Foreman Etal Versatile Tidana JAOT 2009 PDF
Foreman Etal Versatile Tidana JAOT 2009 PDF
Foreman Etal Versatile Tidana JAOT 2009 PDF
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Canadian Hydrographic Service, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
New computer software that permits more versatility in the harmonic analysis of tidal time series is
described and tested. Specific improvements to traditional methods include the analysis of randomly sampled
and/or multiyear data; more accurate nodal correction, inference, and astronomical argument adjustments
through direct incorporation in the least squares matrix; multiconstituent inferences from a single reference
constituent; correlation matrices and error estimates that facilitate decisions on the selection of constituents
for the analysis; and a single program that analyzes one- or two-dimensional time series. This new metho-
dology is evaluated through comparisons with results from old techniques and then applied to two problems
that could not have been accurately solved with older software. They are (i) the analysis of ocean station
temperature time series spanning 25 yr, and (ii) the analysis of satellite altimetry from a ground track whose
proximity to land has led to significant data dropout. This new software is free as part of the Institute of
Ocean Sciences (IOS) Tidal Package and can be downloaded, along with sample input data and an ex-
planatory readme file.
DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHO615.1
data raises issues of constituent selection and indepen- solved this dilemma by defining constituent ‘‘clusters’’
dence, the SVD approach allows for the calculation of that have the same first three Doodson numbers. Each
covariance matrices and correlation coefficients that cluster was assigned the name of its major constituent
permit an assessment of these dependencies (Cher- (in terms of tidal potential amplitude), while the lesser
niawsky et al. 2001). Thus, an iterative approach can be constituents were termed ‘‘satellites.’’ Harmonic tidal
used to determine which constituents should be sought analysis then followed two steps: (i) all satellites were
directly and which should be inferred. Embedding the ignored and amplitude and phases were determined for
inference calculations into the overdetermined matrix all major constituents that could be resolved given the
means that the inferred constituents will affect all other time series length; (ii) a so-called nodal correction was
constituents included in the analysis, not only the ref- performed to account for the presence of the satellites
erence constituent that is the basis of the inference. In and—if necessary—an inference was carried out to
addition, embedding the nodal corrections in the matrix correct for important missing major constituents. More
has not only a similar effect for the satellite and major details on both these steps will be given later.
constituent, but it also removes the need for assump- The five astronomical variables referred to previously
tions that underlie usual postfit corrections and that may are associated with the 27.32 day, 365.24 day, 8.85 yr,
restrict the length of the analysis period (F77). 18.6 yr, and 21 000 yr cycles arising from variations in
The analysis is first tested by comparing its results the mean longitude of the moon, the mean longitude of
against those arising from the F77 conventional approach the sun, the longitude of the lunar perigee, the longitude
for a pair of synthetic time series with and without back- of moon’s nodal progression (inclination of its orbit to
ground noise. A direct assessment of accuracy is possi- the equator), and the longitude of the solar perigee,
ble, because the amplitudes and phases of the constit- respectively. Though the term ‘‘nodal correction’’ was
uents are known. A second test is then performed with a originally coined before the advent of modern com-
12-yr time series to demonstrate the effects of embed- puters to designate corrections for only the moon’s
ding the astronomical argument and nodal correction nodal progression that were not incorporated into the
calculations directly into the least squares fit, rather astronomical argument calculation for the main con-
than as postfit adjustments. To demonstrate the use of stituent, the term ‘‘satellite modulation’’ is more ap-
correlation coefficients in constituent selection, further propriate now, because the correction has been ex-
tests are performed with a synthetic time series of ran- tended to include the effects of variations in lunar and
domly sampled data. Finally, two examples are given to solar perigees. In mathematical terms, the harmonic
illustrate the versatility of the new technique. The first is analysis approach originally proposed by Godin (1972)
the analyses of salinities from conductivity–temperature– and employed by F77 and Pawlowicz et al. (2002,
depth (CTD) stations that span 20 yr, and the second is henceforth PBL02) assumed that a one-dimensional
the analysis of Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/ time series with tidal and nontidal energies can be ex-
Poseidon (T/P) satellite altimetry along a short track pressed as
crossing the Strait of Georgia, whose proximity to land
has led to significant data dropout.
h(tj ) 5 Z0 1 å f k (t0 )Ak cos [vk(tj t0 )
2. Traditional and versatile harmonic analyses 1 V k (t0 ) 1 uk (t0 ) gk ] 1 R(tj ), (1)
Tidal potential theory (Doodson 1921) predicts the
existence of hundreds of tidal frequencies, each of where h(tj) is the measurement at time tj; Z0 is a con-
which can be expressed as a linear combination of the stant background value; fk(t0) and uk(t0) are the nodal
rates of change of mean lunar time and five astronom- corrections to amplitude and phase, respectively, at
ical variables that uniquely specify the position of the some reference time t0 for major constituent k with
sun and moon. For each frequency, the six integer co- frequency vk; Ak and gk (k 5 1,n), are the amplitude
efficients associated with this linear combination are and phase lag of constituent k, respectively; Vk(t0) is the
referred to as its Doodson numbers. However, it is astronomical argument for constituent k at time t0; R(tj)
neither practical nor mathematically feasible to include is the nontidal residual; and n is the number of tidal
all constituents in every analysis, because many fre- constituents. A least squares approach is usually em-
quencies are so close that a time series of several years’ ployed to solve for Z0, Ak, and gk; the observation times
duration is required to separate some neighbors by one are often assumed to arise from regular sampling (e.g.,
cycle; while, according to potential theory, others hourly, though gaps are permitted); and the number n
should have very small amplitudes. Godin (1972) re- and specific constituents k selected for the analysis are
usually determined in accordance with the time series sumption is often invalid as a result of nonlinear in-
length and the estimated background noise level. teractions between the tide and storm surges or vari-
Deciding which major constituents should be in- able river discharge that literally changes tidal ampli-
cluded in the first stage of a harmonic analysis is not tudes and phases for the periods during which these
easy. Whereas the so-called Rayleigh criterion (Godin phenomena occur. However, this is generally not a se-
1972) argues that a time series of length T is required to rious problem, as the effects are often small or of short
distinguish between constituents with a frequency sep- duration. In cases where the effects are more substan-
aration of T 21, linear algebra suggests that m inde- tial, such as for internal tidal currents that change with
pendent observations h(tj) should be sufficient to solve a the stratification or seasonally varying ice cover that
matrix equation for m/2 amplitudes and phases, as de- can modify both tidal elevation and current harmonics,
scribed in Eq. (1). In actuality, the decision also needs to wavelet analysis (Jay and Flinchem 1997, 1999) has been
consider the nontidal signal [R(tj) in Eq. (1)] and the used successfully, though it does not actually produce
condition number (Ortega 1972) of the least squares improved amplitudes and phases.
matrix. Munk and Hasselmann (1964) refined the As described earlier, the second limitation is that the
Rayleigh criterion by showing that ‘‘meaningful state- time series may not be sufficiently long to adequately
ments’’ can be made about the tidal energies associated separate the energy from constituents that are close in
with frequencies v1 and v2 provided frequency, or are aliased as a result of infrequent sam-
pling. Though this can be overcome through the use of
jv1 v2 j . T 1 (signal/noise)1/2 , (2) inference—wherein the amplitude and phase of lesser
constituents are assumed to have specific relationships
where signal/noise is the ratio of the tidal variance to the to a larger reference constituent—the choice of infer-
nontidal variance. Foreman and Henry (1989) extended ence parameters and the manner in which the calcula-
the selection analysis further by using standard matrix tion is carried out can limit the accuracy. This will be
theory. Assuming that Ax 5 b and Ax9 5 b9 are the discussed and illustrated later.
matrix equations associated with (1) when the back- The third limitation arises from the implementation
ground noise R is zero and nonzero, respectively; K(A) of the nodal corrections and, to a much lesser extent, the
is the condition number for A; and k k is a measure- astronomical argument. The use of vk(tj 2 t0) 1 Vk(t0)
ment norm, matrix theory (Ortega 1972) states that in Eq. (1) assumes that the astronomical argument for
constituent k, Vk(tj), varies linearly about some refer-
k x x9 k k b b9 k ence time t0. Though this is generally a very good as-
# K(A) . (3)
kxk kbk sumption, it does tend to break down as the time series
extends over several years. On the other hand, assuming
In the context of tidal analysis, this inequality has the that fk and uk remain constant with their values for t0 is
following interpretation: the term kb - b9k/k b k is the more questionable. For many constituents, not only do
inverse of Munk and Hasselmann’s (1964) signal-to- these nodal variations change significantly over 18.6 and
noise ratio, while kx - x9k/kxk is the fractional error in 8.85 yr but also the manner in which the corrections are
the fitted amplitudes and phases. The effect of including implemented (Godin 1972; F77; PBL02) can cause the
relatively close frequencies (in the Rayleigh criterion accuracy of analysis results to deteriorate as the time
sense) in the harmonic analysis is to make the rows of A series extend beyond one year.
more linearly dependent and increase K(A). So, the In an effort to remove some of these deficiencies and
combination of relatively close frequencies with sub- limitations, a new harmonic analysis program has been
stantial background noise relative to the signal should developed that starts by replacing Eq. (1) with
cause relatively large differences between the calculated n
set of parameters x9 and their true values x. However, if
the frequencies are not close and/or the background noise
h(tj ) 5 Z0 1 atj 1 å f k (tj )Ak cos [V k (tj ) 1 uk(tj) gk]
is small, the fitted solution should be more accurate. 1 R(tj ). (4)
Though Godin’s (1972) harmonic tidal analysis ap-
proach has been used successfully for many years, it In this case, V, u, and f are evaluated at the precise times
does have limitations. The first and perhaps foremost of each measurement, thus eliminating inaccuracies that
among these is the underlying assumption of statio- arise from assuming a linear variation in the astronomical
narity, wherein the tidal amplitude and phase for each argument [i.e., Vk(tj) 5 vk(tj 2 t0) 1 Vk(t0)] and tempo-
constituent are assumed to remain constant over the rally constant values for the nodal corrections. In addi-
period of the time series. In shallow water, this as- tion, this program includes a linear trend (coefficient a),
2 3
4 5
1 Y k0 f k0 (tj )Sk0 j 1 å
f i (tj )ri (Ci j sin fi 1 Si j cos fi ) ,
where the unknowns to be determined by solving an
overdetermined system of linear equations are
X k0 5 Ak0 cos gk0 ,
Y k0 5 Ak0 sin gk0 .
The amplitude and phase of the reference constituent
are then recovered as
Ak0 5 (X 2k0 1 Y 2k0 ),
(12) FIG. 2. Std CTD lines off southwest Vancouver Island and
gk0 5 tan1 (Y k0 /X k0 ) , western Washington State. Tofino, the tide gauge whose har-
monics were used for all the synthetic tests, and Port Renfrew, the
while those for the inferred constituents are computed reference station that was used to provide inference parameters for
the CTD analysis, are also shown. LA and LB denote sampling
using the prescribed amplitude ratios and phase differ-
lines A and B, respectively.
ences. By simply replacing the coefficients of Xk and Yk
in (6) with those for Xk0 and Yk0 in (10), the inferences
can be included directly in the least squares calculation noise level—as described above. (Yearly analyses of
rather than as postfit corrections. Tofino observations typically have noise-to-signal ratios
of about 17%.) As the period required to separate the
two constituent pairs K1 and P1 and S2 and K2 is ap-
3. Testing the improvements
proximately six months, |v2 2 v1|T ’ 0.33 and the
To assess accuracy, the new methodology was tested Munk and Hasselmann (1964) criterion suggests that
with several synthetic time series that were generated ‘‘meaningful’’ results should be possible by analyzing
using specified constituent amplitudes and phases and both time series without any inference. The same 51
random background noise levels. Constituent nodal constituents selected with the Rayleigh criterion value
corrections and astronomical arguments were computed of 0.33 in F77 were included in all analyses. Table 1 shows
and incorporated at each time level in these syntheses, essentially no difference between the analysis results
consistent with the new analysis approach and what arising from F77 and the new methodology. This indi-
would arise with actual observations. The noise was cates that for relatively short periods such as two months,
created by scaling uniform random numbers that were the accuracy improvements arising from embedding the
generated in the range [20.5, 0.5] with subroutine nodal corrections into the least squares matrix and
RAN1 (Press et al. 1992), so that the ratio of their evaluating the astronomical argument exactly (as op-
standard deviation to the standard deviation of the tidal posed to using a linear approximation) are not appre-
signal was at a prescribed level. ciable. With no background noise, both techniques re-
For the first test, hourly elevations for Tofino, British covered the K1, P1, S2, and K2 signals to within machine
Columbia (Fig. 2), were generated between 1 January precision; however, with 25% noise, they both had ap-
2008 and 1 March 2008 using the same mean sea level proximately 20% errors in the P1 and K2 amplitudes.
and the same amplitudes and phases for the largest eight The matrix condition number for the new methodology,
constituents (Q1, O1, P1, K1, N2, M2, S2, and K2) as are computed as the ratio of the largest to the smallest
employed by the Canadian Hydrographic Service in singular values, was 15.3. So, in this case, the right-hand
their annual tide table predictions (available online side of (3) was a generous upper bound.
at Two As a second test, we repeated the previous analysis
time series were computed—one without any back- for only the January portion of the synthesized record
ground noise and the other with a 25% background and now inferred P1 and K2 using their exact amplitude
TABLE 1. Constituents K1, P1, S2, and K2 true amplitudes and phase lags and their errors when analyzing the 1 Jan–1 Mar 2008 Tofino
synthesized hourly time series with the old (F77) and new harmonic analysis programs. There was no inference, and the noise was uniform
random, with the percentage referring to its std dev relative to the tidal signal std dev.
ratio and phase difference relationships relative to K1 leakage in the no-noise case if the inference parameters
and S2, respectively. Table 2 shows analysis results for were not exact, but results from the 25% noise case
the eight constituents included in the synthesis as well as suggest that it would be less than that for F77.
those for NO1, J1, L2, and ETA2, lesser constituents To demonstrate the advantage of embedding the
whose frequencies are close to those inferred. Again, nodal corrections and astronomical arguments in the
the overall accuracy with which both methods recov- least squares matrix, we analyzed in a third test two 12-
ered the amplitudes and phases of the original eight yr time series for Tofino generated with the same eight
constituents is generally quite good. For example, the P1 major constituents and the same noise levels. Though
amplitudes are within 4% of their true values in the assumptions in the nodal correction technique devel-
25% noise case. However, a notable deficiency of the oped by Godin (1972) and employed in F77 become
old inference method is apparent in the amplitudes of increasing invalid as the time series length extends be-
NO1, J1, L2, and ETA2 for the no-noise case. The fact yond 1 yr, a 12-yr analysis can be done with the old
that P1 and K2 energies are present in the time series but method if appropriate array sizes are increased. The
not accounted for in the first stage (least squares fit) of amplitudes and phases arising from these analyses are
the F77 harmonic analysis, causes a leakage to neigh- given in Table 3. Though the phase errors for all eight
boring constituents that is not corrected in the subse- constituents are seen to be reasonably close to zero for
quent postfit inference calculation. In fact, this leakage both methods and for both noise levels, the F77 am-
is still evident in the 25% noise results, as the F77 am- plitude errors for constituents O1, K1, M2, and K2 are
plitudes for these four lesser constituents are consis- approximately 8%, 5%, 2%, and 15%, respectively,
tently larger than those for the new method (whose whereas the analogous values for the new method are
errors arise solely from the background noise). Granted essentially zero, even with the 25% noise-level case.
the new inference method would also display some This improvement is solely a result of having more
TABLE 2. True amplitudes and phase lags and their errors when analyzing the January 2008 Tofino synthesized hourly time series with
the old (F77) and new harmonic analysis programs. Constituents P1 and K2 were inferred from K1 and S2, respectively, using exact
amplitude ratios and phase differences. The noise was uniform random, with the percentage referring to its std dev relative to the tidal
signal std dev.
True Orig—true New—true Orig—true New—true True Orig—true New—true Orig—true New—true
amp amp amp amp amp phase phase phase phase phase
Constituents (m) (no noise) (no noise) (25% noise) (25% noise) (8, UTC) (no noise) (no noise) (25% noise) (25% noise)
Q1 0.044 20.001 0.000 20.001 20.001 113.8 0.3 0.0 4.4 4.2
O1 0.247 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.001 116.5 20.5 0.0 0.9 1.3
NO1 0.0 0.019 0.000 0.019 0.016 0.0 — — — —
P1 0.123 0.000 0.000 20.005 20.005 119.3 0.1 0.0 2.8 2.6
K1 0.388 0.001 0.000 20.016 20.017 121.7 0.1 0.0 2.8 2.6
J1 0.0 0.011 0.000 0.014 0.007 0.0 — — — —
N2 0.204 20.001 0.000 0.008 0.010 349.8 0.3 0.0 3.3 3.0
M2 0.986 0.002 0.000 0.020 0.017 10.0 20.3 0.0 20.3 0.0
L2 0.0 0.014 0.000 0.019 0.015 0.0 — — — —
S2 0.280 0.0 0.000 0.008 0.007 31.5 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.2
K2 0.077 0.0 0.000 0.002 0.002 23.2 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.2
ETA2 0.0 0.006 0.000 0.013 0.007 0.0 — — — —
TABLE 3. As in Table 2 except when analyzing the 1 Jan 2000–31 Dec 2011 Tofino synthesized hourly time series with the old (F77) and
new harmonic analysis programs. The noise was uniform random, with the percentage referring to its std dev relative to the tidal signal sd
True Orig—true New—true Orig—true New—true True Orig—true New—true Orig—true New—true
amp amp amp amp amp phase phase phase phase phase
Constituents (m) (no noise) (no noise) (25% noise) (25% noise) (8, UTC) (no noise) (no noise) (25% noise) (25% noise)
Q1 0.044 20.003 0.000 20.003 20.001 113.8 2.4 0.0 1.6 20.8
O1 0.247 20.020 0.000 20.021 20.001 116.5 1.0 0.0 0.7 20.3
P1 0.123 0.001 0.000 20.001 20.005 119.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3
K1 0.388 20.021 0.000 20.022 20.001 121.7 20.6 0.0 20.4 0.2
N2 0.204 20.004 0.000 0.004 0.000 349.8 20.5 0.0 20.4 0.0
M2 0.986 0.021 0.000 0.022 20.001 10.0 20.4 0.0 20.4 0.0
S2 0.280 20.001 0.000 0.000 0.001 31.5 0.0 0.0 20.1 20.1
K2 0.077 20.012 0.000 20.012 20.001 23.2 21.8 0.0 22.9 20.8
accurate nodal corrections in the new method. The method rather than the Foreman and Neufeld (1991)
reason the phases were relatively consistent between method for time series fewer than 18.6 yr.
methods is that the analysis period was approximately
centered over 2006, which corresponds to K1/O1 maxi-
4. Constituent selection and error estimates
mum amplitudes (and M2/N2 minimum amplitudes) in
their 18.6-yr variations, thereby making u(t0) [as defined To illustrate how SVD-generated correlations and
in Eq. (1)] a good approximation. However, the same error estimates can be used to assist in constituent se-
centering means that the associated amplitude correc- lection, we first return to our analysis of the January
tions f(t0) for the old method were too large for the 2008 portion of the synthetic Tofino time series with a
diurnals and too small for M2 and N2. 25% noise-to-signal ratio. This analysis used the same
The foregoing 12-yr analysis was also carried out with 38 constituents that were chosen with a Rayleigh con-
the Foreman and Neufeld (1991) long (18.6 yr and stant of 0.97 and the Rayleigh criterion decision tree
more) analysis software, which avoids nodal corrections described in F77. Constituents P1 and K2 were inferred
completely by directly including both satellites and from K1 and S2, respectively, using the exact amplitude
major constituents in the least squares fit. A standard ratios and phase differences used in the synthesis. The
run with the full complement of satellite and major RMS deviation for the original time series was 0.838 m,
constituents solves for 529 pairs of amplitudes and pha- while the RMS residual after the least squares fit was
ses, and because many of these have nearest neighbors 0.200 m, a value consistent with our expected 25% noise
with a frequency separation of 18.621 year 21, the matrix level.
condition number can be large when the analyzed time As described in Cherniawsky et al. (2001), the SVD
series length is much less than 18.6 yr. —such is the case least squares solution also produces estimates of the
here. With essentially no background noise (it only arises correlation between all possible Xk and Y [Eq. (5)]
from rounding the synthesized hourly values to three constituent combinations and error estimates for these
decimal places), there were errors of 4%, 5%, and 13% same variables. However, these error estimates assume
in the O1, K1, and M2 amplitudes, respectively (Table 3). a normal distribution (Press et al. 1992) for the R(tj)
Increasing the resolution to four decimal places scarcely residuals of Eq. (6), and as pointed out by Munk et al.
changed the results, so the matrix condition number must (1965), PBL02, and others, the residual spectrum is
be the term dictating accuracy in Eq. (3). Reducing the generally more red than white, with cusps around each
number of constituents/satellites in the analysis to only tidal frequency. So, the assumption of a normal distri-
those included in the synthesis improved the accuracy bution is questionable. If the time series had a constant
slightly (presumably by reducing the matrix condition sampling interval, then it would be relatively easy to
number), while increasing the time series length to 19 yr follow PBL02 and use fast Fourier transform (FFT)
produced the same accuracy as that for the new method, methods to estimate the background variance in a fre-
even with the full complement of 529 constituents. These quency band around each—or at least each ma-
tests demonstrate that if there is no reason to question jor—constituent, and then apply a parametric bootstrap
the satellite amplitude ratios and phase differences based method to provide better uncertainty estimates. How-
on tidal potential theory and inherent in standard nodal ever, with the provision for irregular sampling within
corrections, it is more accurate to use the new analysis the analyzed time series, it is not obvious how a single
values with 12
TABLE 4. As in Table 2 except when analyzing randomly selected values within the periods of 1 Jan–30 Jun 2008 (columns 3, 4, 8, 9) and 1 Jan–1 Mar 2008 (columns 5, 6, 10, 11).
true phase
Phase 488
estimates around tidal frequencies. Standard FFT
techniques can be used with regular sampling but they
cannot be used with irregular. Perhaps a more general
Fourier approach that employs a least squares approach
to find the energy at specific frequencies separated by
values with 38
true phase
Phase 488
proach raises issues of what the interval and frequencies
should be. Alternatively, if a long regularly sampled time
series is available at the same or a nearby location to the
one being analyzed, then a de-tided spectra and more
values with 11
puted following a bootstrap approach like that described
in PBL02. Although this is an intriguing problem, it is
beyond the scope of the present study. So for now, we are
left with the estimates presently provided by an admit-
values with 51
true amp
true amp
used previously but in this case, we randomly select of Vancouver Island (Fig. 2). Eleven and 12 respective
which hourly samples are to be used in the analysis. In stations along these lines have generally been sampled
the first test, we used the Press et al. (1992) subroutine 2–3 times a year since 1980, with observations taken at
RAN1 to randomly choose 744 hourly ‘‘observations’’ the standard depths of 0, 5, 10, and every 10 m thereafter
(with 25% noise) during the 1 January–30 June period. down to the bottom, or 2400 m. Though the stratifica-
(As an aside, these observations need not be ordered tion and internal tide patterns do change seasonally, it is
chronologically for the analysis.) Table 4 shows the feasible to restrict each CTD time series to one season
amplitudes and phases obtained by analyzing with the and analyze for tidal variations in salinity and temper-
same set of 51 constituents that would be selected by the ature. Here we restrict the observations to June through
F77 decision tree for a 6-month record. Not only are the September, inclusive. There are between 18 and 52
results reasonably accurate but the ratio of maximum to observations at each standard depth at each station, and
minimum singular value (matrix condition number) was the analyses solve directly for a linear trend and con-
2.78 and the maximum correlation coefficient was 0.137, stituents Z0, K1, M2, while inferring Q1, O1, and P1 from
between the lesser constituents OO1 and UPS1. Re- K1, and N2, S2, and K2 from M2. Inference parameters
moving all those constituents with amplitudes less than were taken from a 1-yr analysis of hourly tide gauge
twice the error estimates and rerunning the analysis observations at Port Renfrew (Fig. 2). The objectives of
reduced the analysis set to only 20 constituents. The the analyses are to (i) compute the magnitude of the
matrix condition number was now 2.40 and the largest tidal variations in these observations; (ii) determine if
correlation coefficient was 0.115, between UPS1 and the M2 variations show evidence of internal tides (or at
TAU1. As shown in Table 4, the amplitude accuracy for least that portion of the internal tide that is phase locked
this new analysis is close to the previous one with 51 with the barotropic tide); and (iii) determine if the ob-
constituents and with one exception (K1): the phase servations show a linear trend.
errors have decreased. The linear trend in temperature and the M2 tempera-
The next tests analyzed 488 randomly selected hourly ture phases along line B are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, re-
values during the period of 1 January–1 March with the spectively. Average summer seasonal currents crossing
same constituent dataset that F77 would choose for that this line include a near-surface shelf break current (SBC)
period, plus P1 and K2. The matrix condition number flowing to the southeast, a near-surface Vancouver Island
was now 4.94 and as would be expected, the largest coastal current (VICC) flowing to the northwest, and a
correlation coefficients ranged between 0.822 and 0.832 California Undercurrent (CUC) flowing to the northwest
for P1/K1 and K2/S2. Amplitude and phase errors for the along the continental slope and centered at about 200-m
major constituents are shown in Table 4. Repeating the depth (Freeland et al. 1984; Foreman et al. 2000). A
analysis with P1 and K2 inferred and eliminating all warming of up to 0.058C yr21 in the SBC, a cooling of up
constituents with amplitudes less than twice their error to 0.038C yr21 in the VICC, and no change in the CUC
estimates improved the accuracy (Table 4) of all con- are evident in Fig. 3. However, the standard deviation
stituents involved in the inference, with the exception of estimates associated with these values generally range
the K1 amplitudes. The matrix condition number between 0.018 and 0.038C yr21, so these trends are not
dropped to 1.71, and the largest correlation coefficient statistically significant. Correlation coefficients between
was now 0.155, between Q1 and O1. a and the other constituent parameters are generally
Though many more tests could be performed, the less than 0.3.
preceding few have demonstrated that by monitoring Though the M2 phase patterns seen in Fig. 4 are noisy,
correlation coefficients, matrix condition numbers, and there is the suggestion of a vertical mode structure at the
Student’s t test values (albeit based on the generally edge of the continental shelf where internal tides are
incorrect assumption that the residuals have a Gaussian known to be generated (Drakopoulos and Marsden
distribution), an iterative procedure can be used to de- 1993). However, the pattern might also be due to bar-
termine the best set of constituents to be included with otropic tide advection of a temperature field with ver-
this new harmonic analysis. tical and lateral structure. As with the linear trend re-
sults, the relatively few number of points in the time
series means that these particular results are not sta-
5. New applications tistically significant. Nevertheless, it has been demon-
strated that long-term CTD analyses are feasible with
a. CTD analyses
this new program so that as the time series continues
The first example is the analysis of CTD observations to lengthen, statistically significant results might be ex-
along lines A (LA) and B (LB) off the southwest coast pected.
Package and can be downloaded, along with sample input ——, and E. M. Neufeld, 1991: Harmonic tidal analyses of long time
data and a short explanatory readme file, from the series. Int. Hydrogr. Rev., LXVIII, 85–108.
——, R. E. Thomson, and C. L. Smith, 2000: Seasonal current
FTP site given on
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