting and braking
Braking (in 2nd – 4th gear) ANS – Automatic Neutral Switch n Active power flow
(Retarder function with the converter) In order to save fuel, the power flow between n Rotating components
The turbine wheel acts as axial pump which the engine and transmission, including the n Locked rotating components
delivers oil against the stalled impeller and converter, is automatically interrupted when n Stationary components
the guide wheel. Heat resulting from the the vehicle is at a halt. n Clutch plates closed
conversion of kinetic energy is dissipated
via the heat exchanger.
The DIWA principle: driving and braking with one hydraulic circuit
1st gear
(DIWA driving range)
Accelerating force
3rd gear
4th gear
0 Driving speed
Braking force
DIWA.3E, E 310, ALADIN – An Ideal
Combination for Your Economy.
Upward / down
- 3 % 0 % 0 % 5 % 5 %
ward gradient
Voith DIWA – Economy and Comfort
Made to Measure.
130 130 130 817 130 130 130 895 895 275 275 275
275 275
817 817 895 275
684–698 684–698
684–698 762– 776 762– 776
762– 776
67 67 67 67 67 67
* These parts are not included in the standard delivery package, but can be supplied upon request.
** Typical installation dimensions of Voith DIWA.3E
G 1748 e 2012-08 ak/Wa 150 Dimensions and illustrations without obligation. Subject to modifications.