Unit 9 Lesson 1 PowerPoint
Unit 9 Lesson 1 PowerPoint
Unit 9 Lesson 1 PowerPoint
lliance System
Origins of the War: MAIN
• Militarism:
– glorification of the military, military planning, arms
– Germany & Britain were competing to become
largest, most powerful navy
– Large armies and armaments made military
leaders tense. Once a crisis started, each side’s
generals were afraid to back down. They even
thought that whoever attacked first would most
likely end up winning the war.
Origins of the War: MAIN
• Alliance system:
– Germany and Austria-Hungary on one side
– Russia, France, Great Britain on the other
– Although these alliances originally sought to
preserve the existing balance of power, every
dispute involving any two of these countries
threatened to involve all the others.
Origins of the War: MAIN
• Imperialism and Economic Rivalries:
– nationalistic rivalries and competing economic
interests between great powers.
– German industrialization threatened British
– Russians looking to expand in the Balkans
threatened Ottoman Turkey and Austria-Hungary
– Competing colonial claims also created an
atmosphere of tension.
Origins of the War: MAIN