Material Requirement Planning
Material Requirement Planning
Material Requirement Planning
Planning (ERP)
What is needed?
How much is needed?
When is it needed?
Other MRP Considerations: Safety Stock
Safety Stock
- Theoretically, MRP systems should not require safety stock
- Variability may necessitate the strategic use of safety stock
o A bottleneck process or one with varying scrap rates may cause
shortages in downstream operations
o Shortages may occur if orders are late or fabrication or assembly
times are longer than expected
o When lead times are variable, the concept of safety time is often
Safety time – Scheduling orders for arrival or completions
sufficiently ahead of their need so that the probability of shortage is
eliminated or significantly reduced.
Load reports – Department or work center reports that compare known and expected
future capacity requirements with projected capacity availability.
Suppose you have to manufacture 100 units of product A within eight weeks, where
product A requires one unit of product B and two units of product C, while product C
requires one unit of product D and two units of product E, respectively. In this example,
the requirements of each item for producing 100 units of product A can be easily
calculated: Req(B) = 100, Req(C) = 200, Req(D) = 200, Req(E) = 400.E
In addition, suppose that the lead times for the products are as follows: product A, four
weeks; product B, three weeks; product C, two weeks; product D and product E, one
week each. As the development lead-time for product A is four weeks, at the end of
week four, we must have products B and C available. Since product B has a three-week
lead time, we need to release product manufacturing before the end of the first week.
Similarly, product C needs to be released at the end of week two for production, while
products D and E need to be released at the end of week one for production. Based on
the product structure of A and the lead-time necessary to acquire each component, a
material requirements plan for product A has been developed. A parent item's planned
order releases are used to assess gross specifications for its component products.
Scheduled release dates for order are obtained simply by offsetting the lead times.
In the MRP method, the computations and steps needed are not complicated. They just
require fast arithmetic. The explosion of bill-of-materials must be handled with caution,
however. The product structure is what can become complicated, particularly when a
given component is used in different stages of a finished item's development.