Educational Technology-Definition PDF

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Learning Episode 1:

Meaning of Educational
“Technology is more than hardware.
Technology consists of the designs and the
environments that engage learners.”
- D. Jonassen
• The word "technology " comes from
the greek word techne which
means craft or art.
• Educational technology refers to the
art or craft of responding to our
educational needs
• Technology is not just machines. It is a
"planned, systematic method of
working to achieve planned
outcomes-a process not a product.
Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology
Based from Dale 1969
• Technology also refers to any valid and
reliable process or procedure that is derived
from basic research using the scientifc

Based from Wikipedia

• Technology refers to “all the ways people
use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy
their needs and desires.”

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Based from The world Book
Encyclopedia, Vol. 19
• So, educational technology refers
to how people use their inventions
and discoveries to satisfy their
educational needs and desires, i.
e. learning.

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Based from In the Definition of Educational

• Educational technology is “a complex,

integrated process involving people,
procedures, ideas, devices and organization
for analyzing problems and devising,
implementing, evaluating and managing
solution to those problems, involved in all
aspects of human learning.”

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Based from David H. Jonassen
• Educational Technology “consists of designs
and environments that engage learners …
and reliable technique and method for
engaging learning such as cognitive
learning strategies and critical thinking skills.”
• It is a theory about how problems in human
learning are identified and solved.
• Is a field involved in applying a complex,
integrated process to analyze and solve
problems in human learning.

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Based from David H. Jonassen
• Is a profession like teaching. It is made
up of organized effort to implement
the theory, intellectual technique and
practical application of educational

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Based from Lucido and Borabo
• Educational Technology is a field study
which is concerned with the practice of
using educational methods and resources
for the ultimate goal of facilitating the
learning process.

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Other terms that are associated with Educational

• Technology in education
• Instructional technology
• Technology integration in education books,
educational media

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Technology in Education
“The application of technology to any of
those processes involved in operating
the institutions in which house the
educational enterprise. It includes the
applicationof technology to food,
health, finance, scheduling, grade,
reporting and other processes which
support education within institutions.”

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Instructional Technology

• “Is a part of Educational

• Refers to those aspects of
educational technology that “are
concerned with instruction as
contrasted to designs and operations
of educational institutions.”

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

Technology Integration

• “Means learning technologies to

introduce, reinforce, supplement and
extend skills.”
• “Technology is a part and parcel of
instructional technology, which in turn
is a part of educational technology.”

Learning Episode 1-Meaning of Educational Technology

In a ½ crosswise, define the
following terminologies
listed below:
1. Educational Technology
2. Technology in Education
3. Instructional Technology
4. Technology Integration in
Different Concepts of Technology

A. Technology as the use of gadgets, tools,

or equipment to perform a task
expediently and efficiently

• Students use their cellphones to tell

their parents that they will come
home late because they will practice
for a play.

• Cellphones are used to

communicate to reach the faster
and smoother.
• A teacher can ask her students to
inform her about their progress in
class through email, which both the
teacher and the students can readily
• A student uses printer to get a copy
of his paper to be submitted to the
teacher easily and neatly.
• Students can send their paper via
electronic mail to the teacher to
meet the deadline for submission.
B. Technology as the collection of
tools, including machinery,
modifications, arrangement and

• This refers to the reliable devices that

enable one to make presentations

• Teachers and students show

PowerPoint presentation using the
computer and LCD to enhance
teaching and learning.
• Other materials are digital storytelling
and games which can be repeatedly
used in class discussions. Digital story
telling immerses the learner into the
dynamics of digital communication
and self-expression. It includes a
collection of photo stories and
arranged sequentially to capture
certain events in one’s life like a
memorable field trip in a factory,
celebrating the school’s foundation
day an communicating through the
use of television or computer.
C. Other Gadgets as Technology
• Some people need to use gadgets or
tools to perform home chores faster
like washing machines, rice cooker,
hair blower.
• A student uses a dryer to facilitate
styling a newly shampooed hair before
coming to class.
• Classroom in schools are equipped
with electric fans to provide a
well-ventilated and convenient
C. The Teacher as a Technology
• Teacher facilitates learning through
the sue of varied instructional materials
like books, the blackboard, magazines,
newspapers, library materials and
visual aids.

• Teacher creates situations through the

use or a repertoire of teaching
methods and strategies to facilitate
• Teachers use :
• Teachers develop modules for
students’ learning depending upon
their ability levels. Modules are also
used for individualized study or
independent activity when the
teacher is unable to meet the class
due to suspension of classes.

• In evaluating the students, the teacher

may use rating scale, scorecard,
checklist, tests and rubrics.
• There is a need to change from the
traditional roles of
technology-as-teachers to
technology-as-partner in the learning

• Technology can support

meaning-making by students. This will
happen when students learn with
• The following assumptions are agreed upon about
Technology is more than hardware. It is made up
of any reliable technique or method of engaging
learning, such as cognitive learning strategies an
critical thinking.
Learning technologies can be any environment
or definable set of activities that engage learners
in active, constructive, intentional, and authentic
learning. Technology can be introduced in a
form of game.
Technologies are not simply conveyors or
communicators of meaning but they can also
serve as resource materials as reflection and
other thinking skills.
• The students can download researches about
learning styles as well as questionnaire about
learning styles. In this case, they undertake
activities as a result of downloading materials
from the computer learning styles by
4. Technologies support learning when:
• They fulfill a learning need.
Ex. Students download sample rubrics to
enable them to create their own rubric.
• Interactions with technologies as
learner-initiated and learner-controlled.
Ex. Powerpoint. When slides are presented,
the class can easily understand the ideas being
5. Interactions with technologies are conceptually
and intellectually engaging.
6. Technologies should function as intellectual
tool kits that enable learners to build more
meaningful personal interpretations and
representations of the world. This tool kits must
support the intellectual functions that are
required by a course of study.

7. Learners and technologies should be

intellectual partners in the learning process,
where cognitive responsibility for performing is
distributed to the part of the partnership that
perform it the best.

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