Glion Application Package Bachelor Switzerland 2021

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Application package



Glion Institute of Higher Education

Applying to Glion

01 02
Submit your Prepare for your
application admissions assessment

We strongly recommend to all students to apply early. Within two days of submitting your documents
If you need a visa, please be sure to allow enough time Yo u w i l l b e c o n t a c t e d t o s c h e d u l e y o u r a d m i s s i o n s
between your application and the start of the semester. assessment.

03 04
Receive a letter of offer Confirm your acceptance

Within 1-2 weeks Within 15 working days of receiving your letter of offer
To c o n f i r m y o u r p l a c e a t G l i o n , y o u m u s t m a k e t h e
pre-payment on your tuition fees as outlined in your offer
l e t t e r. T h i s a l s o c o n f i r m s y o u r a c c e p t a n c e t o G l i o n ’s
Terms and Conditions. You will then be sent a complete
acceptance package that contains:

• Invoice for the first semester

• Pre-arrival and campus guide booklet
• Attestation for visa (if required)

05 06
Pre-arrival support Arrival on campus

Until your program starts Your first week on campus

To help you prepare for your program, we offer: On official arrival days, we will welcome you with:
• Visa support services • W
 elcome booth at • Transportation services
• Arrival assistance designated airport • Welcome events
• New student Facebook group • Check-in and registration • Induction week

Application Form - Bachelor’s degree


01 About the applicant

Family name_ _ __________________________________________ First name��������������������������������������������

Male Female Nationality��������������������������������������������

Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)______________________________ Marital status Single Married

Postal address������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ State�������������������������������������������������

Postal code____________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

Home phone___________________________________________ Mobile phone�����������������������������������������

(including country code) (including country code)

Email__________________________________________________ Alternative email���������������������������������������

02 Education
Name of high school / college / university�������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

Highest qualification and subject__________________________ Completion date (DD/MM/YYYY)�������������������������

Type of school Private Public / State International

03 English language level

Mother tongue������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

To apply for a Glion program, applicants are required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language (knowledge of English), and
you may do so by meeting any one of the criteria listed below:

English is my mother tongue

My final two years of education were spent in an institution where English was the primary language of instruction

I can provide an official test score and supporting documentation:

IELTS score__ ___________________________________ TOEFL score������������������������������������������

Cambridge First Certificate score__________________ Cambridge Advanced score�����������������������������

Name of other provider___________________________ Score������������������������������������������������

04 Academic program
Please select the program you wish to enroll in:

BBA in International Hospitality Business (3.5 years – two internships included)

(Optional: Applicants will select a specialization in Semester 6. Global exchange semesters are available – more details provided once on campus.)

BBA in International Hospitality Business (4-year program with immersive English Language study in year 1 - two internships included)
(Optional: Applicants will select a specialization in Semester 6. Global exchange semesters are available – more details provided once on campus.)

Intensive Hospitality and English Language Program (IHELP) – Pre-sessional English (6 weeks in Switzerland)
(Students study for six weeks at Glion or Bulle campus in Switzerland prior to the start of the BBA in Switzerland)

Please indicate the intake and year you wish to start:

Spring (YYYY)___________ Fall (YYYY) ______________

05 Room and board
Glion Switzerland has the following room and board options available. You will have the opportunity to select your preference once you
are officially accepted and have paid the required pre-payment.*
Double room Single room Off campus** Prepaid meals on campus No meals on campus**
* Accommodation is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please refer to the ‘Tuition and Other Fees’ document for details.
** Off Campus and No meals options are available for final year students only.

06 Professional experience
Do you have professional working experience in a hospitality-related field? Yes (please provide details in your CV) No

07 Medical needs and learning differences

If you have a learning difference or medical condition which means that you may require additional help during your studies and stay
on campus, it is important to provide the following information which will be kept confidential and should not affect your academic
eligibility to the School.

Do any of the below conditions apply to you? No Yes (please provide details)

Learning differences ������������������������������������������������������������

(e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADD, etc.)

Mobility/hearing/vision ������������������������������������������������������������

Given the nature of studies (practical, academic) and the residential campus setting at Glion, please be aware that this could be an
area where challenges may occur.

Medical needs and any other condition you would like to share with us�����������������������������������������������������

Would you like to receive information on medical/learning support services, equipment or facilities available that may assist you? Yes No

08 About the Parent/Legal Guardian or emergency contact

Mr. Ms. Languages spoken�������������������������������������

Family name_ _ __________________________________________ First name��������������������������������������������

Postal address������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ State�������������������������������������������������

Postal code____________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

Home phone___________________________________________ Mobile phone�����������������������������������������

Email__________________________________________________ Alternative email���������������������������������������

10 Application fee
Please pay the application fee of CHF 275 online at:

11 How did you hear about us?

Are you working with an education counselor to support your application to Glion? Yes No I f yes, please state:

Name of the representative/company______________________

If company, name of contact (if known) ________________________ Location of the representative���������������������������

If applicable, tell us from whom you heard about Glion (If applicable, name and approximate year of graduation)

Glion current student����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Glion graduate���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Data Protection Statement

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that personal data provided on this form by you will be treated with the sole purpose of managing your application
and, in case of being accepted, opening your school record, which will be later used for academic purposes. Medical information will be used to ensure you are fit to start and
continue learning at Glion or to make sure we can adjust our teaching methods or attend any special need during your stay.
Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates as
well as to local authorities for visa issuance purpose.
Any financial information or any information related to your studies that has a financial impact may also be shared with your parent and/or sponsor who have a legitimate interest
to be informed. Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing
this form. At any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Study/post-study plan/motivation letter


Please write a short essay describing your ambitions, why you wish to study at Glion, and what you will contribute to the institution
as a student and alumni (approximately 300 words, no more than one page).

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Applicant�������������������������������������������������������

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing your application.

Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.

Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this
form. At any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Post-study statement

I hereby guarantee that I will leave Switzerland at the end of my studies at Glion Institute of Higher Education.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Applicant�������������������������������������������������������

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing the present commitment and the
rights and obligations born from it.
Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.
Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this form. At
any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Letter of commitment from

financial sponsor

If you are a self-sponsored student, please complete your own details in this form.

Financial sponsor details

Family name_ _ __________________________________________ First name��������������������������������������������

Nationality_____________________________________________ Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)�����������������������������

Passport or ID number (please specify)_____________________ Relation to applicant�����������������������������������

Postal address������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ State�������������������������������������������������

Postal code____________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

Home phone___________________________________________ Mobile phone�����������������������������������������

(including country code) (including country code)


I hereby guarantee that I am capable of financing and commit to pay for Mr./Ms.�������������������������������������������� ’s

studies at Glion Institute of Higher Education and all of his/her expenses. I understand that the fees and other financial conditions are
modified once a year and I hereby accept their revision.

I hereby declare to abide by the laws of the location of the campus where the student intends to study / will be studying in case
of a dispute related to the interpretation or to the execution of my legal obligations towards the School and accept the exclusive
competence of the Courts of such location.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Sponsor��������������������������������������������������������

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing the present commitment and the
rights and obligations born from it.
Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.
Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this form. At
any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Parental consent and declaration


Applicants who are below the age of 18 at the start date of the first semester must have their parent/legal guardian
complete this form.

To be filled in by your parent/legal guardian

I, the undersigned (please tick): Parent Legal Guardian

Family name_ _ __________________________________________ First name��������������������������������������������

Postal address������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ State�������������������������������������������������

Postal code____________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

Home phone___________________________________________ Mobile phone�����������������������������������������

(including country code) (including country code)

I hereby declare that I have legal custody of the child:

Applicant’s family name__________________________________ Applicant’s first name����������������������������������

Date of birth (DD(MM/YYYY)______________________________

Mailing address�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

City___________________________________________________ State�������������������������������������������������

Postal code____________________________________________ Country����������������������������������������������

I acknowledge that Glion is an adult environment, and, therefore, I assume responsibility for the well-being and actions of the minor
mentioned above.

This general consent expressly also includes independent participation in voluntary activities and events organized by the school
including, but not limited to, general sports activities and/or events organized by the student body.

Medical consent: The medical staff of Glion Institute of Higher Education have my permission to evaluate and treat my minor child in
the event of a medical emergency.

With this general consent, I also agree to all communications and notifications from the school becoming effective by being addressed
directly to my child.

This consent will remain in effect until the applicant’s 18th birthday.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Parent/Legal Guardian��������������������������������������������

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing the present commitment and the
rights and obligations born from it.
Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.
Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this form. At
any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Video/photo release agreement


Video/photo may be taken during your stay at Glion Institute of Higher Education. Where you are not the subject of the image, i.e. if it
is a “group” or “crowd” photograph, we may use such images without requiring your consent, however, where you are the subject of
the photo/video, we need your explicit consent to use the image.

By checking this box, I acknowledge that, although I am not required to accept the use of my name, photograph, image, voice
or other likeness for publication and distribution purpose, I hereby give my consent to Glion Institute of Higher Education to do
so, whether in printed, electronic or digital media including, but not limited to, course materials and brochures, video and audio
broadcast programs, and website, social media and online communications. I also consent to the use of statements, comments, or
opinions I might make, whether oral or written, referring or relating to Glion Institute of Higher Education and its affiliates, business,
or programs. I hereby grant to Glion Institute of Higher Education and its affiliates, all right, title, and interest that I may acquire in
such photographs and/or videos, including if applicable the right to copyright them and to use, reuse, publish and republish them, in
whole or in part as they deem appropriate without restriction as to manner, frequency or duration of usage. Any materials produced
hereunder will be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Glion Institute of Higher Education and I hereby waive any right to
review such materials prior to their use. The consent given herein is given on the express understanding and condition that no reward
or compensation is or shall be due to me. I further understand that I may revoke this authorization in writing at any time, except for
information which have already been released or published with consent and prior to my revocation. I hereby release and discharge
Glion Institute of Higher Education and its affiliates from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use
of the photographs and/or videos in accordance with this consent, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion
of privacy.

If underage, consent of parent or legal guardian is required:

I hereby certify that I approve the foregoing.

Name of the Applicant����������������������������������������������������������

Signature of the Applicant�������������������������������������������������������

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Parent/Legal Guardian��������������������������������������������

(if applicant is under 18 years old)

I do not give my consent for the use of my name, photograph, image, voice or other likeness.

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing the present commitment
and the rights and obligations born from it.

Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.

Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at w w w.g li o n.e d u /p r i va cy- p o li cy. Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this
form. At any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to

Signatory letter

Please read the statement below and confirm

you agree by completing where indicated

Application statement

I understand that any information required as part of the application process is necessary to fulfil the identified purposes. I hereby
declare that all information and attachments given as part of the application process are exact and complete. I understand that any
statement which proves to be untrue or purposely misleading will render the application void and that if inaccuracies are highlighted
at a later stage, the School retain the right to retract any offer made or expel me with no refund of fees.

I agree to abide by the totality of the School regulations, policies and procedures governing admission, enrollment and my studies
at Glion, as they may be revised from time to time, including but not limited to the School Terms & Conditions and other regulations,
policies and procedures related to academic life, student life and residency or finance. In particular, I understand that the fees and
other financial conditions are modified once a year and I accept their revision.

I hereby declare to abide by the laws of the location of the campus where I intend to study / will be studying in case of a dispute
related to the interpretation or to the execution of my legal obligations towards the School and accept the exclusive competence of
the Courts of such a location.

I have read and understood the above conditions and accept them in full.

Name of the Applicant����������������������������������������������������������

Signature of the Applicant�������������������������������������������������������

Date (DD/MM/YYYY)����������������� Signature of the Parent/Legal Guardian��������������������������������������������

(if applicant is under 18 years old)

Please upload to the Online Application, or email to or send to your Education Counselor.

In accordance with data privacy regulations, we inform you that any personal data provided will be treated with the sole purpose of managing the present commitment and the
rights and obligations born from it.
Your personal data will be stored as long as is necessary for the above-mentioned purpose extended by the duration of the applicable limitation period where relevant. When
necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purpose, your personal data may be transferred to our parent company Sommet Education Sàrl in Switzerland or one of its affiliates.
Further information on how we use your personal data may be found at Please read our Privacy Notice carefully before completing this form. At
any given time, you may exercise your rights in data protection writing to
International assistance

Get in touch with an Education Counselor

If you need help with your application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our team will put you in touch with an education counselor or admissions advisor in your region.
+41 (0)21 989 26 77

Glion campus London Campus Bulle Campus

Glion Institute of Higher Education Glion Institute of Higher Education Glion Institute of Higher Education
Route de Glion 111 Downshire House Rue de l’Ondine 20
1823 Glion sur Montreux Roehampton Lane 1630 Bulle
Switzerland London, SW15 4HT Switzerland
United Kingdom


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