Maryland Energy Administration Revenue Report
Maryland Energy Administration Revenue Report
Maryland Energy Administration Revenue Report
Maryland has a road network with 32,269 miles of federal, state, county, and municipal roads.
State routes make up about 5,164 mainline miles maintained by the Maryland Department of
Transportation (MDOT). 1 The investment to build, operate, and maintain road networks are quite
significant. In 2018, an estimated $1.9 billion was spent on the construction, maintenance, and
servicing of highways in Maryland. 2 State revenue sources in Maryland include motor fuel taxes,
registration fees, and taxes, tolls, appropriation from general funds, and bond proceeds. Table 1
shows the breakdown of state revenue sources for highways in Maryland:
Motor Fuel Taxes made up between 10-14% of total state revenue used by Maryland on
highways between 2014 and 2018. Even though electric vehicles (EVs) make up a small
percentage of Maryland's vehicle fleet, large-scale EV adoption poses a serious challenge for
U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Highway Administration. 2019. Highway Statistics 2018:
Public Road Length - 2018, Miles By Ownership, Table HM-10.
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. 2020. Highway Statistics 2018:
State Disbursements for Highways - 2018 1/
revenue generation. This is because it would result in a decline in state revenue from motor fuel
taxes. EVs are made up of two main types, battery EVs, which run on batteries charged by
electricity, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), which run on both gasoline and
electricity. Figure 1 shows the number of registered EVs in Maryland between 2012 and 2018.
Between 2012 and 2018, registered vehicles grew from 609 to 15,074.
Maryland has committed to a goal of 600,000 ZEVs registered by 2030 and anticipates there will
be 300,000 ZEVs registered by 2025. As of June 30, 2020, Maryland has over 25,700
EVs registered. To support these EVs, Maryland’s EV infrastructure consists of 21 alternative
fuel corridors (AFCs) and more than 700 publicly available charging stations with over 2,100
Figure 1: EV sales in Maryland (Source: Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council,
2020). 3
Figure 1 demonstrates a steady increase in EV adoption rates in Maryland between 2012 and
2018. This increased adoption is supported not only by state incentives and laws designed to
reduce the upfront and operational costs of EVs, but also through improvements and reduced
costs to electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Additionally, increased sales send long term
investment signals to the market and further increase awareness for consumers.
Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council, (2020), 2020 annual report
Under the state’s Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Act, Maryland has committed to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by 40% from 2006 levels by 2030. Part of that plan is the transition of
the public transportation fleet to clean energy and the promotion of zero-emission vehicles
(ZEV). Maryland is part of a Multi-State ZEV Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by
10 states committed to having at least 3.3 million ZEVs by 2025. On July 14, 2020, an MOU
governing medium and heavy-duty vehicles was signed by 15 states. The signatory states commit
to 30% of all new medium and heavy-duty vehicle sales in their jurisdiction zero-emission
vehicles by 2030, and 100% by 2050.
To reduce the upfront costs of ZEVs, Maryland also offered a one-time excise tax credit for
qualifying electric or fuel cell vehicles. This credit was effective between July 1, 2017, through
June 30, 2020, up to a maximum of $3,000. An individual could apply to receive an excise tax
credit whether they own or lease the new vehicle. Business entities qualify for tax credits for up
to 10 vehicles. The qualifying vehicle must not have a purchase price exceeding $63,000.
Funding for the tax credit program concluded in June 2020.
In 2019, Maryland’s Public Service Commission (PSC) approved a five-year electric vehicle
charging infrastructure pilot program. Utilities in Maryland offer rebates to residential consumers
to reduce the cost of installing EVSE at home. For commercial charging sites, PSC approved a
demand charge credit for specific use cases.
Also, the state operates a rebate program designed to expand the state’s electric vehicle
infrastructure. It provides funding assistance to residents, businesses, and governments to acquire
and install qualified electric vehicle charging stations. Individual applicants are eligible for a
40% rebate up to $700, while commercial applicants were eligible for a 40% rebate up to $4,000.
An EVSE is eligible for state rebates if the rebates are applied for six months after the equipment
or install expenses are incurred. The program has had a $1.2 million funding cap each year from
FY18 to FY20. Funding was raised to $1.8 million for the FY21. Revenue generation from EVs
will provide additional resources to expand incentive programs for ZEVs.
Transportation Revenue Policy Options
Some of the available policy options to address the motor fuel tax loss from the growing use of
EVs include motor fuel taxes, carbon pricing, mileage-based user fees, EV fees, and charging
fees. Some of these policy options have been utilized in the U.S., while others are still evolving.
Institute of taxation and economic policy, (2019), Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas
Figure 2: States with variable and fixed rate gasoline taxes in the U.S. (Source: Institute of
taxation and economic policy, 2019).
Carbon Pricing:
Carbon pricing is a market-based mechanism that creates financial incentives to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aim is to put a price on carbon emissions so that the costs
of climate impacts and the opportunities for low-carbon energy options are better reflected in our
production and consumption choices. Carbon pricing programs can be implemented through
legislative or regulatory action at the local, state or national level. There are two ways to put a
price on carbon: cap-and-trade programs and carbon pricing schemes.
Under a cap-and-trade program, laws or regulations limit or ‘cap’ carbon emissions from
particular sectors of the economy, such as electricity generation or transportation, or from the
whole economy. Allowances, or permits to emit carbon are issued to match the cap. For
example, if the cap was 10,000 tons of carbon, there would be 10,000 one-ton allowances.
Typically, a declining emissions cap is then issued to reduce emissions over time. These
programs can generate revenue for reinvestment.
Maryland is currently participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which is a cap-
and-trade program focusing on fossil-fuel-fired electric power generators.
Maryland is also currently participating in an effort to design and analyze a similar, regional,
program as part of the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), which would set a cap on
gasoline and diesel fuel and utilize some of the revenue generated to reduce GHG emissions
from the transportation sector. This effort is still underway. Figure 3 illustrates states that have
participated in, are investigating, or are actively participating in cap-and-trade programs.
With a carbon price, laws or regulations are enacted that establish a fee per ton of carbon
emissions from a sector or the whole economy. Owners of emissions sources subject to the price
on carbon, would be required to pay an amount equivalent to the per-ton fee times their total
emissions. Those who can cut emissions cost-effectively would reduce their payments. Those
subject to the pricing mechanism would have an incentive to lower their emissions, by
transitioning to cleaner energy and using energy more efficiently. A rising price on carbon would
help ensure a decline in emissions over time. If such a program were implemented, it would
require thorough study and review of the economic and business impacts to the state, and would
need to be carefully designed to support low-to-moderate-income households that may be
impacted. Similar schemes take some of the carbon pricing revenues and recycle them into lower
income households as compensation.
Figure 3 States that have participated in, are investigating, or are actively participating in cap-
and-trade programs. 5
California and Colorado also completed reports on road-usage charges based on road charge
pilots established in those states. California Road Charge Pilot was a 9-month pilot launched in
2016 and involved 5,000 volunteer drivers across California. Colorado’s pilot involved 150
volunteer participants. Figure 4 shows a chart by the Oregon Department of Transportation,
showing each state and where they are in implementing road-usage charges.
Retrieved from:
Sorensen, P., Ecola , L., & Wachs, M. (2012). Mileage-Based User Fees for Transportation Funding: A
Primer for State and Local Decision-makers. RAND Corporation.
Oregon Department of Transportation, (2020), OReGO: Oregon's Road Usage Charge Program,
retrieved from:
I95 Coalition. (2018). Passenger Vehicles and MBUF. Retrieved from I95 Coalition:
Washington State Transportation Commission. (2020). Washington Road Usage Charge Pilot Project &
Assessment. Retrieved from WA RUC:
Figure 4 Stage in MBUF implementation in US states (Source: Oregon Department of
Figure 5: Existing and Proposed EV fees in the US (Source: National Governors Association). 10
Charging Fees
A possible approach to increasing transportation revenue from EVs are charging fees based on
the kilowatt-hours consumed by the vehicle. This approach would involve EV sub-metering
equipment and in-vehicle technology to measure electricity consumption. With submetering, the
electricity used in charging EVs can be measured separately from the general electricity use.
Submetering allows consumers to enjoy special fees for EV charging without the additional cost
of obtaining a utility-grade meter. Utilities can use a different rate from the standard rate for
electricity used by EVs. The rates at which EVs are charged can contribute to government
revenue for highway maintenance and ZEV initiatives. Availability of Time-of-Use (TOU) rates
will also create incentives for demand response participation. The integration of demand
response and TOU capabilities into EVs would enable consumers to charge their vehicles during
off-peak periods to reduce the electricity costs from charging.
The California Public Utilities Commission introduced a submetering pilot program for
residential and commercial PHEVs. It was designed to improve consumer choice, incentivize the
use of energy during off-peak periods, and avoid the need to upgrade electrical infrastructure.
The pilot consisted of two phases. In both phases, the consumer installed a home charging
Rogotzke, M., Eucalitto, G., & Gander, S. (2019). Transportation Electrification: States Rev Up.
Washington DC: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices.
system, signed up with a third-party submeter provider, and signed a service agreement with the
third-party provider and their respective investor-owned utility (IOU). The third-party provider,
known as Submeter Meter Data Management Agents, sends electricity usage data to the IOUs.
Phase 1 started in 2014, and the report was produced in 2016. Over 200 participants enrolled in
the first phase of the pilot across the territories of three large IOUs, namely Pacific Gas &
Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric. 11 Phase 2 of the pilot started
in early 2017 and the final report was produced in late 2018. It involved over 400 participants. 12
The pilot program studied the accuracy of submeters used to measure the electricity usage of
EVs. It sought to understand the experiences of consumers involved in the pilot program and
assess the factors that would influence the adoption of submetering by EV owners. The pilot
program concluded that submetering via a third-party is not yet a viable technology for full-scale
deployment, due to the lack of accuracy of submeters. None of the submeters met with the
accuracy standards set in the pilot. Apart from lack of accuracy, third party providers were
sometimes late in providing data to the utilities, resulting in late bills or bills with no data of EV
usage. The pilot estimates that it would cost an average of $1,266 to install a charging station
with a submeter without the pilot incentive. This estimate is less than the average cost of
installing a second utility-scale meter to the consumer of $1,640 without a charging station and
$2,723 with a charging station. The additional cost paid by the consumer could serve as a
disincentive to adopting submeters. The pilot identifies the opportunity for lower electricity costs
and availability of incentive payments toward EVSE as the key motivations for consumers
enrolled in the program. It is estimated that $3-4.5 million per utility would be needed to update
billing systems for the entire State of California.
Cook, J., Churchwell, C., Lemarchand, A., & Sullivan, M. (2016). California Statewide PEV
Submetering Pilot – Phase 1 Report. California Public Utilities Commission. Nexant, Inc.
Sullivan, M., Bell, E. T., Cain, N. L., & Cummings, T. (2019). California Statewide PEV Submetering
Pilot – Phase 2 Report. California Public Utilities Commission. Nexant Inc.
submeters, and could potentially hinder state efforts to promote EV adoption and the economic
viability of EVSE.
Not only is further study necessary for charging fees, but the other options need further review as
well. Policy alternatives such as mileage-based user fees are relatively new in the U.S. and have
not been applied widely. Concerns have been raised over its potential impact on privacy and
possibly higher administrative costs compared to other policy approaches. 13
Electricity registration fees should be administratively easier to implement, but do not come
without their drawbacks as well. Registration fees are levied on an annual or biennial basis and
paid as a single lump-sum. These fees could present a challenge for low-income households who
might be unable to afford additional lump-sum payments for EV registration. 14 An option of
payments spread out over time could potentially make this option easier for low-income
households, but the broader impacts of this approach would still need to be studied.
As a signatory to the multi-state ZEV MOUs, Maryland has committed to a goal of 600,000
ZEVs registered by 2030. As of June 30, 2020, Maryland has over 25,700 EVs registered and
installed more than 700 publicly available charging stations with over 2,100 chargers.
Furthermore, through our greenhouse gas reduction goals, continued reduction of airborne
pollutants throughout the state, and a desire to decarbonize transportation in Maryland, the state
will see increasing numbers of ZEVs on the roads.
In order to address motor fuel tax loss from the growing use of EVs, the potential options
available include, but are not limited to, motor fuel taxes, mileage-based user fees, carbon
pricing, electric vehicle fees, and charging fees, as discussed in this document. Incentives offered
by the state to support increasing use of ZEVs can be offset by a tax structure, which can
disincentivize the purchase of EVs. The Maryland Energy Administration looked to other states
throughout the U.S. to determine what pilots have been undertaken, what programs are in place
in various states, and how they would compare with Maryland’s current transportation taxes. As
more EVs utilize Maryland’s road networks, it will be important to set up a fair transportation
revenue source that does not reduce the desire of consumers to purchase EVs, while at the same
time safeguarding Maryland’s residents from undue financial burdens. All of these options
would need further study in the Maryland-specific context, but they do provide a good starting
point for exploring our options to address these issues.
Varn, J., Eucalitto, G., & Gander, S. (2020, February). Planning for state transportation revenue in a
coming era of electric vehicles. Washington, DC: National Governors Association Center for Best